Weekly Lesson Planner


Weekly Lesson Planner
Weekly Lesson Planner
Week Beginning:
Sra. Kindlarski
el 21 de abril
Learning Targets
7th Grade Spanish
Class Plan for the Day
Quiz or Test
Monday (lunes) 21/4 I can write a paragraph, beginning
with a topic sentence, describing my
likes and dislikes.
I can qualify my likes and dislikes using
words such as: sometimes, a little, a
lot and not at all.
Tuesday (martes)
I can write a paragraph, beginning
with a topic sentence, describing my
likes and dislikes.
I can qualify my likes and dislikes using
words such as: sometimes, a little, a
lot and not at all.
(miércoles) 23/4
Hagan Ahora - Practice Te gusta question with activities and additional
vocab. Intro. to me, te, le and answering open ended question ¿Qué te
gusta hacer? (using y, pero, tambien). Begin Las Preguntas Activity (AFL).
For Wed. Write a
paragraph describing
your likes and dislikes.
Hagan Ahora - Practice Te gusta question with activities and additional
vocab. Intro. to me, te, le and answering open ended question ¿Qué te
gusta hacer? (using y, pero, tambien). Begin Las Preguntas Activity (AFL).
For Thurs. Write a
paragraph describing
your likes and dislikes.
Hagan Ahora - Peer edit of Me gusta paragraph. (check for completion)
Review of format for Las Preguntas interactive portion. Explain how to
write le gusta paragraph.
Thursday (jueves)
Hagan Ahora - Peer edit of Me gusta paragraph. (check for completion)
Review of format for Las Preguntas interactive portion. Explain how to
write le gusta paragraph.
For Mon. Write a
paragraph describing
the likes and dislikes of
one of your friends
For Tues. Write a
paragraph describing
the likes and dislikes of
one of your friends
Friday (viernes) 25/4
No tienen clases.