Frania Mendivil, un chef con mucha promesa
Frania Mendivil, un chef con mucha promesa
38 YEARS of Publication 1976 - 2014 1976 2010 Vol. XXXVIII No. 27 Voting Rights Still “Under Siege,” Says New Coalition for Redistricting Reform By Anna Challet NEW AMERICA MEDIA One year after the Shelby County v. Holder Supreme Court decision, which weakened protections for minority voters under the Voting Rights Act, a group of civil rights and democracy organizations has come together to fight back through redistricting reform. “Redistricting is not just about drawing maps, it’s about whose voice counts in our democracy,” says Marcia Johnson-Blanco, the co-director of the Voting Rights Project at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, one of the groups in the coalition. “At a time when voting rights are under siege, and the Supreme Court has nullified one of the most important provisions of the Voting Rights Act which gave communities of color a voice and a stake in the issues that govern our country, it’s now important for us to work together to push back.” Johnson-Blanco spoke at a press conference last week where coalition members including the Lawyers’ Committee, Common Cause, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) presented a set of 10 principles that they hope will serve as a framework for future redistricting across the country. States redraw their district lines every 10 years, when new census data on population changes becomes available, in order to ensure that citizens are able to choose their representatives fairly. The coalition currently includes 16 organizations and hopes to expand, with a plan of working with communities to advocate to legislatures and local redistricting commissions to turn the principles into adopted policies in advance of the next round of redistricting, following the 2020 census. The principles emphasize continued compliance with the federal Voting Rights Act, which provides protections for voters of color in electing candidates of their choice. “There is an active effort by political parties and political operatives to manipulate our elections and manipulate the way that district lines are drawn in order to preserve their own power and, in a lot of ways, to prevent up and coming communities of color from participating in that seat of democracy,” said Kathay Feng, the national redistricting director at Common Cause, which lobbies for accountable government. Carl Hum, the vice president of policy and programs at Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC), spoke about the detrimental effect of the Shelby decision, which “effectively struck down Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act” that required certain states with a history of discriminatory practices “to pre-clear their redistricting plans and other electoral processes with the Department of Justice.” In the ruling last June, Chief Justice John Roberts argued that the historically discriminatory practices in the states subject to the pre-approval provision (which were mostly states in the South) were no longer a reality, so the provision was no longer necessary. Since then, several of the (See Reform, page 7) La Prensa Muñoz, Inc. Publications JULY 3, 2014 Fiesta del Sol 2014: the perfect balance of entertainment and social justice By Pablo J. Sáinz One of the largest communitybased festivals in San Diego will once again bring entertainment and a variety of resources to Barrio Logan. Fiesta del Sol 2014 takes place on Saturday and Sunday, July 12 and 13, on Logan Avenue, between César Chávez and 26th St., in Barrio Logan. The event is in its ninth year and organizers expect more than 30,000 visitors during the two-day festival. Just like when it was founded in 2006, Fiesta del Sol continues to be a family-oriented, alcohol and tobacco-free event that offers something for everyone. “One of the goals of the festival is to create that diverse environment where we all can find something of interest,” said festival coordinator Marilyn Armenta. “It is not targeting one specific group. It is a festival for all ages and ethnic groups.” The entertainment part of the festival is highlighted this year by NASA’s Destination Station, an interactive, multimedia exhibition that’s traveling around the country that makes its only San Diego stop at Fiesta del Sol. The exhibition includes opportunities to touch a Moon rock brought back in 1972 aboard Apollo 17, the last time astronauts landed on the Moon. Visitors will also be able to take pictures in a life-sized space suit. On Saturday, there will be what’s being promoted as San Diego’s largest zumba call out in the county. Also, children can enjoy a lucha libre show, with some of the most popular luchadores from Oddity Wrestling Alliance, considered the “premier lucha libre promotion in San Diego.” “You will see the very best you’ve ever seen in the area in years,” said José Alaniz, from Oddity Wrestling Alliance. “I am very confident to state that you will see some of the best talent in the world” of lucha libre. The festival also includes a large roster of local musical talents, from norteño and sonidero, to rock en español and pop. “We continue to be a showcase for local talents,” Armenta said. “These are bands, singers, that don’t have a label, a manager, behind them. We give them the opportunity no one else gives them.” The music side is topped by Angel Lopez, former singer of pop band Son By Four. Since it was founded, Fiesta del Sol has always been a perfect balance between entertainment and social issues, where people can have fun while finding help for their problems, whether it is immigration, health, or education. This time it is no different. At Fiesta del Sol you can find solutions to your issues, said Christina Gonzales, executive director for Justice Overcoming Boundaries, the organization behind the festival. “People describe it as a resource fair,” she said. “Here, you can find information on immigration issues, on affordable housing, on health care, on education opportunities. These are resources that maybe you didn’t know existed but are very close to your community.” One of the most popular areas in Fiesta del Sol is The Civic Participation Pavilion, which features civil, and Fiesta del Sol will showcase a large roster of local musical talents, from norteño and sonidero, to rock en español and pop on the main stage. It was an exciting summer day for Genevieve Muñoz who spent a morning with the San Diego State Aztec football team, at their annual football camp. The morning started out with a pep talk from coach, Rocky Long, followed by a 2 hours skills training. The highlight of the day was her chance to get an autograph from the players. (see Fiesta, page 3) Frania Mendivil, un chef con mucha promesa Por Juliana Rico Frania Mendivil ha sido ganadora de la medalla de oro de la federación culinaria Americana. A participado como miembro del equipo de Estados Unidos en el gran premio internacional Patisserie, para la Coupe du Monde en Francia y el gran premio de Patisserie en Tokio, Japón. Mendivil también concursó en programa Food Network “Ace of Cakes” donde le fue muy bien durante la competencia. La vida de la chef Frania no ha sido fácil pero como ella dice “con el trabajo”, le ha permitido que en su corta edad haya alcanzado más premios que la mayoría de los chefs no logran en toda su carrera culinaria. Actualmente Mendivil se encuentra ejerciendo la posición como chef pastelera ejecutivo en Pechanga Resort & Casino. La historia detrás de un buen chef Frania nació en Sonora, México. Ella creció trabajando en la panadería de su familia y decidió venir a los Estados Unidos para perseguir su pasión por la pastelería. Con muchos sueños se inscribió en la Escuela del Condado de Orange de Artes Culinarias y se graduó en 1999. La chef Frania ha diseñado postres de algunos de los premios más famosos de Hollywood como la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Oscars Nominaciones Luncheon, y Fiesta Pre-Grammy de la Academia de Grabación. Uno de los retos más importantes durante su carrera culinaria fue cuando trabajaba en Beverly Hills Hilton Resort, en donde Mendivil tomó el papel como Chef pastelero ejecutivo de los Golden Globes del 2010. La Chef contó para la prensa San Diego que tuvo que crear un menú para 8000 personas y el menú no era para clientes regulares, eran celebridades los que iban a probar sus platos. La Prensa San Diego se sentó hablar con Frania Mendivil y la chef nos contó un poco de su vida y lo que no puede faltar en su cocina. LP: Para ti qué es lo mas importante en la creación de un postre? Chef Frania: Lo que yo busco como chef es jugar con el paladar de las personas. Utilizo mucho las frutas y los chocolates para la creación de mis postres y me gusta mesclar diferentes sabores. LP: Qué ha sido lo más difícil en tu carrera como chef? Frania: Crear el menú para los Golden Globe Awards número 67 en el 2010. LP: Qué consejos les das a los nuevos chefs que están empezando en la carrera culinaria? Frania: Trabajar duro, tener mucha pasión por la profesión que ejerces. LP: Cuál es tu mejor recuerdo en la cocina? Frania: Mi mejor recuerdo en la cocina es haber concursado por los Estados Unidos en Japón y Francia. LP: Cuál es tu aroma favorito en la cocina? Frania: El olor de las almendras, de las galletas horneadas apenas salidos del horno, eso me recuerda mi familia en México cuando hacíamos galletas juntos. Frania Mendivil nació en Sonora, México y a su corta edad ha alcanzado más La chef Frania Mendivil es un premios la mayoría de los chefs logran en toda su vida. ejemplo más que con trabajo duro y dedicación los sueños se pueden en Temecula California. Durante su hacer bicicleta y surfing junto a su lograr. En la actualidad la chef vive tiempo libre ella disfruta caminatas, hija. Marcha Histórica por una Deuda Histórica: los ex braceros y la prolongación de su problemática vea página 2 PAGE 2 JULY 3, 2014 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO Marcha Histórica por una Deuda Histórica: los ex braceros y la La Invasión prolongación de su problemática Infantil MÉXICO DEL NORTE Por Jorge Mújica Murias Abel Astorga Morales De pronto, como de la nada, el mundo descubrió que Estados Unidos está siendo invadido por peligrosísimos inmigrantes disfrazados de niños entre 5 y 17 años. Cincuenta y dos mil, según cifras de la Migra, de estos peligrosísimos sujetos han sido arrestados en la frontera este año, y se espera que lleguen a ser 90 mil para finales de año. Sin duda es un complot. Ya que los adultos deportados no despiertan la compasión de las autoridades gringas, los migrantes están mandando niños a la frontera. ¡Pero no se saldrán con la suya! El presidente que ha deportado a 2 millones de adultos acaba de pedir de emergencia al Congreso permiso para evitar la invasión. El urgente pedido consiste en autorizar a Barack Obama a brincarse las leyes contra el tráfico laboral aprobadas hace 10 años, que establecen que los niños de países que no tienen frontera con Estados Unidos, como Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador, deben ser entrevistados por un agente de control migratorio y no pueden ser detenidos por más de 72 horas antes de ser transferidos a la Oficina de Asentamiento de Refugiados, parte del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos. Servicios Humanos debe actuar “en el mejor interés del niño”, frase que a veces es hueca y no sirve de mucho, pero que por ningún motivo podría significar la deportación. Hasta donde la lógica se puede aplicar en estos casos, ningún niño podría beneficiarse de una deportación. La consecuencia natural sería enviar al menor con familiares en el país, a un orfanato, o con una familia tutelar o adoptiva. Con lenguaje contradictorio, Obama pide al Congreso autoridad inmediata para brincarse la ley para “aliviar una crisis humanitaria” y deportar a todos los niños. Meterlos en lo que prácticamente son campos de concentración, donde solamente tienen una frazada para dormir en el suelo no basta. Hay que deshacerse de ellos. Su petición de deportarlos antes de que tengan chance de ver a un juez y solicitar reunirse con sus familiares en Estados Unidos parece seguir la línea que le marcó la “próxima presidenta” del país, Hillary Clinton, quien Han trascurrido más de diez meses ya, desde que diversos grupos de ex braceros anunciaron el inicio la “Marcha Histórica por una Deuda Histórica”, a desarrollarse principalmente en Estados Unidos. A finales de agosto del año 2013, miles de ex migrantes partieron simultáneamente de Los Angeles y la Ciudad de México, con destino a Washington y Nueva York, con el objeto de iniciar esta Marcha y con ella promover una serie de iniciativas que tienen como finalidad lograr que se les pague a los ex braceros. A tal grado a llegado la inconformidad de los viejos ex migrantes tanto en México como en Estados Unidos, que día con día se incrementa el repertorio de movilizaciones utilizado para defender sus derechos, y buscar la restitución de los ahorros que les fueron descontados mientras trabajaron en el Programa Bracero. El principal grupo promotor de la Marcha, es la Alianza de Ex Braceros del Norte, 1942/ 1964, coordinada por Rosa Martha Zárate Macías. Dicha movilización, al igual que otras realizadas en el último par de años por los ex braceros, fue producto de la inconformidad que causaran las disposiciones del nuevo ejecutivo federal mexicano. Ciertamente, desde el año 2006 se pusieron en marcha los pagos de 38 mil pesos otorgados por el Fideicomiso de apoyo social. Dichos pagos se llevaron en un contexto dominado por la insuficiencia de presupuestos aprobados, la lentitud de las entregas, y por otro lado, las inconformidades de diversos grupos de ex braceros, que no dudaron en manifestarse ante las acciones del gobierno que -ellos consideraban- iban en detrimento de sus derechos. Pero ninguna acción resultó tan negativa para ellos, como la realizada por el nuevo Immigrants or Refugees? FRONTERA NORTESUR In the media barrage over the “flood” of Central American children arriving along the United States’ southern border, the refuge-seekers have been typically labeled as “illegal immigrants” by many media outlets. Under the heading “Life for illegal immigrants at FLETC,” a story posted this week on New Mexico news source KOB re-played the dominant news frame as it reported on conditions at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, where hundreds of Central American children will be detained. “It’s like an upscale hotel in there,” New Mexico state Representative Candy Spence Ezzell (R-Chaves) was quoted, adding that the children would be supplied with toys, television, “three square meals at day,” medical attention, and education. Roswell Mayor Dennis Kintigh questioned security at the southeastern New Mexico facility, noting that it boasted only a chain link fence with no barbed wire. “It’s just not a real barrier to people who have come this far,” Kintigh said. But Central American migrant advocates have a diametrically opposed take on the crisis, contending that the children on the U.S. border should be considered not as immigrants but refugees meriting international treatment standards, which does not generally include detaining children, (Vea Invasión, página 7) according to Human Rights Watch. In a lengthy statement isLa Prensa San Diego 651-C Third Avenue sued this week, members of the Chula Vista, CA 91910 Mesoamerican Migrant MovePh: (619) 425-7400 ment (MMM) demanded that Fax: (619) 425-7402 a refugee crisis be declared, and Email: [email protected] Web Site: that the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees take the appropriate emergency measures. The MMM cited field evidence its collaborators have been documenting since the last trimester of 2013, when migrant advocates noticed a change in Founded: December 1, 1976 San Diego, California the urgency of Central Americans crossing Mexico en route Founder: to the United States. Daniel L. Muñoz By February, the crisis was boiling, as more and more unPublisher/Editor: accompanied minors and woDaniel H. Muñoz, Jr. men with children younger than La Prensa San Diego was adjudicated a 12 years of age were undernewspaper of general circulation for the City and County of San Diego, Fourth Judicial District taking the dangerous trek of the Municipal Court of San Diego. File north, according to the MMM. #4137435 of May 9, 1978. In another unusual developPress releases, photos, and advertisements are ment, larger groups of people accepted. Submit by mail, fax or email. La Prensa San Diego reserves the right to accept from ethnic communities like the Garifunas of Central America’s or reject material sent. Caribbean Coast have begun La Prensa San Diego showing up along the migrant is a wholly owned subsidary of La Prensa Muñoz, Inc. route, the group said. ISSN 07389183 According to the MMM, the “LA 72” migrant shelter in Tenosique, Tabasco, which is located near Mexico’s southern border, housed 6,192 people from January 1 to May 31 of this year. Of the overall client roll, 1,000 were women with children and 800 unaccompanied minors. MMM activist Ruben Figueroa reported that 70 percent of the migrants interviewed mentioned experiencing death threats, extortion or the death of at least one family at the hands of gangs or “narcos” back in their homeland. “(Organized crime) charges for everything, for selling in the street, and it charges all businesses alike-big, medium or small,” the MMM stated. “Extortion is so generalized that it includes the charging of a fee to people who have family members in the U.S.” Honduras, which has been rated as the country with the highest homicide rate in the world, stands out in the “ships of horrors,” as Central America scholar Dr. Dana Frank describes the order of things in some of the Central American nations. In addition to crime, corruption and violence, politicallymotivated repression against journalists, activists and opponents of the U.S.