mass schedule / calendario de misas


mass schedule / calendario de misas
08 Saturday/Sábado:
5:00 p.m. English
† Rene Landry (Angie Malette)
† Alberto Alves ( Alves Family)
08 Saturday/Sábado:
7:00 p.m. Spanish
† Ana Isabel Murcia (Julio Alberto Murcia)
October 9th, 2016 / Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
† Maria Dolores Garcia (Angel Contreras)† Yesid Guzman & † Enrique Larrarte (Liliana Guzman)
Galatians/Galatas 3.22-29; Ps./Sal. 105.2-3,4-5,6-7; Luke/Lucas 11.27-28.
09 Sunday/Domingo:
9:30 a.m. English
Mass offered for the Parish Community
09 Sunday/Domingo:
11:30 a.m. Spanish
Misa ofrecida por la Comunidad Parroquial
2 Kings/ II Reyes 5.14-17; Ps. /Sal. 98.1,2-3ab,3cd-4; 2 Timothy/II Timoteo 2.8-13;
Luke/Lucas 17.11-19.
9 de Octubre del 2016 / XXVIII Domingo Ordinario
10 Monday/Lunes:
Galatians/Galatas 4.22-24,26-27,31-5.1; Ps./Sal. 113.1-2,3-4,5a+6-7; Luke/Lucas 11.29-32.
11 Tuesday/Martes:
8:30 a.m. English
11 Tuesday/Martes:
7:00 p.m. Spanish
Galatians/Galatas 5.1-6; Ps./Sal. 119.41+43,44-45,47-48; Luke/Lucas 11.37-41.
12 Wednesday/Miércoles:
Father Francisco is away
Galatians/Galatas 5.18-25; Ps./Sal. 1.1-2,3,4+6; Luke/Lucas 11.42-46.
13 Thursday/Jueves:
Father Francisco is away
Ephesians/Efesios 1.1-10; Ps/Sal. 98.1,2-3a,3b-4,5-6; Luke/Lucas 11.47-54.
14 Friday/Viernes:
Father Francisco is away
14 Friday/Viernes:
Father Francisco is away
Ephesians/Efesios 1.11-14; Ps/Sal. 3.1-2,4-5,12-13; Luke/Lucas 12.1-7.
15 Saturday/Sábado:
5:00 p.m. English
†Leonard Yutronkie (Marcella & Family)
15 Saturday/Sábado:
7:00 p.m. Spanish
Ephesians/Efesios 1.15-23; Ps./Sal. 8.1-2a,3-4,5-6; Luke/Lucas 12.8-12.
Office Hours:
Tuesday to Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Every
Friday from 6:00 p.m.— 6:45 p.m.
and Saturday from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30
p.m. Any other time by appointment.
Horario de Oficina:
Martes a Viernes
8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Sacramento de la Reconciliación:
Todos los Viernes de 6:00 p.m.—6:45
p.m. y Sábados de 3:30 p.m. - 4:30
p.m. o con cita
God bursts our categories
God surprises us. It is precisely in
poverty, in weakness and in humility
that He reveals Himself and grants us
His love, which saves us, heals us and
gives us strength. He asks us only to
obey His word and to trust in Him.
Today let us all ask ourselves whether
we are afraid of what God might ask, or
of what He does ask. Do I let myself be
surprised by God, or do I remain caught
up in my own safety zone: in forms of
material, intellectual or ideological
security? Do I truly let God into my life?
How do I answer Him? Am I a Christian
by fits and starts, or am I a Christian full
-time? God asks us to be faithful to
Him, daily, in our everyday life. He goes
on to say that, even if we are
sometimes unfaithful to Him, He
remains faithful. In His mercy, He never
tires of stretching out his hand to lift us
up, to encourage us to continue our
journey, to come back and tell him of
our weakness, so that He can grant us
his strength. This is the real journey: to
walk with the Lord always, even at
moments of weakness, even in our sins.
Faith is ultimate fidelity. Knowing how
to give thanks, to give praise for
everything that the Lord has done for
Dios rompe nuestros esquemas
Dios nos sorprende; precisamente en la
pobreza, en la debilidad, en la humildad es
donde se manifiesta y nos da su amor que
nos salva, nos cura, nos da fuerza. El sólo
pide que sigamos su palabra y nos fiemos de
él. Preguntémonos hoy si tenemos miedo
de lo que el Señor pudiera pedirnos o de lo
que nos está pidiendo. ¿Me dejo sorprender
por Dios, o me cierro en mis seguridades
materiales, intelectuales o ideológicas?
¿Dejo entrar a Dios verdaderamente en mi
vida? ¿Cómo le respondo? ¿Soy un cristiano
a ratos o soy siempre cristiano? Dios nos
pide que le seamos fieles cada día, en las
cosas ordinarias, a pesar de que a veces no
somos fieles, él siempre es fiel y con su
misericordia no se cansa de tendernos la
mano para levantarnos, para animarnos a
retomar el camino, a volver a él y confesarle
nuestra debilidad para que él nos dé su
fuerza. Y este es el camino definitivo:
siempre con el Señor, también en nuestras
debilidades, también en nuestros pecados.
