Third Sunday of Ordinary Time January 24th, 2016


Third Sunday of Ordinary Time January 24th, 2016
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me to bring
glad tidings to the poor. He has sent
me to proclaim liberty to captives and
recovery of sight to the blind, to let the
oppressed go free, and to proclaim a
year acceptable to the Lord. ”Today
this Scripture passage is fulfilled in
your hearing.”
Third Sunday of Ordinary Time January 24th, 2016
Sun, January 24th
9am-12pm Omelet Breakfast (PC) 6pm SURGE (PC)
Mon, January 25th
9am-3pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (WC)
Tues, January 26th
10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH)
Wed, January 27th
9:30am Biblical Series (PC) 6pm Children’s Choir (MR) 7:30pm Adult Choir (MR)
Thurs, January 28th
9am Rosary Makers (PC)
Fri, January 29th
10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH)
Sat, January 30th
10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH)
Sun, January 31st
9am-12pm Coffee & Doughnuts (PC) 6pm SURGE (PC)
MC — Main Church; PC — Parish Center; YR — Youth Room;
WC — Welcome Center (Parish Offices); CH — Caulfield House
Reverend Roland Nadeau, M.S.
Reverend William J. Slight, M.S.
Associate Pastor
Reverend Robert Susann, M.S.
Airport Chaplain (In Residence)
Reverend Jim Henault M.S.
In Residence
Rev. Mr. José González
Rev. Mr. Miguel Pagán
Rev. Mr. Manny Garcia
Br. Ron Lafleche, M.S.
Dawn Wilson
Administrative Bookkeeper
Carlos Bernard
Faith Formation Coordinator
Brandie Akos
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Cheryl Haney
Director of Liturgy & Music
Araceli Cruz
Secretary/Pastoral Assistant
Susan Abouchacra
Parish Projects Coordinator
Yliana Soto
Faith Formation Assistant
Nelson Rodriguez
Maintenance Coordinator
Turner Flynn
Media Specialist
4545 Anderson Road Orlando, Florida 32812
Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8am to 4:30pm
Parish Office: 407-277-1702
Fax: 407-277-1973
E-mail: [email protected]
Our parish is staffed by the Missionaries of
Our Lady of La Salette, Province of Mary
Mother of Americas, along with our sister
church, Good Shepherd Parish in Orlando.
January 24th, 2016
Monday, January 25th, 2016
8:30am—Rafael L Trelles †
Acts 22:3-16/
Mk 16:15-18
Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 2 Tm 1:1-8/Mk 3:31-35
8:30am—Bill Conwell †
Wednesday, January 27th, 2016
8:30am—Ray Pagon †
2 Sm 7:4-17/
Mk 4:1-20
Thursday, January 28th, 2016
8:30am—Camilo Rodriguez Sr. †
2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/
Mk 4:21-25
Friday, January 29th, 2016
8:30am—Dale Syverston †
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a,
13-17/Mk 4:26-34
Saturday, January 30th, 2016
8:30am—Stephanie Papoula †
5:00pm—Paul Conboy †
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/
Mk 4:35-41
Sunday, January 31st, 2016
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/1Cor 12:31—13:13/Lk 4:21-30
8:00am—Eleonor & Dick Cunningham †
10:00am—Gilseria Parra †
12:00pm—Juana Ramos †
5:00pm—People of the Church ♥
Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm (English)
Sunday: 8:00am (English), 10:00am (English),
12:00pm (Spanish), 5:00pm (English)
Monday — Saturday: 8:30am in the Welcome Center
Rosary (Monday through Saturday): 8:00am
Monday through Saturday: after 8:30am Mass
Saturday: 4:00pm-4:30pm in Main Church
Sunday: 11:15am-11:45am (Spanish)
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“Let Your
Light Shine”
Third Week of Ordinary Time
(Readings: Nehemiah 8:2-4, 5-6, 8-10 — 1 Cor 12:12-30 — Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21)
When he announced this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis highlighted
today’s Gospel episode, in which Jesus proclaims in his hometown
synagogue his Spirit-anointed mission to fulfill the promises of the prophet
Isaiah. Jesus’ mission then, says Pope Francis, is our mission now as Jesus’ disciples this
Jubilee Year of Mercy: to bring glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, recovery of sight
to the blind, freedom to the oppressed, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord, a year
of God’s mercy. Pope Francis challenges us to translate Jesus’ mission to contemporary
needs: to console by word and deed those materially or spiritually poor, to liberate those
bound by modern society’s new forms of slavery, to open the eyes of those blinded by their
own self-interest, and to restore human dignity to all those from whom it has been stolen.