-backed government is rampant. An estimated 88 peasant activists have been murdered in the Lower Aguan Valley alone. “We are facing a phenomenon of forced expulsion in which the actors don’t migrate for traditional reasons in search of better opportunities or family reunification,” the MMM asserted. The migrant activists further contended that the refugee crisis was the product of a “lethal mix” of U.S. border security policies, militarization and “unsustainable economic models” that have dismantled governments and “pushed the governance of peoples to the limit.” Building up over a long period, the spike in the number of Central Americans pushing northward is increasingly a regional issue involving numerous states and governments. In Mexico City, about 100 people staged protests this week outside the consulates of Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. Amnesty International joined Father Alejandro Solalinde and other migrant advocates in criticizing a lack of support from Central American consular staff for their citizens passing through Mexican territory. The protesters also blasted Mexican de (See Refugees, page 7) gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto, cuando dejando ver su poco criterio e interés por resolver esta problemática, se excluyó a las partidas pre- Marcha Historica supuestales para el pago a ex festaciones los ex migrantes braceros, del Presupuesto de lograron aún en 2005 durante Egresos 2013 y del de 2014. el mandato de Vicente Fox, y Es decir, la ley del apoyo so(Vea Braceros, página 7) cial que gracias a sus mani- LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO World War II Act by Mexican Diplomat Deserves Recognition and Respect By Andy Porras He lived to be past 100 years. His diplomatic skills saved thousands of Jewish lives. And he died on a Fourth of July. He was a Mexican. Who was he? If nothing special is on tap for your Fourth of July fiesta this year, why not celebrate the life of one Gilberto Bosquez Saldivar, who lived for 103 years and passed on July 4,1995. Many of us may have learned in history that during World War II, the Jewish economy had collapsed or was in ruin as part of the Nazi-Germany’s “Aryanization” policy. Human suffering was a worst story as the Nazis encouraged racial riots then moved on to larger mass killings followed by sending millions of Jewish victims to gas chambers. A good number of people in the free world may know of the heroic and humanitarian deeds of one Oskar Schindler, an ethnic German industrialist who is credited with saving the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust. Few of us, however, recognize Saldivar’s name, whom some some called “the Mexican Schindler.” Perhaps a misnomer, for Saldivar was responsible for securing safe passage for more than 40,000 Jews. Forty-thousand, it’s not a typo. In sheer numbers alone, Saldivar’s list is much longer than Schindler’s. Of course both men deserve the global community’s appreciation, but thus far only one of them has been rightfully celebrated. It is known that Schindler became a dedicated man and allegedly turned his life around after being an opportunist and seemingly motivated mainly by profit. The asylum seekers saved by Schindler during the Holocaust were employed in his enamelware and ammunitions factories, which were located in what is now Poland and the Czech Republic respectively. In 1982, he was the subject of the novel, Schindler’s Ark, and the subsequent 1993 film, Schindler’s List. Saldivar, who was born in a remote mountain village, owned no factories. However, as a young man he begin to show an interest in serving society and assisted citizens with their rights and organized the First National Pedagogy Congress, later becoming involved in the Mexican Revolution. From there he went on to become a journalist prior to his election as a state legislator and later a senator. While serving as a diplomat in France, he had to abandon his Paris office and set-up his operation in Marseilles, where he obtained two chateaux to house European Jews and other refugees, including leaders of the Spanish Republic, who were defeated in the Spanish Civil War by the fascist forces of Francisco Franco who were seeking to escape Hitler’s war machine. As the German threat begin to affect much of Europe, Saldivar instructed his consulate office staff to approve immigration documents for those wishing to flee. It was then his staff processed the astonishing number of visas and even chartered several ships to transport the refugees to JULY 3, 2014 PAGE 3 4th of July Celebrations Here is a list of 4th of July celebrations, spectacular fireworks shows, and places to watch the fireworks in San Diego. fireworks show, live bands, a video tribute, sun, surf, patriotism and Esprit de Corps all in one day at the 4th of July Beach Bash! San Diego Annual Big Bay Boom July 4 Fireworks Show Location: Multiple Locations along San Diego Bay Time: 9:00 PM Take in the largest display in the county, with fireworks launched from four barges strategically placed around North San Diego Bay, they can be seen from Shelter Island, Harbor Island, the Embarcadero area and Seaport Village/Coronado Landing. Music from 105.7 "The Walrus" FM radio. Sea to Shining Sea 4th of July Firework Location: SeaWorld Time: Fireworks at 10:10 PM SeaWorld San Diego is excited to light up the sky with an amazing fireworks extravaganza to celebrate the 4th of July. Ocean Beach Location: Ocean Beach Pier at the end of Newport Ave. Time: 9:00 PM Spend the day picnicking, swimming in the ocean, walking and playing in the sand and shopping along Newport Ave, then enjoy a spectacular fireworks show launched from the OB Pier. North County Inland Independence Day Celebration Location: Grape Day Park, 321 North Broadway, Escondido Time: Starts at 4:00 PM, Fireworks at 9:00 PM Pack a picnic, and grab a blanket to enjoy an afternoon full of music, food, kid-friendly activities, contests and fireworks with the 1st Marine Division Band. Grand Tradition July 4th Location: Grand Tradition, 1602 South Mission Road, Fallbrook Time: Starts at 4:00 PM, Fireworks at 8:45 PM Enjoy a day of live entertainment, dancing, kid friendly activities, Quack-Up Suck Race, Rubber Raft Regatta, food and drink, and fireworks! Tickets include admission and tickets which can be used for food, beverages and activities. Mira Mesa Fourth of July Celebration Location: Mira Mesa Community Park Time: Fireworks at 9:00 PM Come early for the parade and family friendly activities and stay late for the fireworks. An Old Fashioned Fourth of July and Fireworks Location: Poway High School Stadium, 15500 Espola Road, Poway Time: 7:00 to 10:00 PM Following the Poway OldFashioned Fourth of July celebration at Old Poway Park (10:00 AM to 4:00 PM), head to Poway High School for music, more food, glow sticks and fireworks. Rancho Bernardo's The Spirit of the Fourth Location: Webb Park Time: 7:00 AM to 9:30 PM It's a whole day of fun in Rancho Bernardo with a pancake breakfast; a festival with food, music and games; a parade; and fireworks! San Marcos 4th of July Celebration Location: Bradley Park, Rancho Sante Fe Road and Linda Vista Drive, San Marcos Time: 6:00 to 9:00 PM Carnival games, jumpers, food and fireworks! Independence Day Celebration: Honor our Heroes, Celebrate our Freedom Location: Moonlight Amphitheatre, 1200 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista Time: 5:00 to 9:00 PM Celebrate Independence Day Vista Style with live music, the Light up the Night Dinner and fireworks. Coronado 4th of July Celebration in Coronado Location: Various Locations on Coronado Time: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Celebrate the 4th of July in the Crown City with a parade down Orange Avenue at 10:00 am, a concert in Spreckels Park at 4:00 PM and fireworks over Glorietta Bay at 9:00 PM. North County Coastal San Diego County Fair 4th of July Celebration Location: Del Mar Fairgrounds - 2260 Jimmy Durante Boulevard, Del Mar Time: Starts at 9:30 AM, Fireworks at 9:00 PM Start off the day at the Fair with a patriotic opening ceremony at 9:30 AM, then enjoy the Hometown Heroes Parade at 7:00 PM, a concert provided by the Navy Band Southwest followed by a spectacular fireworks display. Red, White and BOOM! Location: LEGOLAND California - One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad Time: Fireworks at 8:30 PM Take the whole family and spend the day enjoying over 60 rides, shows and attractions along with some allAmerican picnic games like burlap races and water-balloon tosses and then top it off with an awe-inspiring fireworks display set to patriotic music. Oceanside Fireworks Show Location: El Corazon Site at Rancho Del Oro Road Date: July 3, 2014 Time: 6:00 to 10:00 PM Bring a beach chair and enjoy Oceanside Fireworks Show with music by El Camino High School and Oceanside High School bands along with bites from amazing food trucks. Camp Pendelton Beach Bash Location: Del Mar Beach on Camp Pendelton Military members and their families enjoy an explosive (see Respect, page 9) East County El Cajon 4th of July Picnic and Fireworks Location: Kennedy Park 1675 East Madison Avenue Time: 12:00 to 10:00 PM Enjoy a picnic in sunny San Diego East County and stay for a spectacular fireworks show. Ramona Rotary Community Fireworks and Family Picnic Location: Olive Pierce Middle School - 1521 Hanson Lane, Ramona Time: 5:30 to 10:00 PM Join the Romana Kiwanis and Rotary clubs for food, fun and fireworks. Santee Salutes Location: Town Center Com- munity Park East, 550 Park Center Drive, Santee Time: 3:30 to 9:30 PM Rock out with 80z All Stars playing hits from the 80s, a patriotic ceremony by the HMH-462 Color Guard, inflatable zone, food trucks and fireworks. South Bay National City's 4th of July Carnival Location: Kimball Park - D Ave & E 12th St, National City, CA 91950 Dates: July 2-6, 2014 The National City Host Lions Club invite you to cel- ebrate the 4th of July with a weekend long carnival complete with rides, games, food, fun and fireworks on the 4th of July at 9:00 PM! Please note, firework displays and events are subject to change and cancellation. 9th Annual City Heights Giant Puppet Parade Celebration At 8:15 am Tuesday, July 8, 2014, San Diego Guild of Puppetry lead artist, Felix Diaz’s whistle will blow, the drum group from Monroe Clark Middle School will set the beat, and rank upon rank of 6th graders will set out on a spirited march to their feeder elementary, Rosa Parks, in the 9th annual, “Welcome to Middle School” parade. Students will parade with masks, giant puppets and banners that they have created, and as the middle schoolers approach the elementary playground, they will be joined by Rosa Parks’ graduating 5th graders, bearing the masks that they created. After parading before the entire school population, the procession, now close to 600 students strong, will march together back to Monroe Clark, marking the passage to middle school, in a larger than life celebration. Funding for the original parade in 2006 came from an Arts and Culture Community Impact grant from The San Diego Foundation, with additional and continuing funding every year from A-I-S grants from the California Arts Coun- FIESTA (con’t from page 1) human rights information, citizenship application information and assistance, legal non-profit resources, voter registration, and Comprehensive Immigration Reform information and advocacy opportunities. “It is a one-stop shop for all the social needs,” Armenta cil, a state agency, the NEA, a federal agency, the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, and the Dr. Seuss Foundation. This support has kept the parade going and growing into a magical, annual event that celebrates student transition to middle school. Mentoring the process, the San Diego Guild of Puppetry, is hard at work to make giant puppet parade pageantry an important element in the San Diego community at large. Other public, multi-community giant puppet parades have included those at Theatre of the World Festivals at SDSU, ocean and dragon themed parades at the Museum of Art, a number of Dia de los Muertos Celebrations, and parades along downtown San Diego’s waterfront. Lynne Jennings, Guild Executive Director, explains: “Giant puppetry, by its very size, inspires awe. It builds stronger communities, as individuals become part of a committed team effort. It engenders the realization that working together, people can effect powerful and positive change. It invites participants and spectators of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds to join hands in celebration!” Everyone is invited to come and cheer. The parade route will start at the Monroe Clark Middle School field, go east on Myrtle and north on 45th to Rosa Parks, circle the elementary school playground and then retrace the route back to the middle school. said. “Our festival is not only a place where you go to have fun: You also learn of new ways to improve your family’s life.” Fiesta del Sol is put together by an army of loyal volunteers that every year spends several months planning and managing the festival. “Our volunteers believe in Fiesta del Sol because they see the good it brings to the com- munity,” Armenta said. Organized by the nonprofit Justice Overcoming Boundaries-San Diego, Fiesta del SolSan Diego is modeled after Fiesta del Sol-Chicago. Fiesta del Sol 2014 will be on Saturday July 12th and Sunday July 13th, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on both days on Historic Logan Ave., between César Chávez and 26th St., in San Diego. HOMEOWNERS, DEDUZCAN EL PAGO DE SU MORTGAGE YA!!! LAS PROPIEDADES HAN SUBIDO DE VALOR, ESTO SIGNIFICA QUE SU PROPIEDAD TIENE EQUITY Y SI USTED ESTA PAGANDO MORTGAGE INSURANCE, ESTE ES EL MOMENTO PARA DEDUCIR ESE PAGO DE SU PRESTAMO, LLAMEME Y LE INFORMARE QUE HACER. MARILU ORTIZ (619) 254-2857 NMLS ID 1163117 PAGE 4 JULY 3, 2014 Survivors of Human Trafficking Foundation Virginia was abducted in Guadalajara, Mexico By Maria Reyna Survivors of Human Trafficking Foundation Virginia Isaias and her daughter were abducted on the streets of Guadalajara, Mexico. She was sold into prostitution. She tried to escape three times but each time was caught and beaten. For three years she was a victim of Human Trafficking. She finally escaped and was reunited with her daughter. I met Virginia through a good friend; I was struck by her positive attitude. She is a Phenomenal Woman. She is the Founder of Survivors of Human Trafficking Foundation in Santa Ana, Ca. She provides, shelter, food, clothing and other services to survivors of Human Trafficking. As well as rescuing victims. And providing services to victims of domestic violence her goal is to end violence and human trafficking. Virginia gives her all to the Foundation and to helping people. Breaking the Silence: Mission to assist all persons who are or have been victims of human trafficking in the areas of…Woman’s rights advocacy and education. Teenage sexuality and youth Violence, Legal counseling, Asylum and immigration, relocation and witness Protection, individual therapy and family counseling, Community Support from other victims. Personal life training, employment and special integration. Who we serve: Human Trafficking is a complex and multifaceted issue that is not always sexual and does not exclusively affect women, although the United Nations reports that 2.4 million people world wide are exploited as victims of sexual or labor exploitation and that 80% of them are women, such estimates are underrepresented of the actual numbers and demographics. Thus, while our main demographic tends to be women Fundacion de Sobrevivientes de Trafico Humano believes in maintaining an open criteria impartial to sexual orientation gender class or disability. Objectives: FSTH seeks too create a space of dialogue & empowerment for victims of Human Trafficking, Mobilize against the silencing of women under repressed minority populations. Advocate Grassroots Trafficking prevention; establish community outreach projects, Host conferences, workshops and working groups to help raise awareness of violence. Create a dialogue be- tween the university and communities afflicted by trafficking. To establish a center for clinical and social research into issues of sexual abuse, forced labor and other modes of corporal exploitation. Who we are: We are a Foundation that advocates public awareness of modern modes of Human slavery as well as a democratically engaged community activism and social responsibility towards exposing and mitigating the effects of violence against silenced persons, both domestically and internationally. In its diverse forms as a non profit organization. We believe that essential services should be made available to the most vulnerable and economically disadvantaged sectors of our communities. Which is why we have established relations with professionals in our communities in providing medical psychological legal and education services. We are also open to new and innovative projects and encourage grassroots and initiatives and creativity. For more information or to get involved contact Survivors of Human Trafficking Foundation/ Fundacion de Sobrevivientes del Trafico Humano, Reprinted from Scared Straight Into Eating Smart When a DNA test reveals evidence of the gene that leads to Alzheimer’s, cooking for the brain seems the intelligent choice By Nonny de la Peña As soon as I got the DNA kit, I ripped it open and starting spitting into the provided test tubes. It was unexpected swag from an Autodesk event I had been invited to attend. I had done a lot of research into how genes can affect an individual’s reaction to prescription drugs for one of my documentary films, so I was keen to know my own personal profile. Was I susceptible to any particular pharmaceuticals? Was I a slow or fast metabolizer? And then there was also the fun of connecting with possible relatives around the world. But when I received the results a few weeks later and logged onto the website, I was given a somewhat terrifying option – do you want to know if you have the APOE gene that is associated with Alzheimer’s? My paternal grandmother suffered the affliction which had taken over her life sometime after she turned eighty. By 86, the descent was complete and we mostly blamed it on the fact that she was a lifetime smoker, despite her otherwise quite vigorous and healthy lifestyle. Well, I have never been one for holding back. Click. And, yep, there it was, an ugly positive. “The official name of this gene is “apolipoprotein E.” Sounds more like a child’s treat than a terrifying genetic curse. My parents have both passed eighty and neither is showing signs of dementia. In fact my father, suffering a number of physical ailments, is still as sharp and sarcastic as ever. Still, that only offers a limited amount of comfort because the gene is associated with late-onset Alzheimer’s and right now, preventions in standard medicine practices are nonexistent. So it was with great interest I learned about Perla Kaliman’s work on using diet to promote brain health. Kaliman holds a PhD in biochemistry and she has conducted her scientific research at places like the University of California, University Barcelona, University of Nice and University of Buenos Aires. Currently, she works at the Spanish Na- tional Research Council Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Barcelona. Admittedly, I met Professor Kaliman in an unusual way. I was wearing a special motion capture suit, connected to a robot in Barcelona. The robot was acting as an extension of myself, my literal body, so that I could interview Professor Kaliman. When I spoke, the jaw of the robot moved and my audio came out of its mouth. I could reach my hand out to shake her hand, and its eyes blinked, giving me a sense of presence in the room. The main reason I was *there* however, was to interview Professor Kaliman on what I could use to promote a healthy brain beyond the standard prescription of crossword puzzles and exercise. According to Professor Kaliman, the brain begins losing mass and memory at around 40 years of age and while the last century’s improvements has extended life expectancy more than 30 years, advances in brain care have not kept up. As Kaliman points out, the degeneration of cells in the central nervous system leads to a host of illnesses. She says, “More than 35 million people worldwide live with some form of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease being the most common. By the year 2050 it