encuentro - Long Beach Latino Civic Association


encuentro - Long Beach Latino Civic Association
Edition 01
March 2014
Long Beach Latino Civic Association
52 East Park Ave. Long Beach NY 11561
The Long Beach Latino Civic Association
empowers the Latino population of Long Beach to
become integral members of the community, while
embracing both the American experience and
distinct Latino cultures, within Long Beach New
York. Through Publications, Outreach,
Community Surveys, Leadership Development, and
Public Forums, the Association promote
Environmental Justice, Cultural Awareness and
Civic Participation. By addressing critical issues
within the areas of Education, Health Care,
Environmental Conservation, and Socioeconomic
Development, the Association empowers the
community to advocate for itself.
(516) 889-4912
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 11am-4pm
Horas de Oficina:
Lunes-Viernes: 11am-4pm
Sabado: 11am-1pm
Follow Us:
[email protected]
Page: Long Beach Latino
Civic Association
Page 2
March 2014
What is Encuentro?
Dear Readers,
Long Beach by promoting
environmental justice, cultural
awareness, and civic participation.
The more people that know about
our organization, the more we can
help our neighbors in need.
The Long Beach Latino Civic
Association is pleased to revive our
Latino bilingual newsletter Encuentro,
free of charge to the residents of Long
Beach New York!
Encuentro aims to highlight the programs
and causes led by, or in association with
the Long Beach Latino Civic
Association, in order to educate the
public of services and programs that they
may not be aware of.
Even though the World Wide Web is a
popular medium for distributing and
receiving information, we are aware that
not all our members can afford the luxury
of having a computer or have internet
access. With a tangible newsletter that
We encourage you to share
Encuentro, our website and our list
one can carry, annotate and collect, we of social media networks to your
can reach more people, and they can
students, friends, and families, to
promote the importance of
reach us!
education, public participation, and
Written in both English and Spanish,
free services.
both the bilingual and the non English
speaking communities of Long Beach
New York, can enjoy our quarterly
English Writer & Editor:
We hope to serve the community of
Joonmarie Roca-Brush
¿Qué es “Encuentro”?
Estimados lectores,
Long Beach Latino Asociación Civica
esta satisfecha de restablecer nuestro
boletin bilingüe “Encuentro”, informativo
gratuito para los residentes de Long
Beach, Nueva York!
“Encuentro” esta dirigido al punto
culminante de programas y causas por
nuestra Asociación, Long Beach Latino y
otras organizaciones; para educar al
publico con programas y servicios
disponibles a nuestra comunidad.
Aunque “La Red: World Wide Web” es
popular y maneja información de aqui y
allá; Estamos consciente que muchos de
nuestros miembros no tienen el lujo de
obtener el acceso de la computadora.
Con nuestro Boletín pueden llevar,
anotar y disponer cualquier informacion
y alcanzar mas gente.
Les animos a compartir
“Encuentro," nuestro website,
nuestra lista del medio social, “La
Red”, a estudiantes, amigos, vecinos
y familiares para promover la
importancia de La educacion,
Escrito en Inglés y en Español, personas participacion publica y alcanzar los
pueden leer y obtener los dos idiomas medios de servicios gratis.
captados en el Boletin, publicacion
trimestral para la comunidad de Long
Beach, Nueva York.
Esperemos servir a nuestra comunidad
de Long Beach y promover justicia
ambiental, cultura y participacion civica.
Cuantos mas sepan, a mas
podemos ayudar.
Spanish Writer & Translator:
Nelly A. Romero
Nelly A. Romero
President: Orlando Ariza
Vice President: Orlando Garcia
Treasurer: Martha Otero
Secretary: Vanneza Cardona
Maria Arroyave
Victor Amador
Mike Cruz
The L.B.L.C.A. supports local businesses in order to increase
revenue and employment within Long Island. Advertising in
Encuentro will not only assist in funding our newsletter, but will
help YOUR business get noticed! Call (516)889-4912 or email
[email protected] for more details!
52 East Park Avenue Long Beach NY, 11561 (516)889-4912 www.lblatinocivic.org
[email protected]
Page 3
March 2014
Long Beach’s First Community Garden
Going Green is not always easy. But
growing your own fruits and vegetables is
a great start! On July 30th 2013,
Sustainable Long Island (S.L.I.), the
Long Island Volunteer Center
(L.I.V.C.), the Altria Group, The
Unitarian Universalist Church of
Shelter Rock, along with Bank of
America, the Long Beach Farmers’
Market and Long Beach residents,
funded and constructed Long Beach’s
first Community Garden!
in order to educate the community of the “There are many seniors who
importance and benefits of locally grown
remember the ‘Victory Gardens’ that
were grown during and after WWII ”
says Tirado, and having a community
When asked about the objective of having garden is an “opportunity for people to
remember that most individuals use to
a Community Garden, Tirado explained
grow their own food and help seniors
that, “growing your own food helps one
to make better food choices, reduces the connect with today’s youth around an
cost of fruits and vegetables, reduces your activity that everyone must do, eat!”
carbon footprint and the amount of fossil
fuels used to transport food and minimizes Tirado also confirmed that they are
the amount of pesticides that can be found looking to build another garden behind
Sherman Brown Park on Riverside Blvd
in foods.”
and Park Place in the springtime, making
As part of a larger urban agricultural
movement in the City of Long Beach, Located at 650 Magnolia Blvd. at the Long it a feasible and evident part of the
Sustainable Long Island Director of
Beach Magnolia Senior Center, the
Long Beach community.
Programs, Fernando Tirado, coordinated Community Garden is open to all Long
over 60 volunteers to build the garden,
Beach residents and volunteers.
For more
information contact
Johanna Matheison,
Director of the
Magnolia Center.
Por más información
por favor comunicarse
con la Directora
Johanna Matheison del
Centro de Magnolia.
Primer Jardín de la Comunidad de Long Beach
Volverse verde no es tan fácil. Pero e
cultivar nuestras propias frutas y vegetales
es camino a un buen comienzo. El 30 de
Julio de 2013, Sustainable Long Island
(SLI) y el Centro Voluntario de Long
Island (LIVC) con el Grupo Altria, La
Iglesia Unitaria Universal de Shelter
Rock, el Banco America y con la
Marqueta de Cultivadores de Long
Beach fundaron y construyeron el Primer
Jardin de La Comunidad en Long Beach.
Formado y siendo gran parte de un
movimiento agricultor urbano en la
ciudad de Long Beach. El director de
programas de Sustaintable Long
Island, Fernando Tirado coordino 60
voluntarios. Para construir el jardín, y
educar a la comunidad de la importancia y
los beneficios de tener un cultivo local.
Cuando le preguntaron, “Cual es el
objetivo y el hecho de tener un Jardin de
Comunidad? Tirado explico; “Cultivar y
crecer su propia comida ayuda escoger y
mantener comidas frescas de calidad
reduciendo los gastos de comida.
Localizado en el Centro Mayor de
Magnolia de Long Beach, 650 Magnolia
Blvd., El Jardin está abierto al público,
residentes y voluntarios. Hay muchos
mayores de edad que se acuerdan del
“Jardin de Victoria,” durante la Guerra
Mundial II dice Tirado, esto ayuda a la
comunidad unirse, y recordar a todos que
antes cultivaron. Y pueden conectarse
ahora con la juventud de hoy, y comer
Tirado confirmo que desean ampliar y
construir un jardín detrás del parque
Sherman Brown en Riverside Blvd., y
Park Place en la primavera. Realizando
un alcanzo nuevo en la comunidad.
Por más información por favor
comunicarse con la Directora Johanna
Matheison del Centro de Magnolia.
Visit our Facebook Page
for the complete
“Magnolia Center
Community Garden”
Page 4
March 2014
The Long Beach Latino Civic Association 2013 Gala
The Long Beach Latino Civic
Association 2013 Gala was a joyous
celebration, held on Hispanic Heritage
month, at the Island Park Bridgeview Yacht
club on October 17th 2013. The annual
dinner dance not only raises funds for the
causes of the LBLCA, the yearly celebration
also honors the community leaders who
have taken initiative to help the LBLCA
realize and develop programs and services
for the City of Long Beach NY.
the values of hard work, love of country,
community and nature. We thank Rob
Mansfield of Adopt A Family, Marc
Young of All Hands Volunteer, Jack
Schnirman from the City of Long Beach,
Omar Rodriguez of Key Food, Vanneza
Cardona & Gabriela Orellana of LB
Holiday Toy Drive, Shelly Cepeda of
Long Beach Public Schools,
Sol Marie Alfonso-Jones of Long Island
Community Fund, Chris Musto of Long
Reach Foundation, Steven Lee of Robin
The 2013 Gala was proud to honor “Sandy’s
Hood Foundation and Blanca Ester Cales
Super Stars” for assisting LBLCA before and
from St. Mary of The Isle, for attending
after Hurricane Sandy, the inspirational
our event and aiding our City By The Sea
“Long Beach Rising Stars” for their
with resources, funds and man power,
dedication and positive influence to their
while we rebuild the hopes and dreams of
peers and community, as well as the “Andrés
our wounded but strong community.
Dorado Leadership Scholars”, who exemplify
Rest assured that as long as the
LBLCA stands, we would continue to
nurture the leadership and
educational potential of the young
scholars, who strive to rise above
and overcome personal and
scholastic obstacles, by encouraging
the community to support and award
their ambition and hard work!
We are perpetually grateful to Key
Food of Park Avenue, Planet
Payment, Chardona Locksmith,
No Limit Auto Body, and all of
the corporations and personal
businesses that showed their support
by advertising in our annual Journal;
Muchas Gracias desde el fondo de
nuestro corazón!
Page 5
March 2014
2013 Gala de Asociación de Long Beach Latino Civica
La Asociación de Long Beach Latino
Civica tuvo su “Gala 2013”; en el mes de La
Herencia de La Hispanidad en Island Park
Bridgeview Yacht Club el 17 de octubre de
2013. Una celebracion alegre, llena de
honores a los miembros y lideres de la
comunidad y a todos que ayudaron a
realizar programas y servicios para la ciudad
de Long Beach. El “Gala” baile anual tambien
cúmulo y recaudo dinero para casos de
compañeros y la comunidad de Long
Beach. Igualmente a esos estudiantes
ejemplar que recibieron becas y premios
“El Andrés Dorado,” Mando escolar, por
su dedication al trabajo amor al pais, a la
comunidad y a la naturaleza.
Les damos gracias a Rob
Mansfield de “Adopt a Family,” Marc
Young de “All Hands Volunteer”, Jack
Schnirman de La Cuidad de Long
Beach, Omar Rodriguez de “Key Food”,
El “Gala 2013” estuvo orgulloso de cumplir y Vanneza Cardona y Gabriella Orellana de
condecorar a las “Estrellas de Sandy” por
“LB Holiday Toy Drive”, Shelly Cepeda
asistir su ayuda LBLCA antes y después del
de Long Beach Escuela Publica, a Sol
Huracán Sandy. Premiaron al inspirador de
Marie Alfonso-Jones de “Long Island
“Long Beach Estrella Sobresalientes,” su
Community Fund,” Chris Musto de
dedicación y energía positiva antes sus
“Long Reach Foundation,” Steven Lee
de “Robin Hood Foundation” y
Blanca Ester Cales de “la iglesia de
Santa Maria de la Isla” por
participar nuestro evento social y
ayudar a nuestra Ciudad del Mar con
recursos, fondos, fuerza, y energia
positiva, para rehacer nuestros
sueños y esperanza de la herida
provocada por Sandy a esta fuerte
Esten seguro que con nuestro puesto
LBLCA estamos al alcanze para
continuar el futuro de la educacion,
el potencial de nuestros jovenes
escolares que estan dedicados a
crecer y saltar obstacúlos que les
impiden salir adelante. Tenemos que
animar a nuestra comunidad para que
siempre apoyen y premien la
ambicion y el trabajo diligente de
nuestros jóvenes
Estamos eternamente
agradecido con "Key Food",
"Planet Payment", "Chardona
Locksmith", "No Limit Auto
Body", y todas corporaciones y
negocios que dieron su apoyo
cuando publicaron sus anuncios en
nuestro diario anual. Muchas Gracias
desde el fondo de nuestro corazón!
Visit our
Facebook Page
for the complete
“2013 Gala”
Page 6
March 2014
Mothers’ Group
Child bearing is hard enough; raising happy and healthy children is another story. With a varying levels of education,
culture, family support, and available resources, young mothers today have their hands full as caregivers, providers, and
educators. Motherhood can be a time of great joy but it can also be a time of isolation and worry. How do I provide the
very best for my baby? How are other mothers handling challenges that come up? I wish I had a group of friends that I
could go to for open and honest conversation about what I am going through. I wish there was a place I could go and
express myself in Spanish where I am understood and feel comfortable.
Through the Long Beach Latino Civic Association Women's Committee and Board of Directors, a partnership
developed between LBLCA, National Association of Mothers' Center (NAMC) and the Long Beach Public Library,
to bring Grupo de Madres to our local library! NAMC is a non-profit organization creating a community of women, who
through mutual support and public advocacy, explore, enrich and value the maternal experience. Hosting the Spanish
speaking Grupo de Madres support group on Mondays, and the English speaking Mothers' Center group on Wednesdays,
the Long Beach Public Library provides a welcoming haven for both Spanish speaking and English speaking mothers, to
discuss and share their concerns, with their own peers.
Aside from having a place where mothers can share child care, health and nutritional information, Georgette Rich, Outreach
Worker for NAMC and Grupo de Madres meeting facilitator at the Long Beach Public Library, addressed the
importance of having a “mothers supporting mothers group” where mothers can “get out of the house to meet with their
peers, while their children socialize with other children” in a safe, family oriented atmosphere such as the public library. A
mother of three and attending member of the Mothers’ Center in East Rockaway, Georgette promotes the public
awareness of having free local support groups, for all mothers, including the Hispanic community.
Helen Dorado Alessi, former LBLCA Board Vice President exclaimed that “the resources exist in Long Beach for our
community to thrive but what is often missing, is the partnerships that can be especially helpful to the Latino families
of Long Beach. Providing Spanish language and culturally competent program is vital for the women to feel comfortable in
attending. We want ever Latina mother to have the same options and understanding regarding the health, education and
welfare of their children as all Long Beachers. After all they are their babies’ first teachers and best advocates!”
An invaluable network, free of charge, for mothers of all ages, it is our hope “ that the women going through this program
become a strong group of happy, healthy and confident mothers who bring the best of themselves to their children, families
and community" (Alessi, 2014.)
Grupo de Madres
El “Grupo de Madres”; creado por la Asociación Nacional de Madres, se junto con Long Beach Latino Asociación
Civica, para dedicar tiempo y formar relaciones con las madres hispanas. Participando en el Grupo de Madres, los lunes en
la Biblioteca de Long Beach dirigida por Georgette Rich.
Las madres comparten historias del pasado; de cada día , y temas del supuesto futuro. En estas reuniones las madres se
apoyan, y argumentan sus reflejos personales, la salud, los habitos del corazon, y el autoestima.
Una cadena en donde las madres pueden estar y sentirse comoda, apreciando y aprendiendo de esas otras madres
compañeras que ocupan el mismo lugar y puesto deseando un mejor porvenir para sus hijos.
Special Thanks To:
Helen Dorado Alessi
Lisa Kaplan-Miller
Georgette Rich
Page 7
March 2014
Then, Now, and What’s to come!
Salsa en la Plaza: Eat, Dance & Donate!
Soccer Program: Stay Active!
Long Beach Latino Civic
Association’s Salsa en la Plaza cultural
fundraiser held on July 2013 at Kennedy
Plaza, celebrated the tastes, sounds, and
sights of Long Beach’s diverse community!
An annual gathering where merchants,
vendors and organizations display an array of
Long Island’s wholesome goods and services,
the LBLCA welcomed families to a joyous
gather of face painting, food sampling, and
Latin dancing! Aiming to promote cultural
awareness and participation of Long Beach
residents to the wealth of resources and
organizations that are available in and around
town, expect to see even more family
friendly activities in the LBLCA 2014 Salsa en
la Plaza coming soon!
Want your children to stay active and
healthy while learning the value of
hard work and team participation?
Then sign them up in the Soccer
Youth Program! For a mere
admission fee of $5, your son or
daughter can play indoor soccer at
the Martin Luther King (MLK) Center
in Long Beach, every Sunday from
4pm-6pm! Call (516)889-4912!
Town Meetings: Be Heard!
Advocating civic
participation amongst our residents,
the LBLCA encourages you to attend
public town meetings such as the NY
Rising Community Reconstruction
Program, to provide conceptual plan
development and ideas to revitalize
our neighborhood! Want a better
future for our children? Have an idea
that will benefit our families? Attend
a meeting and be heard! Call
(516) 880-4912 to find out when and
where the next meeting will take
Employment Program: Services
in hospitality and agricultural
The LBLCA will be starting a Job
Training Program for the residents of
the Long Beach community. You
must be of age (18 years or over) to
participate in this program of culinary
etiquette in restaurants, hospitality
and agricultural nutrition.
Ayer, Hoy y Mañana
Fútbol: Siempre Activo
LBLCA ofrece el Programa del
Fútbol, para que nuestros hijos siempre
Long Beach Latino Asociación estén activos. Al jugar el fútbol tendrán la
dicha de aprender valores y ser fuertes
Cívica, festejo “Salsa en La Plaza”, Julio de
2013, reconociendo la cultura diversa en Long por formar parte de un equipo.
