Bulletin (03-03-2013) (Lent Cover)


Bulletin (03-03-2013) (Lent Cover)
2001 N. Western Ave., Edmond, OK 73012
Office: 405-359-2700 ● Fax: 405-341-0023 ● Rectory: 405-330-2699
March 3, 2013
Ex 17:3-7/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or
4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42
2 Kgs 5:1-15b/Lk 4:24-30
Dn 3:25, 34-43/Mt 18:21-35
Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9/Mt 5:17-19
Jer 7:23-28/Lk 11:14-23
Hos 14:2-10/Mk 12:28-34
Hos 6:1-6/Lk 18:9-14
Next Sunday: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Eph 5:8-14/Jn
9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38
Saturday, March 2
5 p.m.
People of the Parish
Sunday, March 3
8 a.m.
† Jessica Hatcher
10:30 a.m.
† Isidro Gomez, Gomez
1 p.m.
† Claudia Escobar
Tuesday, March 5
7:30 a.m.
† Walt McGee
5:30 p.m.
Children/Grandchildren of Andy &
+Mary Cobb
Wednesday, March 6
5:30 p.m.
† Norman Powell
Thursday, March 7
7:30 a.m.
† Brian Jones
5:30 p.m.
† Bonnie Hengle
Friday, March 8
7:30 a.m.
Malinda Goodman
Saturday, March 9
5 p.m.
† Norman Powell
Sunday, March 10
8 a.m.
People of the Parish
10:30 a.m.
Louise Kimball
1 p.m.
† Antonia Avila
February 23, 24
Sunday Offering .............................. $22,342.71
Electronic Funds Offering ............. $3,165.00
Total Offering ................................ $25,507.71
Less Charity 10% ............................ $2,550.77
Parish Offering ............................. $22,956.94
Projected Budget .......................... $26,250.00
All St. Monica parishioners are asked to
contribute 8% of their weekly income to the parish.
2 - March 3, 2013
Sunday, March 3
8:30 a.m. - Blood Drive - Parish Hall
9 a.m. - Sunday Donuts - Parish Hall
9-11:30 a.m. - Religious Education (PS-4-10th)
9:05 a.m. - Adult Bible Study - Mother Teresa
6 p.m. - Work Camp Meeting-Hall
7 p.m. - H.S. Youth-Youth Room.
Monday, March 4
7 p.m. - Cub Scouts - St. Patrick
7 p.m. - Knights of Columbus - St. Michael
Tuesday, March 5
7 a.m. - Election - Hall
4:15 p.m. - Religious Education (Kn-6th)
6 p.m. - Cub Scouts - St. Patrick/Mother Teresa
6:30 p.m. - Boy Scouts - Parish Hall
7 p.m. - Cub Scouts - Youth Bldg.
7 p.m. - Spiritual Book Club - St. Michael
Wednesday, March 6
9:30 a.m. - Matthew Bible Study - St. Michael
1:30 p.m. - Bible Timeline Study - St. Michael
5:15 p.m. - Religious Education (1st-6th Grade)
7 p.m. - Religious Education (7th-12th Grade)
7 p.m. - Confirmation II Parents - Narthex/St. Jude
Thursday, March 7
9:30 a.m. - Artist Way - St. Michael
2:30 p.m. - Homeschool Group - Hall
4 p.m. - Medjugorje Prayer Group - St. Anthony
7 p.m. - Breaking Open the Word - St. Michael
Friday, March 8
5:30 a.m. - That Man is You - Hall/Kitchen
9:30 a.m. - Mom’s Group - St. Michael
6 p.m. - Lenten Dinner - Parish Hall
7 p.m. - Stations of the Cross - Church
Saturday, March 9
8:30 a.m. - Cleaners - Church/Parish Center
9 a.m. - Hispanic Community - St. Michael
6:15 p.m. - Parents of Young Children - Youth Bldg.