is expected the number of people with dementia will rise to 114 million.” Gulp. How can I dodge what now seems an inevitable bullet? Please don’t cringe if I call it a “no-brainer moment,” but it was something that seems so obvious yet came surprisingly late. Just four years ago, Nature decided to devote a supplemental issue to “nutrigenomics,” a new avenue of science on how nutrition and gene expression – whether a gene is turned on or kept silent – might be linked. Nutrigenomics studies range from why we may like certain foods or why someone may be more susceptible to an onset of Alzheimer’s if they eat a fatty diet, which has been Kaliman’s main concern. Her work focuses on how particular nutrients can be obtained from food to maintain good brain health and whether avoiding others can be equally beneficial. The strategy, she says, “is to eat foods daily which provide neuroprotective factors. Our objective is to put you on the forefront of neuroscientific knowledge so you can begin cooking for your brain and well being.” I have never been one for vitamin chomping, juice cleansing or extreme herbal remedies so I approach Kaliman with some reticence. However, as she shows the foods she has laid out before me, they are simple and delicious. Fresh blueberries and strawberries, ginger and mint. Of course, I can’t really drink the smoothie she calls an “intelligence cocktail” given that I am speaking to her through my robot body, but I have memory enough of such flavors to know that her suggestions will be tasty and refreshing. Could staying mentally agile be so simple? Kaliman thinks so. She collaborated with Spanish chef Miguel Aguilar to produce an elegant book, Cocina Para Tu Mente (Cooking for Your Mind) both as a way to explain the basics of brain neurotransmitters and to offer specific recommendations for diet. The book also includes a lovely array of simple recipes that go way beyond the lovely smoothie that she has made for my metallic doppelganger to witness. Perhaps not surprisingly, the culinary offerings reveal a definite Spanish influence including a bacalao and purple potato dish, garlic soup and a cream of walnut dessert. I don’t expect you to wait around to see how this story turns out, but I can tell you that as I write this, I am popping blueberries in my mouth and there was definitely some extra ginger in last night’s dinner. I’ll be back on my rollerblades later today. And, just in case, I will break open one of the crossword puzzles that I have neglected of late. Nonny de la Peña is a pioneer of Immersive Journalism, a groundbreaking brand of nonfiction that offers fully immersive experiences of the news using virtual reality gaming platforms, Nonny combines communication and technology skills with her lengthy career as a reporter. LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO LA COLUMNA VERTEBRAL El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos Por Luisa Fernanda Montero El cigarrillo no solo mata, también tortura “De algo tiene que morirse uno”, esa es una expresión popular entre fumadores. Y es claro que es así; es más, todos nos vamos a morir, esa es la gran certeza universal. Pero lo que ciertos acérrimos fumadores tal vez no piensan es en el gran dolor que antecede al final, cuando decidimos matarnos lentamente atados a un mísero cigarro. Las consecuencias del hábito de fumar en la salud del adicto son prácticamente innumerables; y hay para todos los gustos, desde la famosa tos del fumador, pasando por el aliento a cenicero, hasta la perdida de los dientes causada por las enfermedades de las encías o los infames dolores del cáncer. Pero en eso no se piensa, cuando de gozar del infame se trata. El consumo de cigarrillo sigue siendo la causa principal de muertes prevenibles en Estados Unidos. Fumar mata a más de 480 mil personas en este país cada año. La única solución para este mal es no fumar. Si fuma, lo de dejarlo es urgente. Los efectos del cigarrillo en el organismo son inmediatos y el dolor, a la postre, es real, y eso es lo que busca reflejar la última campaña de Los Centros de Control de Enfermedades. Felicita, por ejemplo, es una de las mujeres que da su testimonio en el marco de la campaña. Ella tiene poco más de 50 años, pero hace mucho que perdió toda su dentadura. Tendrá que vivir por el resto de su vida con el dolor de no tener dientes. En un escueto videoclip realizado para la campaña, Felicita se abre para mostrar cómo es vivir sin dientes, cómo es vivir torturada y como es saber que deberá vivir así hasta su último día. “A través de los años, el cigarrillo fue consumiendo mis encías, fue consumiendo los huesos de mis dientes y eso es algo de lo que nunca me di cuenta”, dice una mujer que decidió empezar a fumar a la edad de 13 años. Pero, es por lo menos curioso saber que a esa edad, ella compartió con su madre que se había iniciado en el hábito. Su madre, entonces, fue enfática: “Puedes hacerlo, si lo puedes solventar”. ¿Qué hubiera sido de Felicita si su madre hubiera sido un poco, solo un poco, más consiente y hubiese encausado a su hija por un camino menos escabroso cuando aún era tiempo? El mensaje es claro, debemos hacer lo que esté a nuestro alcance para que nuestros hijos y los jóvenes a nuestro Luisa Fernanda Montero alrededor se mantengan alejados de este vicio. Si somos nosotros los que hemos caído en las redes de humo de este encantador de incautos, debemos saber que nunca es tarde para detenernos. Dejar de fumar es posible. Muchos lo hemos logrado y usted no tiene porqué ser la excepción. Y si, de algo tendremos que morir, pero no es lo mismo morir satisfechos y tranquilos tras una sana vejez, que morir en medio del dolor y el sufrimiento, atados a un tanque de oxígeno, sin tráquea o sin voz o sin lengua por los desafueros de la enfermedad. Existe ayuda, pero recuerde siempre su mejor opción es usted mismo; usted puede decidir que su calidad de vida, su futuro y su vida valen mucho más que un efímero y engañoso momento de placer. El cigarrillo no solo mata, también tortura. LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO JULY 3, 2014 PAGE 5 Film Review: DOCUMENTED is an emotional journey that Participarán 14 Talentos Bajacalifornianos en la OSIM puts a face and feelings to the immigration issue Jose Antonio Vargas attends a Mitt Romney presidential campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa By Zachary Sorgalla LATINALISTA I’m not afraid to admit it; I love getting my fix of ridiculous Hollywood action movies with explosions and fast cars, but sometimes it’s refreshing to watch a good documentary because they offer a glimpse of reality that you often can’t find in a Hollywood blockbuster. DOCUMENTED, a new film that debute on CNN, June 29, looks into the issues surrounding the heated issue of immigration in America. Instead of simply looking at facts and numbers, DOCUMENTED takes you on an emotional journey through the life of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas. While trying to cover a topic like immigration in 90 minutes is certainly no easy task, DOCUMENTED’s biggest strength is putting a real face to the issue. One of the most compelling ideas throughout the movie is the idea of the power of wording. One of Vargas’ campaigns is to get people to think about what it means to be an American; is it merely a title on pa- per, or is it something greater than that? Vargas explains early in the film that he was brought to America from the Philippines when he was 12, and he considers himself an American more than anything else. Even the title itself is “a film by an undocumented American” as opposed to “a film by an illegal immigrant.” Even though Vargas and others like him consider themselves Americans, there’s no pathway for them to gain citizenship. At one point in the movie, Vargas attended a Mitt Romney campaign rally with a sign identifying himself as undocumented. An elderly couple confronted him and suggested he just get his papers, but when Vargas explained that there was no process for him to follow, they – along with myself – were left speechless and confused. This wasn’t the only part of the movie that was especially eye-opening. Vargas explained how he was living in two closets when he was in high school – he was in the closet about his sexuality and his immigration status. He came out as gay during high school, which was long before he openly spoke about his immigration status. Vargas says he first came out as gay because it was easier to be gay than undocumented. It says a lot about our immigration system when someone thinks it’s easier to come out as gay in a decade that still frowned upon homosexuality. Most importantly, however, there are some common misconceptions about immigrants that the film addresses that are especially enlightening. It’s obvious that not all immigrants are Hispanic, but I think most people instantly think of the stereotypical Mexican day laborer when talking about undocumented immigrants. The film makes an especially good point showing that undocumented immigrants of all races and nationalities consider America as their home. When Vargas met up with many different undocumented immigrants to do a cover for TIME Magazine, we saw people from Asia, Europe, and Central and South America. Personally, I would have liked to have seen more about these other people’s stories, but I think the time constraint was the biggest factor that kept us from learning more. Overall though, DOCUMENTED is a new documentary that tells an emotionallycharged story that was definitely worth watching. Freelance contributor Zachary Sorgalla, from Katy, Texas, is a broadcast journalism student at University of Houston. Fiesta del Sol 2014: el balance perfecto de entretenimiento y justicia social Por Pablo J. Sáinz Uno de los festivales comunitarios más grandes en San Diego una vez más traerá entretenimiento y una variedad de recursos a Barrio Logan. Fiesta del Sol 2014 tendrá lugar el sábado y domingo, 12 y 13 de julio, sobre la Logan Avenue, entre César Chávez y 26th St., en Barrio Logan. El evento está en su noveno año y los organizadores esperan más de 30 mil visitantes durante los dos días. Tal como cuando fue fundado en 2006, Fiesta del Sol continua siendo un evento libre de alcohol y tabaco enfocado en la familia que ofrece algo para todos. “Una de las metas del festival es crear un ambiente diverso donde todos podemos encontrar algo de interés”, dijo la coordinadora del festival, Marilyn Armenta. “No se trata nada más de un grupo. Es un festival para todas las edades y grupos étnicos”. En la parte de entretenimiento este año sobresale NASA’s Destination Station, una exhibición interactiva que viaja por el país y hará su única parada en San Diego durante Fiesta del Sol. La exhibición incluye oportunidades de tocar una piedra lunar que fue traída en 1972 a bordo de Apollo 17, la última vez que los astronautas aterrizaron en la Luna. Los visitantes también podrán tomarse fotos en trajes espaciales. El sábado habrá lo que se promueve como el evento más grande de zumba en el Condado de San Diego. También los niños podrán disfrutar de un show de lucha libre, con algunos de los luchadores más populares de Oddity Wrestling Alliance, considerada una de las asociaciones de lucha libre más grandes de San Diego. “Podrán ver lo mejor que han visto en el área en años”, dijo José Alaniz, de Oddity Wrestling Alliance. “Estoy seguro que verán algo de los mejores talentos en el mundo” de la lucha libre. El festival también incluye un gran número de músicos locales, desde norteño y sonidero hasta rock y pop en español. “Continuamos siendo una plataforma para talentos locales”, dijo Armenta. “Estas bandas, cantantes, que no tienen una disquera, que no tienen un manager detrás de ellos. Les damos la oportunidad que nadie más les da”. La parte musical tendrá la presentación de Ángel López, antiguo vocalista del grupo de pop Son By Four. Desde su fundación, la Fiesta del Sol siempre ha sido un perfecto equilibrio entre los temas sociales y entretenimiento, donde la gente puede divertirse al mismo tiempo que encuentra ayuda para sus problemas, ya sean de inmigración, de salud o de educación. Esta vez no es diferente. En Fiesta del Sol puedes encontrar soluciones a tus problemas, dijo Christina Gonzales, directora ejecutiva de Justice Overcoming Boundaries, la organización detrás del festival. “La gente lo describe como una feria de recursos”, dijo. “Aquí, puedes encontrar información en temas de inmigración, en vivienda a bajo costo, en cuidado médico, en oportunidades educativas. Estos son recursos que quizá ni siquiera sabías que existían pero que están muy cercanos a tu comunidad”. Una de las áreas más populares en Fiesta del Sol es el Civic Participation Pavilion, que ofrece información sobre derechos humanos, asistencia con la ciudadanía, recursos legales, registro de votantes, así como datos sobre la reforma migratoria. “Puedes encontrar toda la información para las necesidades sociales”, dijo Armenta. “Nuestro festival no solo es un lugar donde vas a divertirte: también conoces nuevas maneras de mejorar la vida de tu familia”. Fiesta del Sol es coordinada por un ejército de voluntarios leales que cada año pasan varios meses planeando el festival. “Nuestros voluntarios creen en Fiesta del Sol porque ven el bien que trae a la comunidad”, dijo Armenta. Organizado por la organización Justice Overcoming Boundaries San Diego, Fiesta del Sol San Diego fue inspirada por la Fiesta del Sol-Chicago. Fiesta del Sol 2013 será el sábado 12 de julio y domingo 13 de julio de 11 am a 7 pm los dos días sobre la histórica Logan Ave., entre César Chávez y la 26, en San Diego. Ottmar y Joshua Mastashi de Tijuana, jóvenes violinistas invitados por la OSIM Por: Paco Zavala Durante la gira nacional 2014 de la Orquesta Sinfónica Infantil y Juvenil de México (OSIM), participarán 14 becarios jóvenes provenientes del Programa Talentos Artísticos: Valores de Baja California Ellos son: Jesús Medina Corrales (violín I), Uriel Garnica Medina (violín II), Ricardo Rico Rojas (viola), Roberto Medina Corrales (corno), Sergio Contreras Gutiérrez (Contrabajo) y Alejandra Stoopignan García (percusiones), todos ellos son los músicos más sobresalientes de la Orquesta Sinfónica Red Río Nuevo establecida en Mexicali. Además: Joshua Mastachi Mendoza (violín I), Yeriel García Romero y Ottmar Mastachi Mendoza (violín II), Gabriel García Gutiérrez (viola), Yared García Romero (violoncello), Alfonso Sánchez Betanzo (flauta), Tania Ojeda Méndez (fagot) y Rubén Bañuelos Preciado (percusiones), estos son los músicos más sobresalientes de las Orquestas Redes 2025 del Centro de Artes Musicales, establecidas en Tijuana. Manuel Felipe Bejarano Giacomán, Director General del Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, dijo que estos 14 jóvenes músicos representarán a Baja California durante la gira de conciertos de la OSIM para este 2014. Estos 14 pequeños músicos serán acreedores a una beca con talleres de restauración de instrumentos, clases magistrales, además del acceso a profesores especializados de cada uno de los instrumentos sinfónicos, en el campamento intensivo de estudio a realizarse durante el presente mes de julio. Talentos Artísticos: Valores de Baja California, comparte con gusto esta noticia, la Coordinadora Estatal del Programa, agregó que este evento es resultado del seguimiento que se ha dado a sus becarios a través de clases individuales, clases magistrales y parti- PHONE: 619-993-5778 FAX: 619-286-2231 cipaciones nacionales e internacionales adicionales a las actividades que llevan a cabo en sus correspondientes orquestas. En otra nota, el pasado domingo 29 de junio en el Monumento a Cuautémoc, en la Zona del Río, se rindió un homenaje a Cuitláhuac, para celebrar un aniversario más de la noche victoriosa. El Movimiento Ideológico de la Mexicanidad y Grupo de Danza Azteca Izcalli Xiuhtecuhtli, circularon una cordial invitación a la participación de este evento. La celebración inició con la entrega de ofrendas florales y danzas aztecas, así informaron Bernardina Green, Fundadora del Movimiento Ideológico de la Mexicanidad y Oscar Rodríguez “Cimnatl” Jefe de la Danza Azteca en conferencia de prensa en el ICBC. “El 30 de junio de 1520 trascendió en nuestro Calendario Cívico Nacional, durante 494 años (1520-2014) como la “Noche triste” negándonos los mexicanos durante generaciones a conmemorar esta fecha, como noche victoriosa de Cuitláhuac de acuerdo a la verdad histórica”. Finalmente se logró la aceptación de grupos políticos, pueblo de México y su movimiento de la mexicanidad aceptarlo y hoy día lo celebramos. En otra nota complementaria, se hace un llamado a la ciudadanía tijuanense a unirse a la participación de las celebraciones por el 125 Aniversario de la Fundación de Tijuana. Un total de 77 actividades a lo largo de 31 días, forman parte de las actividades de celebración por el 125 Aniversario de Tijuana coordinadas por el Ayuntamiento de Tijuana a través del Instituto Municipal de Arte y Cultura (IMAC), con la misión de rescatar su historia y fortalecer la identidad de la ciudad, al tiempo que se ofrece un calendario de eventos artísticos y culturales para la ciudadanía. Como lo señaló en conferencia de prensa la presidenta del Patronado del DIF Tijuana, la Señora Elia Manjares de Astiazarán, el común denominador de estas actividades es el talento local que ha posicionado a Tijuana, como una capital cultural con la participación de figuras tales como: Syrak Baloyan, María Juncal y César Olguín, Los Moonlights, Real de Catorce entre otros. “Este año las festividades están encaminadas a celebrar con tijuanenses para los tijuanenses. Esta es la visión del Dr. Astiazarán, el Presidente Municipal de la ciudad, ha hecho además mucho énfasis en impulsar el deporte, la cultura, los valores y la educación, que sean ejes para que la ciudad pueda trascender”, así lo comento Jesús Flores Campbell, Director del IMAC. Para concluir, en el marco del 125 Aniversario de la ciudad de Tijuana, el IMAC, el pasado 1 de julio se presentó en concierto especial el Grupo Cuatro para Tango, que celebra 10 años de existencia. El evento contó con la presencia del extraordinario bandoneonista argentino César Olguín, Director de la Orquesta Mexicana de Tango, como invitado especial de Cuatro para Tango para este concierto, el cual se llevó a cabo en la Casa de la Cultura Altamira. LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO DIGITAL FORMAT / danielmunoz33 PAGE 6 JULY 3, 2014 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO The Supreme Court, Superintendent Brand, and the World Cup I t was a tumultuous week starting with two significant Supreme Court decisions, Superintendent Brand of Sweetwater High School District begin released from his job, and of course the loss by both the United States and Mexico in the World Cup! This week marked the final week of the Supreme Court’s session before their summer break. During the week, the Court made two rulings: the Hobby Lobby ruling and the Harris v. Quinn ruling. The conservative-majority Court’s decision on these two cases were both conservative in nature. A couple of years ago the Supreme Court ruled that corporations had the same rights as people do when it comes to free speech. The Court declared that corporations’ rights to free speech were being denied when campaign contributions to Political Action Committees were limited. The idea that corporations have the same rights as people was further applied in the Hobby Lobby ruling. The Hobby Lobby case was about a corporation not paying for contraceptive-related coverage under Obamacare, based on the religious beliefs of the owners. This marks the first time that the Supreme Court has allowed companies the ability to declare a religious belief. This is a blow to woman’s rights, where their personal healthcare choices can now be limited, based on another’s rights. The second Supreme case ruled on this past week was the Harris v Quinn case. The court ruled that requiring home health-care workers in Illinois to pay union dues violated the workers’ First Amendment rights. In essence the court stated that home health care workers, while paid by the State via Medicaid dollars, were hired as “personal assistants” by a family, and as such were exempt from being forced to pay union dues. At the heart of the argument was that some home-care workers disagreed with the political action of the union. Although those workers had the right to opt out of payments going toward politics, the court found that requiring those union workers to pay any dues at all violated their Free Speech. In 2013, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich had unionized the home-care workers via executive order, thus forcing all workers to pay union dues. Prior to this the workers had the option of joining the union, and if a worker did not join they still enjoyed the benefits of the union, including pay raises and health benefits. The Supreme Court could have made a broad stroke with this ruling by simply stating all public unions could not request “fair-share fees” or “agency fees”, but instead limited the scope of the ruling to exempt a new category of worker, the “partial public employee.” Because these workers are paid by the government but hired, fired, and managed by individual clients they are neither fully of the public sphere, nor fully of the private, but are now considered a new, unprotected, class of workers. Though limited in scope this ruling will have long term ramifications for unions moving forward. On June 30 Sweetwater Union High School District Board terminated the contract of Ed Brand. He will be paid his full contract until October 1, but as of July 3 he is out of office. This is the final clean sweep for a school district that has been topsy-turvy for several years now. Dr. Brand had led the parade with several questionable deals such as his oncampus association with a private college. What can you say about the World Cup, so far, as it continues down the road to a champion? Both the United States and Mexico national teams made it to the round of 16, the 16 best teams in the world, only to get bounced out yet again. The United States played admirably in the round-robin round, finishing second to the German team and moving on to the next round. In the round of 16, U.S. fans were shown the difference between an excellent team, Belgium, and an up-an-coming team like the United States. The Belgians clearly outplayed the U.S. team, but the United States played with heart and gumption and goalie Tim Howard was extraordinary. It was exciting to the very end. We will do better the next time around. For the Mexican team it was a different story. Mexico outplayed the Netherlands for close to 90 minutes giving up the tying goal in the 89th minute and the winning goal in extra time. The winning goal came on a questionable penalty in the box that afforded the Netherlands to take the shot on goal. It was a heartbreaking defeat for the Mexican team and their fans. The game should have gone to overtime with the players deciding the outcome without unwarranted referee interference. Que lastima! THE PUBLIC FORUM ... EL FORO PÚBLICO... Sweetwater Board of Trustees: As a parent and community member I am calling on you today to immediately reverse your decision on Monday June 30, 2014 to approve a 10-20 year lease for new district office space at 860 Harold Place, Chula Vista. I do not believe that an interim board should be making these types of long-term decisions. In addition your public comments lead me to believe that you do not fully understand what you approved. Your comments indicated that your actions were temporary and did not obligate the new board to purchase this property; however, district staff then corrected you to explain that you are obligating the district to use this space as district facilities for at least 10 years. It is clear that the community and public have concerns about this location. However, they have not been afforded an opportunity to voice those concerns and be heard. This action was taken in closed session without a public vetting or input. This does not demonstrate the respectful, collaborative, and transparent actions the community expects. This decision requires a full, public, and collaborative conversation. It should also be the decision of elected board members representative of our community. I am calling on you today to immediately reverse the previous action taken. Thank you, Chris Shilling Chula Vista Migrant Kids, could have been me: As I watch the news regarding the processing of groups of migrant kids from Central America I couldn’t help but notice my resemblance at that age. It dawned on me that could be me given the situation and circumstances that led to this historic human exodus (52,000). Truth be told, we’ve all been there before.. desperation, confusion, misinformed, preyed upon, and abused in one form or another. I asked myself would the response to this be different if these kids were white? Then I realized that we don’t have a say as to what color of skin we are born into or our economic status. As a Christian I feel “all eyes are on us.” Our government intervention and the handling of this matter will be monitored world-wide. Let our spiritual principles reflect this. Consequences are coming soon enough. Let us remember kids are people too! I believe life guarantees a chance, not a fair shake, such as is the case here. Cesar Q. Lopez Chula Vista Obama: Soluciones para una doble crisis Por Maribel Hastings profesionales o quieren servir en las Fuerzas Armadas del único país que conocen; jóvenes que, en muchos casos, sólo hablan inglés. Y mientras la Cámara Baja ha claudicado efectivamente de su responsabilidad de legislar no sólo en inmigración sino en otros asuntos, la reacción de Boehner es anunciar que planifican demandar legalmente al presidente Obama por girar órdenes ejecutivas, como la de DACA, de asuntos que el Congreso no avanza. La crisis de la frontera se recrudece cuando se presionaba a la Cámara Baja de mayoría republicana para presentar y debatir un plan de reforma migratoria amplia. El año pasado, desde el 27 de junio de 2013 cuando el Senado aprobó el proyecto de reforma S. 744, el liderazgo republicano ofreció todo tipo de excusas para justificar la inacción, dejando el reloj correr para evadir el asunto. La presión fue por partida doble porque los grupos pro reforma le solicitaron al presidente que echara mano de su poder ejecutivo para frenar las deportaciones de ciertos inmigrantes, en tanto se concreta la reforma por la vía legislativa. Los republicanos, olvidando las lecciones de 2012 y su pésima relación con los votantes latinos y otras minorías, están centrados totalmente en la elección intermedia de 2014 en la que esperan mantener la mayoría de la Cámara Baja y alcanzarla en el Senado. Siguen apostando al extremismo como estrategia, aunque ello juegue en su contra en la general de 2016. A lo largo de este debate, el instinto de la Casa Blanca ha sido ceder ante las presiones republicanas mostrando mano dura con los inmigrantes, y la estrategia sólo ha solidificado la oposición republicana. Pero la pelota está de nueva cuenta en la cancha de Obama. Parecería impensable pedirle que gire órdenes ejecutivas migratorias en estos momentos, pero el gobierno, como el Congreso, debe estar capacitado para caminar y mascar chicle al mismo tiempo. La crisis de la frontera no debe cancelar los esfuerzos de aliviar la crisis migratoria interna generada por años de dejadez, falta de voluntad y valentía política, y por la tentación de los dos partidos de explotar el tema políticamente en vez de solucionarlo. La crisis de los niños debe tener una solución humanitaria que no tiene por qué incidir en la solución de la crisis migratoria interna. Para los republicanos, ignorando la necesidad de ampliar su base conservadora anglosajona para aumentar sus probabilidades de ganar la Casa Blanca en 2016, la suerte parece estar echada. Pero Obama debe decidir si continúa apaciguando extremistas o si toma decisiones difíciles que además de ayudar a millones de familias y a la economía, pueden salvar su legado y solidificar el apoyo latino a su Partido Demócrata. A ver si lo anunciado hoy resulta en eso. WASHINGTON , DC - Las dos crisis se entrelazan y ambas requieren sus respectivas soluciones. De un lado está la crisis humanitaria de la frontera con miles de niños que cruzan solos y en algunos casos acompañados de sus padres para huir de la violencia del narcotráfico y las pandillas, de la falta de oportunidades, y movidos por la falsa idea promovida por los traficantes de personas de que todos obtendrán permisos para permanecer en Estados Unidos. Por otro lado, están los millones de indocumentados, muchos con más de una década de vivir aquí, con hijos ciudadanos y vidas establecidas que día a día temen convertirse en otra estadística más de las deportaciones. La administración de Barack Obama, la que más inmigrantes ha deportado, está tomando medidas para atender la crisis fronteriza y, de hecho, el presidente solicitó al Congreso 2 mil millones de dólares para afrontar el flujo y “flexibilidad” para agilizar la repatriación de los menores, algo que anuncia polémica a diversos niveles. Varios sectores cuestionan la repatriación expedita de estos menores que deben tener acceso a una revisión justa de sus casos dentro del debido proceso de ley. Y el presidente, días después de que líderes republicanos indicaran que planifican demandarlo por tomar acciones ejecutivas, anunció que hará precisamente eso: tomar acciones ejecutivas para lidiar con el tema migratorio que la Cámara Baja no quiso abordar. Espera que los departamentos de Justicia y Seguridad Nacional le indiquen hasta dónde puede llegar, dentro de su autoridad legal, sin la intervención del Congreso. Mientras, dijo, seguirá presionando por la solución legislativa. La semana pasada se declaró oficialmente la “muerte” de la reforma migratoria por la vía legislativa, aunque para muchos haya muerto hace rato por la renuencia republicana a debatirla. La Casa Blanca asegura que el presidente de la Cámara Baja, John Boehner, ya confirmó que no habrá debate cameral este año y de ahí el anuncio de Obama. Es que la crisis fronteriza, lejos de suscitar un debate sobre soluciones, ha generado demagogia y politiquería barata entre algunos sectores que ven maná caído del cielo en la nueva emergencia. Basta con ver la reacción del presidente del Comité Judicial de la Cámara Baja, Bob Goodlatte, republicano de Virginia, y de su colega republicano de California, Darrell Issa. Su instinto inmediato fue pedir la revocación de la Acción Diferida (DACA) para los jóvenes indocumentados en Estados Unidos, instando su deportación. DACA, concedida en 2012, argumentan, es una de las razones para el alza en el flujo de menores en la frontera sur. Nada como responder a la crisis de los niños migrantes pidiendo la deportación de jóvenes criados en Estados Unidos que no tuvieron ni parte ni suerte en la decisión de sus padres de traerlos Maribel Hastings es asesora ejecutiva de sin documentos, jóvenes que estudian, son America’s Voice Subscribe to La Prensa Sa Sann Diego A well informed person is an aware person! Keep informed on all the ‘news that is news’ of the Hispanic community in the City of San Diego, the County, State and Nation! Receive La Prensa San Diego at your home or office every week. La Prensa San Diego is published every Friday of the week. Ph: (619) 425 7400 Please visit our web site ( for a subscription form or just mail in your check for $130 made out to La Prensa San Diego with a note that says Subscription, including your mailing address and mail to: La Prensa San Diego, 651-C.Third Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910. Not only will you be receiving the news of the Hispanic community you will be supporting your community newspaper and helping us fulfill our mission to bring you the news that is important to you! LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO JULY 3, 2014 Commentary/Opinion Page U.S. Should Show Compassion Toward Children by Randy Jurado Ertll be tortured or murdered or disappeared. U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres earlier this year declared that a majority of the children emigrating from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras deserve protection under international treaties. “We must uphold the human rights of the child,” he said. But rather than offer these children temporary asylum, the Obama administration is locking them up and then sending them packing. Biden was blunt during his Central American visit. “Those who are pondering risking their lives to reach the United States should be aware of what awaits them,” he said. “It will not be open arms. . . . We’re going to send the vast majority of you back.” That is unacceptable. We need to designate most of these children as refugees and treat them with the compassion they deserve. World Refugee Day was on June 20, but President Obama chose not to mention the Central American children who deserve such status. He did acknowledge that “some refugees simply cannot return home because the risk of violence and persecution is too great.” He needs to apply that reasoning to the tens of thousands of children fleeing violence in Central America. Then he needs to change his policy accordingly. Let us not forget our humanity. PAGE 7 Braceros (con’t de página 2) que operó durante el sexenio de Felipe Calderón, fue violada por el nuevo ejecutivo federal, al detener los pagos, y no respetar la oportuna operación del Fideicomiso. En este contexto se inserta la “Marcha Histórica por una Deuda Histórica”, misma que desde que se desarrolla en agosto de 2014 hasta la actualidad, ha promovido significativas acciones de lucha, y ha alcanzado el apoyo de diversos actores socio-políticos en Estados Unidos. En 2013 por ejemplo, en el Consulado de México en Nueva York, y en el de Washington, D.C., se realizó la entrega de documentos dirigidos al presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, y a la Cámara de Diputados, donde los inconformes se manifestaban ante la exclusión de los presupuestos de egresos de 2013 y 2014. También en septiembre de 2013, los integrantes de la Marcha Histórica interpusieron una queja ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) en Washington, D.C. En el mismo mes, hicieron lo propio en Nueva York, ante la sede central de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU); y por si fuera poco, los organizadores de la Marcha, incluso tuvieron la intención de presentarse personalmente ante el presidente The Obama administration should stop deporting children. Unfortunately, it seems dead set on doing that. On June 20, Vice President Joe Biden met in Guatemala with senior officials from that country, as well as from El Salvador and Honduras. More than 20,000 children from these nations were apprehended on the border last year, twice as many as the year before. This year, the United States is projecting that 90,000 children from these countries will try to cross the border. Biden notified the Central American leaders that the United States would detain and deport the children who are coming here for refuge from the violence they see every day. Gangs in these countries are specifically targeting and recruiting young children. If they choose not to join, then they are often murdered. So children are trying to get to the United States any way they can. The Border Patrol apprehends most of them, and holds them in detention centers. Some have been temporarily released to family members before the immigration service processes them and deports them. The Obama administration has now announced that it is going to stop releasing children to family members. Instead, it plans to build more detention centers and expel children Randy Jurado Ertll is the author of the remore quickly. cent book “Hope in Times of Darkness: A (con’t from page 1) This is not a humane response. If they are deported, many of these children Salvadoran American Experience.” He can states in question have moved forward with will be recruited to join the gangs. Others will be reached at [email protected]. new restrictions, like voter ID laws. Speakers also focused on the importance of transparency in the redistricting process. “Decision making is happening between map drawers and decision makers behind closed doors without any access to what’s said, to what’s drawn, without any meaningful public input about what’s being considered,” said Tom Saenz, the president of MALDEF. The principles stipulate that meetings of decision makers must be accessible to the public, By Gustavo Arellano temporary housing and informational materials and interpretation facility for refugee services must be available in languages other Dear Mexican: The tragedy currently kids. Compare that than English according to the communities inplaying out on the U.S. southern border with the 1960s, volved. has reminded me to once again ask my when the U.S. Additionally, the organizations agree that prothree-years-ago-posed and perhapsgovernment and posed maps must be subject to public input, and more-relevant-than-ever question public openly that relevant information about decision makers must be disclosed to the public – for ex(slightly tweaked): If the U.S. had welcomed tens of ample, financial conflicts of interest or relationsponsored and funded infrastructural, thousands of Cuban ships with incumbents or candidates for office educational, social and economic kids with Operation Peter Pan. Difference in areas being redistricted. development in Mexico and Central between then and now? In the American Other organizations currently supporting the America during the 1950s to the 1980s psyche, those kids were cute, light-skinned principles include the Advancement Project, the in the way the more prosperous Cubans and useful Cold War pawns; on the American Civil Liberties Union, the Asian countries of Europe helped the less other hands, the current niños are dirty American Legal Defense and Education Fund, prosperous nations of their region to Salvadorans, and Guatemalans, and prepare them for membership in the Mexicans who deserve misery and death future European Union, would not back home. Mexico and Central America today be considerably more prosperous, healthy I continue to find that Mexican (con’t de página 2) and sustainable, and better and safer immigrants know they are not white, but places to live than they are, with less refuse to identify or accept the fact that declaró la semana pasada que “hay que immigration into the U.S. and they come from indigenous people (even mandar un fuerte mensaje a América immigration therefore a much less partly). Nowhere is this more apparent Central: no porque sus hijos lleguen a la frontera significa que se van a quedar aquí”. contentious issue? Could this be a topic than in the way we fill out applications deserving of book-length treatment? asking about race. Although we are free La Siguiente Jugada Esperando sin Esperanza to identify as Hispanic/Latino (an La “salvación” que propone Obama, sin ethnicity) we are also free to mark any/ embargo, va mucho más allá de deportar a Dear Waiting without Hope: Book ALL races that apply. More often than miles de chamacos. Va acompañada del length? Try light-year length. A massive not we leave this blank or mark off permiso de desviar fondos del presupuesto Marshall plan has been the dream of “white.” Why is it that some Mexicans destinado a la deportación de adultos que ya neoliberals in el gabacho and Latin America (like me) born on this side are more están en el interior del país. En otras palabras, hacer un agujero para since the days of James Monroe, and while accepting of Amerindian ancestry and tapar otro, deportar niños en la frontera y no it makes sense—better for the U.S. to invest Mexicans born over there wouldn’t deportar adultos trabajadores en el interior. in nation-building in, say, Quintana Roo, dare? My best guess is education? than Iraq or Afghanistan, you know?