14 DEAR DR. JOHN Dear Dr. John, I’m a local born and raised on Utila that enjoyed a good childhood: fishing with my father, bathing in the sea, and walking in the bush barefoot while looking for crabs and/or iguanas. As I got older, I started hanging out at the Bucket of Blood and the Casino as my hormones began racing. In particular I became interested in tourist women as this seemed to be my ticket off of the island. I started running the streets with increasing frequency, drank my fair share of beer and rum, and even smoked a JUST KIDS little marijuana. I eventually discovered that I had more luck with the girls with a bag of cocaine than my looks. Than one night after too much partying, I was offered a joint spiked with some rock cocaine. As I smoked I started feeling like I was ten feet tall and bulletproof. Ever since then, I have been chasing the dragon. I given up on any hopes of going to Germany or Norway with my latest tourist conquest. No more sunny afternoons drinking Salva Vida and smoking weed on Water Cay. No more fishing trips with my father or treks in the bush as all I want to do is find some more rock. I’ve gone from 180 lbs. to 120, my teeth are rotting out, I cough up blood, and I can’t even get an erection now. To support my habit, I’ve resorted to stealing butane tanks, tourist backpacks and bicycles, stereo equip- ¡Ganadora! Winner! We asked the you “What will Utila be Like in 10 years?” and recived many fantastic articles. There could only be one winner however and that was Keyli with her great advice! ~ Preguntamos a ustedes “¡Como Sera Utila Dentro do 10 Años Mas?”y recìbimos muchos buenos articulos y dibujos. Pero este de Keyli era lo mejo con los consejos muy buenos! Utila la mas pequeña de las tres islas principales es un sitio unico a 27kilometros de la tierra firme es facilmente acecible por mar opor aire. Utila es muy importante por que queda en el sugendo lugar de los arrecifes y June, 2005 Utila East Wind porque solo ahi hay la iguana eswamper himajinesen 10 años como va a estar la isla de Utila si cuidamos las playas los bosques los arrecifes las iguanas y todo lo que nos rodea en Utila pero si no cuidamos los arrcifes la isla se va a ir destroyendo poco a poco porque si tiramos basura en las playas y matamos las iguanas eswampers y matamos los arrecifes del mar Utila no va a quedar en segundo lugar sobre los corales y si matamos las iguanas Utila no va a tener iguanas swampers ni nada Utila a no va ser la misma. “POR FABOR NO TIREMOS BASURA EN LA PLAYA NI MATEMOS LAS IGUANAS PROTEJAMOSLAS!” Keyli, ment from the bars, guns and money from sailboats in the harbour, and even my mother’s jewelery. Anything not nailed down is fair game for me. I even knocked over a little kid on the way to kindergarten and took his lemps and have performed oral sex on willing men just so I could rush to my dealer and score the next rock. I lurk around outside the bars and try to sell some weed to unsuspecting tourists. When I get the money, I tell the people that I will be right back but I head for the nearest crack house. When I don’t get my way, I get very upset. I’ll hit them in the face with a Salva Vida bottle and kick them when they are down. When I get caught and thrown in jail, my family is always there for me because in their eyes, I’m still the sweet little boy that can do no wrong. Please, please Dr. John, tell me what I can do to end this misery. I want to slay this dragon and get off the crack but I feel absolutely helpless........ Sincerely, Local Crackhead Dear Crackhead, Every junkie is like a setting sun and tomorrow never comes. The path that you are on only has three possible outcomes: jail, death, or rehab. I would suggest that your family should save their money on lawyers and saving you and send you immediately to the nearest drug rehabilitation centre. Otherwise, construct a raft out of liter Coke bottles and fishing net, erect a sail made from empty rice bags, and provision yourself with only bread and water. Throw your craft into the sea and lay flat on your back in your homemade hospital bed and pray for a Utila Eastwind that will allow you to sail away from your life of misery. Spot the 7 Differences PUZZLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Across Down 1. Duppy (5) 2. Medicinal (6) 6. Sacred song (5) 3.Witch Doctor(6) 9. Creatures environment (7) 4. Get one in the sun (3) 10. Keyboard (5) 5. Of New Zealand (5) 11. Joseph Retzinger (5) 6. Serve these fruits with lime (7) 12. See your mayor smoking one (5) 7. North or polar for example (4) 13. Dive Site (7) 8. Eggs (8) 15. Clumsy man (3) 12. See one in Utilas park (5) 17. Boys name (4) 13. Dug out (5) 18. Container (6) 14. Bread with a hole (5) 19. Pops (5) 15. Imperative (5) 20. US state (6) 16. Get one for the Carnival (5) 22. Sera is the answer (4) 18. Container (6) 24. Elongated fish (3) 19. Finished (4-3) 25. Dance with alternating steps (7) 21. Island vibes (6) 26. Farewell (5) 22. Layer (6) 27. Hassle (5) 23. Utila’s big sister (6) 28. Our home (5) 25. The Princess (5) 29. Flow (6) 26. Circle segments (4) 30. The Italian Job (5) 28. You have reached it (3) 31. Daybreaks (5) Quick Teaser ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Write the numbers one to eight in the spaces provided so that no sequential numbers are adjacent (eg. 5 must not be above, below or next to 6 and 4) Joke A man and woman are driving... A man and a woman are driving down the same road at the same time. As they pass each other the woman leans out the window, point and yells, “PIG! ” The man immediately leans out his window, shakes his fist and shouts back, “WITCH!” They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he slams into a pig that had wandered into the middle of the road. If only men would listen May’s answers and mistakes Congratulations to those who figured out the 5 mistakes in last months crossword most critically the down clues and across clues got mixed up Hopfully the only puzzle in this months crosword is the clues. ● ● ● Quick Teaser S N S R T N E N V E ● B A J A R S R E D U C E M A R T ● ● ● ● ● S T T A I O M E M M A T R B G H A B A M I A N I B L L Y R I T Y E L I L O P E C V U C K L E M O S E L E S A F R E E E A V C I T C N E M O G U S M A L L L S L S S A L I N E I D O L N T N T E N S U E S