Sunday, March 10
9 a.m. - Pancake Breakfast - Hall/Kitchen
9-11:30 a.m. - Religious Education (PS-4-9th)
9:05 a.m. - Adult Bible Study - Mother Teresa
4:30 p.m. - Jr. High Youth - Hall/Kitchen
5 p.m. - High School Bible Study - St. Michael
7 p.m. - H.S. Youth-Youth Room
Parents of Young Children
Lenten Observances
Save the date. Every second Saturday of the month,
the St. Monica Parents of Young Children has a
monthly get-together. The next gathering is scheduled
for Saturday, March 9, at 6:15 p.m. If you'd like to join
us, please RSVP by Monday, March 4, to [email protected] any children needing childcare.
We will be sending out an email to all of those who
will be participating, with the details. For more information, email [email protected].
Lenten Dinners, served by the Knights of Colum-
New Bible Study Starts April 7
Join us in a Bible Study, The Bible and the Church Fathers, on Sundays, beginning April 7 from 9:15-10:15
As with our natural families, Christians want to
know who has preceded us in our family tree. Who
are our forebears, and what did they believe and
teach? Participants will encounter the great teachers
of the faith, their writings, and their stories. We’ll discuss their times, their culture, and even the heresies
and heretics they had to battle.
Not merely an historical overview of the early
Church, this study focuses on how the Fathers help us
to understand the words of Scripture.
In fact, Pope Benedict XVI says that the Fathers “are
primarily and essentially commentators on Sacred
Scripture.” (Verbum Domini). Most importantly, the
Fathers lead us into the mysteries of the Word of
God and serve as examples on how we should live
out those mysteries today. For more information,
contact Theresa Grochowsky at 341-2177.
Blood Drive at St. Monica
A Blood Drive will be held Sunday, March 3, from
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Each donor
will receive a free insulated lunch tote, health screening and donor rewards points. Feel alive, give blood.
Visit www.obi.org.
Bulletin Supporter of the Week
Charlie chapin, Attorney
Please Patronize our Sponsors. Their
generosity makes this publication
available to you at no cost to the
bus, on Fridays of Lent at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Sign up sheets are in the Narthex.
Stations of the Cross - Attend the ancient prayer
of the Church called the Way of the Cross or Stations
of the Cross. We will gather on the Fridays of Lent at 7
p.m. in the Church to make the Way of the Cross.
Prayers usually last approximately 30 minutes.
Mark your calendars for the Lenten Penance Rite to
be held on Wednesday, March 13, at 6:30 p.m. in the
Church. Several visiting priests will be present to hear
confessions so that we might prepare for the celebration of the Resurrection at Easter.
Mass Schedule During Lent
Daily Masses on Tuesdays and Thursdays
7:30 a.m. AND 5:30 p.m.
Confessions at 4:30 p.m.
The Stewardship Board will meet Thursday,
March 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Patrick Room.
Know A Catholic Church in Colorado Springs?
The teens are going to Catholic Heart Workcamp this
year in Denver. We need a parish where we can stay
overnight in Colorado Springs. It always helps to have
a contact person at a parish instead of calling out of
the blue. Please let Katie Gordy know at 359-2700 or
[email protected] if you have information about this.
The St. Camillus Quilting Group has started a
new project. Join us for the fun on Monday, March 4,
from 3-5 p.m. in the Parish Hall. For more information
contact Annita Leehan at 740-5193.
Holy Hour
Sunday, March 17
3-4 p.m. in the Church
A Prayer Initiative to promote
the Dignity of Life, Marriage
and Religious Liberty
March 3, 2013 - 3
Life of the Party - Birth Choice Gala
Birth Choice of Oklahoma, Inc. is Celebrating 40
years of serving the unborn and their mothers.
Please join us for the Life of the Party, Gala FundRaiser Event with Dinner, Dancing, and Auction
Saturday March 9, at 6 p.m. at the National Cowboy
and Western Heritage Museum. Tickets are $100
each or you may buy a table of 8 for $800. Corporate
Sponsorship is also available. For more information
contact Barbara Chishko at 606-8428. Visit
www.watchfortheunborn.org and select "events." Our
own Katie Gordy will be speaking about a miracle
case she worked 33 years ago.
