st. mary catholic church iglesia católica de santa maría
st. mary catholic church iglesia católica de santa maría
ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SANTA MARÍA 1291 E. MADISON AVE ATHENS, TN 37303 NOVEMBER 24, 2013 Website: Email: PASTOR Rev. Randy Stice Secretary/Bookkeeper: Religious Education: Youth Ministers: Music Director: RCIA: Maintenance Engr. Parish Family Life Center Sissy Aparicio-Rascon / Rosey Fiegle Paulette Croteau Sue Granger Oneta Fioravanti Jack Cox Lou Dionne Betty Gabbard DAILY MASS: Wednesday 6pm, Friday 9am Last Wednesday: Adoration 6am—6pm Saturday: Confession 4:00—4:30 p.m. Mass 5pm Sunday: Mass 10:00 am & 1pm Spanish HOLY DAYS: 12 NOON AND 7 PM SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: RCIA: SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: 745-4277 745-4277 506-7836 865-712-6819 836-2979 745-4277 746-9114 [email protected] Parish Office: 423 745-4277 Fax: 423-745-9706 Rectory: 423-745-0904 PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday 7:30am-5pm Friday 7:30 –11:30am Please submit your bulletin announcements by 12 noon Monday Those contemplating marriage should contact the pastor at least six months before the date of marriage. The Diocese requires a marriage preparation program. Weekend Engaged Encounter is required. Families registered and attending St. Mary, Athens wishing to prepare for the Baptism of an infant, are asked to call the Parish Office to sign up for a Baptismal Preparation class. Adults wishing to join the Catholic Church are invited to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Please call the priest or the office if anyone in the family is sick and needs Anointing of the Sick or Holy Communion. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE—NOVEMBER 24, 2013 Parish Ministries Parish Family Life/ Children’s Liturgy Confirmation Program: Youth Ministry School Co-chair Youth Ministry Marriage Preparation: Liturgy: Co-chair Liturgy Scheduling Minister Website: Hispanic Ministry: Charitable Assistance: Social Action: Co-chair Social Action Table & Chairs: Ushers: Arts/Environment Connie Reed 368-5275 Vivian Brocato 462-2776 Rhoda Whitaker 744-3906 Sam & Vivian Brocato 462-2776 Sue Granger 506-7836 Kathy Porterfield 865-228-3416 Betty Gabbard 746-9114 Bill and Gail Buckley Erasmo and Zuni Hernandez 507-7568 Juan and Maria Sandoval 770-780-3890 920-0394 Mary Ollie Newman Thomas Fortsch, Jr. 745-3504 Connie Reed 368-5275 Scott Maentz 865-224-6779 Ester Brown 253-2750 Erasmo Hernandez 507-7568 Gladys Fortsch 745-3504 Betty Gabbard 746-9114 Jim Barrett Gloria Risko Call the office to make arrangements Mass Intentions 10am: 1pm: SUNDAY, November 24, 2013 +Margaret Langon from Jane & Paul Schad St. Mary Parish Family MONDAY, November 25, 2013 No Mass TUESDAY, November 26 2013 No Mass WEDNESDAY, November 27 2013 6am—6pm Exposition and Adoration 6pm: St. Mary Parish Family THURSDAY, November 28, 2013 9am: Thanksgiving Mass at Retreat Center—Benton FRIDAY, November 29, 2013 9am: +La Senora Solomon Boyzo SATURDAY, November 30, 2013 5pm +Jack Beja from Sally Beja Suggested Mass donation is $5.00. Call the office to schedule a Mass. Donación Mass sugerido es de $ 5.00. Llame a la oficina para hacer una misa. AUGUST– DECEMBER MASS SCHEDULE FOR BENTON RETREAT CENTER—MON, TUES, WED & FRI 11:15AM— THUR & SAT 9AM . SAT 4PM BENEDICTION AND REPOSTITION 4:15 MASS (Open) NEW TO OUR PARISH— WE WELCOME YOU Parish Pastoral Council Melanie Fortuna -Chair: 745-0183 Mary Ollie Newman./Tommy Fortsch, Jr.