To act with mercy in a spirit of joy!
Sacrificial Giving
Fostering Stewardship as a way of life
for Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
Weekend of January 16th & 17th, 2016
Offertory: $13,423
EFT: $2,370.16
Debt Reduction: $306.12
EFT: $20
Today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke offers us
the first words of Jesus as he begins his public
ministry. The words reflect his understanding of his
Spirit-anointed mission. His words are his “Mission
Statement.” Good stewards rejoice in being followers
of Jesus. They realize that Jesus’ commission is their
commission as well. They embrace it and adopt it as
their own. We, too, have “glad dings” to bring to a
suffering world. This year, how will we fulfill Christ’s
commission in the world in which he has placed us,
using the gi s he has entrusted to us?
January 24th, 2016
Ministry Opportunities
Council of Catholic Women (CCW)
Debbie Miller: 407-234-3457
Peggy Beck: 407-766-9686
Knights of Columbus (KOC)
GK Christian Singleton: 407- 770-8174
Men’s Club
Bob Buzzetti: 407-825-9906
Paul Asplen: 407-883-0334
Rosary Makers
Marie Blackford : 407-384-6223
Respect Life Ministry
Irene Sandler: 847-807-5729
Our Ministries are listed on a four-week cycle.
If you don’t see the ministry you are looking for this
week, please call our Parish Office.
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Honor Our Military
Our Military Display Cabinet is located in the Parish Center. We would like to fill the display cabinet with your proud pictures of
your loved ones who are serving our country. If you would like a picture of your loved one displayed, please send in your 3x5
or 4x6 picture of him or her in uniform with name, rank and branch of service to the Blessed Trinity Office marked for the
Military Display Cabinet. For more information please contact:
Pat Matteson: 407-733-3069 — [email protected]
Norm Gonsalves: 470-592-1133 — [email protected]
25 Week Club Weekly Winner
Second Blessings Thrift Shoppe & Boutique
We proudly present this week’s lucky
Open Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays
winner of the 25 week club drawing.
10 am - 2 pm
Peter Marcus Gianelli — $25
We accept Ladies, Men’s & Children’s Clothing
Shoes, Purses, Books, Religious Articles, Jewelry
Travelers Mass
gift Items.
Every Sunday at 8:15am and 12pm at
Sorry, No Electronics, Furniture,
Appliances or Bedding
the Orlando International Airport with Fr. Robert
Susann. Mass takes place in the Chapel
Donations only accepted during operating hours.
located behind Security for Gates 1-59.
Please do not leave donations outside of building.
Please pray for/Oremos por: Adela Maissonade & family —Framita & John Mercado— Destiny Colon —
Ronnie Stalvey — Dan Woods — Claire Bergeron — Jerry Bergeron — Laura Foss — Linda Foss —Roger Foss
—Jean Foss —Raymond Foss — Ruben Alvarado — Jennie Prefontain — Pat Dowd — Henrietta Chimento —
LaVerne Tweten — Mary Rose — Sister Kathie Shea — Sr. Cecilia Franco — Maria Head — Destiny Adorno —
Euleta & James Williams — Olivia Summers — Linda Lande — Bill Orlander — Jim Heaney — Amy, Amanda
and Rodney Smith — Gene and Lisa Blackford — Pat and Mike Chirpich — Carolyn and Michael and Mark LaBouve — Ruby Santiago — Sr. Joanne Bierl — Mrs Lyapa and family — Cristina Gonsalves — Laura Schipper
— Ann Chambers — Del Flener — Ana Suarez — Eileen Bode — Ilia Matos — Carmelita Fernandez — Joe Tilman — Nicola Vizioli — Eileen Bode — Paul Stych — Ellyn Stych — Honorable Paul John Carr — Lloyd Carr —
William Wigton — Shirley Smith — Debbie Smith — John Talaske — Vikki Talaske — Rose Harbeck — Lourdes
Rodriguez & Family — Dianne & Joe Zdrodowski —Jeanie Hudson — Vern Matteson — Robert Carneiro —
John Fitzpanch Jr. — Stephanie Wallen — Chloe Cancel — Melissa Mallozzi — Mary Lou Dumoulin
Kristine Jasinski — January 13th, 2016
Please pray for those who have entered eternal
Por favor oren por aquellos que han pasado a la
vida eterna.
January 24th, 2016
If you or a member of your family would like
to be on the prayer list, please call the office.
Si usted o algún miembro de su familia desea
estar en la lista de oración, favor de llamar a
la oficina.
