Compressed Fluids: Unique media for preparing nanovesicles with
Compressed Fluids: Unique media for preparing nanovesicles with
NANO4, La Habana, Cuba, September 2012 Compressed Fluids: Unique media for preparing nanovesicles with high structural homogeneity 100 nm Nora Ventosa, * Santi Sala, Elisa Elizondo, Ingrid Cabrera, Evelyn Moreno, Alba Córdoba, Mildrey Sánchez, Lidia Ferrer, Jaume Veciana * [email protected], [email protected]; Reversible self-assembling of amphiphilic molecules through non-covalent weak interactions 50nm – 1 µm • Biocompatible • They can incorporate both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs • Minimize drug degradation and undesired side reactions (reduce toxicity) • Size, charge and surface properties easily changed • Improve intracellular penetration and cellular distribution V.P. Torchilin, Nature Reviews 2005, 4, 145 d ≤ 200 nm d > 200 nm SUV : Small Unilamellar Vesicle LUV: Large Unilamellar Vesicle MLV: Multi Lamellar Vesicle MVV: Multi Vesicular Vesicle d ≤ 200 nm EPR effect Blood vessel • Avoid first-pass elimination by the kidney (>10 nm) • Enhance Permeability and Retention (EPR) effect (< 200nm) • Robust surface functionalization R. Langer et col., Nature Nanotechnology 2007, 2, 751 Small Unilamellar Vesicles (SUVs) as drug carrires for the improvement of efficacy and reduction of toxicity Keys: characterization and preparation at the nanoscale Hubbell, J.A. Science 2003, 300, 595 pH induced vesicle destruction Nano-structure determines drug release Healthy cell Sick cell Healthy cell Homogeneity at supramolecular level guarantees robustness of nanomedicines targeting Conventional methodologies to prepare SUVs Drawbacks •Multistep, time consuming and complex procedure •Low reproducibility. Not easily scalable •High risk of bioactivity loss during processing •Low “final product/raw material” ratio •High environmental impact ~100 n GREEN PROCESSES FOR THE REPRODUCIBLE PREPARATION OF SMALL UNILAMELLAR VESICLES (SUVs) WHICH FULFILL STANDARDIZATION AND QUALITY REQUIREMENTS IMPOSED BY REGULATORY AGENCIES. • Small batches (5-10Kg) for test clinical phases • Large scale production Compressed CO2 a green solvent for large scale production of nanostructured materials Non-toxic Non-flammable Cheap Easy separated from products Suitable for fragile molecules Easy scale-up L. Perrut et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2003, 42, 6375 Precipitation from compressed fluids Compressed CO2 a green solvent T1, P1, X1 CO2 dT/dt dP/dt SINGLE PATH dX/dt T2, P2, X2 HOMOGENEOUS particles P.G. Jessop and B. Subramanian , Chem. Rev. 2007, H. Okamoto et al., Adv. Drug. Deliv. Rev. 2008 DELOS precipitation Depressurization of an Expanded Liquid Organic Solution Depressurization Material + Organic solvent Solution Material in CO2-expanded solvent (XCO2>0.5) CO2=co-solvent Large, fast and homogeneous solution cooling ∆T Protected under international patents Cryst. Growth Des. 2001, 1, 299; Cryst. Growth Des. 2006, 6, 23; Cryst. Growth Des. 2012, 12, 1717. DELOS: precipitation from CO2 expanded solvents Large, fast and ideally homogeneous solution cooling 3:Depressurization β Homogenous β profile T L Homogeneous supramolecular organization Micro and nanoparticulate solids 200nm Molecular Pharmaceutics 2011, 8, 395–404 Precipitation of ibuprophen nanoparticles Highly crystalline powders 2 µm 15000 Heat Flow (mW) Lin (counts) PXR diffractogramms Processed Unprocessed 10 20 30 2θ 40 50 Differential scanning calorimetry 10000 5000 Processed Unprocessed 0 80 Temperature (ºC) 90 Precipitation of compounds with a rich polymorphism fatty acid long chain compound HO CH3 ≡ O • High nº of crystalline forms • High similarity of different structures • Difficulties in obtaining isolated forms Stable (T<32ºC) Meta-stable dd 1 Stable (T>32ºC) dd2 1 Meta-stable Meta-stable 2 d1< d2 d1 < d 2 Bo Bo Bo Bm BBmm E oEo Eo Em Em E m C C C E. Moreno et al., New Journal of Chemistry, 2007 As u p er super AAsuper A1 AA11 Precipitation of pure polymorphic phases from CO2-expanded solvents With Prof. Angel Cuevas group S. Sala et al., Cryst. Growth and Design, 2010, 10, 1226 Results DELOS-susp: One-step procedure for the preparation of SUVs PT High structural homogeneity in particle size and vesicular Lipidic molecules in membrane morphology CO2-expanded solvent SUVs Water flow SUVs 100nm M. Cano et al, Langmuir 2008 Patents: WO2006079889; EP 1843836 ; US2007259971 ; CA 2566960 DELOS-susp: Preparation of uniform SUVs Cholesterol + Cationic surfactants DELOS-susp Volume (%) 10 Hydration method 8 6 4 2 0 10 100 1000 10000 Cryo-TEM images Thin Film Hydration 12 DELOS-susp Highly stable 200nm 200nm Particle