La fe es fidelidad definitiva.
agradecer, saber alabar al Señor por lo que
hace por nosotros. Decir gracias es tan fácil,
y sin embargo tan difícil. ¿Cuántas veces nos
decimos gracias en la familia? Es una de las
palabras clave de la convivencia. «Por
favor», «perdona», «gracias»: si en una
us. Saying “thank you” is such an easy thing,
and yet so hard! How often do we say
“thank you” to one another in our families?
These are essential words for our life in
common. “Sorry”, “excuse me”, “thank you”.
All too often we take everything for granted!
This happens with God too. It is easy to
approach the Lord to ask for something, we
must to remember to thank Him also. Be
open to God’s surprises, to be faithful to
Him each and every day, and to praise and
thank Him, for He is our strength.
Thanksgiving Prayer: O God,
when I have food, help me to
remember the hungry; When I
have work, help me to
remember the jobless; When I
have a home, help me to
remember those who have no
home at all; When I am without
pain, help me to remember
those who suffer; And, in
remembering, help me to
destroy my complacency, bestir
in me compassion and concern
for others to help, in word and
deed, those who cry out for
what we take for granted.
Father Francisco will be away for
the next 2 weeks. Weekday Masses
October 12, 13, 14 and 18, 19, 20 &
21 are canceled. There is no change
to scheduled weekend Masses.
familia se dicen estas tres palabras, la
familia va adelante. ¿Cuántas veces
damos las gracias a quien nos ayuda, se
acerca a nosotros, nos acompaña en la
vida? Muchas veces damos todo por
descontado. Y así hacemos también con
Dios. Es fácil ir al Señor a pedirle algo,
pero le damos gracias?. Dejemonos
sorprender por Dios sin oponer
resistencia, a ser hijos fieles cada día, a
alabarlo y darle gracias porque él es
nuestra fuerza.
Oración de Acción de
Gracias: Oh Dios, cuando yo
tenga comida, ayúdame a
recordar al hambriento; Cuando
yo tenga trabajo, ayúdame a
recordar al desempleado; Cuando
yo tenga un hogar, ayúdame a
recordar los que no tienen un
hogar; Cuando yo este sin dolor,
ayúdame a recordar a los que
sufren; y, pedirte para que me
ayude a dejar mi satisfaccion,
Suscitando en mi compasión y
preocupación por los demás para
ayudar, con palabra y obra, a
aquellos que claman por lo que
hemos recibo. Amén.
No habra celebracion de la Misa
durante la semana los dias 14,
18 y 21 octubre. El fin de semana
se celebraran las misas en su
horario habitual.
Hello everyone, in just 1 month we will have the CWL Bazaar and Schnitzel
Dinner: Friday, November 11, in the parish hall. In order to make this
successful, we are still in need of volunteers to help in the kitchen. We are
also looking for new prizes for the Toonie Table and crafts for the Country
Store. Bakers, we will be asking for baked goods for the Bake Table. Contact
Elisabeth at 519-743-9601 to volunteer or if you have any donations or prizes.
Jubilee of Families: As the Year of Mercy draws to a close, you are all
invited and welcomed to attend the Jubilee of Families happening on
Saturday, October 15th. You will learn about the importance of family from
the keynote speaker, Dr. Behnke-Cook, have a chance to participate in
additional workshops, experience the Saint John’s Bible and to enter through
the Holy Doors of Mercy before the Year of Mercy ends. This is a great
chance for families to come together for a day of celebration: parents,
grandparents, single individuals and children are all welcome and encouraged
to attend! Let's celebrate the goodness of families in the Diocese of Hamilton.
You can register on the Diocesan website, or call the Family Ministry Office.
C.W.L. General Meeting, Tuesday, October 11, in the parish hall,
beginning with the Rosary at 7:00 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Year of Mercy Pilgrim Sunday: All are welcome to come to the
Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, Hamilton for a Year of Mercy
Pilgrimage and pass through the Doors of Mercy on Sunday,
October 16th. The Doors of Mercy will open at 2:00 p.m. There
will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 2:30 p.m., the
Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction will begin at 3:00 p.m.
Pilgrims are welcome to stay for the 4:00 p.m. Mass that day.
Retrouvaille: A Lifeline for Troubled Marriages – So many couples
struggle alone and confused with their difficulties. Retrouvaille offers those
in troubled and painful marriages the chance to rediscover themselves, their
spouse and a loving relationship in their marriage. You are NOT alone.
Please don’t wait. For confidential information about or to register for the
program beginning with a weekend on October 14.
Please call 905-664-5212 or email: [email protected] or
visit the web site at
“Attention!” Adult parishioners of St John's, if you are
interested in becoming involved in the parish, consider the
Ministry of the Word and or the Eucharistic Ministry. Please
contact the parish office for further information.
Weekly expenses / gastos semanales:
The Needs of the Canadian Church Collection: $746
Last week’s collection / donación de la semana pasada: