Honor the teachers` request for a fair contract


Honor the teachers` request for a fair contract
A strike is possible but teachers would like to avoid a strike.
Teachers have been working since 2012 with an expired contract.
Many class sizes are still too large: 30 plus at Elementary, 40 plus at Secondary.
Hemet teachers want the District to correct overcrowded classrooms within 20
work days. The District wants to keep the 90 work days (or an entire semester)
to lower the number of students in a class.
Hundreds of hours have been spent at the bargaining table and the district has
been unwilling to negotiate on even the simplest of issues.
District Administrators are using the District website to misinform parents
regarding negotiations and to degrade teachers.
Teachers helped the District save millions of dollars by taking furlough days.
When funding increased, Hemet teachers were not reimbursed as in
surrounding Districts.
The District Administrators received pay raises well over 10 % last year and
refuse to offer teachers a fair salary with a cost of living increase.
Due to current working conditions, some teachers have quit their positions here
in Hemet and have gone to other districts to teach. This has left many of your
children throughout the district with long term substitutes.
The district can come back to the negotiating table at any time; they do not
have to wait for fact finding.
We are entering the second semester. How long will the district wait before
putting your children first and settling the contract?
Contact Superintendent Dr. Barry Kayrell or Dr. LaFaye Platter at
951-765-5100 Ext.1000. If you can’t talk to someone, ask to
leave a message. Tell them to stop jeopardizing your child’s
education. Together we can put students first and make Hemet a
haven of excellence!
Honor the teachers’ request for a fair contract
To find out more please visit HTAONLINE.ORG or call (951) 925-8263
 Los profesores han estado trabajando desde 2012 con un contrato vencido.
 Muchos de las clases estan demasiado grandes: 30 estudiatend o más en la escuela
primaria, 40 o más en la secundaria.
 El distrito se niega de tener las clases con menos estudiantes en una manera
 El distrito no ha negociado de buena fe.
 Administradores del distrito están usando el sitio de web del distrito para
desinformar a los padres con respecto a las negociaciones y para degradar a los
 Los maestros ayudaron el distrito ahorrar millones de dólares por tomar días de
descanso. Cuando los fondos aumentaron, los maestros de Hemet no fueron
reembolsados como los otros distritos.
 Los administradores del distrito recibieron aumentos de sueldo más del 10% el año
pasado y se niegan a ofrecerles un salario justo, con un aumento del costo de vida.
 Los maestros son previstos de dar libremente de su tiempo después de horas de
contrato, sin indemnización.
Los maestros del Distrito Escolar de Hemet valoran la educacion de sus
Los maestros no estan en huelga por ahora.
Sin embargo, si la Administración Distrital no resuelve nuestro
contrato, es posible que los maestros se vayan en huelga.
Contacten al Superintendente Dr. Barry Kayrell o Dr. LaFaye Platter al
951-765-5100 Ext.1000. Diganles que dejen de poner en peligro la
educación de su hijo.
Cumplan la petición de los maestros para un contrato justo.