scripture readings for the week of the trinity
scripture readings for the week of the trinity
ST. FRANCES CABRINI GRANBURY, TEXAS. March 20th, 2016 ST. FRANCES CABRINI FINANCE REPORT SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTIONS JAN., 2016 JULY-JAN., 2016 ACTUAL $ 61,464 $365,345 BUDGET $ 63,624 $378,204 $ DIFF ($2,160) ($12,858) % DIFF (3.4%) (3.4%) January, 2016, weekly collections were 3.4% (or $2,160) under forecast; coincidentally, our parish is also 3.4% (or $12,858) under its year-to-date collections forecast. Contributions to the Building Fund and Stewardship were sufficient to cover our mortgage payment on the Family Life Center. Your generosity is very much appreciated. Thank you. ST. ROSE OF LIMA GLEN ROSE, TEXAS. The parish office will be closed on the following days: Holy Thursday, March 24th Good Friday, March 25th Easter Monday, March 28th Pancake Breakfast The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast after the 9:00 Mass on Sunday. All donations will go to support our local charities. SAINT ROSE OF LIMA, GLEN ROSE TH March 13 OFFERINGS Regular Collection Building Fund $1,851.05 $1,947.50 Weekday Mass Intentions Monday/Lunes, March 21st 9:00am †Noreen Higginson (Wright Family) Tuesday/Martes, March 22nd 9:00am Parishioners of the Parish Wednesday/Miércoles, March 23rd 6:00pm †Philip Gudat (Donna Gudat & Family) 7:00pm Miembros de Nuestra Parroquia Thursday/Jueves, March 24th Please See Holy Week Schedule Friday/Viernes, March 25th Please See Holy Week Schedule <<<<<<<<++++++++++>>>>>>>>>> Weekend Mass Intentions Saturday/Sábado, March 26th 8:30pm †Ted Morell (George & Mel Zelinsky) †Iline Dittlinger (Fran Mozgesik, Jerry & Cathy Lowe) Sunday/Domingo, March 27th 9:00am †Mary Cowen (Bea Wilcox) 10:45am Parishioners of the Parish 12:30pm Miembros de Nuestra Parroquia Next Week Second Collection is for Stewardship Fund Celebrate Holy Week and Easter with EWTN Learn more about your Faith during the holiest time of the year with EWTN’s first-rate movies, documentaries, musicals, children’s programs, and much more! Join in the celebration of Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome or at the majestic Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Visit to find a station near you. March 24th – Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 6:00 PM (Glen Rose) 7:30 PM – Bilingual (Granbury) There will be adoration throughout the night after Holy Thursday Mass until 2PM on Good Friday. Please consider signing up for an hour or two. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex so we can make sure each hour is covered. March 25th – Good Friday Passion of the Lord 3:00 PM Veneration of the Cross (Granbury) 5:00 PM Veneration of the Cross (Glen Rose) 7:30 PM Live Stations of the Cross (Granbury) March 26th – Saturday Easter Vigil Mass 8:30 PM (Granbury) Procession with candles to the entrance of the Church March 27th – Easter Sunday Normal Sunday Mass Schedule Times 9:00 AM English (Granbury) 10:45 AM Bilingual (Glen Rose) 12:30 PM Spanish (Granbury) Canned Food Drive This is the last week to bring cans. They can be placed in the narthex of the church or in the Family Life Center. Colecta de Comida Enlatada Esta es la última semana para traer comida enlatada. Los puede dejar en la entrada de la iglesia o en el Centro Familiar. My God, My God, why have you abandoned me? Dios Mío, Dios Mío, ¿Por qué me has Abandonado? Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Good Friday Rosary Vigil for Life Easter Egg Hunt Catholics United for Life and Mother & Unborn Baby Care will hold their 32nd Annual Bishop’s Rosary Vigil for Life at the Planned Parenthood abortion center, 6464 John Ryan, from 12:30-2:00 PM on Good Friday, March 25, 2016. Help us raise our voices in humble supplication to Almighty God for all our precious preborn babies who die by abortion before they ever see the light and love of this world. We will pray in Reparation for all sins of abortion and in Thanksgiving for the graces given to those who fight abortion. Please join with Bishop Olson, Clergy, Religious, and Laity in prayer for the end of the evil of abortion and all the evils that flow from it. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday after the 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Masses. Ages 2-10 are able to hunt the eggs. Older children are asked to help hide the eggs immediately after Mass. Please meet in the RE Building in Room 11/12. Rosario por la Vida el Viernes Santo Católicos Unidos por la Vida y Cuidado de la madre y el bebé por nacer llevará a cabo el Rosario del Obispo #32 por La Vida en el centro de aborto Planned Parenthood, 6464 John Ryan, de 12:30 - 2:00 PM el Viernes Santo, 25 de marzo del 2016. Ayúdenos a aumentar nuestras voces en súplica a Dios Todopoderoso por todos nuestros preciosos niños no nacidos que mueren por el aborto antes de que vean la luz y el amor de este mundo. Oraremos en reparación por todos los pecados del aborto y en acción de gracias por los que luchan contra el aborto. Por favor, únase con el Obispo Olson, clero, religiosos y laicos en oración por el fin del mal del aborto y todos los males que se derivan. LADIES ONLY! The Women of St. Frances Cabrini will be having a Wine and Hors d’oeuvre Social on Friday, April 1st at the FLC from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Bring your favorite wine or entree to share and enjoy an evening of fun, food and fellowship. All women of the parish are invited! Please RSVP to [email protected] or call 817-579-6443. Knights of Columbus - Corporate Communion On Saturday, April 2nd, at the 5:00 PM Mass, there will be a Corporate Communion with Knights and their families. There will be a potluck dinner in the FLC after Mass. All Knights and their families as well as surviving family members of deceased Knights are invited and urged to attend and sit together. We celebrate our family of Knights and show our support of the Church. We receive Communion as a body as we do with our families to show we are a brotherhood and as such a member of a much larger family than just our own homes. Búsqueda de los Huevos de Pascua Tendremos la búsqueda de huevitos en nuestra parroquia el domingo de Pascua después de las misas de 9:00 AM y 12:30 PM. Los niños de 2-10 años podrán participar. Les pedimos a los niños más grandes que nos ayuden a esconder los huevos inmediatamente después de Misa. Por favor júntense en el salón 11/12 del Edificio Educacional. Scholarship Opportunities The Women of St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church is offering $1,000.00 scholarships to the 2016 graduating seniors of our parish. These scholarships are only offered for the current school year and can be used at any educational institution. You may pick up an application from the office or contact Erica Espinoza for more information. The Rio Cantu Memorial Scholarship will be available to a college bound senior from St. Frances Cabrini. You may pick up an application from the office or contact Erica Espinoza for more information. 2016 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference In conjunction with the Jubilee Year of Mercy, all men 18 years of age or older are invited to attend the 5th Annual North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference, “Mercy and Virtue: Our Faith in Action.” The conference will take place Saturday, April 23, 2016, at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Grapevine, 861 Wildwood Lane, from 8 AM to 6 PM. Conference speakers include Fr. Wade Menezes of The Fathers of Mercy; noted author Vinny Flynn (“7 Secrets of Divine Mercy”); “Man Up” author Jared Zimmer; plus award-winning composer/musician Curtis Stephan. Attendees will experience a day of fun, food, fellowship, uplifting music, reconciliation, praying the rosary, Eucharistic adoration and conclude the day with a community Mass at 5 PM. A hot breakfast and boxed lunch is provided in the cost that begins at $40 or $69 for two through April 18, 2016. Registration at the door is $49 per person. Please visit for more information.