(B) Does a word from God - St. Mary`s Catholic Church


(B) Does a word from God - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
JULY 5, 2015
by Fr. Jeremy Myers
Mark 6:1-6
The selection from St. Mark’s gospel that we hear today
tells of a trip back home that Jesus makes after he has
begun his public ministry. On the Sabbath, Jesus entered
the local synagogue, where he began to teach his fellow
townspeople. We are told that many were astonished.
Some said, “Where did this man get all this?” Others said,
“What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands!” But their
wonderment soon turns to disbelief, since they knew Jesus
when he was growing up in their community. They began to
downplay his abilities, thinking maybe he wasn’t such a big
deal after all. Jesus was saddened, or as the gospel says,
“He was amazed at their lack of faith.” There are many
things that could be said about this story, but we do well to
consider that statement made by the locals, “What mighty
deeds are wrought by his hands!” We know that they are
referring to the news that has gotten around that this man
from their own town has performed great and wonderful
things in nearby places. As we know, the Lord Jesus will
continue to do just that—so long as he finds faith in the
people. As followers of the Lord Jesus, we also are called
to “wrought mighty deeds by our hands!” It is part and
parcel of our job description. A journalist tells of an incident
that he was involved in some months ago. He details the
incident for us in a column he wrote: “My wife and I were
taking a midday stroll in Midtown. We passed two boys
standing near a subway entrance. One of them pointed to a
petite woman in front of us. She wore a pink satin dress,
and was probably in her late 60s. Within a handful of
seconds that youth, now a hoodlum, was tussling with the
woman over a pendant at her neck. As I ran to them, ready
to punch him in the nose, he grabbed her purse saying,
‘Well, I’ve got to have something.’ Unfortunately, the pulling
on the purse sent the woman tumbling onto the street,
hitting her head on the curb. Her forehead began bleeding.
We led her to a nearby hotel lobby where preparations for a
wedding were underway. On the way there she explained
that the pendant was her mother’s engagement ring
diamond and she would never give it up, and—anyway—
she explained, ‘I lived through the blitz in London. This is
nothing compared to that.’ The thief headed down the
subway stairs. Observing all the action across the street
was a Con Edison crew. As we headed to the hotel, one of
the workers flew past us and down the steps in hot pursuit.
As it turned out, the bride was British and her father was a
doctor, so he took over the care of our near victim. In a few
minutes the Con Ed worker breezed through the door to
return the purse intact to its rightful owner. As I thought
about the event later, I was surprised that it happened in
total silence. None of us uttered one cry for help.” That
story shows us how “mighty deeds can be wrought,” even
by ordinary people like you and me. All we have to do is
offer our assistance to others in need, show others the
compassion that makes us human, and reach out to one
another, not as if we were strangers, but as if we are
brothers and sisters. In so doing, we become Christ-like
and our deeds are mighty.
word from God have to come from what seems to be
far away? The most effective prophets are the people
we know well, who share in our life day by day. We are
most profoundly affected by those who address our
immediate situation with God’s wisdom.
(B) ¿La palabra de Dios tiene que venir de lo que
parece estar lejos? Los profetas más eficaces son las
personas que conocemos bien, que comparten nuestra
vida día a día. Estamos profundamente afectados por
aquéllos que se ocupan de abordar nuestra situación
inmediata con la sabiduría de Dios.
Please join us for coffee and fellowship after Mass
today in the Parish Hall.
Por favor únase a nosotros para el café y compañerismo
después de Misa hoy en el Salón Parroquial.
Thank you for your gifts.
“Each person should walk unhesitatingly according to their
own personal gifts and duties in the path of a living faith
which arouses hopes and works through charity.”
Vatican Council II
2015 Vacation Bible School
VBS was held at St. Francis of Assisi recently for
over forty children in our community, ages three and
up. They enjoyed arts and crafts, praise, games,
and music time while learning about God’s love,
holiness and forgiveness. Special thanks to
all the volunteers for donating time, talents,
and supplies for this year’s event.
VBS se celebró en St Francis de Asis recientemente para
más de cuarenta niños en nuestra comunidad, tres años de
edad y hacia arriba. Disfrutaron de Artes y oficios, alabanza,
juegos y tiempo de música mientras aprenden sobre el amor,
la santidad y el perdón de Dios. Gracias en especial a todos
los voluntarios por donar su tiempo, talento, y suministros
para el evento de este año.
Thank you for your support of the essential work of the Holy
Father and his charitable acts through the Peter’s Pence
Collection. Our contributions of $388 will be combined with
those from our brothers and sisters around the world to help
the Holy Father reach out to those in need. Thank you for
being a Pilgrim of Charity through your generosity.
