CARD VINE Webinar Series - Student Services Overview


CARD VINE Webinar Series - Student Services Overview
Webinar Series
September 2016
Septiembre 9, 2016 de 10-11AM
Como facilitar las Habilidades Sociales y del Juego
Presentado por Stephanie Garcia-Delgado, M.S., Case Manager, UM-NSU CARD
Esta presentación se centrará en el juego y el desarrollo de habilidades sociales. Vamos a
discutir cómo promover el juego y jugar según las intervenciones. También discutiremos
algunos de los desafíos que enfrentan con juego y entrenamiento de habilidades sociales y
cómo superar estos desafíos.
September 16, 2016 from 10-11AM
Personal Hygiene: Tips and Tricks for Everyday Living
Presented by Lynette Estrada, Ed.D., Case Manager, Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation
Transition and Adult Programs, UM-NSU CARD
This presentation will provide information to adults with ASD on how to maintain proper
hygiene. It includes the how and why of grooming necessary to have positive interactions
with others. The health and etiquette aspects of hygiene will also be addressed.
September 23, 2016 from 10-11AM
Supporting Siblings of Children with ASD
Presented by Ivan Deveaux, B.A., Case Manager, Educational Services, UM-NSU CARD
This webinar provides caregivers tools for effectively and compassionately talking about
autism with siblings of children with ASD. It will include tips on how to support siblings’
understanding of ASD as well as tips on how to help siblings communicate with, assist and
advocate for their brother or sister with ASD.
September 30, 2016 from 10-11AM
Understanding the Function and Strategies to Manage Challenging Behaviors
Presented by Cecilia Alvarez-Tabio,M.S., BCaBa, Manager Behavioral Services, , UMNSU CARD
In this presentation participants will learn about the basic functions of behavior and will
take home some practical strategies to manage challenging behaviors.
Instructions for Participation
Instrucciónes para Participar
1. Click on the link provided for each session at the time and
date indicated.
2. Choose “Enter as a Guest” and type your first name ONLY
in the box provided.
3. Click “Enter Room” and you will automatically be granted
Disclaimer: Please note that all webinars are recorded
1. Haga ‘click’ en la charla de su preferencia a la hora y
fecha anunciada.
2. Escoja entrar como visitante (“Enter as a Guest”) y
escriba su primer nombre solamente en el espacio provisto
3. Haga ‘click’ donde dice “Enter Room” y eso le llevará a
la charla.
Nota: Todas las conferencias serán grabadas