Spiritual Book Club
"Colleen Carroll Campbell is one of the finest writers on the American Catholic scene, and My Sisters the
Saints shows her heart, her skill, and her keen intelligence at their best. This is a wonderful, engaging personal memoir and a great witness of faith," writes
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput about our next book.
We’ll meet to discuss it on Tuesday, March 5, at 7
p.m. in the St. Michael Room. For more information
contact Ali Howard at 330-6618.
Friday Mornings from
6 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.
Doors open for Breakfast
at 5:30 a.m.
Step 6 - Find God in Others
Please join us. For more information call or email
David Lassiter at 924-6661 or Jerry Krittenbrink at
Holy Innocents Perpetual Adoration Chapel
Adorers and substitutes are needed for the Holy
Innocents Perpetual Adoration Chapel, at 6114 NW
63rd, Warr Acres. The Presence of Our Lord in the
Holy Eucharist next to the abortion clinic will be the
ultimate "Good" in the battle with "evil" being waged
every day. Contact Toni Harrelson
@[email protected] or 341-2199.
Thank You
Dear Parishioners: Thank you so much for your
prayers and concern over the last month as I struggled with health issues. I have a definitive diagnosis of
4 - March 3, 2013
Martha and Mary Meal Ministry
The Martha and Mary Meal Ministry providing
meals for parishioners who are sick or have had surgery or a baby, needs volunteers, who are on a 5member team and may be called on 3-4 times a year.
We especially need “Marthas” who contact the family, their team for food items and deliver the meal.
To volunteer, contact Katie Gordy at 359-2700 or
[email protected]
Cleaning Committee
Church cleaners and coordinators are needed to
help clean the church. It takes 7 people and 1 coordinator an hour to clean the church each Saturday
morning. The more cleaners and coordinators we
have, the fewer times a year each volunteer is scheduled. The coordinator unlocks the church at 8:30
a.m. and makes sure cleaning is completed. Please
volunteer to help our parish by signing up at the
stewardship table in the northeast corner of the
Growing in Faith
Third Sunday of Lent - Week of March 3
Lent calls us to conversion
Breaking Open the Word
Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel
Step One: Listen to the Word. As you hear this
reading, what words or phrases strike you? What in
this reading touches your heart? What lingers in your
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Question for Children: God wants your faith to result
in good living. What steps can you take during Lent to
make sure that happens?
Question for Youth: What needs changing in your life
right now? How will you invite God into that change?
Question for Adults: What steps are you taking this
Lent to make sure that your faith bears fruit in good
Chronic Lynphocytic Leukemia (Stage 0) which is the
best kind of cancer to have! There is no treatment
and the life expectancy is 10-20 years! My abnormal
blood cells will just need to be closely monitored.
Prayers work - I am living proof of that!
In Christ, Katie Gordy
Having reached the effective date of
Pope Benedict’s resignation, the See
of St. Peter, whose duly elected occupant is the Pope, is now vacant.
We continue to be thankful for the
faithful ministry of Pope Benedict
XVI, a fidelity demonstrated throughout his ministerial life and especially
the past eight years as pope. The
Vatican has instructed that Pope
Fr. Stephen
Benedict will now be known as His
Holiness Benedict XVI Popeemeritus. Perhaps the most obvious change you will
notice that points to this time period without a reigning pope comes in the Mass where we customarily
mention our union with the pope, naming him, and
our union with the bishop, naming him. In this time
period when we await a new pope, the priest simply
skips the reference to the pope and mentions only the
bishop. As we await the election of a new pope, we
pray for the Cardinals who will vote and we pray for
the Church in this time of transition. The prayer we
have been using for a few weeks now is still a good
Holy Hours at St. Monica
The U.S. bishops have asked Catholics and parishes
to participate in a prayer initiative to promote the dignity of life, marriage and religious liberty. St. Monica’s
Holy Hours, will be held in the Church on Sunday,
March 17, 3-4 p.m. and then will be held the last Sunday of the month, from 3-4 p.m. The schedule will be
as follows: April 28, May 26, June 30, July 28, Aug. 25,
Women of Achievement to be Honored
in April at Luncheon
The Central Region, Archdiocesan Council of
Catholic Women will honor all the Oklahoma City
area Women of Achievement on April 13, at St. Francis of Assisi parish, 1901 NW 18th, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, with a Mass at 11 a.m., followed by a
luncheon. Rev. Bill Pruett will present each Woman of
Achievement with a medal at the luncheon. The lunch
is $20 per person, and all reservations must be turned
in by Monday, March 18. An envelope will be at the
front desk in the church office for reservations, which
should include name, payment amount and number of
reservations. Make checks payable to St. Monica.
choice for your own prayers. Go to this link to find
it: http://www.prayerforthechurch.com/en/index.html.
On Wednesday, March 13, we will have several
priests available for confessions. That is an important
opportunity to make sure a number of people can
make a confession in an efficient amount of time.
However, I do remind you that you need not wait until that large gathering. We have ample opportunities
each week for you to go to confession and avoid the
big lines. We even have expanded opportunities in
the season of Lent. You might consider coming during our regular opportunities so that we aren’t overloaded on March 13. We hear confessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week of Lent from 4:30 p.m.
to about 5:25 p.m. We also hear confessions on Saturday afternoons from 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Stephen Hamilton
Novena Prayer for the Church
O Lord Jesus Christ, Supreme Pastor of Your Church,
we thank you for the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI
and the selfless care with which he has led us
as Successor of Peter, and Your Vicar on earth.
Good Shepherd, who founded Your Church
on the rock of Peter’s faith
and have never left Your flock untended,
look with love upon us now,
and sustain Your Church in faith, hope, and charity.
Grant, Lord Jesus, in Your boundless love for us,
a new Pope for Your Church
who will please You by his holiness
and lead us faithfully to You,
who are the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Pray for Vocations
Thinking of a vocation to the Priesthood or to the
Religious Life? Visit vocations.com for all kinds of important information, including questions to help you
discern your future. Parents encourage your children
to consider the priesthood or religious life.
March 3, 2013 - 5
Rev. Stephen Hamilton - Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Cory Stanley - Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Lee Hunt - Deacon
[email protected]
Jerry Rakosky - Deacon
[email protected]
Katie Gordy - Pastoral Associate,
Director of Religious Education, Spiritual Counseling
- [email protected]
Stacy Sample - Bulletin Editor/Office Manager
[email protected] 359-2700
Sheryl Lacy - Facility Manager
[email protected]
Carmen Snow - Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano
- [email protected]
Marie Connolly - Music Director
[email protected]
Melani Roewe - Music Director
[email protected]
Kenneth & Kelly Hughes - Saturday Choir [email protected]
Jorge & Kelli Pereira, Alan Lipps 359-2700
RCIA Directors - [email protected]
Holly Barron - Coordinator-Youth
[email protected] 509-1552
Lenten Mission at St. Eugene Catholic Church,
2400 W. Hefner Rd., Oklahoma City on Monday,
March 4 through Wednesday, March 6, from 7-8:30
p.m. Morning sessions will be held at 9 a.m.
Presenter will be Fr. Nick Rice from the Archdiocese of Louisville. For more information contact Mary
Suto at [email protected] or 241-5074.
Youth Schedule
Sunday, March 3, 6 p.m. - Mandatory CHWC Meeting - Parish Hall; 7 p.m.-Youth Night.
Sunday, March 10, 5 p.m. - Bible Study-St. Michael;
7 p.m. - Youth Night-Youth Rm.
Sunday, March 17 - No Youth
Sunday, March 3, 17 - No Youth.
Sunday, March 10, 4:30 p.m. - Parish Hall
Coordinator - Holly Barron
509-1552 / [email protected]
6 - March 3, 2013
Bobby Burger, Knights of Columbus
Taylor McGarry, Pastoral Council
St. Vincent de Paul
24 hours/7days a week
7:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:20 p.m.
7:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
5 p.m.
8 & 10:30 a.m.
1 p.m. Spanish
Tuesday, Thursday
4:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
By Appointment
WEDDINGS Contact church office six months in
BAPTISMS Contact the Church Office at 359-2700
Noon Monday
Peru Family needs your help
Manuel and
Luzmila have
five children
between the
ages of 1 and
12. They all
sleep in four
beds in one
Their house does not have running water. Manuel
earns about $6 per 12-hour day. If you can spare a
minimum of $30 per month for groceries for this family, please contact Deacon Lee at [email protected].
Communion to the Homebound
If you or someone you know is ill, in the hospital,
homebound or not able to get to Mass because of circumstances beyond their control, call the church office at 359-2700 so a Homebound Communion Minister may bring them Communion.
Carmen en la oficina
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Viernes 6:15-9:15 pm
Sábado 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Teléfono (405) 359-2700 Ext. 305
Horario de Ministerios 10 de marzo
Proclamadores de la Palabra: Berenice Esparza, Ventura Perez
Ministros de Eucaristía: Maria Elena Delgado, Adriana de Sainz
Monaguillos: Maria del Carmen Esparza, Miguel
Esparza, José Pérez
3º domingo de cuaresma
Tema: La cuaresma nos llama a la conversión.
Apuntes de la Palabra
Texto sugerido para compartir la fe: El Evangelio de
Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra
Al escuchar esta lectura, ¿qué palabras o frases los
impactó? ¿Qué parte de esta lectura tocó sus corazones? ¿Qué se quedó en sus memorias?
Paso dos: Examinar su vida
Pregunta para los niños: Dios quiere que su fe resulte
en una buena vida. ¿Qué medidas pueden tomar durante la cuaresma para asegurarse de que esto suceda?
Pregunta para los jóvenes: ¿Qué necesita un cambio
en tu vida en estos momentos? ¿Cómo invitarás a
Dios a ese cambio?
Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Qué medidas están tomando en esta cuaresma para asegurarse de que su fe
dé frutos en buenas obras?
La próxima clase de Pre Cana, en Español, está
programada para el 9 de Marzo, 2013. Este programa
se realiza en el Centro Pastoral, 7501 NW Expressway en Oklahoma City. Inscripción empieza a las 8:30
am. y la clase de 9:00 am. – 4:30 pm. Si están interesados o necesitan más información, favor de llamar a
Lisa Carrasco (405) 709-2709. El costo de este programa es 40.00 por pareja. El almuerzo esta incluido.
Esta clase también sirve como un entrenamiento para
trabajar en tu parroquia como ‘padrinos” de matrimonio.
Marzo, 2013)
Nuestra parroquia necesita la ayuda de ustedes para limpiar nuestra hermosa iglesia. Por favor llame a Carmen ,
359-2700 Ex. 305, para responder a este llamado.
Habiendo llegado a la fecha efectiva de la renuncia del
Papa Benedicto XVI, la Sede de San Pedro, cuyo ocupante debidamente elegido es el Papa, está ahora vacante. Seguimos agradecidos por el fiel ministerio del
Papa Benedicto XVI, una fidelidad demostrada a lo
largo de su vida ministerial y especialmente en los últimos ocho años como Papa. El Vaticano ha dado instrucciones de que el Papa Benedicto ahora será conocido como Su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVIemérito. Tal vez el cambio más evidente se dará cuenta de que apunta a este período de tiempo sin un Papa
reinante viene en la Misa donde solemos hablar de
nuestra unión con el Papa, nombrarlo, y nuestra unión
con el obispo, nombrándolo. En este período de tiempo en la espera de un nuevo Papa, el sacerdote simplemente omite la referencia al Papa y sólo menciona
al obispo. A la espera de la elección de un nuevo Papa,
oramos por los cardenales que votarán y rezamos por
la Iglesia en este tiempo de transición. La oración que
hemos estado usando durante un par de semanas ahora sigue siendo una buena opción para sus propias
oraciones. Ir a este enlace para encontrarlo: http://
El miércoles, 13 de marzo tendremos varios sacerdotes disponibles para confesiones. Esto es una oportunidad importante para asegurar de que un número de
personas pueden hacer una confesión usando este
tiempo con eficacia. Sin embargo, les hago recuerdo
de que no es necesario esperar hasta este día del Rito de Penitencia. Tenemos amplias oportunidades
cada semana para que usted pueda ir a la confesión y
evitar las colas largas. Incluso, se han ampliado las
oportunidades en el tiempo de Cuaresma. Usted
podría considerar venir a confesarse durante estas
oportunidades regulares para que no se sobrecarguen
el 13 de marzo. Oímos confesiones los martes y jueves de cada semana de Cuaresma de 4:30 pm a 5:25
aproximadamente. También escuchamos confesiones
los sábados por la tarde 3:30-4:45 p.m.
