Saint Lawrence Catholic Church


Saint Lawrence Catholic Church
Saint Lawrence Catholic Church
319 Grayson Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Phone: (770) 963-8992 Fax: (770) 963-1710
faithfully serving one another, reaching out to others, and embracing all with welcome
Pastoral Staff
Deacon Terry Millinger
Deacon José Ortiz
Deacon Bob Riddett
Sr. Louise Sommer, CSJ | Pastoral Associate
Kelly Schreckenberger | Pastoral Associate
Cristina Corbin | Pastoral Associate
Hispanic Ministries
Faith Formation Staff
Diane Maguire | Director
Vickie LaClair | Administrative Secretary
Gloria Kennerty | Coordinator
Christian Initiation
Beth Hodgson | Coordinator
Elementary Students
Michele McPheely | Coordinator
Youth Ministries
Music and Liturgy Staff
John Brandt | Director
Kathi McKenna | Assistant Director
Administrative Staff
Deacon Terry Millinger| Director of Operations
Alma Martinez| Administrative Secretary
Janet Volion | Coordinator of Finance & HR
Tarcy Hernandez | Coordinator
Safe Environment
Amy Titshaw | Coordinator
Barbara Baez | Coordinator
Wendy Guillory | Coordinator
Counseling Services
Sylvia Elaine Smith, MS, LPC, NCC
En español:
Dunia Lobo, MA, LPC
5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (Spanish).
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 3:00
p.m. (Spanish), and 5:00 p.m. (Youth).
A nursery is available during all Masses.
Monday-Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and
Friday at 7:00 p.m.
(Spanish; September-May)
Every Friday 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturdays at 3:30 p.m.
Greetings in Christ Risen!
Have you ever considered Online Giving? It’s convenient for you; it’s good for
the parish!
Please consider using our Electronic Giving Program. It's easy and convenient
for you, plus it helps the parish better plan and budget when we can be assured of our income each month. If you enroll in online giving, contributions
will be automatically deducted from your checking, savings or credit card account. You will determine the amount, frequency, dates and funds for your donations.
You might as: “What are the benefits to me?”
Allows you to plan your giving in the same way you budget your other financial
You no longer have to be concerned about catching up missed offertory donaChristian Initiation of Adults
follows the restored rites of
tions when you miss a Mass because you are out of town, on vacation,
the ancient Catechumenate.
ill, etc.
easily adjust where your gifts are used as well as the amount and timChristian Initiation of Children
Age seven and older takes place in a coming of your automated contributions using a secure website.
munity of young inquirers who
You no longer need to write a check every week or remember to bring your
prepare for Baptism, Confirmation and
Eucharist during the Octave of Easter.
Is celebrated on the first Saturday of the
month (English) and last Saturday of the
month (Spanish), except during Lent.
Saturdays during 9:00 a.m. Mass
and upon request.
Couples contemplating marriage
should contact a deacon or priest
at least six months before their
desired wedding date.
Here is how it works: Go to the parish website where you
authorize a specified amount of money to be electronically transferred directly
from your checking, savings or credit card to the parish account. You also specify the frequency of the transfer.
It is fast and easy; too it’s less risky than checks, as donations cannot be lost,
stolen or destroyed, and the rate of accuracy is very high. It costs you nothing;
The parish will issue a donation statement for your yearly tax records, and
your bank or credit card statements will provide you with an additional record
of your transfers. Donations via electronic transfer can be made to our regular
Parish Offertory or to our Debt Reduction Fund. And you can cancel your authorization of transfer at any time. If you have any questions, please contact
Janet Volion at 770-963-8992 ext. 304.
Those interested in ministry as a priest,
N.B. – Nota Bona – Note Well – Take Note
deacon, sister or brother should contact a
parish priest.
Tuesday, November 1 is the Solemnity of All Saints – a Holy Day of Obligation.
A Vigil Mass in Spanish is on the 31st at 7pm; Masses in English are on the 1st at
9am, 12:15pm; and a Bilingual Mass will be at 7pm.
At the very heart of parish life:
Wednesday, November 2 is the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
Christ Renews His Parish
(or All Souls) – NOT a Holy Day of Obligation. However, it is a day on which we
Small Christian Communities
begin a special Novena of Masses to remember all of your deceased loved ones,
whose names you submit on the envelopes provided. All Souls Masses are at
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreats are held twice a year for men and 9am, and again at 7pm with a Service of Light, after which there will be a rewomen. For more information, contact ception in Cogswell Hall.
