Saint Francis Xavier Parish - Saint Francis Xavier Church
Saint Francis Xavier Parish - Saint Francis Xavier Church
La Señora Maira Larios está dando clases para los niños que desean ser monaguillos, Vengan Los Viernes a las 5 pm en la Iglesia. In the month of May Deacon Doug will be giving communion service Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The St. Francis Xavier School "Fore the Children" golf tournament will be held on Friday, June 5 at the Copper Club Golf Course. Funds raised by this tournament will provide scholarships for economically disadvantaged families who wish to provide a Catholic education for their children. If you are interested in participating or donating items, please contact Lisa Rose at 801-9661571 ext. 118. Huge Church Garage Sale. The Blessed Sacrament Council of Catholic Women is holding their annual Garage Sale on Friday and Saturday, June 12-13, 8 am—4 pm in the school gym, 1700 East 9800 South in Sandy. The Gym will be overflowing with treasures! For additional information, call Bonnie Siegrist, 801-580-6960. El grupo de oración están en la iglesia los viernes de cada semana a las 6:30– 8:30. Stan invitados a compañar el grupo de oracion. The Catholic Tour is a 34 year old Catholic Travel Apostolate and has been able to secure only 52 air seats and hotel beds for the last “Fatima Special” on November 4-10, 2015. The pilgrimage pricing will be only $1,499.00 which includes your transatlantic airfare from Newark NJ Airport, hotel, all breakfasts and dinners, tour escort, deluxe motor coach, and all airline fees and taxes. This “At Cost” pricing has been done only once per year for the last 5 year, but this will be the last “At Cost” Fatima Special due to shortage of air seats and hotel beds in Fatima over the next 2 years. This offer will not be repeated in the future. Diocesan Priestly Ordinations Friday June 26th, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM The Diocese of Salt Lake City joyfully announces The Laying on of Hands for the Order of Priest by The Most Reverend John C. Wester, Bishop of Salt Lake City, for Deacon A. David Trujillo and Deacon Joseph D. Delka on Friday, June 26, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake City, Utah. All are invited to celebrate this diocesan event of faith. It is with sadness and joy that we announce Mrs. Mollie Wood’s retirement from St. Francis Xavier Catholic School. Mrs. Wood has been teaching for 35 years total and 26 years at Saint Francis Xavier Catholic School. We are saddened to lose such a dedicated, caring, and professional educator who has devoted her life to teaching in Catholic schools. Nonetheless, we are joyful that Mrs. Wood will be retiring in order to spend time with her husband, her children, and especially her grandchildren. During her tenure at Saint Francis Xavier, Mrs. Wood has taught both 5th and 3rd grades. Mrs. Wood has served on numerous committees both at Saint Francis and the Diocese. For years, Mrs. Wood has provided guidance for the Saint Francis principals through the Administrative Council, and she has served on a number of local and diocesan curriculum committees, as well as assisting the school through three accreditations. Her talents, experience, and sage advice will be sorely missed! A celebration in honoring Mrs. Wood at an Open House was on Saturday, May 16 at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School, 4501 West 5215 South Kearns, Utah. Smith’s Reward Cards Thank you to all who signed up for the Smith’s Give back program. The School received a check for over $490.00 for the 1st quarter. To register, go to: and select St. Francis #81141 and save. It’s that easy and there is no cost to you. Saint Francis Xavier Parish Rev. Eugenio Yarce, Pastor 4501 West 5215 South Kearns, UT 84118 May 24th, 2015 Pentecost Sunday Parish 801-968-2123 Fax 801-966-1639 Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Email: [email protected] Saturday/Sábado English- 5:00 pm Español- 6:30 pm Sunday/Domingo Español- 7:30 am & 1:30 pm English- 9:30 am & 11:30 am Reverend Eugenio Yarce, Pastor Church Office Mrs. Iris Palacios Deacon Doug Biediger x150 801-250-8381 Emergency Priest - After office hours EMERGENCIES ONLY 801-913-8581 Pastor Emergencia - Después del horario de Oficina, SOLO EMERGENCIAS Office of Religious Education Mrs. Rosa Rodriguez, Director of Religious Education Catechism & RCIA / Catecismo y RICA x153 Communion Service / Servicio de Comunión Thursday & Friday English 9:00 am Reconciliation / Confesiones (bilingual) Mondays/Lunes 4:00 pm Mrs. Char Rodriguez, 801-647-0654 Bereavement Ministry/Ministerio de Consuelo Dir. Safe Environment/Directora del Ambiente Seguro School 801-966-1571 Preschool - 8th grade. Mr. Patrick Reeder, Principal Mrs. Lorene Swim, Administrative Assistant x114 x100 Collection last week - $4,969.00 Second Collections - $542.00 Thank you for your generosity!! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday English-9:00 am Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Benediction & Adoration in English Wednesday 5:00 to 6:00 pm Hora Santa en Español Martes (Tuesday) 5:00 to 6:00 pm Neocatechumenate-Liturgy of the Word (Multi-Purpose Room) Tuesday & Saturday 7:30pm Please consider online giving. Go to our website and sign up. It’s quick, easy & convenient! Don’t forget about DDD. Thank you for your support! The Pastoral Office will be closed in honor of Memorial Day, on Monday May 25th, 2015. and will open Tuesday May 26th, 2015. “The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.” Deuteronomy 28:12 No se olvide de DDD. Gracias por su apoyo! Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Kearns, Utah Special Mass Intentions Saturday, 5/23, 5:00 pm— Jo Springer by Ricky and Loraine Fonseca Sunday, 5/24, 9:30 am—Benefactors of the parish 11:30 am– Benefactors of the parish Monday, 5/25 9:00 am—Benefactors of the parish Tuesday, 5/26, 9:00 am—Benefactors of the parish Wednesday, 5/27, 9:00 am—Benefactors of the parish Saturday, 5/30, 5:00 pm— Benefactors of the parish Sunday, 5/31, 9:30 am—Benefactors of the parish 11:30 am– Jorge Edelmira Vizcaino by the Vizcaino Family Intenciones especiales para la Misa Sábado, 5/,23 6:30 pm—Bienhechores de la Parroquia Domingo, 5/24, 7:30 am— Bienhechores de la Parroquia 1:30 pm—Bienhechores de la Parroquia Sábado, 5/,30 6:30 pm—Bienhechores de la Parroquia Domingo, 5/31, 7:30 am— Bienhechores de la Parroquia 1:30 pm—Bienhechores de la Parroquia You must pre-register for the baptism preparation class and baptism in the church office. You must register no later than Monday before the class and baptism. The preparation class and baptism are on the same day. The preparation class starts at 9:00 a.m. in the church followed by the baptisms. If you are only attending the class, there is a donation of $25.00. After the class you will receive a letter of completion. If you are attending the class and baptizing your child, there is a donation of $50.00 for each child. When registering in the church office, you will need to pay the donation and bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate. The next class and baptisms are June 27th. The class starts at 9:00 am, followed by the baptisms. The deadline to register is Friday, June 19th . Please be prepared to pay the exact amount; we do not have change in the Church office. Pre-registración para Bautismo. Es requerido que la registración sea antes del la feche del bautismo. La clase de preparación y el Bautismo serán en el mismo día. La clase de preparación se inicia a las 9:00 am en la Parroquia seguido de los Bautismos. Si sólo desea asistir a la clase, es una donación de $25.00 por pareja y después de la clase que usted recibirá una carta de comprobante de pláticas. Si va a asistir a la clase de preparación y Bautizo de su hijo la donación es de $50.00 por cada niño. En el momento de la registración para un bautismo la donación se debe cubrir en su totalidad y también necesita traer una copia del Certificado de Nacimiento del niño. Por favor venga preparado con la cantidad exacta; ya que no tenemos cambio en la Oficina Parroquial. La siguiente clase y los Bautismos son 6 de Junio. La clase comienza a las 9:00 am, seguido de los Bautismos. Closed Saturday & Sunday. Baptism, wedding & quinceañera information can be found in the glass cases & racks in the gathering space or on our website: If you need additional help, please contact the parish office during the office hours or call 801-968-2123 x150. For Quinceañeras and Weddings, you must first meet with Father Yarce. Appointments can be made in the church office. 