• Not to be eited without prior referenee to the authors International
• Not to be eited without prior referenee to the authors International
• Not to be eited without prior referenee to the authors International Couneil for the Exploration of the Sea C.M. 199/L:87 Biologieal Oeeanography Committee SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION OF ZOOPLANKTON IN CANARY ISLANDS WATERS THE UPPER 200 METRES IN by C. • Gareia-Ramos, J.G. Braun, J.M. Rodriguez and J.E. Instituto Espanol de Oeeanografia Centro Oeeanografieo de Canarias Carretera de San Andres, s/n Santa Cruz de Tenerife Espana Eseanez ABSTRACT Some studies of mesozooplankton have been earried out in the water eolumn between 0 and 200 metres as mueh in global form as in layer fraetions, in order to see the eommunity strueture in its diverse taxonomie groups in two zones of the island of Tenerife situated at the isobath of 1000 metres at an approximate distanee of 5 miles from the eoast. The first station was situated in the North East of Tenerife and the seeond in the South West. • The average values reaehed with regard to no. ind./m3 in the 0-200 .metre water eolumn for the North East zone (San Andres) were 444 ind./m3 and 616 ind./m3 for the South West zone (Los Cristianos), the highest values found was 1326 ind./m3. The study fraetioned in layers whieh was earried out in San Andres showed a highest number of 1844 ind./m3 for the 0-10 metre layer in the month of June. A deerease of no. ind./m3 was always observed with ineresase depth. Copepods eonstituted 69% of the average value followed by fish Eggs and Larvae (10.26%), Appendicularians (6.65%), Chaetognaths (3.20%), Ostraeods (2.46%) and the Siphonophores (2.11%) these being the most representative groups. '., I \ .. . >." ; ~ .. ~ ~ 'f' . '. ',; ,. . .',. .. ~. . i ..... ,.. '". . .- -.~ ~ - . '.'. . INTRODUCTION ~ The geographieal situation of the Canary Islands is of great interest for Oeeanography and Planktologyc in partieular; for diverse reasons,amongst whieh, one of the mostimportant is its aeeess to zones of great depthnot far from the eoast, in whieh different water-masses eoexist whieh allow us to study with great interest the oeeanie eeosystem. We.should also take into aeeount the proximity of the Afriean upwelling, whieh we know has some influenee on eertain areas in our islands. The first studies of plankton in the Afriean-Canaries zone, were earried out through diverse expeditions in the zone, but they were more or less sporadie, and took plaee at the endof the deeade of the sixties.... Works on zooplankton in what we might eall authentie~eanarY,waterswere started byCorral (1970) with taxonomie,works in our superfieial waters, whieh,were followed by others (Corral, 1970,1972 a and b, 1973; Corr~l arid Genieio, 1970; Corral y Pereiro, 1974; Carnero, 1971; Fernandez-Bigler, 1971) and in preliminary studies on eeology,and the importanee of plankton in the food ehain (Oe Leen and Braun, 1973; Braun, 1974, 1976, 1980, 1981; Braun and Real, 1984; Bra~n et al.,. 1985; Hernandez-Leen, 1983,. 1986, 1987, 1988 a" band e ; Hernandez-Leen and Miranda-Rodal, 1987; Hernaridez-L~en et al., 1984; Fernandez de Puelles, 1987; Fernandez de Puelles arid Braun, 1989; Santamaria et al., 1989; Aristegui et al., 1989). n Reeently in the,work earried out by.santamarla et al~ (1989) a eompared analysis was made so as to see,anypossible spatial-temporal variations in the zooplanktonie.eommunity in two zones of the' island of Tenerife: San Andres in the North 'East and Los Cristianos in the South West~ '--- , "'~~t.; I. • ,," ,.' ..~ In the present study we h~ve attempted t~ eompa~e.in t~eie two zones distant from the island of Tenerife, the temporal and spatial variations between both of them with regard to the strueture of the mesozooplanktonie eommunities,samplig the 0-200 metre water eolumn in both zones and with fractioned samples in layers in the San Andres station, together with an analysis of zooplankton biomass. In this paper we present the results of earried out from Mareh to Deeember 1989. aseries of samples , . MATERIAL AND METHODS . zooplankton .was collected. in two zones off the island of Tenerife: San Andres and Los Cristianos. In each one a fixed .' . . ~ •. .. .' \ ' ,. .