Installation instructions - International Pacific Halibut Commission
Installation instructions - International Pacific Halibut Commission
International Pacific Halibut Commission IPHC Widgets Widgets are a type of graphical user interface (GUI) that can be used to display information changeable by the user, such as a window or a text box. One of the advantages of a widget is to provide a single interactive tool to manipulate data, specify data inputs, model characteristics and view results. The International Pacific Halibut Commission developed two Widgets (Graphical User Interface) for the 2008 IPHC Biomass Apportionment Workshop held in Bellevue on September 4, 2008. This document describes how to install and use the second release of the widget developed to illustrate the effects of fishing, migration and different apportionment methods on the distribution and status of halibut from IPHC regulatory areas 4A to 2A. This widget version was used during the Biomass Apportionment Workshop II in Seattle on April 29-30, 2009. Installation This widget was developed with Visual Basic for Applications and use Microsoft Excel only to generate output graphs. The only requirement to use them is to have Excel (2003, 2007) installed in your computer. For the widgets to run properly you need to do the following steps: 1) Open Microsoft Office Excel 2) Go to “Tools” > “Options” > “Security” > “Macro Security” and set the security level to “Medium” 3) Close Microsoft Office Excel Now you can install the widget by opening the following installation file: The installation steps are basically the same we used for the widgets on the first apportionment workshop, below it is illustrated the steps for installing the new release. The selected option for the default installation is highlighted. If you have any questions please contact Juan Valero: [email protected] Using IPHC MigFish Widget version 2 To start the widget go to “Start” >> “Programs” >> “IPHC Widgets” and click on the “Migration Fishing Widget” icon. When prompted if you want to use Macros, choose “Enable Macros”. If you are using Excel 2007 and receive a Security Warning, click on the “Options” button and select “Enable this content”. You should see now the following screen, click “Start Widget”. If you press the “Start Widget” button you will load the main user form of the widget which is illustrated in the figure below. The main control components of the widget are: Migration options, Fishing options, Size at age controls and Distribution of recruitment. The underlying dynamics of the simulation model are described in the 2009 RARA: More information can be found in the following widget related presentations and documents: