

This is to certify that the Quality Management System of:
Kelpac Medical, A PPC Industries Company
2189 Britannia Blvd.
San Deigo CA 92154
(This certificate is part of a multi site registration refer to certificate 14227 for additional info.)
applicable to:
Extruded tubing components for the Medical Device Industry. Extruded blown film
packaging products for Food, Medical Device and Industrial applications.
Componentes de tubo extruidos para la Industria de Dispositivos Médicos. Productos
de Empaque Extruidos para aplicaciones Alimenticias, Dispositivos Médicos, y
has been assessed and approved by
National Quality Assurance, U.S.A., against the provisions of:
ISO 9001: 2008
For and on behalf of NQA, USA
Certificate Number: 14227/4
EAC Code: 14, 17
Certified Since: October 1, 2012
Valid Until: September 20, 2018
Reissued: September 21, 2015
Cycle Issued: September 21, 2015
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This approval is subject to the company maintaining its system to the required standard, which will be monitored by NQA, USA, 4 Post
Office Square, Acton, MA 01720, an accredited organization under the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board.