4th Grade
4th Grade
Temario de Español I Trimestre Cuarto grado Maestra: Patricia Mendoza. Temas: 1. La sílaba págs. 26 y 27. 2. El acento prosódico y ortográfico 3. Diptongo, triptongo e hiato págs. 28 y 29. Ver cuaderno. 4. Clases de palabras según la posición de la sílaba tónica: Palabras agudas Págs. 30 y 31. Palabras graves Págs. 32 y 33. Palabras esdrújulas y sobresdrújulas Págs. 34 y 35. 5. El uso de la coma y el punto y coma. 6. Las partes del libro. Págs. 42 y 43. Pág. 12 1st Trimester 2015 4th Grade Math Exam – Correction - 20/5/2015 Study Guide: Chapter 1: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction to One Million. Lesson 1.2 Read and Write Numbers pages 9 -11 Lesson 1.3 Compare and Order Numbers pages13 -15 Lesson 1.6 Add Whole Numbers pages 27 – 30 Lesson 1.7 Subtract Whole Numbers pages 31 – 33 Chapter 2: Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers Lesson 2.3 Multiply Tens, Hundreds and Thousands pages 53 - 56 Lesson 2.6 Multiply Using Expanded Form pages 65- 68 Lesson 2.7 Multiply Using Expanded Form pages 69- 72 Lesson 2.10 Multiply 2-Digit Numbers with regrouping pages 83 - 86 Lesson 2.11 Multiply 3-Digit and 4-Digit Numbers with regrouping pages 87-90 Lesson 2.12 Solve Multistep Problems Using Equations pages 91 -93 Chapter 3: Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers Lesson3.1 Multiply tens pages 101 -103 Lesson 3.3 Area Models pages 109 -112 Lesson 3.4 Multiply using Partial Products pages 113 -115 Lesson 3.7 Problem Solving pages 127 -128 Chapter 4: Divide by 1-Digit Numbers Show what you know and definitions pages 135 -136 Lesson 4.2 Remainder pages 141 -143 Lesson 4.4 Divide Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands pages 149 -151 Lesson 4.6 Division and the Distributive Property pages 157 -159 4TH GRADE ELA STUDY GUIDE FOR THE FIRST TRIMESTER 2015 Grammar Section UNIT 1 Lesson 1, Complete Sentences Lesson 2, Subjects & Predicates Lesson 3, Kinds of Sentences Lesson 4, Simple & Compound Sent. Lesson 5, Nouns UNIT 2 Lesson 6, Verbs, Lesson 7, Simple Verb Tenses Lesson 8, Conjunctions Reading Section Textbook pages Practice Book pages 38-39 64-65 86-87 110-111 138-139 7, 8, 9, 11 19, 20, 21 31, 32, 33 43, 44, 45 55, 56, 57 168-169 192-193 218-219 61, 68, 69 79, 801, 81 91, 92, 93 Identify the elements of a story: characters, setting, conflict, plot events, and resolution. Phonics/ Spelling Section Dictation of Target Vocabulary Words from lesson 1 to 8 Properly, peculiar, segregation, nourishing, encouragement, unspoiled, misjudged, regretfully, seafaring, betrayed, immense, hideous, entertaining, advertise, schedule, and glorious. Writing Section Write a Descriptive Paragraph NOTE: Also study from the practices done in class. See your ELA notebook. 4th Grade science study guide for the first trimester 2015 Chapter #4 Ecosystem Lesson#1 Lesson#2 Lesson#3 Lesson#4 Textbook Pages What are ecosystems ? 143-147 How do living things get energy? 148-153 What are food chains and food webs? 154-160 How do living things affect the environment? 163-167 Also study vocabulary in science textbook page# 183 from ecosystem to competition, and review questions in textbook page#187 (Lessons1-4).