> . 11. • Page 3 station was established at the 1000 metre"proflle aböut 5 .milE!s from the eoast. ,The geographieal situation in the San Andres station beirig 28° .30' N and 16° 06' Wand 28° 03' N and 16° 47' W for Los _Cristiarios 1 • catehirigswere al~ays made at ade~th.of over 250 m~tres. ,A totalof 41,samples were taken, 11 of whleh eorresponded to .. the eomplete eolumn (0-200 metres ) and 30, to the eolumri (0-250m) fractioned in layers (0-10m); (O-SOm); (25~75m); (50-100m); (75~125m); (100-150m); (125-175m) i (150-250m). ' < . , , The zooplankton was samples using a WP-2 standart net (UNESCO, 1968) . with a mesh of 200 F (for this reason this net, is designed for the eapture of,mesozooplankton) and a net mouth of 0.25 squares metres; the ealculted effieieney of .this net ~s 94% (UNESCO,op. eit.). The samples were eaught be mea~s of,verical fishing with an approximate duration of 10 minutes,for the~ascent of the eomplete level (0":,,,200 metres).Once on board the captures were eonserved in 5% formol neutralized with borax. , ,e I~ ~, Parallel to ,the works on zooplanktonic fishing hydrologieal data were eolleeted using 8 .litre Niskin bottles. equipped with ~eversing thermometers to determine the, temperature" salinit~, oiygen,. nutrient~ and. chloro~hyl~ at,depthsof~O, 25, 50, 75, 100,.125, 150 and 200 metres, as well as oblique eaptures of zooplanktonusing. thi Bongo net with meshes of 335 p and 250 p for the study of ichthyoplankton. Onee in the laboratory eäch sample was ehanged fröm the eonservation bottle to a 200 p mesh so as to remove the formol~ This was then divided into aseries of aliquotes with the Folson, two of~hieh wereplaced, independently in .a Petri dish for reeounting zooplankton. Subsequently; with . the numerical data obtained,.and by means of the Horwood and Dri~er~mithod (1976) the total number of individuals of each taxonomie group present in the wh6le of the sampling was determined in ~o. ind~/m3. • wlth regard to the studies of biomass, once the, corresporiding aliquotes had. been read using an este~oseopicimierciseopei thiy were plaeed together so, as to proeeed to the determination of the wet weight, after passing through a sieve of 200 p and having had the intersti tial.water extraeted using fil tet- paper. . The sample was subsequently weighed on.a Sartoritis analytiealjeali,with a preeision of 0.1 mg. Once the sample had beenweighed, it was put into an Heraeus sto~e at 60°C for 24 hours so .as to determine the dry weight after leaving the sample to eool down in a drier for 30 minutes following Lovegrove method (1966); The biomass da ta are expressed in.wet weight and dryweight in mg/m3, in % of dry weight and in mg dry weightjindividual. ------------------- Page 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The zooplankton community was constitued in the f~llowing groups: Copepods, . . Euphausiids larvae . Fish eggsand larvae Appendicularians Chaetognaths Siphonophores Ostracods Salps arid Doliolids Cladocerans Hydromedusae • Pteropods " Gastropd larvae. Foraminifera and Radiolarians Decapods larvae polychaete larvae Ctenophores Amphipods Cirripedes larvae Echinoderm larvae In the global study of the 0-200 metre water column a se ries of graphs has been made up (Fig. 1) in.an attecipt to see the spatial and temporal variation in the two Island zones and also to compare the total number of individua1s throughout the period of study with surface chlorophyll. The abundance of the different zooplanktonic groups has beeri expressed,in relative frequencies and all,the"organisms which did not go over 1% were inclued,in the various section . (Table land Fig., 2). Gr~phs have, alsobeen made up (Fig. , 3 arid.4) to see the temporal variation expressed in relative frequencies in the groups of Copepods, Fish,eggs and larvae of the two zones as well as the total number of ind./m3. With reference to the,water column fratloned in ,layers a graph has been made up to see the variation of the abundance with regard to depth (Fig. 6). . • ~-" Iri San Andres' the ,most abundant group wa·s·-aIw~ys. th~t: -~f'~ "the Copepods. whose relative frequencyoscilates between 84% and 64%, April being the month with the highest,value and June the lowest due to the increase in