—it’ll Xicana Xingona También, para establecer un programa “especial” en América Central para never happen. Primeramente, there would be an uproar across Latin America, as Dear Badass Chicana:. What Mexican “convencer” a la chamacada desesperada que está tratando de reunirse con sus padres inhabitants will always reject overt acts of in their right mind would want to be anything en Estados unidos de que ni le busquen gabacho government charity in the other than gabacho in this country? There’s porque los van pescar y mandarlos de (understandable) fear that Americans are been much made recently of stats that regreso. trying to create a puppet state (see: supposedly show over a million Latinos En total, Obama quiere gastarse unos dos Nicaragua under Somoza, Cuba under checked off the gaba box in the 2010 mil millones de dólares en su “programa Batista, Mexico under everyone except Census, with academic yaktivists claiming especial” de más centros de detención, más Lázaro Cárdenas). But even if Mexicans the U.S. government duped dumb Mexicans jueces y más agentes en la frontera. De nuevo, el absurdo de los números es wanted that help, another group of people into going white—but please. Being impresionante. Viene a ser más de 20 mil would be even more opposed: gabachos, considered white gives you a muy grande who see any act of kindness towards advantage in this country, a secret known by dólares por chamaco por todo el año. Si los Latinos as weak and sowing the seed for everyone from negritos to Irish to chinitos invirtiera en América Central para aliviar la situación de pobreza extrema en que las Reconquista. to, increasingly, Mexicans. Indian? In the políticas económicas e intervencionistas de Witness the current tragedy at the U.S.- average mexicano mind, good for Mexico border, where thousands of Central pyramids, funny movies and casinos where American and Mexican kids are trying to they can see Pepe Aguilar; otherwise, a cross to flee ultraviolence at home. vergüenza. America’s reaction? Outrage that those (con’t from page 2) chiquitos are looking for refuge, and Ask the Mexican at themexican@aska outright assholery from residents in tention practices which often hold migrants, be his fan on Facebook, Escondido, California, where residents follow him on Twitter @gustavoarellano longer than the 15 days permitted by law. protested long and loud over a proposal to or follow him on Instagram “The Mexican authorities no longer have any excuse in ignoring the fundamental rights of turn a vacant viejitos home into a @gustavo_arellano! migrants,” said Amnesty International activist Chasel Colorado. Still, the appearance of child refugees on the U.S. border is not a uniquely North American issue. “We are seeing a growing number of minors on all routes,” said U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres. “We see them in the Mediterranean routes, through de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama. Dichas acciones han resulta importantes, si consideramos que la lucha de los ex braceros, desde que inició en 1998, ha tenido menos promoción en Estados Unidos que en México. Se estima que en este país menos del 15 por ciento de los ex braceros se ha registrado para recibir el pago del apoyo social. Por lo tanto, las movilizaciones como la Marcha Histórica, promueven la participación activa de diversos actores sociales en Estados Unidos, y engrosan las filas de esta movilización integrada mayormente por personas de la tercera edad. En definitiva, esta movilización ha creado grandes expectativas de que se logre justicia para el ex bracero, no obstante, sus verdaderos alcances aún están por verse. Hasta el día de hoy, podría considerarse que el balance es positivo. En primer lugar, por el hecho de haber adherido a miles de ex migrantes inconformes, y prolongar así la protesta de los ex braceros. Además, gracias a sus movilizaciones, han logrado entrevistarse con diversos congresistas de varios estados de Estados Unidos, y ser apoyados por algunos de ellos. Asimismo, han recibido el apoyo de importantes organizaciones sociales de inmigrantes de este país. En suma, no sólo en México los ex braceros son activos manifestantes, sino que en Estados Unidos, el país al que llegaron a trabajar entre 1942 y 1964, sus acciones han prolongado y diversificado su protesta social. Reform and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Saenz adds that the principles provide “an important backdrop” to all kinds of redistricting, not just state-level legislative redistricting. Saenz gives the example of local redistricting in California, where he says that in the last round of redistricting, 9 of the state’s 58 counties, each with its own board of supervisors, “could have drawn a compact Latino majority district where Latino voters would have the opportunity to elect the supervisor of their choice, and they failed to do that.” “In those cases, all of the lines were being drawn by incumbent supervisors who were basically drawing the lines for themselves,” he said. “You have officeholders who for very selfserving reasons denied that there was any racially polarized voting in their county.” “That’s the kind of decision making that’s still happening in California,” he said. Feng echoed his concerns and spoke to the need for continued work on redistricting processes nationwide. “You want your vote to matter and you want the people who you choose to really reflect your issues,” she said. “Whether it was the [candidate] you wanted or not, you want them to listen to you, and that can only happen if … we make sure that the districts that are drawn, and which our elected representatives hail from, represent the communities that we live in.” Invasión los gringos los han sumido durante generaciones, tendría más sentido. Pero no se trata de sentido, ni común ni de ningún otro tipo. De nuevo, esta medida cae dentro del juego electoral en puerta, las elecciones de noviembre. Con su petición, Obama evita la amenaza Republicana de “demandarlo legalmente” si excede sus poderes, emitida cuando dijo que si el partido del elefante no actuaba en inmigración lo haría él solito. Por el otro, mantiene su “dureza” contra los inmigrantes y su estrategia de buscar votos Republicanos en favor de una llamada “Reforma Migratoria Integral”. Además, puede seguir acusando a los Republicanos de “tener la culpa” por la falta de reforma. Y de remate, se puede colgar el santo de que dejó de deportar trabajadores de las fábricas, gente establecida que contribuye a la economía (al revés que los horribles y molestos menores de edad que no hacen nada más que ocasionar dolores de cabeza en la frontera, claro). En resumen, se adorna con todos y no se pelea con nadie. Al final de cuentas, a los niños indocumentados que no han logrado pasar de la frontera no los va a extrañar nadie más que sus papás. A nadie más le importan, y mucho menos a los políticos en campaña. Expulsarlos de aquí adentro sería malo, pero sacarlos desde la misma frontera es “resolver una crisis humanitaria”… ¡ASK A MEXICAN! Refugees Contacto Jorge Mújica Murias [email protected] Mexico to the U.S…..we see them everywhere.” According to Guterres’ agency, more than 50 million people had been forcibly displaced in the world by the end of 2013. Frontera NorteSur: on-line, U.S.-Mexico border news Center for Latin American and Border Studies New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico ¡Anunciate en La Prensa San Diego! ¡Llámanos hoy! 619-425-7400 PAGE 8 JULY 3, 2014 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO *** LEGALS *** 619-425-7400 *** CLASSIFIEDS *** PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE AVISO DE ELECCIÓN Y PRESENTACION DE CANDIDATOS CIUDAD DE POWAY SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE que el martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014 se llevará a cabo una Elección Municipal General, consolidada con la Elección General Estatal, en la Ciudad de Poway, California, para los siguientes Cargos: Un (1) Alcalde – Término completo de Cuatro (4) Años Dos (2) Miembros del Concejo de la Ciudad - Término completo de Cuatro (4) Años El período de presentación de candidatos para los electores inscritos de Poway que deseen postularse para un cargo comienza a las 7:30 a.m., el 14 de julio y finaliza a las 5:00 p.m., el 8 de agosto de 2014. En conformidad con el Código Electoral §10225, el período de presentación puede extenderse hasta las 5:30 p.m., del 13 de agosto de 2014 sólo para no titulares, si un titular no se ha presentado/calificado. Los paquetes de los candidatos estarán disponibles en la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064. Si ninguna o sólo una persona es nominada para un cargo electivo, el nombramiento al cargo electivo puede realizarse conforme lo prescrito en §10229 del Código Electoral del Estado de California. Los lugares de votación estarán abiertos entre las 7:00 a.m. y las 8:00 p.m el Día de la Elección. Para más información o para hacer una cita para obtener el Paquete de Candidato, comuníquese con Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, Secretaria de la Ciudad, al 858-668-4535. /s/ SHEILA R. COBIAN, CMC 6/23/14 SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD Publicado: 3 de julio de 2014 La Prensa, San Diego AVISO DE ELECCIÓN Y PRESENTACIÓN DE CANDIDATO CIUDAD DE SANTEE SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE que el martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014 se celebrará una Elección Municipal General, consolidada con la Elección General Estatal en la Ciudad de Santee, California, para los siguientes Funcionarios: Tres Miembros del Concejo de la Ciudad - Término completo de 4 años El período de presentación de candidatos para aquellos electores inscritos de Santee que deseen postularse para el cargo comienza el 14 de julio de 2014 a las 8:00 a.m. y finaliza el 8 de agosto de 2014 a las 5:00 p.m. Conforme la §10225 del Código Electoral, el período de presentación podría extenderse hasta las 5:00 p.m. del 13 de agosto, únicamente para no titulares, en caso de que no se haya presentado/calificado un titular. Los paquetes para candidatos estarán disponibles en la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad, 10601 Magnolia Avenue, Santee, durante el horario normal de oficina. El horario de atención es de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. de lunes a jueves y de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. el viernes. Si ninguna o sólo una persona es nominada para un cargo electivo, el nombramiento a dicho cargo electivo se hará conforme lo prescrito en la §10229 del Código Electoral del Estado de California. Los lugares de votación estarán abiertos entre las 7:00 a.m. y las 8:00 p.m. el Día de la Elección. Para más información o para programar una cita para obtener un Paquete de Candidato, comuníquese con Patsy Bell, CMC, Secretaria de la Ciudad, al 619-258-4100, ext. 112. PATSY BELL, CMC SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD Fechado: 30 de junio de 2014 Publicado: Julio 3, 2014 La Prensa, San Diego AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE que el martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014 se llevará a cabo una Elección Municipal General en la Ciudad de El Cajon para los siguientes cargos: ALCALDE DE LA CIUDAD DE EL CAJON, TÉRMINO COMPLETO DE CUATRO AÑOS UN MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO DE LA CIUDAD, TÉRMINO COMPLETO DE CUATRO AÑOS En el sitio web de la Ciudad encontrará información sobre la elección o en la Oficina del Secretario en el Ayuntamiento, Primer Piso, 200 Civic Center Way, El Cajon, CA, entre las 7:30 a.m. y las 5:30 p.m., de lunes a jueves, y viernes de las 8:00 a.m. y las 5:00 p.m. El Período de Nominación abarca desde el 14 de julio de 2014 hasta el 8 de agosto de 2014 (o 13 de agosto de 2014 a las 5:30 p.m. si un titular no realiza la presentación). Si ningún o sólo un candidato es nominado para un cargo electivo, el nombramiento al cargo electivo puede realizarse conforme lo prescrito en la Sección 10229 del Código Electoral del Estado de California. Los lugares de votación estarán abiertos entre las 7:00 a.m. y las 8:00 p.m. BELINDA A. HAWLEY, CMC SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD CIUDAD DE EL CAJON (619) 441-1763 Publicado: Julio 3, 2014 La Prensa, San Diego AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE que el martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014, se llevará a cabo una Elección Municipal General en la Ciudad de Imperial Beach para los siguientes cargos: Para Alcalde – Término completo de cuatro años Para dos Miembros del Concejo de la Ciudad – Término completo de cuatro años Si ninguna o sólo una persona es nominada para un cargo electivo, el nombramiento al cargo electivo puede realizarse conforme lo prescrito en la §10229, Código Electoral del Estado de California. Los lugares de votación estarán abiertos entre las 7:00 a.m. y las 8:00 p.m. /s/ Jacqueline M. Hald, MMC Secretaria de la Ciudad Fechado: 1 de julio de 2014 Publicado: 3 de Julio, 2014 La Prensa, San Diego AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE que el martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014 se llevará a cabo una Elección General Municipal en la Ciudad de Escondido para los siguientes Funcionarios e Iniciativas de Ley: Un Alcalde, electo en general - Período completo de cuatro años Un Miembro del Consejo - Período completo Municipal Distrito Uno de cuatro años Un Miembro del Consejo - Período completo de Municipal Distrito Dos cuatro años PROPUESTA (_) ¿Debe la Ciudad de Escondido cambiar de una ciudad de ley general a una carta constitutiva por medio de la adopción de la carta constitutiva propuesta por la Resolución 2014-70 del Concejo Municipal de Escondido? SI AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE que el martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014 se llevará a cabo una Elección Municipal General en la Ciudad de Lemon Grove. La elección es por los siguientes cargos: Dos (2) Miembros del Concejo de la Ciudad de Lemon Grove para Términos Completos de Cuatro (4) Años El período de nominación para estos cargos comienza el 14 de julio de 2014, y cierra el 11 de agosto de 2014, a las 5:00 p.m. Si un titular decide no presentarse para la reelección, este plazo se extenderá al 13 de agosto de 2014, a las 5:00 p.m. para todos los no-titulares. Si nadie o solo una persona fuera nominado para un cargo electivo, el nombramiento para el cargo electivo podría hacerse según lo prescribe la Sección 10229 del Código Electoral de California. Los lugares de votación abrirán de 7:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m. Susan Garcia Funcionaria Electoral de la Ciudad Fechado el 07-03-14 Publicado: Julio 3, 2014 La Prensa, San Diego CIUDAD DE SAN MARCOS AVISO DE ELECCIÓN DE CARGOS PÚBLICOS POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO que una Elección General Municipal se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de San Marcos, California, el martes, 4 de noviembre del 2014 para los siguientes cargos: UN (1) ALCALDE y DOS (2) MIEMBROS DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL Los términos son cuatro (4) años. Las personas interesadas en convertirse en candidato deben presentar documentos de nominación ante el Secretario de la Ciudad. El período de nominación va desde el lunes, 14 de julio del 2014 hasta el viernes, 8 de agosto del 2014. Si los documentos de nominación para un funcionario titular de la ciudad no se presentan para el 8 de agosto del 2014, el período de nominación se extenderá hasta el miércoles, 13 de agosto del 2014 a las 5:30 p.m. sólo para nominar candidatos no titulares. Esta extensión no es aplicable cuando no existe un titular elegible para ser elegido. Si nadie o sólo una persona es nominada para un cargo electivo, el nombramiento al cargo electivo puede ser hecho según lo prescrito por EC § 10229. El Día de la Elección, las urnas estarán abiertas entre las horas de 7:00 a.m. y 8:00 p.m. Para más información, póngase en contacto con Phillip Scollick, Secretario Municipal al (760) 744-1050, extensión 3105. Publicado: Julio 3, 2014 La Prensa San Diego AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE que el martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014 se celebrará una Elección Municipal General en la Ciudad de La Mesa, para los siguientes Funcionarios e Iniciativas de Ley: Para un Alcalde Término completo de cuatro años Para dos (2) Miembros del Término completo de cuatro Concejo de la Ciudad años Para un Tesorero de la Término completo de cuatro Ciudad años NO Si ninguna o solo una persona es nominada para un cargo electivo, puede hacerse una cita al cargo electivo como prescrito en §10229 del Código Electoraldel Estado de California. El 4 de noviembre de 2014 las urnas estarán abiertas entre las horas 7:00 a.m. y 8:00 p.m. Diane Halverson, Secretaria Municipal Con Fecha: 2 de julio de 2014 Yo, Diane Halverson, Secretaria Municipal de la Ciudad de Escondido, por la presente declaro que he publicado, o hice publicar, una copia de dicho Aviso en lugar visible en o cerca de la puerta de la Cámara del Consejo Municipal el 2 de julio de 2014. Publicado: Julio 3, 2014 PUBLIC NOTICE La Prensa, San Diego AVISO DE ELECCIÓN SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE, que el martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014 se celebrará una Elección Municipal General en la Ciudad de Coronado, California, para los siguientes cargos: Para 2 Miembros Término Completo de Cuatro del Concejo de la Ciudad Años El Período de Presentación de Candidatos se desarrolla desde el 14 de julio hasta las 5 p.m. del 8 de