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Save the Date
Blessed Trinity's 50th Anniversary
Spectacular Matinee of "Side by Side"
March 6th at 2:30 PM. This show is a
hit in Las Vegas and it is coming to
Blessed Trinity's Parish Center! The
show features professional entertainer
Natalie Cordone & her partner Shawn
Kilgore in tribute to Steve Lawrence &
Eydie Gorme. It's fantastic & fun!
Tickets will be available soon!
From the Good Shepherd
Calling all alumni!
Good Shepherd School will
be celebra ng 60 YEARS in
November 2016. The school is currently searching
for alumni and past parents who would like to stay
in touch with the school, classmates, and past
parents. Go to website:
gsschool/index.html on the bo om of the page is
“Contact Us” bu on, and enter you informa on.
We will be honoring the top class with the most
current informa on and the most a ended to the
celebra on that will be held at Church Street
Sta on.
SAVE THE DATE: November 5, 2016
Jayme Hartmann - Principal
Phone: 407-277-3973 Fax: 407-277-2605
January 24th, 2016
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New CDs from Light House Media have arrived and are
available in the kiosk in the Narthex – Now that we have
celebrated the Season of the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ
many of us are implementing New Year’s resolutions. One
thing you can do now is to prepare for Lent! Ash Wednesday
is on February 10th – less than a month away! As Catholic
Theologian Dr. Scott Hahn and others say: “You want to be pre-prayered” for it. Here are some of our new
titles & authors who can help you implement your New Year’s resolution to prepare for Lent 2016. And there
are other Catholic titles you may find interesting, too. The Lord be with you.
Lenten Topics:
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Dr. Brant Pitre
Jesus the Bridegroom: the Greatest Story Ever Told by Dr. Brant Pitre
My Beloved Son: Meditations for Lent by Fr. Robert Barron
The True Meaning of Easter by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Three Days That Changed the World by Dr. Hector R. G. Perez
Meditations on the Stations of the Cross by Dr. Ron Thomas
Other Catholic Issues:
The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality by Matthew Kelly
Calming the Emotional Storm: Four keys to Emotional Peace by Dr. Gregory Popcak
Discerning God’s Will by Fr. Larry Richards
January 24th, 2016
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January 24th, 2016
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WHO: ALL CURRENT 6TH-12TH GRADERS (you may bring friends, just have them fill out a permission form & bring $5)
WHAT: BLESSED TRINITYS ANNUAL JIM WHITE CHILI BOWL (come out and have some fun playing
flag football while suppor ng ALS)
COST: $5 PER PERSON (includes chili, hotdogs, snacks & drinks) *ALL proceeds will help benefit
the ALS founda on in honor of Blessed Trinity's “Jimmy's Kids”.
CONTACT: Ms. Brandie at [email protected] or
407-277-1702 for more informa on.
January 24th, 2016
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CH — Iglesia; PC — Centro Parroquial; DR — Salón de Despedida; WC — Centro de Bienvenida (Oficina
Parroquial); PC — Salón de Reuniones; YR — Salón Juvenil; TS — Tienda de Segunda MAno
Domingo, 24 de enero
Educación Religiosa 9am & 11am (PC)
Lunes, 25 de enero
Adoración al Santísimo 9am-3pm (WC)
Martes, 26 de enero
Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am-2pm (TS)
Miércoles, 27 de enero Practica Coro 7pm (WC)
Jueves, 28 de enero
Clases Bíblicas 7pm (PC)
Viernes, 29 de enero
Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am—2pm (TS) Grupo de Oración 7pm (WC)
Sábado, 30 de enero
Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am—2pm (TS)
Domingo, 31 de enero
Educación Religiosa 9am & 11am (PC)
Lecturas de la Semana
Lunes, Enero 25, 2016
Hch 22:3-16/Mc 16:15-18
Martes, Enero 26, 2016
2 Tim 1:1-8/Mc 3:31-35
Miércoles, Enero 27, 2016
2 Sm 7:4-17/Mc 4:1-20
Jueves, Enero 28, 2016
2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/Mc 4:21-25
Viernes, Enero 29, 2016
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/Mc 4:26-34
Sábado, Enero 30, 2016
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Mc 4:35-41
Domingo, Enero 31, 2017
Jr 1:4-5, 17-19/1 Cor 12:31—13:13/
Lc 4:21-30
January 24th, 2016
Educación Religiosa (Grados PreK-5)
Carlos Bernard: 407-277-1702 ext. 103
Preparación Matrimonial
Araceli Cruz: 407-277-1702 ext. 101
RICA — Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos
Nora Ortiz: 407-277-1702
Ministerio de Jóvenes (Grados 6-12) y Jóvenes Adultos
Brandie Akos: 407-277-1702 ext. 102
Ministros de Consuelo:
Teresa Ahumada: 407-781-9865
Ministros de los Enfermos:
Francisco Murillo: 407-766-9045
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Año Jubilar de la Misericordia Semana por
Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
(Nehemías 8:2-4, 5-6, 8-10 — 1 Cor 12:12-30 —
Lucas1:1-4; 4:14-21)
Cuando se anunció este Año Jubilar de la
Misericordia, el Papa Francisco subrayó el
evento del Evangelio de hoy: Jesús
proclamando en la sinagoga de su propio
pueblo su misión ungida por el Espíritu para cumplir plenamente las
promesas del profeta Isaías. Así que el Papa Francisco dice que la misión
de Jesús es nuestra misión como discípulos de Jesús este Año Jubilar de la
Misericordia: llevar la Buena Nueva a los pobres, la libertad a los cautivos,
la vista a los ciegos, el rescate a los cautivos y a proclamar un año de gracia del Señor, un año de la misericordia de Dios.