Fish eggs in this same morith (22%)~ In Los Cristianos thecopepods presented values between, 84% ,for the month, of September and 31% for the month of June, this increase also coincided, wi th a". great number of.. Fish, eggs reaching, on this occasion,almost 51%. The lowest values of Fish eg9s and,larvaecorresponded to the month of March. with 1% in. the San Andres station and less than 2% in March and April in the LosCristianos station. The Copepods have, had an average value of zooplankton individuals for both iones of 69%; a value which.co!ncides with values.listed by Mingoran6e (1983) 64% and Santamarla et al~ (1989) 69%. .. .. v; .. - -""-"-' ... . ......... _ ...... -... ." iI -:.. .... :'....~.. '. ~. .~ . .' . Page 5 follow in order of importance are the were, ~resen~ ,in,all the sa~ples~exce~t those 1n the month of september, when they were not observed, being, generallyspeaking, somewhat more. abundant in Los Cristianos than in San Andres. The highest value corresponded to Los Cristianos, about 13% in the month of March and 12% towards the end of November in the San Andres zone, .data which correspond to the value listed by Hernandez-Leon (1988a) with an average value for the whole period of 6.65%. The Chaetognaths ,and Siphonophores oscillated between 1% and 6%, the former being more a~undant and with no clear spatial~temporal, variation being observed.More information about Chaetognaths can,be found in the works 'of Hernandez (1983, 1985 a and b, . 1986, 1987); Hernandez and Lozano (1984); The Ostracods were ariother 'relatively iciportant ,grou~. ,They were present in all the. months that were studied except in,the month of June in San Andres, when theywere absent. Their values ,remained low, around1% from March to september with a notable increase between 4% and8% in the months of November andDecember and with no significant differences existing in their abundance in either zone. Their average value of 2.46% iS"very close to that. obtained. by Fernandez de Puelles (1986) 3%. The Salps andthe Dolio1ids were found in the months of June, November and December; thelatter being much more abundant. Their maximun values were close to 2% for the month of June, which consequently led to, '. together wi th the increase in Fish eggs and la~vae,. a notable drop in the proportion of Copepodsi a phenomenon which was also observed by Santamaria et ale (1989). Gastropd larvae were present during the whole periodof study, reaching values .close to 3% in Los Cristianos in the morith of November, which also ocurred with the Pteropd~ in the same ,zone, and ~ith a relatively similar frequency being observed in ,both groups. Their average values never went above 1.5%. Foraminifera and Radiolarians had maximum values of around 2% in April and December and in the rest of the months that were sampled around 1%. Hydromedusae were. alijays present with percentages under 1% in the~month ofMarch in San Andres when this figure,was slight1y . exceeded •. The ."Decapods larvae were practically a1ways found in small percentages under 1% except in the month. of June in Los Cristianos when they reached 2%. The Cladocerans were only found in oursamples in June in both zones off the island and in Los Cristianos towards the endof November; their maximum value was obtained June in San Andres; nevertheless,they,presented insignificant values with regard to the zooplankton community. The groups which Append~cularians whi~h. • .. in Wi th regard to the .,nuIl'lber of iridividuals per uni t cif volum a maximum volume of, 1326. '. ind~/m3' was reached in the 0-200 metre water ,Column for the Southern zone of Tenerife and 918 ind;/m3 in the ,North,East of Tenerife~ These values corresponded,to the month of March and 332 and 145 ind./m3 respectilvely were the minimum ~values for.the month of December; .The average value ,for San,Andres,was 444 ind./m3 and 616 ind./m3 for the Southern region,of Tenerife, these values being congruent with those found by other authors in the islands (Table 11). .. -.-.~..... . . ...... Page 6 The maximum dry weight values in mg/m3 corresponded tci the .month of march in both zones with 4~7 mg/m3 for Sari Andres and 10.3 mg/m3 for Los.Cristianos~. The lowest ,value, was obtairied .towards the end of the year 1;71.mg/m3 in the Souther zone of Tenerife; The average individual dry weight value found by us was 5;33 pg/ind. ,,(ranging . between ,.5 "and.8 pg/ind.), appreciably lower quantities than those given by Fernandez de Puelles (1986); (8-18 pg/ind~). santamaria et ale (1989) lists for Tenerife waters a range between 6-10 pg/ind; with referenci t~. the month~, .of January, February and May and Hernandez~Leon (1988a) gives average va1ues of 13 pg/ind~ • with regard to the distribution of mesozooplankton fractions in layers between 0 and 250metres, their study was carriedout in the months of June, September, November and December, but onlyin the San Andres station. Althoügh data about biomass arid communi ty structure exist in the different layers, in the present work we only want tomakesome general observations which are as follows: The number cif individuals was greater in O~lO metre layer with a maximum value of 1844 ind;/m3 in the morith of June~ due to the great abundan~e of, fish-eggs and with a. Copepod percentage of only 19%~ The lowest number öf individuals,for this superficial surface was fourid towards the end of november with 322 ind;/m3. It can he observed how the number of animals decreases withdepth (Fig. 6). This is very.similar, up to 200 metres, to that described by Hopkins (1982) in Mexican Gulf waters. Generally speaking Copepods maintained similar per~entages in all the layers,equiva~ent or close to the measure cf 69% in the 0-200 metre water column. Up to now we have observed,any clear differences either in the batimetric distribution ~ith regard to the. relative abundarice,of the different taxonomicalgroups or in the structure of the mesozooplanktonic community; but as already mentioned, differences have been obeserved with regard to the total number of ind./m3which implies that sometimes some of the groups present in the sampIes are not found. Cladocerans were only abundant in the month of June in the 0-10 metre and 0-50 metres layers with respective.values of 7% and 2;5%, practically disappearing as from100 metres, this being_the case where a batimetric. distribution was c1early. seen. Appendicularians and Chaetognaths maintained their relative frequencies., in ,a similar way and,were fotind in nearly ill ~h! layers. Pteropods were somewhat more abundant at ,depths above the first 100 metres. Decapods larvae were distributed in a small percentage regulary throughout the whole water ,column. Foraminiferä were more or less absent in the months of June and September arid were relatively abundant in all the layers in .... - ..... .,~ -.. ...., ~ .' Page 7 November and December. Biomass da ta expressed in dry weight were, aswas to be supposed, higher in. the upper layers (0-10 metres; 0-50 metres) givin~ an average value of 2.92 mg/m3 and 0.48 mg/m3 as . an average value for the 150-250 metre layer. The highest individuals dry weights appeared in the deeper layers with a range of between 11 and 19 pg/ind. and the lowest values in the 0-10 metre layer with 3 and 7 pg/ind. CONCLUSIONS • Results obtained in what is referred to as no. ind./m3 are very close to those found by other authors for the Canary Islands, with figures approaching the values given by Le Borgne (1977) in the Ecuatorial Atlantic • During the period of study the average number of animals ~y m3 was found to be somewhat higher in Los Cristianos than ~n San Andres, but with both of them showing values quite close to 500 ind./m3. The abundance of the no. "ind./m3 clearly decreases with depth. The zooplankton community consisted of 21 groups. Copepods were the most abundant in the 2 Island zoneswith a relative frequency which coincides with Santamaria et ale (1989) of 69%. • Eggs and fish larvae were always more abundant in the upper layers reaching values of 66% in the month of June for the 0-10 layer in San Andres. Appendicularians continued in importance, being in general slightly more abundant in the South West of Tenerife except in the month of November in San Andres when their percentage reached 12%~ Ostracods and Chaetognaths 'were values of 2% "and 3% respectively. always present with average Siphonophores were also present in the community with maximum values being reached in the months of November and