agosto. Si un titular decide no presentarse para la reelección, este plazo se extenderá hasta las 5 p.m. del 13 de agosto para todos los no titulares. Si ninguna o sólo una persona es nominada para un cargo electivo, el nombramiento al cargo electivo puede realizarse conforme lo prescrito en la §10229 del Código Electoral del Estado de California. El último día para inscribirse para votar en la elección de noviembre es el 20 de octubre de 2014. Hay disponibles formularios de Inscripción de Electores en la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad de Coronado, 1825 Strand Way, o en la Oficina del Registro Electoral al (858) 565-5800. Los lugares de votación estarán abiertos entre las 7 a.m. y las 8 p.m. Por Mary L. Clifford, Secretaria de la Ciudad Publicado: 3 de julio, 2014 La Prensa, San Diego ¿Debe adoptarse la Ordenanza que enmienda el Código Municipal de La Mesa para autorizar y regular los dispensarios marihuana medicinal en la Ciudad de La Mesa? SI NO y ¿Debe adoptarse la Ordenanza que enmienda el Código Municipal de La Mesa que impone un límite de tres términos consecutivos en el cargo de Miembro del Concejo de la Ciudad, Alcalde o cualquier combinación de los mismos términos? SI NO y ¿Debe ser designado el cargo de Secretario de la Ciudad? SI NO El período de nominación para estos cargos comienza el 14 de julio de 2014 y cierra el 8 de agosto de 2014 a las 5:00 p.m. Si un titular determina no presentarse para la reelección, esta fecha límite se extiende hasta el 13 de agosto de 2014 a las 5:00 p.m. para todos los no titulares. Si ninguna o sólo una persona es nominada para un cargo electivo, el nombramiento a dicho cargo electivo se hará conforme lo prescrito en la §10229 del Código Electoral del Estado de California. Los lugares de votación estarán abiertos entre las 7:00 a.m. y las 8:00 p.m. /f/ Mary J. Kennedy, CMC Secretaria de la Ciudad de la Ciudad de La Mesa, California Fechado: 3 de julio de 2014 La Prensa, San Diego AVISO DE ELECCIÓN Y PRESENTACIÓN DE CANDIDATO CIUDAD DE CARLSBAD SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE que el martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014, se celebrará una Elección Municipal General, consolidada con la Elección General Estatal en la Ciudad de Carlsbad, California, para los siguientes Cargos: Un (1) Alcalde – Término completo de Cuatro (4) Años Dos (2) Miembros del Concejo de la Ciudad - Término completo de Cuatro (4) Años Un (1) Tesorero de la Ciudad – Término completo de Cuatro (4) Años Un (1) Secretario de la Ciudad – Término completo de Cuatro (4) Años El período de presentación de candidatos para aquellos electores inscritos de Carlsbad que deseen postularse para el cargo comienza a las 8:00 a.m., el 14 de julio y finaliza a las 5:00 p.m., el 8 de agosto de 2014. Conforme la Sección10225 del Código Electoral, el período de presentación podría extenderse hasta las 5:00 p.m. del 13 de agosto de 2014 únicamente para no titulares, en caso de que no se haya presentado/calificado un titular. Los paquetes para candidatos estarán disponibles en la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Si ninguna o sólo una persona es nominada para un cargo electivo, el nombramiento a dicho cargo electivo se hará conforme lo prescrito en la Sección 10229 del Código Electoral del Estado de California. Los lugares de votación estarán abiertos entre las 8:00 a.m. y las 8:00 p.m. el Día de la Elección. Para más información o para programar una cita para obtener un Paquete de Candidato, comuníquese con Shelley Collins, CMC, Asistente del Secretario de la Ciudad, al (760) 434-2917. SHELLEY COLLINS, CMC 07/01/14 ASISTENTE DEL SECRETARIO DE LA CIUDAD CIUDAD DE CARLSBAD Publicado: 3 de julio, 2014 La Prensa, San Diego REQUESTING BIDS REQUESTING PROPOSALS NOTICE OF JOINDER INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR SDSU ELECTRICAL ROOM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR Radio Communications Room Console Furniture Procure & Install Facts showing that it would be appropriate for this court to determine the particular issue in the proceedings are: Support available from the community held business. Facts showing that each person sought or seeking to be joined is either indispensable to a determination of the particular issue or necessary to the enforcement of any judgment rendered on the issue are: The Claimant has control/access to the business bank accounts. She has written checks to Respondent for spousal support from the business bank accounts. The Claimant is indispensable. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date:April3,2014. Cruz Medrano Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3, 2014 La Prensa San Diego The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) is accepting bids for SDSU ELECTRICAL ROOM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM. Bid documents will be available on or about July 2, 2014 by registering at ocurement.asp Marco Yniguez Contract Officer MTS Procurement Department 1255 Imperial Avenue, Suite 1000 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 557-4576 Facsimile (619) 696-7084 Email: [email protected] In accordance with MTS' specifications, bids shall be submitted on the bid forms furnished by MTS, in a sealed envelope, plainly endorsed with the bidder's name and marked: SDSU ELECTRICAL ROOM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM MTS DOC NO. PWL154.0-14 BID OPENING: 2:00 P.M., PREVAILING LOCAL TIME, August 15, 2014 A Pre-Bid meeting and site visit will be held on July 15, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., prevailing local time at San Diego State Trolley Station 5260 Campanile Drive San Diego, CA 92182. Sealed bids will be due on August 15, 2014 at 2:00 p.m., Prevailing Local Time, unless otherwise amended, at Metropolitan Transit System, Procurement Dept. 1255 Imperial Avenue, Suite 1000, San Diego, California 92101. Bids received after that time or at any other place other than the place stated herein will not be considered. MTS hereby notifies all bidders that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement; Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (as defined in 49 C.F.R. Part 26) will not be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. This project is subject to a capital assistance grant between San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration. MTS reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to readvertise for bids. 7/3/14 CNS-2639563# LA PRENSA INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR TRANSIT SMART CARDS The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) is accepting bids for TRANSIT SMART CARDS. Bid documents will be available on or about July 1, 2014 by registering at: ocurement.asp Mike Prewitt Contract Officer MTS Procurement Department 1255 Imperial Avenue, Suite 1000 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 446-4099 Facsimile (619) 446-4277 Email: [email protected] In accordance with MTS' specifications, bids shall be submitted on the bid forms furnished by MTS, enclosed in a sealed envelope, plainly endorsed with the bidder’s name and marked: TRANSIT SMART CARDS MTS DOC NO. L1207.0-15 BID OPENING: 2:00 P.M., PREVAILING LOCAL TIME, JULY 29, 2014 Sealed bids will be due on July 29, 2014 at 2:00 p.m., Prevailing Local Time, unless otherwise amended, at Metropolitan Transit System, Procurement Dept. 1255 Imperial Avenue, Suite 1000, San Diego, California 92101. Bids received after that time or at any other place other than the place stated herein will not be considered. MTS hereby notifies all bidders that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement; Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (as defined in 49 C.F.R. Part 26) will not be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. This project is subject to a capital assistance grant between San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration. MTS reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to readvertise for bids. 7/3/14 CNS-2639432# LA PRENSA LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO On the Web: The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) is accepting proposals under a negotiated procurement process for Radio Communications Room Console Furniture Procure & Install. Proposal documents will be available on or about June 26, 2014 by registering at: ocurement.asp The Contract information is: Officer's contact Diana Singleton MTS Procurement Department 1255 Imperial Ave, Suite 1000 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 557-4551 Email: [email protected] Proposals will be due on July 24, 2014, by 4:00 p.m., prevailing local time, unless otherwise amended, at the above address. Proposals received after that time or at any other place other than the place stated will not be considered. A Site Visit will be held on July 8, 2014 at 10:00 a.m., prevailing local time at MTS, Imperial Avenue Division (IAD) located at 100 16th Street, San Diego, CA 92101. MTS hereby notifies all proposers that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement; Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (as defined in 49 C.F.R. Part 26) will not be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. MTS reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to readvertise for proposals. 7/3/14 CNS-2639423# LA PRENSA PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: MANUEL AVENDANO CASE NUMBER:37-2014-00013469-PRLA-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both of: MANUEL AVENDANO A Petition for Probate has been filed by: RICHARD AVENDANO in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego The Petition for Probate requests that: RICHARD AVENDANO be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: JULY 31, 2013. Time: 1:30 P.M. Dept.: PC-2 Address of court: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, 1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. Madge Bradley - PROBATE If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filling claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date notice above. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: Richard Avendano, 1010 Second Avenue, Suite 1820, San Diego, CA 92101. Telephone: 619-6728009 Published: July 3, 11, 18, 25/2014 La Prensa San Diego NOTICE OF JOINDER NOTICE OF MOTION AND DECLARATION FOR JOINDER CASE NUMBER: D540048 NOTICE OF MOTION TO Petitioner A hearing of this motion for joinder will be held as follows: Date: May 28, 2014 Time: 9:00 AM Dept: F4 The address of the court is: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 1555 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, California 92101. Central Division-Family Law Court Respondent will apply to this court for an order joining claimant as a party to this proceeding on the grounds set forth in the Declaration below. The pleading on joinder accompanies this notice of motion. Dated: April 4, 2014 Jeremy S. Boyer DECLARATION FOR JOINDER The name of the person to be joined is: Cristina Avila Smith Facts showing that each person sought or seeking to be joined possesses or control or claims to own any property subject to disposition by this court, or that such person has or claims custody, physical control, or visitation rights with respect to any minor child of the marriage, are: Claimant is operating AB and C Handyman and Cleaning which is Petitioner’s business. Claimant lives with Petitioner. Claimant has access/control of Business’ bank accounts. Petitioner states he does not have access to the bank accounts, claimant has access. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CENTRAL DIVISION CASE NO. D540048 PETITION FOR JOINDER OF CLAIMANT Department SD-F4 Hon. Michael S. Groch In re the Marriage of; ABRAHAM RAMIREZ Petitioner, And CRUZ MEDRANO Respondent CRISTINA A. SMITH Claimant COMES NOW, Respondent CRUZ MEDRANO, (hereinafter “CRUZ”) by and through her attorney of record, Jeremy S. Boyer, of the Law Offices of Moore, Schulman & Moore, APC, hereby petitions this Court for an order joining the Claimant as party to this action. RESPONDENT’S CAUSE OF ACTION Respondent alleges as follows: 1. Claimant is a natural person who resides in National City, County of San Diego, State of California. 2. Claimant is the significant other/girlfriend of the Petitioner who resides in San Diego County, State of California. 3. Petitioner, ABRAHAM RAMIREZ (hereinafter “ABRAHAM”) resides in San Diego County, State of California. 4. Respondent, CRUZ MEDRANO, (hereinafter “CRUZ”) resides in San Diego County, State of California. 5. Petitioner filed a Petition for Dissolution on May 11, 2011. The Court acquired jurisdiction of CRUZ on May 25, 2011 when she filed her Response to Dissolution of Marriage. 6. The Court has subject matter of this cause pursuant to Family Code §3104. 7. The Court is the proper venue for resolution of this cause. 8. There is a pre-existing relationship between the Respondent and the Claimant. Claimant is the person who has control of the business bank and accounts as well as other business related matters. The business AB and C Handyman and Cleaning/One Day Refinishers are two names associated with the business in this dissolution action. Petitioner continues to change the name of the business. 9. Claimant has paid Petitioner’s spousal support to Respondent via business accounts in the past. Please see copy of a November 12, 2012 check from Cristina A. Smith DBA AB and C Handyman and Cleaning attached as Exhibit 1. 10. Claimant and Petitioner reside at the same location. Please see Public Record Statements form LexisNexis denoting that Claimant and Petitioner are residing at the same location (1857 S. Lanoitan Avenue, National City CA 91950), attached hereto as Exhibit 2.) 11. The address listed for AB and C Handyman and Cleaning is past address listed for the Petitioner (see Public Records statement attached as Exhibit 3). 12. Petitioner transferred ownership of community business to Claimant in an effort to hide/and pay support to Respondent. Please see Fictitious Business Record Statement attached as Exhibit 4 denoting that Cristina Smith is the contact person for AB and C Handyman and Cleaning. 13. Claimant is and indispensable party to this dissolution matter. 14. The granting of joinder of the Claimant will balance the interests of the parties as Petitioner continues to state that the business is not making any money to pay support or sanctions. By granting the joinder request, discovery can be done in an effort to locate the hidden funds. Further, it promotes justice. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, the Respondent prays that the Court grants the following relief: A. The Court makes and Order for Joinder, ordering that the Claimant become a party to the action, and: B. For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. Date: April 4, 2014 Respectfully Submitted, JEREMY S. BOYER, ATTORNEY FOR THE RESPONDENT Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3, 2014 La Prensa San Diego SUMMONS SUMMONS-(JOINDER) CASE NUMBER: D540048 NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. ¡AVISO! Usted ha sido demandado. El tribunal puede decidir contra Ud. Sin audiencia a menos que Ud. Responda dentro de 30 días. Lea la información que sigue. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your response or pleading, if any, may be filed on time. Si Usted desea solicitar el consejo de un abogado en este asunto, debería hacerlo inmediatamente, de esta manera, su respuesta o alegación, si hay alguna, puede ser registrada a tiempo. TO THE PETITIONER A pleading has been filed under an order joining: Cristina Avila Smith as a party in this proceeding. If you fail to file an appropriate pleading within 30 days of the date this summons is served on you, your default may be entered and the court may enter a judgment containing the relief requested in the pleading, court costs, and such other relief as may be granted by the court, which could result in the garnishment of wages, taking of money or property, or other relief. Dated: APR 07 2014 Clerk, By R. Diaz de Leon, Deputy. NOTICE TO PERSON SERVED: You are served As an individual. Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3, 2014 La Prensa San Diego SUMMONS SUMMONS - (Family Law) CASE NUMBER: DN 178914 NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: AVISO AL DEMANDADO: GUADALUPE LOPEZ CASTILLO You are being sued. Lo están demandando. PETITIONER'S NAME IS: NOMBRE DEL DEMANDANTE: ELUGERIO CRUZ BUENO You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. help), at the California Legal Services Web site (, or by contacting your local county bar association. Tiene 30 días de calendario después de haber recibido la entrega legal de esta Citación y Petición para presentar una Respuesta (formulario FL-120 ó FL123) ante la corte y efectuar la entrega legal de una copia al demandante. Una carta o llamada telefónica no basta para protegerlo. Si no presenta su Respuesta a tiempo, la corte puede dar órdenes que afecten su matrimonio o pareja de hecho, sus bienes y la custodia de sus hijos. La corte también le puede ordenar que pague manutención, y honorarios y costos legales. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario un formulario de exención de cuotas. Si desea obtener asesoramiento legal, póngase en contacto de inmediato con un abogado. Puede obtener información para encontrar a un abogado en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (www.sucorte., en el sitio Web de los Servicios Legales de California ( o poniéndose en contacto con el colegio de abogados de su condado. NOTICE-RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. They are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement office who has received or seen a copy of them. AVISO-LAS ÓRDENES DE RESTRICCIÓN SE ENCUENTRAN EN LA PÁGINA 2: Las órdenes de restricción están en vigencia en cuanto ambos cónyuges o miembros de la pareja de hecho hasta que se despida la petición, se emita un fallo o la corte dé otras órdenes. Cualquier agencia del orden público que haya recibido o visto una copia de estas órdenes puede hacerlas acatar en cualquier lugar de California. FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court you waived for you or the other party. EXENCIÓN DE CUOTAS: Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario un formulario de exención de cuotas. La corte puede ordenar que usted pague, ya sea en parte o por completo, las cuotas y costos de la corte previamente exentos a petición de usted o de la otra parte. 