Sinceramente en Cristo,
Padre Stephen Hamilton
March 3, 2013 - 7
A few years ago a friend of mine was diagnosed with
a malignant brain tumor. Bill was a good man, very
kind and generous with his time and his talents. And
although he didn't have a lot of money (he was a
teacher by profession) he was always ready to help
out in any way that he could. As a middle-aged man,
Bill was fairly healthy otherwise, and his diagnosis
came as a shock to his family and friends. Most of us
were left asking, "Why should such a cruel thing happen to such a kind man?"
This is the very question Jesus confronts in the Gospel this weekend when he deals with tragic events in
his time. A tower collapses and eighteen people are
killed. Is this punishment because they were the most
evil people in Jerusalem? Some Galileans are slaughtered while offering sacrifice. Have they somehow offended God, and so are now being called to account
for their wickedness? Jesus says that the evil that be-
Had a Recent Miscarriage?
fell them makes them no guiltier than anyone else.
And, by implication, makes the rest of us no less
Our sense of justice likes to have the punishment fit
the crime. We expect that there will be specific consequences for individual actions, each wrongful act
punished on its own merits. But the problem of evil is
much greater than personal sinfulness. While we each
have responsibility for our individual sins, we also
carry the weight of human sinfulness. As Catholics, we
call that original sin, but whatever title it is given, it is
the recognition that there is at work in the world a
greater sin than that which each of us may be personally guilty of. It is the sin of our race. Bill did not get
cancer because he was a bad man. But illness, war,
hatred, and every other evil are the things from which
we seek deliverance. It is good that God is patient
with us, like the gardener with the fig tree.
Infant Jesus of Prague
The pain of losing a baby can be very lonely and isolating. We have a group of women here at St.
Monica's, who have had miscarriages at all stages of
pregnancy, and are willing to talk with and comfort
those who are experiencing this now. Contact Katie
Gordy at 359-2700 or [email protected] if you would
like to have one of these loving women get in touch
with you.
Essay Contest for 7th/8th Graders
The Central Region Council of Catholic Women
(CRCCW) will sponsor an essay contact for Catholic
students in the 7th/8th grades who are enrolled in a
Catholic school or who attend Religious Education
classes in their parish.
The topic is: “Why Am I a Catholic?” Essays must
be one page, typed, double-spaced and unedited by a
teacher or parents. Prizes will be awarded to the top
three essays at the April meeting. First prize is $100,
second prize-$75 and third prize-$50.
Essays must be mailed by Friday, March 22 to: Carol
Woitchek, 9908 Ashley Pl., Oklahoma City, OK
73120. For more information contact Woitchek at
751-8533 or [email protected].
8 - March 3, 2013
Parishioner, Perry Filippo, displays the traveling
Infant Jesus of Prague, which is visiting homes
throughout the area. The traveling statue’s home
is at the National Shrine of the Infant Jesus at St.
Wenceslaus Church, Prague, OK. Its origination
was in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in 1556. Prayers
and devotions to the infant continue today. For
more information contact Filippo at 330-3067.
