Fall groups forming for the Trauma Recovery Program


Fall groups forming for the Trauma Recovery Program
Bulletin Announcements
Diocese of Kalamazoo Job Opening – Chief Financial Officer
The Diocese of Kalamazoo is looking for a Chief Financial Officer to work with all branches of the
diocese, schools and parishes in supporting their ministries in all financial matters. Under the
direction of the Bishop and in consultation with the Diocesan Finance Council, the CFO directs all
financial affairs of the Diocese, including budget planning and oversight, banking, investments,
property insurance management and financial support systems for the Diocese and related entities.
Minimum requirements include: Bachelor's degree in accounting, finance or business, audit and
internal control review experience, and minimum of 10 years of experience. For full job description
and requirements, visit diokzoo.org/job-postings.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass
Everyone is invited to a Bilingual Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Friday,
December 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Augustine Cathedral, 542 W. Michigan Avenue,
Kalamazoo, MI 49007. The Most Rev. Paul J. Bradley will preside. All priests are invited to
concelebrate. Please let Veronica Rodriguez from the Office of Multicultural and Hispanic
Ministry know if you plan to concelebrate (269-903-0197). Please bring an alb. Chasubles and
stoles will be provided. We ask families to please bring a flower(s) to offer the Virgin Mary.
Participants are encouraged to come dressed in traditional clothing from their native country if
they wish. A reception will be held immediately following Mass in the Crowley Center.
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural and Hispanic Ministry and the Office of Christian
Worship, 269-903-0197.
Todos están invitados a la Misa Bilingüe para la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el
Viernes, 11 de diciembre del 2015 a las 7:00 p.m. en la Catedral de San Agustín, 542 W.
Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI, 49007. La Santa Misa será presidida por el Señor Obispo
Paul J. Bradley. Todos los sacerdotes están invitados a concelebrar con el Obispo. Por favor
avisarle a Veronica Rodriguez de la Oficina del Ministerio Multicultural e Hispano si va a
concelebrar (269-903-0197). Por favor de traer su alba. Se proporcionarán casullas y estolas. Se
pide a los feligreses traer flores para ofrendar a la Virgen en la Misa. Se sugiere, a los que
deseen, vestirse con los trajes típicos de su país de origen. Inmediatamente después de la Misa
habrá una recepción en el Crowley Center. Patrocinado por la Oficina del Ministerio
Multicultural e Hispano y la Oficina de Liturgia, 269-903-0197.
Fall groups forming for the Trauma Recovery Program
If you are aware that events in your childhood interfere with your ability to live healthfully and
happily as an adult, help and healing are possible. The Diocese of Kalamazoo offers the Trauma
Recovery Program at no cost to participants. Survivors meet for ten sessions in small groups
facilitated by mental health professionals and a priest. Participants do not rehash their hurtful
past. Instead, the focus in on learning skills to live more satisfying and effective lives.
Reservations are currently being taken for English-speaking groups beginning in October, 2015.
Please contact Phyllis Florian for registration and questions at 269-381-8917, ext. 223
Group dates and times
Mornings, 9:30 to noon
Evenings, 7:00 to 9:30
October 12, 19, 26
November 2, 9, 16, 21(Sat.), 23, 30
December 7
Michigan Celebrates Marriage
The Diocese of Kalamazoo has compiled a number of ready-made resources for parishes to
accompany and support couples in their marriage. To learn about the “Michigan Celebrates
Marriage” website and resources, visit the Michigan Catholic Conference website at
www.michigancelebratesmarriage.com or contact Socorro Truchan at (269) 903-0199 or via
[email protected] Please note that resources in Spanish will also be posted soon.
Trauma Recovery Programa en Español
La Diócesis de Kalamazoo continúa con el Programa de Trauma Recovery en español. Si usted
conoce a alguna persona que en el pasado o en el presente sufrió cualquier tipo de trauma
(físico, sexual, negligencia, etc.), por favor remítalo para ayuda a las siguientes personas,
Lisette Mira-Amaya (269) 929-7084 o Fanny Tabares (269) 903-0209. El nuevo Grupo de
Apoyo en español, se reunirá en Abril 2015. Es indispensable hacer cita personal ahora en
Septiembre con la consejera Lissette.
Trauma Recovery Program in Spanish
The Diocese of Kalamazoo continues with the Trauma Recovery Program in Spanish. If you
know someone who has suffered any type of trauma (physical, sexual, neglect, etc.) either in
the past or present, please refer them for help to Lisette Mira-Amaya (269) 929-7084 or Fanny
Tabares (269) 903-0209. The new Support Group in Spanish will meet in April 2015. It is
necessary to make an appointment now in September with the counselor, Lissette.
A report of sexual misconduct can be initiated at the Diocese of Kalamazoo’s Sexual
Misconduct Question and Reporting Line: (877) 802-0115. A caller will be requested to provide
his or her name and telephone number. All calls regarding sexual misconduct will be returned,
usually within one hour. This toll-free telephone number has been established as a part of the
Diocese’s effort to protect children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools,
parishes and ministries. This line is for reporting suspected sexual misconduct or child abuse
within Diocesan institutions and ministries only. If you have some other concern about Diocesan
schools, parishes or ministries, please contact the appropriate Diocesan school, parish or office