Yours in Christ Risen,
Deacon Terry Millinger at
770.963.8992 x308.
OCT 30, 2016
8:00 a.m. Mass: Anthony Soraghan 
10:00 a.m. Mass: Veronica Tofield 
12:00 p.m. Mass: Marty & Pauline Zuber 
3:00 p.m. Mass: Pedro Javier Martinez 
5:00 p.m. Mass: All People of the Parish
The promotion of the practice of stewardship is important for
the mission of the Church and for the spiritual well-being
of each individual Christian. Everyone benefits from the
sacrificial gift one makes of his time, talent, and treasure.
– Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Last Week’s Collections
In-Pew Offertory October 23 .................. $24,624.38
Electronic Giving October 23 .................. $11,869.00
Total Offertory October 23 ................ $36,493.38
Parish Debt Reduction .................................. $6,318.81
Next Week’s Second Collection is for the seminarians of
the Archdiocese of Atlanta. We have been blessed to have
several seminarians serve as interns at St. Lawrence during recent years. Thank you for supporting these and all
our future priests with your prayers and financial gifts.
Stewardship Materials have been mailed to all registered parishioners from Father John. If you did not receive yours at home, please come by the Welcome Window and register in the parish today! Extra materials are
available in the literature rack in the hallway and at the
Welcome Window. Thank you to all who returned these
already and for your ongoing faithful stewardship of St.
Now is the Time to Advertise in Our Weekly BulletinMark Fitzgerald from Diocesan Publications is at our Parish
this week, October 31 to November 4. Please call, text or
email Mark at 404.307.7016 / [email protected].
Thank You to ALL our current advertisers—lets all remember to utilize their services when needed.
Please Pray for Our Sick: Ernest Anthony, Antonia
Braz, Margaret Cofield, Ada Dominguez, Marta Duarte,
Clark Early, Vera Emmanuel, Bobbie Farthing, Sofia
Gomez, Kevin Grant, Maria de la Luz Herrera, Gloria Jauregui, Micki Landri, Dolores Long, Brenda Martinez, Tim
McNamara, Anastacia Mejia, Lucy Perez, Doug Power,
Gary Root, Mafalda Rosales, Elaine Schuster, Bill Shrope,
Demetrio Taza, Philomena Tawiah, Hortensia Vargas,
Mike Wendel and Cynthia Ziegler along with their families and caregivers.
We welcome to the Household of Faith, April
Chita, Isain Loza, Luisa Loza and Maggie McCoy
who were recently baptized. May the Lord hold
them close to his heart always!
9:00 a.m. Mass: Fidelma Ordaz 
7:00 p.m. Mass (Sp): All People of the Parish
9:00 a.m. Mass: Dot Brand 
12:15 p.m. Mass: Mimi Haile
7:00 p.m. Mass (Bilingual): Mario Emilio Rodriguez
9:00 a.m Mass: All Souls Novena
7:00 p.m. Mass: All Souls Novena
9:00 a.m. Mass: All Souls Novena
9:00 a.m. Mass: All Souls Novena
9:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
7:00 p.m. Mass (Sp): All Souls Novena
9:00 a.m. Mass: All Souls Novena
3:30 p.m. Confessions
5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass: All Souls Novena
7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (Spanish): All Souls Novena
8:00 a.m. Mass: All Souls Novena
10:00 a.m. Mass: All People of the Parish
12:00 p.m. Mass: Ernie Kimberling 
3:00 p.m. Mass: Isabel Lira 
5:00 p.m. Mass: James David MacGregor 
This Week at a Glance
Sun, Oct 30
Mon, Oct 31
Tue, Nov 1
Wed, Nov 2
Th, Nov 3
Fri, Nov 4
Sat, Nov 5
9:00 am CRHP Mujeres (sp)
9:00 am Adult Bible Study
10:45 am Alpha & Omega (sp)
7:00 pm Mass (sp)
9:45 am Senior Exercise
7:00 pm Haitian Support Group
10:00 am Stephen Ministry
6:15 pm High School Gospel Study
7:00 pm All Souls Reception
7:00 pm Men’s Quest
9:45 am Senior’s Exercise
7:00 pm Haitian Adoration
7:00 pm Ladies of St. Lawrence Meeting
5:00 pm Hispanic Choir (sp)
6:30 pm Families with Young Children Social
7:00 pm Cursillistas (sp)
8:00 pm Escuela de la Cruz
9:30 am Haitian Ave Maria
10:00 am Stephen Ministry
10:00 am Baptism
12:00 pm Vasquez/Estes Wedding
2:00 pm Juarez/Villagomez Wedding
4:00 pm Clases de Ingles
5:00 pm Apostoles de la Palabra
Christian Initiation
Youth Ministry
Are you or someone you know
thinking about becoming Catholic? Adult inquiry sessions have begun. We meet on Tuesdays from 7:00
to 9:00 p.m. in Johnson Hall. Now is
a good time to inquire about the process especially if there are previous
marriages to be considered. Email
[email protected] for more
All Teens are Welcome! Life Teen
and Edge this week will be focusing
on the topic of Jesus, the Word
Among Us. Jesus is the Christ, the
Word made flesh. Jesus challenges
each of us to love as God loves us. We
are truly blessed, because we have
the Spirit to guide us as believers.