Demostrando sus habilidades, capacidades
Beach: celebrando nuestros gustos, vistas y
y potencial; pueden lograr mucho. Por
sonidos. Cada año se reúnen en la Plaza
solo $5.00, sus hijos pueden participar y
mercantes, puesteros y organizaciones
jugar fútbol en el Centro de Martin Luther
diversas que forman parte en mostrar y
vender mercancía; comidas saludables y varios King (MLK) en Long Beach cada domingo
servicios de Long Island. LBLCA ofreció y dio de 4:00pm-6:00pm. Para más información,
por favor llamen al (516)889-4912 a la
La Bienvenida a todas las familias para
disfrutar y saborear la comida, visajes pintados oficina de LBLCA.
y bailar al compás de la música latina.
Juntas del Pueblo: En Voz Alta
Aspirando para promover la cultura y
Abogar la participación cívica
participación cívica a los residentes de Long
entre nosotros, los residentes es
Beach y darles recursos que están disponibles
importante. Asistir a las reuniones
en nuestra ciudad cerca del mar. Esperemos
públicas que nos puedan favorizar, por ej.
ver a más familias en nuestra próxima reunión
N.Y. Rising, es importante. Para un futuro
de “Salsa en La Plaza” en el Verano de 2014
mejor tienen que alzar sus voces
dado por LBLCA
Salsa en la Plaza: Gozar, Bailar, Probar
y Brindar a nuestra Comunidad
compartir ideas que beneficien a
todos; y será escuchado. Para estar
al tanto; comunicarse al
(516) 889-4912. LBLCA siempre en
contacto para ayudarles.
Programa de Empleos: Servicios
en hospitalidad y nutrición
LBLCA va dar pasos a un
programa de empleos que será
administrado en Long Beach para los
residentes de nuestra comunidad.
Tienen que ser mayor de edad para
participar en este programa de
trabajo de etiqueta culinaria en los
restaurantes, servicios en
hospitalidad y nutrición agrícola.
Page 8
March 2014
Long Beach Latino Civic Association
52 East Park Ave. 2nd Floor
Long Beach NY 11561
NY 11561
Project B.E.A.C.H. (Beach Environmental Action for a Cleaner Habitat
Have you ever considered the environmental damage that Hurricane Sandy left behind? “Super Storm Sandy” did not only
bring unparalleled devastation throughout Long Island residential homes, businesses and landmarks, but exposed our
surroundings to volatile organic compounds (vocs) that could affect our health.
With funding provided by the Department of Environmental Conservation (D.E.C.), The Long Beach Latino Civic
Association (L.B.L.C.A.) and the Long Beach City School District (L.B.S.D.) is prioritizing the inventory and
dissemination of the information regarding environmental harms and risks affecting Long Beach North Park, the
residential areas adjacent to industrial areas, and its bordering communities.
According to former L.B.L.C.A. Project Coordinator Danny Ulhar, the Beach Environment Action for a Cleaner Habitat
program, also known as Project B.E.A.C.H., is “designed to publish and disseminate research information that is reliable
and accurate for the residents, of the D.E.C. designated ‘potential environmental justice area” (Ulhar, 2013.)
Under the leaderships of Project Director Cody Onufrock representing the L.B.S.D. and the L.B.L.C.A., project Youth
Workers Jacob Dudderar and Brendan Elefante will be gathering conclusive data for soils, Eminel Cooper and Angelo
Lozano for waters, and Hailey Hamias and Chris Lester for Air.
If you’d like to learn more about Project B.E.A.C.H., contact the Long Beach Latino Civic
Association via office number (516)889-4912, or email us at [email protected] subject line: Project Beach.
Proyecto B.E.A.C.H.
Han considerado el tamaño del daño que el Huracán Sandy causo? La Super Tormenta Sandy, provoco devastacion en
casas, negocios y monumentos historicos y al mismo tiempo exponiendo un peligroso alrededor ; contaminando la vida
ambiental con sustancias Inestables que afectan nuestra salud.
Trabajando juntos; Long Beach Latino Asociación Civica (LBLCA), El Departamento de Conservacion
Ambiental (DEC) y con el Distrito Escolar de Long Beach (LBSD) adquirieron el projecto B.E.A.C.H.; para comenzar
la limpieza ambiental.
Projecto Beach comenzo el 23 de Septiembre de 2013; investigando y examinando las aguas, tierras, y el ambiente popular
de Long Beach. Consiguiendo informacion de los riesgos relacionados para cumplir justicia ambiental.
Si desea obtener más información acerca de Project BEACH, comuníquese con la LBLCA (516) 889-4912, o envíenos un
email a [email protected] línea de asunto: Playa Proyecto.