November 29-30, 2014 - St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church


November 29-30, 2014 - St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
15 Glennwood Drive
Rocky Mount, VA 24151
Pastoral Emergency: 202-489-3607
Office Telephone: 540-483-9591
November 29 & 30, 2014
First Sunday of Advent
Liturgies for the Coming Week:
Wednesday, December 3, 9:00am—Mass
Saturday, December 6, 4:30pm—Second Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 7, 8:00am—Second Sunday of Advent
Pastor: ......................................................... Rev. Mark White............................. [email protected]
Parish Secretary: ......................................... JoAnna Cruz ........................ [email protected]
Parish Office Hours ............................................................................ Tuesday-Friday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Director of Music Ministry: ....................... Al Broholm [email protected]
Website:...................................................... Pat Siler
New Evangelization Coordinator ............... Maureen Shanahan [email protected]
Youth Group Coordinator .......................... Maureen Shanahan [email protected]
Coordinator of Religious Education: .......... Linda Siler ................................................. [email protected]
Religious Education ........................................................... 9:20-10:30am…September 7,2014-May 2015
RE Office Hours .....................................................................................Sat. 11am-4pm & Sun. 8am-11am
Sacrament of Baptism ................................................................... Contact the Parish Office or Linda Siler
Sacrament of Matrimony ...................................................................................... Contact the Parish Office
Sacrament of Reconciliation ................................ Sat. 3:45-4:15 pm, Wed. after Mass or by Appointment
Parish Registration .......................................... Contact the Parish Office or any Pastoral Council Member
Pastoral Council: David Arellano (Youth), Lynore Arrington, Lorraine Bezy, Albert Galvan (co-chair),
Marilyn Davis, Temple Guler, Richard Long, Mary McGuire, Dan Shanahan (co-chair), Pat Siler
Finance Council:Doug Conklin, Sherri Long, Brenda Maus, Colin Shanahan, Cindy Turpin
Please contact the parish office if anyone you know is ill and would like to receive communion.
If there is a death in your family or in the parish family, please contact the parish office or pastoral
emergency contact number as soon as possible. We want to be of service.
Mass Intentions
Liturgies and Events
Nov 26 Wed
9:00 am Mass
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
For the People of Francis of Assisi.
Nov 27 Thu
Nov 28 Fri
9:00 am- Church Office will be CLOSED
3:00 pm In observance of Thanksgiving
Nov 29 Sat
4:30 pm Mass—1st Sunday of Advent
5:30 pm Rosary/Divine Mercy Chaplet
Saturday, December 6, 2014
For the Repose of the Soul of Don Forbes.
Nov 30 Sun
8:00 am Mass—1st Sunday of Advent
9:00 am Rosary/Divine Mercy Chaplet
4:00 pm Advent Talks w/Fr. Mark at St
Joseph’s in Martinsville
Sunday, December 7, 2014
For the People of Francis of Assisi.
Dec 2
7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Meeting
Please Keep the Following in Your Prayers
Dec 3
9:00 am Mass
Dec 5
Faithful Departed
10-12 am First Friday Adoration of the
6-8 pm Blessed Sacrament
Dec 6
4:30 pm Mass—2nd Sunday of Advent
5:30 pm Rosary/Divine Mercy Chaplet
Dec 7
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:20 am
4:00 pm
Dec 8
Dec 10 Wed
Mass—2nd Sunday of Advent
Rosary/Divine Mercy Chaplet
H.M. Tamale Breakfast
Religious Education
Advent Talks w/Fr. Mark at St
Joseph’s in Martinsville
7:00 pm Mass-Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions are heard in English and Spanish on Saturdays
at 3:45 pm. For any other time an appointment is necessary.
December 6 & 7, 2014
Second Sunday of Advent
First Reading ............................................ Isaiah 40:1-5,9-11
Second Reading ............................................... 2 Peter 3:8-14
Gospel .................................................................. Mark 1:1-8
Ken Ayles
Marvin Bailey
Hugo Duarte
Estelle Guilliams
Edith Hebert
Lester Kenyon
James V. Perri
Janet Sheppard
William Syminink
Marlene Wilkerson
In Need of Prayer
Sylvia Alvarez
Mary Barnwell
Doris Bowser
Karen Buonocore-Batta
Carol D’s Nephew
Terry Coates
Ron Evans
Jennifer Forbes
Marguerite Fournier
Theresa Gilbert
Bud Goehring
Nancy Goehring
Ashley Bena Hoffman
Don Hooper
Walter Hynes Jr.
