CV - PDF - ary ehrenberg / art lab


CV - PDF - ary ehrenberg / art lab
Ary Ehrenberg
1998 – 2001 Visual Arts College Superior Technician, Centro Morelense de las Artes. Cuernavaca Morelos. 2001 – 2004 2006 Bachelor degree in Visual Arts with speciality in Multimedia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Cuernavaca Morelos. Workshop Arduino, programming and electronics focused on art. Taught by Jaime Villareal. Centro Histórico. México D.F. Workshop max msp and jitter workshop. taught by Ricardo Cortéz. Centro Multimedia México D.F. Workshop Video Dance Creativo. Taught by Hayde Lachino and Mariana Arteaga. CNA México D.F. Collective Exhibitions
2011 Remixing the universe – Audiovisual Performance and video mapping
over screens with 3 dimensions – Presented in the astronomical event
“noche de las estrellas”, Acapulco Guerrero.
2010 Reconecta – Audiovisual installation, presented in alternative fórums to
the COP16, Parque la Ceiba, Playa del Carmen.
Espectro –monochannel video presented within the Tech Noir selection,
at galleria Jesús Gallardo, Within Festival Cervanito, Leon, Guanajuato.
2009 GroundLevel, Performace AV, The Banff Centre, Alberta, CA. Thanks to
the FONCA support Residencias en el extranjero, 2007/2008 emission.
Presented in the LPM (Live Meeting Performace) Jalapa, Veracruz and
within the Festival Arts activities in Bushwick, NY.
Lugar y Espectro, monochannel, presented at the Fotografest Festival
event made within Fotoseptiembre, Casa de la ciencia, Cuernavaca
2008 GroundLevel, Performace AV, The Banff Centre, Alberta, CA. Thanks to
the FONCA support Residencias en el extranjero, 2007/2008 emission.
Presenteda en Bestaspaces, within the Festival Arts activities in
Bushwick, NY.
2007 Código Local (espectro), selection of videos by mexican artists. Presented at the 2005 2004 Muros Museum, Cuernavaca, Morelos. Lugar, monochannel video presented within the video cooperative, as part of the Festival Internacional de Cine Contemporáneo. México, D.F. Presented also withinthe itinerant show CLOSEUP selected by Ángel Delgado. Pasaguero, and presented at the Festival de video STROBE, tarragona, España. VJMX, real-­‐time audiovisual improvisation and manipulation with the participation of Gabriel Acevedo (mecsadroid) within the cycle VJMX. Galería Border, Roma. México D.F Fractal, video dance, (FOECA 2006). Mazatlán, México. Zukarkoton, monochannel video, part of the selection Bisuterias de fantasía, presented within the video cooperative, as part of the Festival Internacional de Cine. Zukarkoton, presentación de video mono canal, presentado en el festival Fotografest evento realizado dentro del marco Fotoseptiembre, Alberca Artes. Name Inc. Real time audiovisual Improvisation and Interaction, Marte Roel y Ary Ehrenberg, Project presentation within the festival Emigra. Museo Muros, Cuernavaca Morelos. Laps y loops, audiovisual improvisation , Antonio Rusek, Marte Roel, Alejandro Velarde, Dhruva Lance, Marco Calderón y Ary Ehrenberg, Galería Albercartes, Cuernavaca, Morelos. Drop, in situ installation, presented at the reinaguration of the Museo Muros, Cuernavaca, Morelos. Suvenir, monochannel video, part of the video selection “Clepsidra” presented at Festival OFFLOOP 04 Barcelona, España, at the festival latinoamericano de artes electrónicas EXPERIMENTA Colombia and the festival Todosonadie, Puebla, México. Joy, contenedor C3, Collective theme improvisation, Magali Lara, Casandra Laginioti and Ary Ehrenberg, Galería e21, Cuernavaca, Morelos. Tiposonora, Clinic and experimental show and sonic improvisation. Espacio Aragón y León #21. Cuernavaca, Morelos. 2003 Chicle y pega, 1st presentation of Prettythings (live art), International MUseum Day ExTeresa Arte ctual. Centro Histórico México D.F. Rastros y raíces inestables, performance and video installation. Jardín Etnobotanico. Cuernavaca, Morelos. Video casting, Prettythings II (arte vivo), xi muestra internacional de performance Fuera de Campo, ExTeresa Arte Actual. Centro histórico México D.F. V.T.V, video installation for the collective show Del pecho al ombligo curatorship by Gustavo Pérez, Jardín Borda, Cuernavaca, Morelos. Circuito, sculpture, participation at the Red Cross auction organized by the group of 16. Polanco, México D.F. Individual Exhibitions
2008 GroundLevel, Performace AV, Developed and presented at The Banff
Centre, Alberta, CA. Gracias al apoyo del FONCA - Residencias en el
estranjero, emission 2007/2008.
2002 Imagen y semejanza. Video installation (audiovisual feedback). Espacio
Aragón y león #21. Cuernavaca Morelos.
2001 Tensión, art object and installation. Galería AnimaLote. Cuernavaca
2000 EN EL BORDE... LA LÍNEA, installation and intervention of space within
a space; Galería del centro causa joven, Cuernavaca, Morelos.
Work Experience 2011 – March Edition Project: Documentary painter Ricardo Martínez de Hoyos Client: Now Media Animation Project: Closing sequence for promo video. Corneto Holanda. Client. The Company, México, D.F Animation Project: Corporative video Seguros AXA. Cliente: Habanero Films, México D.F Animation Project: Closing sequence promo video. Corona Music. Client: The Company. February Projection design Project: Projhections design for specific site. Client: Consejo de ciencia tecnología e innovación del estado de guerrero. Animation. Project: Closing sequence for promo video JB Client: The Company December 2010-­‐ January 2011 Edition. Color correction. Motiongraphics Project: Pilot program Gopro racing. Client: Now Media & Neta Films. November Making Project: “Reconecta” audiovisual installation, with mapping for specific site. As altérnate space to Cop16, ecological park La Ceiba, Playa del Carmen. Art project August – september Assistant editor Project: Co-­‐production Germany – México for the film LightBlau Client: Riviera Maya Films -­‐ Berengar Pfhal Film July VFX Composite Project: Un Paseo a través de la historia Obra de Porfirio (salaXI) Client: IOFilms & INHERM May – June Edition. VFX. Composite Color Correction Project: Un Paseo A través de la historia Danza de la conquista (SalaIII) Client : IOFilms & INHERM March – April Art Co-­‐ Direction Project: Video dance ‘Anatomía de la melancolía’, Project asigned by the EMPAC Institute (Media and Performance Experimental Center, Reinsseler Pholytecnic) Dir. Nuria Fragoso. Art project. 2009 Design and Lighting in architechture and show. Project: 2009 Estudio: NERD Light & Media. Additional Information Software post – FinalCut. After Effects, Color, DVD studio. Software design – Ilustrator, Photoshop, Flash, Sketchbook. Software lighting – Sunlite, Colorkinetics software, Pharos controls. Cameras – HD, HDV, HDVCAM Ary Ehrenberg . [email protected] + 52 -­‐ 5528502196 .