1. The name and address of the court is: El nombre y dirección de la corte son: Superior Court of California, 325 S. Melrose Drive, San Diego, CA 92081 2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner's attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: (El nombre, dirección y número de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante si no tiene abogado, son): Elugerio Cruz Bueno, 173 Durian St, Apt. #201, Vista, CA 92083. Tel.: (760) 277-0451 Date (Fecha): MAY 14, 2014 Clerk, by (Secretario, por) E. TAYLOR, Deputy (Asistente) Published: June 20, 27, July 3, 11/2014 La Prensa San Diego SUMMONS - (Family Law) CASE NUMBER: D 548963 NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: AVISO AL DEMANDADO: RUTH NADINE NUNO You are being sued. Lo están demandando. PETITIONER'S NAME IS: NOMBRE DEL DEMANDANTE: JOSE ALFREDO RAMOS You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. help), at the California Legal Services Web site (, or by contacting your local county bar association. Tiene 30 días de calendario después de haber recibido la entrega legal de esta Citación y Petición para presentar una Respuesta (formulario FL-120 ó FL123) ante la corte y efectuar la entrega legal de una copia al demandante. Una carta o llamada telefónica no basta para protegerlo. Si no presenta su Respuesta a tiempo, la corte puede dar órdenes que afecten su matrimonio o pareja de hecho, sus bienes y la custodia de sus hijos. La corte también le puede ordenar que pague manutención, y honorarios y costos legales. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario un formulario de exención de cuotas. Si desea obtener asesoramiento legal, póngase en contacto de inmediato con un abogado. Puede obtener información para encontrar a un abogado en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (www.sucorte., en el sitio Web de los Servicios Legales de California ( o poniéndose en contacto con el colegio de abogados de su condado. NOTICE-RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. They are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement office who has received or seen a copy of them. AVISO-LAS ÓRDENES DE RESTRICCIÓN SE ENCUENTRAN EN LA PÁGINA 2: Las órdenes de restricción están en vigencia en cuanto ambos cónyuges o miembros de la pareja de hecho hasta que se despida la petición, se emita un fallo o la corte dé otras órdenes. Cualquier agencia del orden público que haya recibido o visto LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO JULY 3, 2014 PAGE 9 ~ ~ ~ CLASSIFIEDS ~ (619) 425-7400 ~ LEGALS ~ ~ ~ SUMMONS CHANGE OF NAME ABANDONMENT OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME una copia de estas órdenes puede hacerlas acatar en cualquier lugar de California. FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court you waived for you or the other party. EXENCIÓN DE CUOTAS: Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario un formulario de exención de cuotas. La corte puede ordenar que usted pague, ya sea en parte o por completo, las cuotas y costos de la corte previamente exentos a petición de usted o de la otra parte. 1. The name and address of the court is: El nombre y dirección de la corte son: Superior Court of California, 1555 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner's attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: (El nombre, dirección y número de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante si no tiene abogado, son): Jose Alfredo Ramos, 4618 Mt. Etna Drive, San Diego, CA 92117. Tel.: (619) 322-3343 Date (Fecha): MAY 12, 2014 Clerk, by (Secretario, por) M. BOESEN, Deputy (Asistente) Published: July 3, 11, 18, 25/ 2014 La Prensa San Diego VAZQUEZ to SANTIAGO ALEXANDER SANDOVAL-VAZQUEZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: JUL-18-2014. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.: C-46. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: MAY 30, 2014 DAVID J. DANIELSEN Judge of the Superior Court Published: June 13, 20, 27. July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Ayesha Suneja. Title: Partner This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 06, 2014 Assigned File No.: 2014-015753 Published: June 13, 20, 27. July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego CHANGE OF NAME ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2014-00018013-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: LUIS-EMILIO SANTANA GUTIERREZ filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: LUIS-EMILIO SANTANA GUTIERREZ to LUIS EMILIO GUTIERREZ-SANTANA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: JUL-18-2014. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.: 46. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: JUN 05, 2014 DAVID J. DANIELSEN Judge of the Superior Court Published: June 13, 20, 27. July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2014-00018527-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: JORGE J. PLASCENCIA and LAURA E. RUIZ on behalf of JAVIER PLASCENCIA RUIZ, a minor, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: JAVIER PLASCENCIA to JAVIER J. PLASCENCIA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: JUL-25-2014. Time: 9:30 a.m. Dept.: D-46. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: JUN 10, 2014 DAVID J. DANIELSEN Judge of the Superior Court Published: June 13, 20, 27. July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2014-00018478-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: JOSE H. GARCIA-ROMANO ON BEHALF OF DIEGO SEBASTIAN AGUIAR-REYES filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: DIEGO SEBASTIAN AGUIAR-REYES to DIEGO SEBASTIAN GARCIA-ROMANO THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: JUL-25-2014. Time: 9:30 a.m. Dept.: 46. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: JUN 10, 2014 DAVID J. DANIELSEN Judge of the Superior Court Published: June 13, 20, 27. July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2014-00017261-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: SANDRA VAZQUEZSANDOVAL AND LORENZO E. SANDOVAL ON BEHALF OF ALEXANDER SANTIAGO SANDOVALVAZQUEZ filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: ALEXANDER SANTIAGO SANDOVAL- CASE NUMBER: 37-2014-00019822-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: LUIS JUAREZ PEREZ filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: LUIS JUAREZ PEREZ TO LUKE MAXWELL DILLON THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date AUG 01, 2014. Time: 9:30 a.m. Dept.: 46. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: JUN 18, 2014 DAVID J. DANIELSEN Judge of the Superior Court Published: June 20, 27. July 3, 11/2014 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2014-00019802-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: SARAH FRANCES BACLA filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: SARAH FRANCES BACLA TO SARAH FRANCES PRIMACIO THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date AUG 08, 2014. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.: C 46. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: JUN 18, 2014 DAVID J. DANIELSEN Judge of the Superior Court Published: June 20, 27. July 3, 11/2014 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2014-00019851-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: CHIA NAN CANAAN KO filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: CHIA NAN CANAAN KO TO CANAAN CHIA NAN KO THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: AUG-01-2014. Time: 9:30 a.m. Dept.: 46. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: JUN 18, 2014 DAVID J. DANIELSEN Judge of the Superior Court Published: June 27. July 3, 11, 18/2014 La Prensa San Diego ABANDONMENT OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Fictitious Business Name: SATYA, 17417 Fairlie Road, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92128. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on: 04-29-2014, and assigned File No. 2014011981 Is Abandoned by The Following Registrant: Ayesha Suneja, 2313 Sea Island Place, Chula Vista, CA 91915 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Fictitious Business Name: EL COMAL, 262 Third Ave., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91910. Mailing Address: 356 Guava Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on: 10-03-2011, and assigned File No. 2011027810 Is Abandoned by The Following Registrant: Ramon Silva Camacho, 356 Guava Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Ramon Silva Camacho This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 06, 2014 Assigned File No.: 2014-015691 Published: June 27. July 3, 11, 18/ 2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: LUCYS TACO SHOP at 109 W. C St Suite D, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92101. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Leonila Torres, 327 Encinitas Ave., San Diego, CA 92114. This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: 11/1/2005. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Leonila Torres This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 30, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-014965 Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: RANCHO DEL SOL ADULT DAY PROGRAM at 39963 Ribbonwood Dr., Boulevard, CA, County of San Diego, 91905. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Santos-Calderon Services Corp, 39963 Ribbonwood Dr., Boulevard, CA 91905. This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation. The First Day of Business Was: N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Victor H. Santos. Title: President This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 30, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-014965 Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: J&A GEL COAT at 1801 Cheri St., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92154. This Business Is Registered by the Following: 1. Jose Sanchez Luna, 1801 Cheri St., San Diego, CA 92154. 2. Alex Alvarez Sanchez, 1801 Cheri St., San Diego, CA 92154 This Business is Conducted By: A General Partnership. The First Day of Business Was: 6/6/2014. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Jose Sanchez Luna This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 6, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-015646 Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: TRANSWORLD EXCHANGE at 109 San Ysidro Blvd S 99-C, San Ysidro, CA, County of San Diego, 92173. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Vita Services Inc., 1259 La Media Rd., San Diego, CA 92154. This Business is Conducted By: A Corporaton. The First Day of Business Was: N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Ana T. Romo This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 4, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-015375 Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a. OXYGENIUS b. OXYGENIUS HUB at 230 Glover Ave. Suite K, Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego,91910. This Business Is Registered by the Following: David Gonzalez, 2601 Rio Seco CT, Chula Vista, CA 91915. This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: David Gonzalez This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 5, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-015576 Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: NO JOB TOO SMALL at 13060 Avenida Marbella, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,92128. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Michael Eugene Lidster, 13060 Avenida Marbella, San Diego, CA 92128. This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: 06/06/2014 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Michael Eugene Lidster This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 6, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-015637 Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: DR. APPLIANCES at 961 Mission Ave., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91911. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Juan Pablo Quezada, 961 Mision Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91911 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: 09/14/2013 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Juan Pablo Quezada This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk FICTITIOUS BUSINESS of San Diego County JUN 05, 2014. NAME STATEMENT Assigned File No.: 2014-015550 Fictitious Business Name: CAL FRUIT Published: June 20, 27, July 3, 11/2014 COMPANY at 512 Seventh Av., San Di- La Prensa San Diego ego, CA, County of San Diego, 92101. Mailing address: P.O. Box 122216, San FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Diego, CA 92112. NAME STATEMENT This Business Is Registered by the Following: Hector Avila, 1985 National Fictitious Business Name: a. AFTER SCHOOL UNLIMITED b. AFTER Av., San Diego, CA 92112 This Business is Conducted By: An In- SCHOOL STAFF ESSENTIAL TRAINdividual. The First Day of Business Was: ING (ASSET) c. ASSET d. LITERACYADVENTURES e. N/A I declare that all information in this state- ARTADVENTURES f. CHICKENCLICK at ment is true and correct. (A registrant who 497 11th Street Unit 8, San Diego, CA, declares as true any material matter pur- County of San Diego, 91932. Mailing adsuant to section 17913 of the Business dress: PO Box 1235, Imperial Beach, CA and Professions code that the registrant 91932 knows to be false is guilty of a misde- This Business Is Registered by the meanor punishable by a fine not to ex- Following: After School Unlimited, 497 11th Street Unit 8, San Diego, CA 91932 ceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) This Business is Conducted By: A CorRegistrant Name: Hector Avila This Statement Was Filed With Ernest poration. The First Day of Business Was: J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk 04/07/2009 I declare that all information in this stateof San Diego County MAY 30, 2014. ment is true and correct. (A registrant who Assigned File No.: 2014-014989 as true any material matter purPublished: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 declares suant to section 17913 of the Business La Prensa San Diego and Professions code that the registrant FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: J&F PRODUCE at 684 Anita St. Ste.D1, Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego,91911. Mailing address: 245 Woodlawn Ave. Apt. F3, Chula Vista, CA 91910 This Business Is Registered by the Following: Jose F. Campos Cuevas, 245 Woodlawn Ave. F3, Chula Vista, CA 91910 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: 06/04/2014 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Jose F. Campos Cuevas This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 04, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-015455 Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: FAMILY BARBERSHOP at 1295 Broadway Suite 205, Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego,91911. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Efren Anguiano, 3263 Tequila Way, San Ysidro, CA 92173 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: 05/05/2014 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Efren Anguiano This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 04, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-015859 Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: COMUN KITCHEN & TAVERN at 935 J St., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92101. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Comun Kitchen Tavern LLC, 925 B St. Ste. 601, San Diego, CA 92101. Corporation or LLC: California This Business is Conducted By: A Limited Liability Company. The First Day of Business Was: N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Rodolfo Farber. Title: Manager This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 09, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-015860. Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: ROLAND CORY BARBEE at 1030 Via Carina, Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 92081. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Roland Cory Barbee This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: 06/28/1966 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Roland Cory Barbee This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 05, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-015541. Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: RUBIS CLEANING COMPANY at 822 Woodlawn Ave., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91911. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Rubi Nolasco Torres, 822 Woodlawn Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91911. This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Rubi Nolasco Torres This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 13, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-013355 Published: June 13, 20, 27, July 3/2014 La Prensa San Diego knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Audra N. White. Title: President This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 21, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-014180 Published: June 20, 27. July 3, 11/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: MI GUSTO ES at 4637 Market St., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92102. Mailing address: 3031 E 19th St., National City, CA 91950 This Business Is Registered by the Following: Blanca Estela Vidrio Cruz, 3031 E 19th St., National City, CA 91950 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Blanca Estela Vidrio Cruz This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 18, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-016676 Published: June 20, 27. July 3, 11/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a. WASSUMATTA HOT SAUCE COMPANY. b. WASSUMATTA HOT SAUCE at 555 Saturn Blvd. Ste. B928, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92154. This Business Is Registered by the Following: 1. Hector Montano-Dupont, 1028 Georgia St., Imperial Beach, CA 91932. 2. Yolanda Rocha, 2378 Grove Ave. Apt. #1, San Diego, CA 92154 This Business is Conducted By: A General Partnership. The First Day of Business Was: N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Hector Montano-Dupont This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 23, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-014401 Published: June 20, 27. July 3, 11/2014 La Prensa San Diego ceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Jose Carlos Morales This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 23, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-017091 Published: June, 27. July 3, 11, 18/2014 La Prensa San Diego ment is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Rocio G. Ramirez This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk FICTITIOUS BUSINESS of San Diego County MAY 27, 2014. NAME STATEMENT Assigned File No.: 2014-014497 Fictitious Business Name: CC&F at 100 W Published: June, 27. July 3, 11, 18/2014 35 #A, National City, CA, County of San La Prensa San Diego Diego, 91950. Mailing address: 809 Ridgewater Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91913 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS This Business Is Registered by the NAME STATEMENT Following: Cortez Cremations and Funeral Services Corp, 809 Ridgewater Dr., Fictitious Business Name: GRANITE GALChula Vista, CA 91913. Corporation or LERY at 3275 Main Street, Chula Vista, LLC: California. CA, County of San Diego, 91911. Mailing This Business is Conducted By: A Cor- address: P.O. Box 1373, Bonita, CA poration. The First Day of Business Was: 91910. N/A This Business Is Registered by the I declare that all information in this state- Following: Kovet Stone, Inc., 1133 ment is true and correct. (A registrant who Carlos Canyon Drive, Chula Vista, CA declares as true any material matter pur- 91910. If Corporation or LLC: California. suant to section 17913 of the Business This Business is Conducted By: A Corand Professions code that the registrant poration. The First Day of Business Was: knows to be false is guilty of a misde- 07/15/2013 meanor punishable by a fine not to ex- I declare that all information in this stateceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) ment is true and correct. (A registrant who Registrant Name: Angela Cortez declares as true any material matter purGuzman. Title: President suant to section 17913 of the Business This Statement Was Filed With Ernest and Professions code that the registrant J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk knows to be false is guilty of a misdeof San Diego County JUN 19, 2014. meanor punishable by a fine not to exAssigned File No.: 2014-016928 ceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Published: June, 27. July 3, 11, 18/2014 Registrant Name: Louis J. Rodriguez. Title: CEO La Prensa San Diego This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk FICTITIOUS BUSINESS of San Diego County JUN 25, 2014. NAME STATEMENT Assigned File No.: 2014-017428 Fictitious Business Name: FRUTERIA EL Published: June, 27. July 3, 11, 18/2014 TIGRE at 4211 Camino de la Plaza, San La Prensa San Diego Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92173. Mailing address: 10177 Destiny Mt. Ct., FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Spring Valley, CA 91978 NAME STATEMENT This Business Is Registered by the Following: 1. Louie Saloumi, 10177 Fictitious Business Name: SIMNSA NETDestiny Mt. Ct., Spring Valley, CA 91978. WORK at 333 H St. Ste. 6040, Chula 2. Nasee M. D. Toma, 10177 Destiny Mt. Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91910. Ct., Spring Valley, CA 91978 This Business Is Registered by the This Business is Conducted By: A Gen- Following: Unicare Systems Inc, 353 St. eral Partnership. The First Day of Busi- Ste. 6040, Chula Vista, CA 91910. If Corness Was: 10/24/2013 poration or LLC: CA I declare that all information in this state- This Business is Conducted By: A Corment is true and correct. (A registrant who poration. The First Day of Business Was: declares as true any material matter pur- 02/09/2009 suant to section 17913 of the Business I declare that all information in this stateand Professions code that the registrant ment is true and correct. (A registrant who knows to be false is guilty of a misde- declares as true any material matter purmeanor punishable by a fine not to ex- suant to section 17913 of the Business ceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) and Professions code that the registrant Registrant Name: Louie Saloumi knows to be false is guilty of a misdeThis Statement Was Filed With Ernest meanor punishable by a fine not to exJ. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk ceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) of San Diego County JUN 03, 2014. Registrant Name: Christina Carrillo. Title: Assigned File No.: 2014-015253 Vicepresident Published: June, 27. July 3, 11, 18/2014 This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk La Prensa San Diego of San Diego County JUN 20, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-017052 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Published: June, 27. July 3, 11, 18/2014 NAME STATEMENT La Prensa San Diego Fictitious Business Name: a. MGM FINANCIAL. b. MGM HOME REAL ESTATE at FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 684 Port Chelsea, Chula Vista, CA, NAME STATEMENT County of San Diego, 91913. This Business Is Registered by the Fictitious Business Name: HELEN’S NAIL Following: Marina Galaviz, 684 Port at 1430 Broadway, El Cajon, CA, County Chelsea, Chula Vista, CA 91913. of San Diego, 92021. This Business is Conducted By: An In- This Business Is Registered by the dividual. The First Day of Business Was: Following: Thanh Thi Tran, 259 Dani 06/21/2002 Rose Ln., Bakersfield, CA 93308. I declare that all information in this state- This Business is Conducted By: An Inment is true and correct. (A registrant who dividual. The First Day of Business Was: declares as true any material matter pur- N/A suant to section 17913 of the Business I declare that all information in this stateand Professions code that the registrant ment is true and correct. (A registrant who knows to be false is guilty of a misde- declares as true any material matter purmeanor punishable by a fine not to ex- suant to section 17913 of the Business ceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) and Professions code that the registrant Registrant Name: Marina Galaviz knows to be false is guilty of a misdeThis Statement Was Filed With Ernest meanor punishable by a fine not to exJ. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk ceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) of San Diego County JUN 23, 2014. Registrant Name: Thanh Thi Tran Assigned File No.: 2014-017132 This Statement Was Filed With Ernest Published: June, 27. July 3, 11, 18/2014 J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 26, 2014. La Prensa San Diego Assigned File No.: 2014-017521 Published: July 3, 11, 18, 25/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS La Prensa San Diego NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: JK TRANSPORT at 585 Blackshaw Ln. #C, San Ysidro, CA, County of San Diego, 92173. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Jose Guadalupe Salgado, 585 Blackshaw Ln. #C, San Ysidro, CA 92173. This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Jose Guadalupe Salgado This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk FICTITIOUS BUSINESS of San Diego County JUN 20, 2014. NAME STATEMENT Assigned File No.: 2014-016995 Fictitious Business Name: DARLINGS LANDSCAPE MAINTENCE at 621 First Published: June, 27. July 3, 11, 18/2014 Ave., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Di- La Prensa San Diego ego, 91910. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS This Business Is Registered by the NAME STATEMENT Following: Jose Carlos Morales Trillo, 621 First Ave., Chula vista, CA 91910 Fictitious Business Name: ROCIO 67 at This Business is Conducted By: An In- 3967 Harnet St., San Diego, CA, County dividual. The First Day of Business Was: of San Diego, 92110. 01/06/1980 This Business Is Registered by the I declare that all information in this state- Following: Rocio Ramirez, 7425 Waite ment is true and correct. (A registrant who Drive #5, La Mesa, CA 91942. declares as true any material matter pur- This Business is Conducted By: An Insuant to section 17913 of the Business dividual. The First Day of Business Was: and Professions code that the registrant N/A knows to be false is guilty of a misde- I declare that all information in this statemeanor punishable by a fine not to ex- Respect (con’t from page 3) various African nations, most continuing on to Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil. Suddenly, in 1943, the Gestapo caught-up with Saldivar and arrested him along with his wife, children and his entire staff. They were imprisoned for more than a year. But Saldivar’s deeds had already reached Mexican president, Manuel Avila Camacho, who immediately set the international political wheels in motion to secure Saldivar’s freedom. Back in the safety of his motherland, Saldivar continued serving his country as an ambassador. In 2000, several Mexican journalists begin hearing the stories from the sons and daughters of the Jewish survivors and a few biographies began to appear. Saldivar’s unbelievable and compassionate task not only helped those who escaped the war, but also rendered intellectual and artistic benefits to Mexico. In Vienna, Austria, there is a street named after Saldivar and in 2008, at a November reception held in Saldivar’s honor in Beverly FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 26, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-017568 Published: July 3, 11, 18, 25/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a. J-C-POWER. b. CORONADO BAZAAR at 1175 3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91911. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Heriberto Coronado, 1010 Ossa Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91911. This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: 03/01/2014 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Heriberto Coronado This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 05, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-015489 Published: July 3, 11, 18, 25/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: RSE HANDYMAN at 310 Northgate St., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92114. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Randy S. Engen, 310 Northgate St., San Diego, CA 92114. This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: 06/23/2014 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Randy S. Engen This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 24, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-017233 Published: July 3, 11, 18, 25/2014 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: INFINITIHAIRTIQUE at 415 Parkway Plaza Suite 517, El Cajon, CA, County of San Diego, 92020. Mailing address: 5500 Grossmont Ctr Dr. #2604, La Mesa, CA 91943. This Business Is Registered by the Following: Kalinza Grady, 5500 Grossmont Ctr Dr. #2604, La Mesa, CA 91943 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Kalinza Grady This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 25, 2014. Assigned File No.: 2014-017351 Published: July 3, 11, 18, 25/2014 La Prensa San Diego LIMPIADORAS DE CASA MEDIO TIEMPO Mission Beach. Solo sabados. 10 am3pm. $11 por hora. Experiencia necesaria. Varios puestos disponibles. Dejar mensaje al (858)581-0909 Fictitious Business Name: a. MGC REMODELING SERVICES. b. MILLAN REMODELING SERVICES at 958 Agua Tibia Ave., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Di- ACCOUNTING SPECIALISTS ego, 91911. This Business Is Registered by the Support accounts payable or the review Following: Ricardo Millan, 958 Agua of contract invoices for a public agency. Call (619) 699-1900 or visit Tibia Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91911. This Business is Conducted By: An In- for information. Closes 7/18/14. EOE. dividual. The First Day of Business Was: 06/26/2014 I declare that all information in this stateSDSU RESEARCH ment is true and correct. (A registrant who FOUNDATION declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business 5250 Campanile Dr. and Professions code that the registrant SD 92182 knows to be false is guilty of a misdehttps:// meanor punishable by a fine not to ceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) EEO/AA/Title IX Employer Registrant Name: Ricardo Millan FOR RENT FOR RENT Hills, the American Defamation League presented his daughter, Laura with a posthumous Courage to Care Award, which was created in 1987 to recognize non-Jews who helped rescue and hide refugees during the Holocaust. History has taught us that omission of such heroes/heroines or accomplishments with Spanish surnames is not uncommon. But you’d think that in America, where such acts are held in high esteem and, specifically, in multicultural cities like Los Angeles, that has more Jews than Jerusalem and a Latino community of Mexican ancestry larger than anywhere, (except Mexico City, of course), and home of the renown Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust, you’d think you’d have little trouble finding information on Señor Saldivar. Guess again. Let us recognize Gilberto Bosquez Saldivar as much as the anglo community has acknowledged Oskar Schindler. Treating the Mexican diplomat on an even hero basis would be a great start. Perhaps we may even strive for an ultimate compliment for Saldivar and refer to Mr. Schindler with a new and affectionate nickname - the “German Saldivar!” PAGE 10 JULY 3, 2012 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO Host a patriotic bash with dazzling desserts FAMILY FEATURES I t’s easy to throw a 4th of July party that looks like you worked on it for weeks, even if you just started the planning process. Celebrate the holiday in style by serving classic entrees everyone loves and focusing your attention on delicious, easy-to-make desserts. With the right recipes, your sweets will be as captivating as the colorful spectacle of fireworks above. Hot Cinnamon Fireworks Cake: Crushed cinnamon drops add color and a slight hot cinnamon flavor to the inside of the cake, while simple melted candy details make the cake look like a firework bursting. Quick Pickled Strawberry Hand Pies: Pies you can hold in your hand are perfect for a picnic, and this one has a special flavor. With the current love affair with all things pickled, we filled the pies with a pickled strawberry filling. The filling balances sweet and sour for an uncommonly delicious mini pie your party guests will love. No-Bake Cheesecake Star Pops: Fun star-shaped pops of no-bake cheesecake will be a hit with adults and kids alike. Drizzled or dipped in melted Candy Melts candy, these festive star pops are easy to shape in star-shaped silicone treat molds. Mixed Berry and Lemon Mini Icebox Cakes: Sweet, light and airy, these mini icebox cakes pack a refreshing burst of creamy flavor, perfect for the summer. Vanilla wafer cookies are stacked in a flavor-filled mixture of fruit and whipped cream and refrigerated until ready to serve. Your party planning confidence will skyrocket with these delicious dessert ideas from the Wilton test kitchen. For more fun and festive party ideas, visit Hot Cinnamon Fireworks Cake Yield: 12 servings 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups (4 sticks) butter, softened 2 cups granulated sugar 6 eggs 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 bottle (6 ounces) Cinnamon Drops, crushed 1 box (1.5 ounces) Blue Colorburst Batter Bits 1 cup sifted confectioners’ sugar 3 to 4 tablespoons milk Red, white and Royal Blue Candy Melts candy, melted Red, white and blue colored sugars Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray Dimensions Cascade Pan with vegetable pan spray. In large bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt. In second large bowl, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, scraping bottom and sides of bowl often. Add vanilla; beat until well combined. Add flour mixture and beat at low speed until just combined. Fold in Cinnamon Drops and blue Batter Bits. Pour into prepared pan; smooth out top. Bake 60 to 65 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan 10 minutes on cooling grid. Remove from pan and cool completely. In large bowl, whisk together confectioners’ sugar and milk. Drizzle melted candy onto cake to look like fireworks. Sprinkle sugars onto melted candy. Quick Pickled Strawberry Hand Pies Yield: 8 hand pies 1 cup red wine vinegar 3/4 cup water 1 cup sugar, plus additional for sprinkling 1/4 teaspoon salt 10 black peppercorns 5 sprigs fresh thyme, plus 1/2 teaspoon roughly chopped fresh thyme leaves, divided 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 pound fresh strawberries, hulled and cut into quarters (or eighths if berries very large) 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 egg 1 package (14 ounces) refrigerated pie crusts In small saucepan, stir together vinegar, water, 1 cup sugar, salt and peppercorns. Add thyme sprigs. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until boiling; let boil 3 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Pour over cut strawberries, until fully submerged in liquid. Cover and let sit at room temperature 4 to 8 hours. Preheat oven to 400°F. Line cookie pan with parchment paper. Strain strawberries from pickling liquid and discard peppercorns and thyme. Toss berries with cornstarch until evenly coated. In small bowl, whisk egg with 1 tablespoon water until smooth. Unroll pie crusts and cut with 3 1/2-inch round cutter. Each crust yields 8 rounds. To assemble pies, top half of rounds with about 3 tablespoons of berry mixture each. Brush edges of rounds with egg wash. Cut out a hole or pierce remaining rounds with fork. Place on top of berries. Using a fork, press edges of crusts together tightly to seal. Transfer to prepared cookie pan. Brush tops of pies with egg wash and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake 18 to 22 minutes, or until pies are lightly golden and filling is bubbling. Cool slightly before serving. No-Bake Cheesecake Star Pops Mixed Berry and Lemon Mini Icebox Cakes Yield: 6 servings 1 envelope (2 1/4 teaspoons) unflavored gelatin 1/4 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup boiling water 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 bag (12 ounces) royal blue Candy Melts candy Lollipop Sticks Prepare 6-cavity Mini Star Silicone Mold with vegetable pan spray. In small bowl, combine gelatin, sugar and water; whisk until completely dissolved. In large bowl, beat cream cheese, vanilla and salt with electric mixer until smooth. Gradually add gelatin mixture, beating well. Scrape bottom and sides of bowl. Continue beating until fully combined. Pour into prepared pan. Refrigerate 2 hours or until completely set. Carefully unmold cheesecakes onto cookie pan. Melt small amount of Candy Melts candy. Dip lollipop stick in melted candy and insert 3/4 way into cheesecake stars. Freeze 30 minutes or until firm. In large bowl, melt remaining Candy Melts according to package directions. Drizzle or pipe candy over cheesecake stars as desired. Refrigerate 10 minutes or until set. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve. Note: Some cream cheeses are firmer than others. Firm is best for this recipe. Choose a brand name, full fat cream cheese for best results. Yield: 12 mini cakes 2 cups fresh or frozen mixed berries 2/3 cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 cups heavy whipping cream 1 tablespoon lemon zest (about 1 lemon) 1 package (4.9 ounces) vanilla wafer cookies Blueberries, raspberries or blackberries, for garnish Line muffin pan with plastic wrap, pressing plastic into each cavity and letting plastic hang over edge of pan. In large skillet, combine mixed berries, sugar and lemon juice. Bring to a gentle boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and continue simmering until berries soften and liquid reduces to 1 cup, about 20 to 25 minutes. Gently mash berries with wooden spoon. Transfer to medium bowl and cool completely. In large bowl, whip cream on medium-high speed until cream holds stiff peaks, about 4 to 5 minutes. Gently fold in berry mixture and zest until completely combined. Place whipped cream in decorating bag and cut off pointed end. To assemble, pipe small amount of whipped cream mixture into each muffin cavity. Lightly press a cookie into whipped cream. Continue layering whipped cream and cookies until cavities are full, finishing with whipped cream layer. You should have 3 layers of cookies. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Remove pan from refrigerator. Remove plastic wrap from top and carefully flip out onto serving platter. Remove wrap from mini cakes. Garnish with additional berries, if desired. Serve immediately.