Brenda Mann
Robert Mann
Karen Marrchetto
Donna McCarthy
Donna Meeks
Bob Morgan
Dien Nguyen
Mary Overfelt
Jackie Pasquantonio
Ann Peabody
Deborah Peabody
Thomas J. Perri
Anthony Pritchett
Leo Uhran
Jason Whitlow
Ronald Wilson
Home Bound
Ministry Schedule, December 6 & 7, 2014
Sat. 4:30pm
Sun. 8am
L. Siler
C. Forbes
E. Ramirez
B. Hebert
Altar Servers: D. Arellano
A. Maus
B. Miller
C. Hebert
T. Hebert
J. Shanahan
B. Boschert
B. Schmachtenberg
R. Long
J. Danby
M. McGuire
A. Galvan
D. Garcia
L. Arrington
Harry & Theresalice Coates
Owen (Jack) Halpin (Home)
Anna Jabbour (Trinity)
Jack LeMond (Home)
Ann Syminink (Home)
Leo Uhran (Home)
Dorothy Weiss (Home)
Evaline Wertz
(Franklin Health)
US Military
Lt. Col. Timothy Carey
Brandon Furrow
John J. Griffo III
John Kevin Kennedy
Joseph Lyons
James Manning
Capt. Raine Maus
Francheska J. Remmert
Jason Presley
Today’s Gospel: No
one knows when the
Messiah will come;
therefore Jesus is clear
in his warnings to disciples to watch, stay
awake, and be alert.
Jesus does not want
disciples to miss the
opportunity; he does
not want distractions to get in the way of our seeing
the presence of God in our midst. Seeing God and
knowing that he is present despite perils or hardships
gives us hope that God’s saving power can be found
clearly among his people.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin: On Monday December 8th, 2014 at
7:00pm there will be Mass here at
Francis of Assisi to celebrate the
Solemnity of the Immaculate
Conception of the Blessed Virgin.
. We will celebrate Mary’s Immaculate Conception, that is, her
total freedom from original sin
from the moment of her conception. This freedom from the sin of
Adam and Eve will be shown in
the Gospel reading for that day
(Luke 1:26-38). In Mary’s response to the angel, she
shows her willingness to place herself fully in God’s
hands, even when it promises to be difficult and requires great faith and trust.
Envelopes and Registration: Are you a new parishioner or have you been here a while
and are not getting offertory envelopes? Or maybe you just had not
decided to register yet or registered
but didn't ask for envelopes! Well
this is the time to make those
things happen. There will be someone in the commons after Mass this weekend and next weekend to
help with new registration and envelope requests Remember that any donation to Francis of Assisi is tax
deductible and with registration and envelope use tax
letters are sent in the month of January. If you have
any questions please call the church office (540)4839591.
The Giving Tree for Thanksgiving: The Giving
Tree will be served 9 families this Thanksgiving.
Thank You and we appreciate all of your donations.
St Joseph’s Missals: If you pre-ordered a St. Joseph’s Sunday Missal please stop by the table in the
commons or the church office at your convenience to
pick up your missal.
A First Ever for Francis of Assisi: For the first time
in the history of our Church, Francis of Assisi will
include a float in the Franklin County Christmas Parade. We are asking for volunteers to help with the
decorating of the float on Saturday, December 6th
beginning at 10:00am, lunch will be provided. The
parade will be Sunday, December 7th beginning at
3:00pm. Please come out and support our Church in
this new and fun event. For more information please
contact Dan Shanahan or Albert Galvan (your parish
Council Co-Chairs).
Hispanic Ministry Tamales: Join Hispanic Ministry
next Sunday after Mass for their
monthly Tamale Breakfast. What a
delicious way to socialize after Mass
and help raise money to pay for the
Our Lady of Guadalupe statue. We
will also be selling Christmas ornaments during
breakfast. Pre-order sign-up sheets are in the commons.
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Once again this year we
will celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe with Mass on December 11th at 7:00pm. Father
will hear confessions beginning at 6:00pm, at 6:30pm
there will be traditional dancing by the children, mariachis, and the blessing of the new statue. After Mass
there will dinner and dancing in the Social Hall, we
will provide dinner and the music and are asking for
donations of $15 per adult to help finish paying for
the purchase of the new statue. Everyone is welcome,
for more information please see JoAnna Cruz.
Children's (and Adult) Chocolate Advent Calendars will be on sale for $5.00 per calendar after both
Masses during the month of November. This is a fun
way to teach your children about Advent and count
down the days to Christmas when we celebrate the
birth of Jesus Christ.
Are you ready for Advent? It's right around the corner! To assist you in your Advent traditions the
Youth Group will be selling Advent candles and Advent wreaths. Packs of 10 inch taper candles will be
$6.00, Wreaths are as follows: Gold tone $10 and
pine (faux) $12. Get both wreath and candles and
save $1.00! Available for sale after both Sat/Sun
Mass, Nov. 29 & 30.