2013 Archdiocesan Development Fund
(ADF) Appeal Update
(as of 2/15/2013)
Target: $98,235.00
Amount Pledged: $87,313.00
Paid: $37,168.00
% of Pledged: 42.57%
Total Donors: 213
In Our Thoughts and Prayers
Lent is a time for us to do extra things that we
probably would not normally do. We want to show
Our Lord that we have the desire to reconnect with
Him. His Eucharistic Presence is a true
means and privilege for us to do just that.
He needs us and wants us in His Presence. Yes, we can give up something for
Lent or choose to do something extra
and not share it with others. St. Monica
has been chosen by Christ to have something truly special in our midst … Perpetual Adoration … to share with others.
We must have more adorers for our
Perpetual Adoration ministry. There is no more beautiful and prayerful time to begin than now, during the
Lenten season.
At the present time we have a need for 42 more
2nd adorers for Perpetual Adoration. We have no
holy hours without at least one adorer but a greater
need does exist. Bring your families, encourage your
friends, other parishioners and yourselves to seriously
consider a commitment to a holy hour with Our
Lord. This can be your personal "reconnecting" with
Jesus. Bring yourself and lead others to Him. Contact
Toni Harrelson, 341-2199 or [email protected].
Communion Ministers
SAT March 9
5 p.m.
SUNDAY, March 10
8 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Sherry Werth
Teresa Grochowsky
Elaine Yusko
Frank Pacione
Sharon Neal
Melissa Medina
Need Volunteer
Heather Hicks
Natalia Wallace
Sheryl Lacy
Tim Draper
Kim Dolman
Hudson Lacy
Dixie Draper
Andrew Dolman
Don Hoffman
Carole Myers
Melissa Simpson
Bobby Burger
Carlo Pacione
Michael Edelen
Christina Wipfli
Fonda Brousseau
Jeanelle Taylor
Gerald Wipfli
Mary Jane Bassett
Alisa Zelnicek
Debbie Collins
M Brevetti-Walker
Katie Krug
Wayne Cooper
Jim Myers
Nicole Owens
Beth Goetz
Chris Landolt
Carma Reagan
Sue McGinley
Tony Orel
Tanya Niermeier
J Schniederjan
Carolyn Womack
Janet Harlan
E Schultingkemper Tony Martinez
Jennifer Horsley
Steve Yandell
Michele Bardrick
Keith Cera
Aaron Skrok
Mary Burger
Caroline Marchel
Mary Ellen Sessa
Jennifer Edelen
Brian Bogumil
Christian Sympathy is extended to: DeDe
Harmon at the death of her son, Joseph Harmon.
Cheryl Tran at the death of her father, Lee Young.
Kelli Pereira at the death of her father, Walt McGee.
Sick and Suffering: Mike Kenny, Mary Durand, Bill
Munn, Donna Miner, Mary Ann Filippo, Joe Layn,
Bobbie Filippo, David Eastep, Peggy Bryant, Janice
Gant, Dorrie Jones, Bob Young, Fayelene O’Connell,
Cookie Wetmore, Allison Hunt, Judie Bohmann,
Cadie Doyal, Jacque Lighty, Rita Lawrence, Karee
Patterson, Natalena Morton, Keaton Barron, Jim
Marsh, Scott Myers family, Marti Meziere-Lyons,
Clayton Neilsen, John Nichols, Brock Hart, Dick and
Peg Feuerborn, Faye Norton, Anne Foreman, Pat
Lenhart, Emilyn Killough, Jeanette Bollman, Lisa
McLaughlin, Debbie Yandell, Kathy DiRusso, Laura
O’Hara, Doug & Marla Robinson, Diana Caporale,
Chester Crocker.
St. Monica Seminarians: Kelly Edwards, Jerome
Krug, Tomas Sandoval.
Military Overseas: Christopher Legere, Zac Dozier, J.R. DeLeon, Daniel Broda, James Higgins, Jacob
Seibold, Jeremy Easley, George Perry Jr.
Janice Gales
Colton Edelen
Chance Anderson Shelby Denney
Macey Edelen
Joseph Allen
Haley Edelen
Noah Orel
Kendall Edelen
Refreshments will be served
March 3, 2013 - 9