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Cerrado Sábados y Domingos. Bautismo, boda y quinceañera información, se pueden encontrar en las vitrinas y estantes en el lugar de reunión, o nuestra página Web: Si usted necesita ayuda adicional, póngase en contacto la oficina parroquial durante las horas de oficina o llamar al 801-968-2123 x150. Para Quinceañeras y de bodas, debe tener una cita con el padre Yarce. Las citas se pueden hacer en la oficina de la iglesia. Religious Education Office Hours: Thursday 2:00 pm—5:00 pm and Friday and Saturday from 9:30 am—12:00pm Church bulletin items must be received in the Church Office or emailed to [email protected] by noon Wednesday. Los anuncios para el boletín deben ser recibidos en la Oficina Parroquial o por correo electrónico a [email protected] para el Miércoles al medio día. Are you looking to serve your community? June 16th, 2015 Saint Francis Xavier will be serving at The Soup Kitchen. If you can assist, please arrive at St. Vincent de Paul, 437 W 200 S in Salt Lake City at 11 am, service starts at 11:30 am. Misas de despedida y Recepciones para el Arzobispo John C. Wester: La Diócesis de Salt Lake City ofrecerá varias celebraciones públicas en honor del Arzobispo Wester para darle las gracias y brindarle sus mejores deseos. El domingo 24 de mayo a las 3 p.m. se celebrará la Misa en español en su honor en la Catedral de la Magdalena, 309 E. South Temple en Salt Lake Después de ambas Misas se ofrecerá una recepción. También el domingo 31 de mayo de 5 a 8 p.m. se ofrecerá una recepción abierta al público, en el Hotel Little America Hotel, 500 S. Main St. en Salt Lake City. Todays Readings Reading I Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11(63B) Responsorial Psalm Psalm 104:1,24,29-30,31,34 Reading II Corinthians 12:3b-7,12-13 OR Gospel John 20:19-23 OR Registraciones para el Catecismo/Catechism registration of 2015-2016 Adultos, jóvenes y niños que desean recibir un Sacramento (Primera Comunión y (o) Confirmación), las registraciones van a ser unicamente en los siguientes días: Jueves, Mayo 14, 21 y 28, de 2:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m. Viernes, Mayo 15, 22 y 29, de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. Sábados, Mayo 16, 23 y 30, de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. Los requisitos para registración son: Acta de Bautismo, Donación de $45.00 por inscripción solamente, Libros de texto no estan incuyidos. Si tiene alguna pregunta favor de llamar a la Oficina de Catecismo. Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am– 5:00 pm. Horario de la Oficina Parroquial: Lunes - Viernes Please Pray For / Por favor, ofrezcan la oración Matt Ranson, Orlando Cordova, Dorothy Martinez, Feli Anne Hipol, Ronald Lujan, Kenneth Edney, Jo Springer,Randy Carstensen, Kima Tan, Ricky Fonseca, Kathy Cook, Gloria Santos, Teresita Austria The Farewell Masses and Receptions for Archbishop John C. Wester: Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of the Madeleine, 309 E. South Temple in Salt Lake City on Sunday, May 31 Also, on Sunday, May 31, a public reception will be held at the Little America Hotel, 500 S. Main St. in Salt Lake City, from 5 to 8 p.m. Please contact Religious Ed. for anything regarding CCD (Catechism) or RCIA. Director of Religious Ed., Mrs. Rosa Rodriguez (801) 968-2123 x153 Horario de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa: Jueves 2:00 pm—5:00 pm y Viernes y Sabado de 9:00 am—12:00 pm Por favor comuníquese con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa en referencia al Catecismo o RICA. El Director de Educación Religiosa es Rosa Rodriguez (801) 968-2123 x153 La Renovación Carismática Católica de la Diócesis de Salt Lake City, tendra un encuentro de jóvenes y Padres de jóvenes. Llamado Joven ven Alabar al Señor el 6 y 7 de Junio, 2015. El sábado de 8am a 7pm—Día para los Jóvenes. Domingo de 8 am a 3pm—Solo Padres de Jóvenes. Conferencista Padre Daniel Gagnon De Canadá En la Animación Ricardo Lara. La Entrada es Gratis! Y localizado en Great Saltair 12408 West Saltair Dr. Magna, UT 84044. Por más información comunícese a la oficina Ministerio Hispano al 801-328-8641 ext. 361 Saint Mary Parish in West Haven is inviting women from throughout Utah to its three-day retreat, “There are Women and There are Women,”. The retreat will be held June 12-14; women will camp at St. Mary’s in trailers and recreational vehicles. They must be 18 or older to attend, but they don’t have to be Catholic. From 2 p.m. Friday, June 12, to 1 p.m. Sunday, June 14 The cost is $50, which includes the book There are Women and There are Women. To register, visit For information, email [email protected] For Adults and children who wish to receive the Sacrament of (First Communion and (or) Confirmation), the registrations will only be on the following days: Thursdays, May 14, 21 and 28, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays, May 15, 22 and 29 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturdays, May 16, 23 and 30, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The registration requirements are: Baptismal Certificate, donation of $45.00 for registration only, text books not included. If you have any questions please call the Religious Education Office. (801) 9682123 Ext. 153