Meetings are Wednesdays
12/6– Youth Group Christmas Party
12/10-High School Meeting
12/17-High & Middle School Meeting and March 4
Life registration due.
Sacrificial Giving
Weekly Budget....................................................$3,500
November 22 & 23..............................................$2,441
Shortfall .............................................................$1,059
November Total ................................................$10,043
Monthly Shortfall ............................................$ 3,957
Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of
this the Lord your God will bless you in
all your work and in everything you put
your hand to. —Deuteronomy 15:10
Franklin County Community Chorus: Celebrate
the season with the harmonious melodies of the
Franklin County Community Chorus as they fill the
air with holiday jingles. The Chorus will perform at
Westlake Baptist Church, 2075 Scruggs Road in
Moneta on Saturday, Dec. 13 at 7:30 p.m., and at
Antioch Church of the Brethren, 2996 Callaway Road
in Rocky Mount on Sunday, Dec. 14 at 3:30 p.m. Admission is free.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends: Let us
all be thankful for the gift of our vocation. Learn how
to enrich your vocation of Marriage or Holy Orders
by attending an enrichment made just for you. The
next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends
are 20-22 Feb 2015 in Herndon or 17-19 Apr 2015 in
Fredericksburg. For more information or to apply,
contact us at [email protected] or 757-483-3209 or visit our website at
Search for the Longest Married Couple: This is the
fifth consecutive year for the highly-acclaimed project recognizing couples for their long marriages. Sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter,
couples are selected from nominations submitted. In
addition to the longest married couple in the entire
United States, recognition will also be given to a couple from each state who has achieved that distinction. Nominations are open to all husband and wife
couples regardless of religious affiliation. The contact information for sending in a nomination, which
simply requires the name of the couple, their wedding
date, and where they currently reside, along with a
contact phone or e-mail address of the individual
nominating the couple is as follows: Email: [email protected], regular mail Dick
& Diane Baumbach, 8924 Puerto Del Rio Drive Suite
402, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920, or phone number 321-613-5180. Nominations must be received
by 10 January 2015.
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: Una vez más, este
año vamos a celebrar la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe con una Misa el Jueves 11 de Diciembre
a las 7:00pm. Padre Mark escuchará confesiones
comenzando a las 6:00 de la tarde, a las 6:30pm
habrá baile tradicional realizado por los niños, mariachis cantando las mañanitas, y la bendición de la
nueva imagen. Después de la misa habrá cena y baile en el Salón Social, la Iglesia proporcionará la cena y la música. Estamos pidiendo donaciones de
$15 por adulto para la cena y el baile para ayudar a
terminar de pagar la compra de la nueva estatua,
todavía le debemos $ 4.800. Todo el mundo es bienvenido, para más información por favor ver JoAnna
Primera Vez de Francisco de Asís: Por primera
vez en la historia de nuestra Iglesia, Francisco de
Asís incluirá una carroza en el Desfile de Navidad
del Condado de Franklin. Estamos pidiendo voluntarios para ayudar con la decoración de la carroza el
Sábado, 06 de diciembre a partir de las 10:00am se
proporcionará el almuerzo. El desfile será Domingo,
07 de diciembre a partir de las 3:00pm. Por favor
venga y apoyar a nuestra Iglesia en este evento nuevo y divertido. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Dan Shanahan o Albert Galván (el Consejo parroquial Copresidentes).
Tamales ministerio hispano: El Ministerio Hispano estará vendiendo tamales el próximo domingo
después de la misa Qué deliciosa manera de socializar después de la Misa y ayudar a recaudar dinero
para pagar por la nueva imagen de la Virgen de
Guadalupe.. También estaremos vendiendo adornos
de Navidad durante el desayuno. Hojas de pre-orden
son en los bienes comunes. Necesitamos toda la
ayuda que podamos conseguir con hacer tamales.
Sobres y registro: ¿Es usted un nuevo feligrés o
han estado aquí por un tiempo y no están recibiendo
los sobres de ofertorio? O tal vez lo que no había
decidido aún registrarse o estén registrados, pero no
pidió sobres! Bueno, este es el tiempo para hacer
esas cosas suceden. Habrá alguien en los bienes comunes el próximo fin de semana para ayudar con la
nueva inscripción y solicitud de sobres. Recuerde
que cualquier donación a Francisco de Asís es un
deducible de impuestos. Con el registro y uso de los
sobres, le enviaremos una carta de impuestos en el
mes de enero. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por
favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia (540) 4839591.