Reminder: The weekend of Nov. 5 &
6th we will need youth volunteers to
help pass out paper collection bags
after each mass for our Food Drive on
November 12 & 13.
Sponsors Needed to befriend and
welcome those who are considering
joining our Church. We meet on
Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m. and will
be worshiping at the 10:00 a.m. Mass
for Dismissal. This is one way our
parish community takes part in this
formation process. Another way is to
pray daily for those in the process as
well as those leading them towards
the Easter sacraments. If you feel
called by God to companion someone contact Diane at
[email protected] or Gloria at
[email protected].
St. Lawrence Preschool is registering students ages 2 -5. Classes began
Tuesday, September 6, so if you are
interested in enrolling your child,
come see us right away! For more
information call Wendy Guillory at
CHWC– mark your calendars!!! We
will be going to Charleston, SC July
16-21. Teens in grades 8-12th are
welcome to join for a week you will
always remember! For more information and registration go to http://
Arise—All high schoolers are welcome to come to a small group Monday and Tuesday nights, to replace
their Sunday youth group time. They
will meet in St. Augustine’s room.
Monday will be for ladies and Tuesday for the gentlemen. All grades will
meet together from 5:30-6:30 pm.
High School Gospel Study All high
schoolers are welcome to attend on
Wednesday nights from 6:15pm –
7:30pm. Come for fellowship, food,
and of course to get to know our faith
and God better! Looking forward to
seeing you there, November 2nd.
We are currently recruiting additional Life Teen adult leaders!
We’d love to have you! Please pray
about this opportunity and see if God
is calling you to work with our teens.
Questions? Want to get involved?
Contact Michele McPheely at
[email protected].
Gracious God and Father,
We enter into your presence realizing you know us better that we know
ourselves. You know the cares and
suffering we carry in our hearts.
You call us to holiness and we trust
you to lead us together n our journey
to be a renewed Church, for with you
all things are possible.
Create us anew in Jesus Christ your
Son. Liberate us from all that keeps
us from you. Heal us from every form
of sin and violence.
Transform us to live your Word more
profoundly. Awaken us to the sacred;
rebuild trust among us. Enliven our
parish; reunite our families.
May your Holy Spirit empower us to
live as a community of love, freed to
share in your work of recreating our
world and restoring justice.
We believe you are doing something
new, calling us to arise together in
Christ, to celebrate the fullness of life.
Arise Invitation to Act
Week 5: Choose a friend or family
member who is suffering. Do
something concrete that reflects
God’s love for them.
Tell a family member, a friend, or a
co-worker how you find the love
of God reflected in them.
Read the First Letter of John
prayerfully, letting God speak to
your heart through it.
OCT 30, 2016
Around the Parish
Cursillo Ultreya will
meet Saturday, November
5 at 6:30 p.m. for dinner at
FOLKS Restaurant, in
Lawrenceville. This will
be an opportunity to meet
some recent attendees from Cursillo
weekends. Everyone in our parish
who has attended a Cursillo weekend
is welcome. For more information
contact Glenn & Fran Zipfel at
770.822.9134 or [email protected].
Widows Social Group will meet for
a potluck lunch on Tuesday, November 8 at 12:30 p.m. in Johnson Hall.
For information contact Lynne
Gormley at 770.963.7777 or Susan
Plunkett at 770.296.7655.
The Welcoming Committee will be selling Advent candles the weekend of November 12 and
13 at all the Masses or
until we run out. No
wreaths will be sold this year.
Prayer Shawls will be available before and after 9:00 am Mass on Tues.
