pablo sierra - Photography
pablo sierra - Photography
pablo sierra Fine Artist b. 1990 Lives and works in New York and Mexico City E d u c at io n 2011 // 15 BFA with honors, Photography, Parsons School of Design, New York, NY, USA. 2010 // 11 Certificate Program, Photography, El Taller Estudio Urquiza, Mexico City, MX. 2010 // 11 Photography Studies, Escuela Activa de Fotografía, Mexico City, MX. S ol o E X HIB IT IO N S 2017 . [Forthcoming] Rueben Center for the Arts, Berkley, CA, USA. [Forthcoming] Galería José Gorostiza, Embajada de México en Guatemala, Guatemala City, GT. 2016 [Forthcoming] Planetario de Puebla, Puebla City, Puebla, MX. Naturæ Traeger y Pinto Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, MX 2015 Registro al Inconsciente, Galería CC 186, Mexico City, MX. 2014 Paradigms, Surreal West Village, New York, NY, USA. G RO U P E X HIB IT IO N S 2016 Arte y Bienestar por el Futuro de México Auction, Ibero Meneses Foundation, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, MX. Newburgh Open Studios, Atlas Studios, Newburgh, NY, USA. NY Fine Art Show ‘Corrigan’ The Set NYC, New York, NY, USA. Talento Mexicano Contemporaneo, Galería CC 186, Mexico City, MX. 2015 Arte Vivo Auction, Mexico Vivo Foundation, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, MX. (Catalogue) Leitmotiv: Cuerpo, Mariana García Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City, MX. Concept: Process, Anna Maria & Stephen Kellen Gallery, New York, NY, USA. (curated by Susie Silbert) Parsons BFA Photography Thesis Exhibition, Thierry Goldberg Gallery, New York, NY, USA. 2014 Pop-up Exhibition, One.Four Studios, New York, NY, USA. 2012 La Lotería, Museo Casa del Risco, Mexico City, MX. T e ac h in g e x pe rie n c e 2015 Invited Artist, Core Studio: Thesis 1, Professor Laurel Ptak, Parsons School for Design, New York, NY, USA. 2014 Invited Professor, Photographic Trip to New York With Ignacio Urquiza, Estudio Urquiza, New York, NY, USA. 2013 Teacher Assistant, Photographic Trip to Oaxaca With Ignacio Urquiza, Estudio Urquiza, Oaxaca, MX. 2012 Teacher Assistant, Photographic Trip to San Miguel With Ignacio Urquiza, Estudio Urquiza, Guanajuato, MX. pu b l i s he d w rit in g s 2015 Sierra, Pablo, “Imagine not, to be” Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology, Erika A. Pratte Editor, Winter edition. December 2015 Online. Published photographic series and article. Ptak, Laurel & Core Studio: Thesis 1 Class, “A Foot That Keeps Growing Out Of Its Shoe” Marriage is a lie – Fried chicken, C/O Berlin, 2015. Book. Collaborative opinion article. +1 917 502 5027 New York | Mexico [email protected] B i b l i o gra phy - P RI N T M ED I A 2015 Araiza, P. Rodrigo. “Closed Door Art Gallery.” Estilo DF, November 27, 2015. Magazine. Two photographs reproduced. 2013 González, Eladia, Marcela Aguilar Y Maya, Mariana Castro, Eduardo Sanmiguel, and Ignacio Urquiza. San Miguel De Allende: La Buena Hospitalidad = Good Hospitality. Mexico City: Felou - AEditores, 2013. 2011 Book. Three photographs reproduced. Rosas, Alejandra. Oficios. México City: Ambar Diseño, 2011. Book. One photograph reproduced. 2010 Almada, Guadalupe Cevallos, and José Manuel Villalpando. Persona Que Es Curiosa Tiene Un Refrán Para Cada Cosa. Mexico City: Ambar Diseño, 2010. Book. One photograph reproduced. B i b l i o gra phy - oN L I N E PU B L I C A T I O NS 2016 Luis Guillermo Sánchez, “Inconsciente traido a la realidad”, Alternópolis, July 14, 2015. “Registra Pablo Sierra complejidad del pensamiento humano”, El Sol de México. July 14, 2015. Fernando Brambilla, “‘Registro al Inconsciente’ de Pablo Sierra”, R.S.V.P. Online, July 27, 2015. Katia Samantha Nolasco Castillo, “Puro Talento Mexicano” El Universal: Domingo, March 11, 2016. 2015 “Presentan Archivo. Talento Mexicano Contemporáneo” El Sol de México, March 16, 2016. Sonia América, ¨Talento Mexicano Contemporáneo¨ TimeOut México DF, March 17, 2016. Luis Carreño, “Composiciones fotográficas que exploran el inconsciente colectivo” Vice: The Creators Project, May 26, 2016. “Naturae” Treff 3, June 15, 2016. “‘Naturæ’ de Pablo Sierra” Gallery Crashers, June16, 2016. “Pablo Sierra muestra una naturaleza hecha fotografía” El Sol de México, July 2, 2016. “Registra Pablo Sierra complejidad del pensamiento humano”, El Occidental, July 14, 2015. Fernando Ragel “Inauguración ‘Registro al Inconsciente’ Pablo Sierra - Galería Cultura Colectiva”, Maxwell July 13, 2015. Juan Er. García, “REGISTRO AL INCONSCIENTE | FOTO-EXPO”, Zona Premiere, July 12, 2015. Clarissa Anell, “Descubre la obra de Pablo Sierra”, Reforma, July 9. B i b l i o gra phy - radi o 2015 Mario Flores and Maria Letona, Interview, Reactor 105.7, Mexico City, MX. July 16, 2015. +1 917 502 5027 New York | Mexico [email protected] 2 C o l l e ct io n s Arte Vivo, Mexico Vivo Foundation, Mexico City, MX. Mariana Garcia Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City, MX. Closed Door Art Gallery, Mexico City, MX. Private collections in New York and Mexico City. profes sional activities Present Artist assistant, Heinlein Studios, David Heinlein, Port Washington, NY, USA. Present Assiting in-studio photoshoots / Photography app research and development / Creative advisor Artist assistant, Shari Diamond, Newburgh, NY, USA. Cyanotype printing / Digital printing and file prep / Digital color correction / Crowdfunding research / Self-Publish research Present Second Assistant, Duane Michals, New York, NY, USA. Vintage prints handling, archive research. 2016 Curatorial intern, Art in General, Brooklyn, NY, USA. Assistance installing large format pieces / Gallery sitting and walkthroughs / Redacting artist bio, statement, etc. / 2016 Drafting posts for social media / Art handling and packing / Inventory / Research Retouching assistant, Vincent Cianni, New York, NY, USA. Digital retouching and preparing files for print / Digital color correction / Digital file managment and archiving Production assistant, PBS Present (Pilot Episode), Producer Nick Regalbuto, New York, NY., USA. 2013 Grip set up / Equipment handling Photography and retouching assistant, San Miguel De Allende: Good Hospitality, Ignacio Urquiza, Mexico City, MX. 2013 Assiting location and in-studio photshoots / Set up lighting and camera equipment on location / Photographing on location / Retouching and preparing files for print / On-location digital tech / Coordinating file delivery and archiving with editorial house Languages In order of proficiency: Spanish / English Italian French Portuguese Skills Art Handling Studio Lighting Curatorial & Lighting Design Fine Art Photography Adobe Suite - in order of proficiency (Photoshop - Indesign - Premier Pro - Illustrator) Scholarly Writing +1 917 502 5027 New York | Mexico [email protected] 3