Diameter (nm) Nanoscopic SUVs (~100 nm) Langmuir, 2008, 24, 2433; J. Colloids and interfaces, 2010, 350, 10-15 ¿ Could DELOS decrease hetereogeneity in Vesicle toorganization vesicle lipid composition supramolecular of lipids in a vesicular hetereogeneity system? Elisa Elizondo Doctoral thesis Lipid A Lipid B AB vesicles Elisa Elizondo Doctoral Thesis Larsen, J. et al, JACS, 2011, 133, 10685-10687 Influence of the preparation route on the supramolecular organization of lipids Thin Film Hydration DELOS‐susp DPPC CTAB Solvent evaporatio n hydration cholesterol 1. Freeze/thaw (x10) 2. Extrusion Fluorescent dyes were used as molecular probes for studying variations in the membrane supramolecular structure of individual vesicles ClO4‐ DiD Group of Prof. Stamou University of Copenhagen NBD‐6‐cholesterol [Chol:CTAB:DSPE‐PEG2000‐biotin:DiD:NBD6Chol] [49.35 : 49.6 : 0.3: 0.5 : 0.25] Confocal fluorescence microscopy study: METHODOLOGY 2 different images for each analysed area of the samples: Zoom of typical confocal fluorescence images of vesicles 1, 2 and 3 are individual vesicles Confocal fluorescence microscopy study: METHODOLOGY INBD/IDiD Vesicle membrane homogeneity INBD/IDiD Gives information about the vesicle to vesicle membrane homogeneity NON‐IDEAL system Number of vesicles Number of vesicles IDEAL system INBD/IDiD INBD/IDiD Impact of the preparation route on cholesterol-CTAB vesicular systems DELOS-susp Hydration CFs provide more homogeneous vesicular systems regarding the assembly of lipids forming the membrane J Am Chem Soc 2012, 134, 1918 Impact of the preparation route on cholesterol-DOPC vesicular systems DELOS-susp Hydration Non significative differences regarding vesicle to vesicle lipid composition homogeneity J Am Chem Soc 2012, 134, 1918 Possible explanation Film hydration procedure Water addition Cholesterol and CTAB phase separate Water Cholesterol and DO PC have total miscibility Water Heterogeneous system Homogeneous system Possible explanation DELOS-SUSP PT 9 Solvent-free intermediate state is Water flow avoided. 9 Lipids are kept in Homogeneous system solution during vesicle formation 100 nm 9 Lipid demixing is avoided Proposed explanation: Formation of a bimolecular amphiphile Cholesterol and CTAB need to form a bimolecular agregate with structural characteristics similar to a two-chain phospholip before forming the vesicle bilayer CHO CHO ‐CTAB Amphiphilic two‐chain moiety Vesicular self‐assembling Theoretical calculations made by Dr. Jordi Faraudo (ICMAB‐CSIC) Results submitted for publication DELOS-susp enhances homogeneity regarding supramolecular organization in the vesicle membrane Vesicles made of Cholesterol ( ) and CTAB ( ) (1:1) DELOS-susp Hydration Group of Prof. Stamou E. Elizondo et al, JACS, 2012, 134, 1918 Conjugation of biomolecules to SUVs by DELOS-susp Cholesterol rich SUVs functionalized with RGD peptide Cryo-TEM images Cellular up-take In collaboration with University of Barcelona (Dr. M. Royo and Prof. F. Albericio) and IBEC (Dr. M. Parajo) Spanish patent submitted, July 2012 Integration of EGF protein to SUVs Size: 145,4 nm PDI: 0,390 Zp: +74,8 (±6,3) = + EGFprotein (6kDa) % EE: 90 % EGF/colesterol : 25 µM:1 M Promising nanomedicine for the topical treatment of complex wounds 200 nm Immunoelectron Microscopy 100 nm Cryoelectron Microscopy In collaboration with CIGB and CEAC (Centers of the Cuban Scientific Pole) Hector Santana, Dr. Eduardo Martínez Cuban Patent submitted, August 2012 Scaling-up of DELOS-susp 6 mL system 25mL 300 mL system X 50 1250mL High batch-to-batch structural consistency upon scaling-up Encapsulation of gentamicine in SUVs 6 mL 300 mL unilamellar unilamellar 100 nm 100 nm X 50 Nanomedicine, 2011 Compressed fluids based processes: technological platform for the preparation of vesicle based nanomedicines Easy scale-up and low environmental impact Main drawback for their industrial implementation: Lack of the required facilities in pharmaceutical production plants 100 nm 2010 - Nanomol Technologies S.A. Prof. Jaume Veciana, Dr. Santi Sala, Evelyn Moreno, Preparation, processing andDr.characterization Dr. Elisa Elizondo, Ingrid Cabrera (Cu), Alba Córdoba, Lidia of functional molecular materials Ferrer, Mildrey Sanchez (Cu) Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB) of CSIC Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Financial and institutional support Thank you for your attention! Equipment for industrial scale IMPULSO A LA TRANSFERENCIA cGMP pilot plant 0,5-2 tons/year TECNOLOGIAS NANOMOL Small batches (5-10Kg) for test clinical phases Source: Natex Equipment for industrial scale DIAM - Plant for cork treatment (Extremadura, Spain)