November15 for anyone who needs
to feel the comfort that someone is
caring about them and praying for
them. If you know of someone who is
hurting due to illness, loss of someone, divorce, etc. pick one up for
them also. The shawls are made by
the ladies of the Shawl Ministry and
they are blessed at our meeting.
Monthly meeting after mass in Cogswell Hall.
“Who benefits from Stephen Ministry?” The benefits of Stephen Ministry are many. The first is for those
receiving the love, care and support
from the caregiver. Another benefit
is our clergy. Finally, all parishioners
benefit with the knowledge that care
is available for those in need. Please
attend one of our “Taste of Stephen
Ministry” events: Saturday, Nov. 5 at
10am OR Monday, Nov. 14 at 7pm in
the Divine Mercy room.
Questions: call Mary Riddett at
Pancake Breakfasts Are Back! Next Sunday, November 6, the Knights of Columbus will host a breakfast in the gym from 8:30-11:30 a.m.! Dine-in or takeout. Bring a new toy or a new or slightly used coat to receive half a price
discount. See for a list of items and prices. Join us! All are
Families with Young Children: You are invited to join a new ministry at St.
Lawrence designed around families with young children (infants-5th grade).
Our goal is to build a fun environment where families and friends can come together to enjoy a hot meal, good conversation and take advantage of a nursery
for some adult fellowship time. Our next potluck dinner will be Friday, November 4, at 6:30 pm in Cogswell Hall. Please bring a dish to share.
Save the Date: FWYC Social Cookout on Saturday, November 12. For more information and/or to RSVP contact Julie Donlin at [email protected].
St. Lawrence Dinner Group It is
time to sign up for the Fall and Winter rotation of our St. Lawrence’s
Dinner Group. If you are a newcomer
to our church or a long time member,
this is a great way to meet people or
renew acquaintances. This group is
for both singles and couples. Deadline to sign up will be Sunday, November 13. Kickoff Cocktail Party
will be Saturday, November 19 in
Cogswell Hall after the 5:00 p.m.
Mass. To find out more about this
group or to sign up for this rotation,
please call Paula and Beatty McCaleb
at 770.614.3537 or email
[email protected] .
Ladies Night Of Reflection, Sunday,
November 20 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gym.
The Ladies of St Lawrence invite you
to an evening of fellowship and reflection to begin the Advent Season.
Our speaker will be Kat Doyle, Director, Justice & Peace for the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Tickets sale after all
masses this weekend through November 6. Tables of 8 will be $60
and limited single tickets are available for $10. To purchase tickets or
for more information, please contact
Denise Swan at 770.237.0678. or
[email protected].
All women are invited to the Magnificat Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, November 5, from 9:30 a.m.-12
p.m. at Holy Cross Church, 3773
Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta. The
guest speaker will be Father Augustine Tran. Breakfast reservations are
$15 and must be made in advance.
Please mail check, payable to Magnificat Joyful Visitation, by October 29
to: Dianne Aube, 317 Shire Way,
Lawrenceville, GA 30044. Check-in is
at the door for those with reservations only. For information call Dianne Aube at 770.375.8817.
Notre Dame Academy Open House
– Sunday, November 13, from 1:00
p.m. – 3:00 p.m. for students in PreK2 through 11th grade. Tour our
campus facilities, engage with our
students, experience our classrooms,
meet our principals, speak with
teachers and coaches, and learn
more about how ND Academy is implementing the International Baccalaureate for students in every grade.
For more information, please visit
Around the Archdiocese
Solemnidad de todos los Santos: Sera
el Lunes 31 de Octubre a las 7:00p.m
tendremos la misa en espanñ ol. – un díía
sagrado de obligacioí n.
Misa por todos los Fieles Difuntos: No
es un díía de obligacioí n pero es un díía
de devocioí n y seraí el Mieí rcoles 2 de
Noviembre a las 7:00p.m tendremos la
celebracioí n bilinguü e por todos nuestros
seres queridos que fallecieron durante
el anñ o, tambieí n tendremos la oportunidad de encender una vela en nombre de
cada uno de ellos.
Programa de RICA para Adultos: En
alguí n momento has pensado en ser
catoí lico? Las sesiones son
los díías Martes de 7:00 p.m. a 9:00
p.m. Esta es tambieí n una buena oportunidad para la vivir en armoníía sacramental. Mayores informes
con [email protected].
Clases de Inglés: Los díías Saí bados de
4:00 p.m. a 6:45 p.m. En salones parroquiales #203 y #201 estaí n ubicados en
el segundo piso.
Misa de Viernes: Nuestro calendario
lituí rgico de Viernes ha comenzado, Los
invitamos a participar de la Misa de
Viernes a las 7:00pm. Los esperamos
para hacer de nuestra liturgia algo hermoso con su presencia.
Voluntarios: Nuestra oficina principal,
siempre se beneficia y agradece a las
personas bilinguü es que puedan ser
voluntarias en la ventana de bienvenida durante los horarios de oficina. Para
mayores infirmes pueden contactar a
Alma Martíínez 770.963.8992 x 300.
Reunión de Líderes:
Tendremos la reunioí n el 5 de Noviembre despueí s de lisa de 7:00p.m. Lííderes
estaí reunioí n es importante.
Celebración Guadalupana: Es momento para comenzar a prepararnos
para nuestra celebracioí n en honor a
Nuestra Senñ ora de Guadalupe, durante
los fines de semana de Noviembre y
principios de Diciembre estaremos realizando actividades ( padrinatos, ventas) para este hermoso acontecimiento.
Esperamos contar con su valiosa colaboracioí n!
treintaiunavo domingo
del tiempo ordinario
pagina 5
Del Escritorio del Párroco
¡Saludos en Cristo Resucitado!
¿En alguí n momento has considerado donar en línea? Es conveniente para usted;
¡y al mismo tiempo bueno para la parroquia!
Considera usar el programa de donación electrónica. Es faí cil y conveniente para
usted, ademaí s de ayuda a la parroquia a planear mejor el presupuesto y podemos
estar seguros de nuestros ingresos cada mes. Si usted se registra para donar en
líínea, las contribuciones se deduciraí n automaí ticamente de su cuenta de cheques,
ahorros o tarjeta de creí dito. Se determinaraí la cantidad, frecuencia, fechas y fondos para sus donaciones.
Y usted se preguntara: "¿Cuáles son los beneficios para mí?"
• Le permite planificar de la misma manera que la de otros presupuestos y compromisos financieros.
• Ya no tienes que preocuparse por recuperar donaciones perdidas de ofertorio
cuando has faltado a una de las misas porque te encuentras fuera de la
ciudad, en vacaciones, enfermos, etc.
• Puedes ajustarla faí cilmente donde quieres que vallan tus donaciones, asíí como
la cantidad y la sincronizacioí n de sus contribuciones automatizados usando un sitio web seguro.
• Ya no necesita escribir un cheque cada semana o recordar traer sus sobres.
Asíí es como funciona: Visite el sitio web de la parroquia donde
usted autoriza una cantidad determinada de dinero para ser transferido electroí nicamente directamente en sus cheques, ahorros o tarjeta de creí dito a la cuenta de la
parroquia. Tambieí n se especifica la frecuencia de la transmisioí n.
Es raí pido y faí cil, tambieí n es menos riesgoso que los cheques, como con lagunas
donaciones, estas no pueden ser perdidas, robadas o destruidas, y la tasa de exactitud es muy alta. Que te cuesta nada; La parroquia te daraí una declaracioí n de donacioí n para tu registro de impuestos anual y sus estados de cuenta bancaria o tarjeta
de creí dito le proporcionaran un registro adicional de sus trasferencias. Las donaciones por transferencia electroí nica se pueden hacer a nuestro ofertorio parroquial regular o a nuestro fondo de reduccioí n de deuda. Y usted puede cancelar su
autorizacioí n de transferencia en cualquier momento. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, poí ngase en contacto con Janet Volion en 770
770-963-8992 ext. 304.
Nota:– Nota Bona – Take note- Toma nota
El martes, 1 de noviembre es la Solemnidad de todos los Santos – un díía sagrado
de obligacioí n. Una Misa de vigilia en espanñ ol seraí el 31 de octubre a las 7:00; Y las
Misas en ingleí s seraí n el 1st de noviembre a las 9:00, 12:15; y una Misa bilinguü e a
las 7:00p.m.
El mieí rcoles, 2 de noviembre es la conmemoración de todos los fieles difuntos (o
todas las almas) – No es un díía santo de obligacioí n. Sin embargo, es un díía en que
comenzamos una Novena de misas especiales para recordar a todos sus difuntos
seres queridos, cuyos nombres se presentaraí n en los sobres proporcionados. La
misa por todas las Almas, seraí a las 9:00a.m. y otra bilinguü e a las 7:00p.m con el
servicio de luz, despueí s de lo cual habraí una recepcioí n en el saloí n parroquial- Hall
de Cogswell.
Suyo en Cristo Resucitado,
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