El Papa Francisco nos desafía a interpretar la misión de Jesús a las
necesidades presentes: a consolar con palabras y obras a las personas
que sean pobres espiritual o materialmente, a liberar a quienes están atados a las nuevas formas de esclavitud de la sociedad moderna, a abrir los
ojos a las personas que están ciegas por su mismo egoísmo y a restaurar
la dignidad a todas aquellas personas a las que se les despojo. ¡Para actuar con misericordia con un espíritu de alegría!
desea reconocer a los matrimonios de
nuestra comunidad parroquial el domingo 14 de febrero (día Internacional
del Matrimonio).Si deseas participar,
debes inscribirte, ya sea en la oficina
parroquial llamando a Araceli Cruz, o
con la señora Nereida Matos (407)674-6520.
La información que necesitamos es: Nombre de ambos
cónyuges y fecha de matrimonio (años). Además si
quieren traer alguna foto de su boda que se pueda
poner en el Nártex de la Iglesia para que los demás la
vean. ¡Gracias por su colaboración!
January 24th, 2016
Recuerden FORMED es gratis
para todos los parroquianos
que lo quieran utilizar. Solo
tienen que ir a y
firmar o sigan la conexión
que se encuentra en la página de internet de la Iglesia.
Use el código de acceso
4VFGXQ y empiecen a experimentar de esta bonita
experiencia Católica.
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The Requiem for the Innocents Concert
El viernes, 29 de enero a las 7:00 pm en la
Iglesia de Good Shepherd tendran un Concierto ProVida. La admisión es gratis.
La selección musical coral se titula
"Requiem de los Inocentes" compuesta por
Louis Canter. Esta composición coral, basada en textos de las Sagradas Escrituras y
la Misa de Réquiem, es una reflexión sobre
los efectos del aborto y la esperanza de la
reconciliación y el perdón por las transgresiones contra la vida. "Requiem de los
Inocentes" tuvo su primera presentación en
la Iglesia Holy Redeemer, Kissimmee,
Florida, el 01 de noviembre del 2015. El
Coro de la Basílica de María, Reina del
Universo cantará la obra, y Artemis Otaiza,
de Good Shepherd tocará el piano.
Sagrada Familia
Si desea que la imagen de la Sagrada Familia
los visite en su casa por una semana por favor
de comunicarse con el
Señor Jose Linares (407) 591-0731
El Círculo de Oración Paz y Gozo
Los invita a compartir con ellos todos los
viernes a las 7:00pm empezando con el
rosario en el Centro de Bienvenida.
Acompáñenos ah orar, cantar, alabar y
recibir bendiciones.
¡Los esperamos!
Cualquier cosa de llamar a
Eduardo Cintron (321)947-2920
January 24th, 2016
Rosario DivinaMisericordia
El grupo de la Divina Misericordia se reúne
cada domingo después de misa en el salón
al lado del altar para rezar el Rosario. Estan
todos invitados a acompañarnos y participar de este lindo regalo que nos regalo el
Señor. Cualquier cosa de comunicarse con
Rubén Marcano (407) 446-4224
Clases Bíblicas
Las clases bíblicas con el
Sr. Rogelio Manrique son
los jueves a la 7:00pm en
los salones 7 y 8 del salón
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Juegos para Niñ
os y
January 24th, 2016
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