December to Page 8 the order of 3 and 6%. Salps and Doliolids were very scarce groups and were only present in June, November and December, the latter forming practically all of the group. Cladocerans were notoriously abundant in the month of June but they did not appear in March, April, September or December. In this month, June, they bloomed in superficial layers reeaching a relative frequency of 7% . The rest of the percentages. zoological groups were present in very low Absolute abundancy presented a maximum of 10.3 mg/m3 in Los Cristianos in the month of March in dry weight and an average va1ue of 3.49 mg/m3 during the whole of the period of study. • Page 9 Table 1.- Explication of Fig. 2. Copepods Fish eggs and larvae Appendicularians Chaetognaths Siphonophores 0- Ostracods m- Hydromedusae d- Salps and Doliolids ktgufbpv- Ca haq" s- Table 11.- Number 1slands waters. e Zone NE S NE SW NE S NE SW • of organisms Cladocerans Pteropods Gastropd larvae Euphausiids larvae Foraminifera and Radiolarians Decapods larvae polychaete larvae Various of mesozooplankton 253 420 1314 760 282 553 444 616 Table 111.- Mesozooplanktonic Cristianos stations Month Station March March April April June June Sept. Sept. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. S.Andres L.Cristianos S.Andres L.Cristianos S.Andres L.Cristianos S.Andres L.Cristianos S.Andres L.Cristianos S.Andres L. Cristianos Canary Author no. ind./m3 Tenerife Tenerife Tenerife Tenerife Tenerife Gran Canaria Tenerife Tenerife in Braun (1981) Mingorance (1983) Santamarta (1984) Santamaria (1984) Fernandez de Puelles (1986) Hernandez-Leon (1988a) Present work Present work biomass Wet weight mg/m3 in San Dry weight % mg/m3 Andres and mg dry weight/ind. 44.3 85.1 20.2 28.4 39.2 46.9 4.7 10.3 2.5 3.6 2.9 10.6 12.1 12.5 12.7 7.4 0.005 0.008 0.008 0.005 0.005 20.0 14.2 18.1 2.1 1.7 1.8 10.7 12.3 9.9 0.008 0.007 0.005 17.3 1.7 10.0 0.005 Los no. ind./m3 918 1326 304 691 608 708 217 276 246 366 145 332 ,.....---------------------------------- 1600 --- - - \\ 0.35 1200 0.30 z 1000 0.2S ~ " 800 C> 80 ~ 70 ...o . CIl 60 ~ SO ~ S ::: 0.20 u o : Ol Z 8. -- O.SO 1400 ~ --- 600 .,~ 400 0.10 200 o u .. '" :> 40 30 Ul 20 O.OS -...,..__,~.....~....,..__,~.......,......,.--. .O o Month. MAMJJASON M A M J J K7-2 10 -2001l\.layerl. ______. : WP-2 looplankton.-(San Anorel Station). ASO .N. 0 Mont.h. (0 - 20011\. llyerl. Sin Andre. Station.- Z,ooplankton.-(Loa Cri&tiano. Station). LOI er11tianos Stat10nw _ . _ •• : hrhce Chlorophyll.-ISan lindre. Stltion). _ ••••••••••••• : Surhce Chlorophyll.-(Lo. Cr1,Ulno. StaUon). FIG. 3.- F1G. 1.- ..; 60 1200 oe > SO " 1000 ~ Q z oe ..,onu Ol ~ E 40 800 CIl 30 Q üi ... ...0 600 0 400 C> 200 .'" 20 u 10 z --~ ......... " o MAMJJAS N o Month. M A ------: -. M o J Sin lIndr . . Station. ------: San Anares Station. LOI Cri.tiano. Station. ----; Los Cristianos Station. FlG. 5 .- FIG. 4 .- SOO 0 10 100e 1S00 , I 2S SO ~ ~ K WP _ 2.- (0-200m. llyerl WP- 2.- (0 - 200m. layerl 7S 100 125 150 Jure 89. sept.89. 17S lOv. 89. _._.- : Dec. 89. 200 Fie;. 6. - VEl<TIo.L 01S'l"JJ...no; a 110 N:IlW.S I m3 • a MESOZOOF1JIIC'lU; lIi "l1iE: lJPPER 200 BI. CE 'l1lI: SAN ANDRES =1Cti DI 1989. D Montt.. 80 t 8(, , • SM~ , e , , 70 70 60 Dece!tler. NcMr.t:ler • March. 50 50 50 achqlllbglv 50 SO ach ... mg achqokv chqgofv , 0 achqsgopv f v 80 60 50 50 FIG. 2.- (XHUUTr chqav a chqdbtv S'l'R.croRE IN SM NOQ!S »I) December. Noverber. SeptElTber • achqgtlfuv , Ia; CJUS'l'WQ; (0 - 200 •• Layer.) achqatgofev achqstgofv S'lM'ICNS.- (m.A1'IVE f'REO,JOCIES). • Page 12 REFERENCES: ARISTEGUI, J~, S. HERNANDEZ LEON, M. GOMEZ, L. MEDINA, A. OJEDA & S. TORRES. (1989). Influenee of the north trade winds on the biomass and produetion of neritie plankton around Gran Canaria island. In: Topies in Marine Biology. Ros, J~D. (ed.). Seient. Mar. 53. (1974)~ filtraeio~ del BRAUN, J.G. . Inst. Esp. Estudio preliminar sobre el grado. de zooplaneton en aguas de Canarias. Bol . Oeeanogr. N° 178. BRAUN, J.G. (1976). Produetividad marina (relaeiones trofieas entre las eomunidades fito y zooplanetonicas). Tesis Doetoral. uriiv. La Laguna. 285 pp. .e BRAUN, J.G. (1980). Estudios de produeeion .en agu~s de las Islas Canarias. I. 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