Gracias por su apoyo de la labor del Santo Padre y sus
actos caritativos a través de la colección de Peniques de
Pedro. Nuestras contribuciones de $388 serán combinadas
con aquellos de nuestros hermanos y hermanas alrededor
del mundo para ayudar al Santo Padre a tender la mano a
quienes lo necesitan. Gracias por ser un peregrino de la
caridad a través de su generosidad.
Please remember in your prayers all the
sick and suffering, especially Tony Morrell,
pneumonia, and Rosa Sotelo, who recently
had eye surgery. May they receive the care
and consolation they need.
Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones todos los enfermos y
los que sufren, especialmente Tony Morrell, que ha sido
hospitalizado con neumonía, y Rosa Sotelo, que
recientemente tubo cirugía ocular. Que ellos pueden recibir
el cuidado y el consuelo que necesitan.
FOR JULY 12, 2015
†Danny Weimerskirch by Madeline Herridge
Mike Crone Servers
Taylor Gonzales
Austin Sotelo
Eucharistic Ministers
Tony Morrell
Anita Morales
Bob Ruda
Mike Maberry Ushers
Margaret Pack
Karol Ruda
Gift Bearers
Minister to the Homebound
Terry Kirkpatrick Family
Larry Sandmann
We want to wish a happy birthday to all in our parish family
celebrating a birthday this week, especially Hank Jaresh on
July 6th, Steven Castruita and Gary Dale Lewis on July 8th,
and Bridgette Kirkpatrick and Tina Hubbell on July 9th.
The Men’s Club 8th Annual Golf Tourney
was a great success! Thanks to all our
sponsors, players, volunteers and
members who donated to our efforts.
Much food, drink and prizes capped off the fun event.
¡El 8vo Torneo del Golf Anual del Club de Hombres fue un
gran éxito! Gracias a todos nuestros patrocinadores,
jugadores, voluntarios y miembros que donaron a nuestros
esfuerzos. Mucha comida, bebida y premios coronaron el
evento divertido.
We want to wish a happy anniversary to all couples
The next meeting of the Men’s Club will be in September.
celebrating a wedding anniversary this week, especially
La próxima reunión del Club de Hombres será en Dave & Janet McCorkle today, July 5th, Mark & Amy Klein on
July 8th, and Brad & Barbara Urban on July 11th.
Question: My husband and I have been members of our parish for twenty years, and for the last
six of those years I have been an extraordinary minister of holy Communion (EMHC). Recently,
there was an announcement in our parish newsletter that, in order to be an EMHC, you needed
to have been baptized, received first Communion, been confirmed and married in the Catholic
Church. We have done them all, with the exception of being married in the Catholic Church.
(When I volunteered to become an EMHC six years ago, that requirement was never
mentioned.) So I let the parish know that, because of this requirement, I now needed to remove my name from the schedule.
I was then told that, in addition to not being ministers, my husband and I could no longer receive Communion. Please tell me
whether there are any exceptions to this rule, and also what can be done so that we could once again receive Communion.
Answer: It is, in fact, a standard requirement for extraordinary ministers of holy Communion that they be Catholics in full
communion with the Church—including, if married, having been married in a ceremony recognized as valid by the Catholic
Church. The Archdiocese of Hartford, Conn., for example, publishes on its website the necessary qualifications for
EMHCs—including, among others, “be practicing Catholics, distinguished in their Christian life, faith and morals,” having
“received the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist,” and “if married, the marriage must be a valid Catholic
marriage.” That final qualification, being in a valid Catholic marriage, is also required for reception of the Eucharist, the
Catechism of the Catholic Church says in #1650. You are to be credited for your honesty in bringing the situation to the
attention of your parish. I admire also your evident desire to be able to receive the Eucharist once again. The path to that
may be an easy one, and much depends on the reason why you were not married in a Catholic-approved ceremony. If
neither you nor your husband was ever married previously, the solution is simple: You need only present yourselves to a
priest, do a simple bit of paperwork, receive the sacrament of reconciliation and arrange to have your marriage blessed by
the Church (“convalidated” is the canonical term) by repeating your vows in front of a priest. If there were previous marriages
on either side, again you should see a priest to discuss whether there might be grounds for having a Church tribunal
investigate the possibility of issuing a declaration of nullity (commonly known as an annulment) regarding such marriages.
Whatever effort you make in this regard is surely worth it if it permits you once more to receive Christ in holy Communion.