Wilmington Marinas Planning Study THIRD COMMUNITY WORKSHOP You shared your ideas for the Wilmington marina area… Now join us to view the final Conceptual Design! Thursday – November 4, 2010 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Wilmington Recreation Center (Multipurpose Room) 325 Neptune Avenue, Wilmington EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Spanish translation will be provided For more information please contact Cecilia Moreno (310) 732-7659 This event is brought to you by the Port of Los Angeles working together with the Wilmington Neighborhood Council, Wilmington Waterfront Development Subcommittee, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, Wilmington Boat Owners Association and the Wilmington Marina Operators. Wilmington Marinas Planning Study TERCERA JUNTA COMUNITARIA Compartió sus ideas para la marina de Wilmington… ¡Ahora venga a ver el diseño final para el área! Jueves – 4 de noviembre del 2010 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Wilmington Recreation Center (Multipurpose Room) 325 Neptune Avenue, Wilmington ¡TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS! Para más información, comunicarse con Cecilia Moreno (310) 732-7659 Este evento es patrocinado por el Puerto de Los Ángeles trabajando juntos con el Concilio Vecinal de Wilmington, Cámara de Comercio, Wilmington Waterfront Development Subcomittee, Marina Operators, y la Asociación de Wilmington Boat Owners.