—Worship/Spiritual Life Rick Kinser / Steven Tayloe—Building & Grounds Jim Rodgers/Dennis Hale - Communication Connie Reed / Vivian Brocato -Parish/Family Life James Barrett / Gloria Risko -Social Action Ester Brown / Erasmo Hernandez—Hispanic Ministry Sue Granger/ Kathy Porterfield- Youth Representative Paulette Croteau—DRE Please fill out a registration card and turn it into the office or drop it in the with the collection. Registration cards are located in slots on the left in the back of the Church, as you leave. Also let us know if you would like to receive donation envelopes and or Capital Campaign information., please call the office. NUEVO EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA-LES DAMOS LA BIENVENIDA Por favor, rellene la tarjeta de registro y convertirlo en la oficina o dejarlo caer en el de la colección. Las tarjetas de registro se encuentran en las ranuras de la izquierda en la parte posterior de la Iglesia, al salir. También, háganos saber si usted desea recibir sobres para donativos y la información que la Campaña de Capital., Por favor llame a la office Stewardship/Collections for November 16/17, 2013 744-8180 Julia Marlow; Barb Bever; Javier Mora, Jr.; Ed Fiegle, Tom Moran Building Committee: Paul Kessler 745-6702 Ed Fiegle, Lou Dionne, Jim Rodgers, John Fortuna, Mary Guthrie, Cecilia Aparicio-Rascon Offertory (Envelopes/Checks) Loose Offering Children’s Collection Misc./Mass/Coffee/Candles/Riembrs. TOTAL BUDGET FOR WEEK (DEFICIT) - MASS ATTENDANCE NOVEMBER 16/17/2013 NON-OPERATING FUNDS BUILDING FUND CAPITAL CAMPAIGN THIS WEEK CAPITAL CAMPAIGN AS OF SUNDAY Finance Board: Lou Pascarella-Chair: 5PM—87 10AM—194 1PM-–148 Continue to support your Church and Capital Campaign Remember St. Mary Church in your will. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,515.00 345.00 246.99 5,106.99 5,882.00 775.01 $ 640.00 $ 1,527.00 $ 534,061.00 GOOD SAMARITAN / 1/2 HOPE CENTER ($805.00) DIOCESAN DEACON FORMATION ($778.08) SP COLLECTION MILITARY SERVICE ($591.00) CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ($105.00) $ 760.00 $ $ 25.00 $ 85.00 ~Liturgical Ministries~ ~Weekend of Nov 30/DEC 01 ~ 5:00 pm: EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: J. LISZESKI, M. FORTUNA, J. FORTUNA LECTORS: J. BARRETT, A. GRANGER SERVERS: L SILVA, M SILVA USHERS: H. GATES, B McCUTCHEON, L NADEAU, O McLEMORE 10:00 am EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: K. RODGERS, S. BROCATO, M. PASCARELLA, J. MARLOW, V. BROCATO, C. REED LECTORS: C. MAENTZ, S. MAENTZ SERVERES : J. MARLOW, L. TWOHIG USHERS: H. REED, J. JONES, B. BEVER, B. BEVER 1:00 pm: MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS DE LA SAGRADA COMUNIÓN: R. FRANK, L. QUINTINO LECTORES: J. MORA, E. MARTINEZ SERVIDORES: A VARGAS, A. VARGAS MINISTRIES/MINISTERIOS: This Week in our Parish SUNDAY–NOVEMBER 24 11:15-12:45 CCD MONDAY—NOVEMBER 25 5:30-7:30 ENGLISH CLASS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 6:30 RCIA—PFLC 6:30 RCIC—CCD BUILD. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 6AM-6PM ADORATION/MASS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 9AM THANKSGIVING MASS IN BENTON, TN OFFICE CLOSED FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29 OFFICE CLOSED SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 NO CLEANING THE CHURCH FOR THIS WEEKEND Have a Blessed Thanksgiving PRAYER CHAIN -Call Carole Webb, 744-7378 to add someone to the prayer chain. If you would like to be prayed for or know of someone to pray for in confidence call the prayer chain. Names do not have to be listed. Please pray for the following/ Por favor oren por las siguientes: Ken Rice...Bill Kavanaugh...Judith Boyd...Arlene Faires…. Carolyn & Thomas Hicks... Mary Lou Paulli... Jerry Moates...Danielle DelCarlo...Jerry Lambert... Jeff Emitt... Nathan Simbeck...Debbie Morgan….Joyce Okray….Tom Fortsch, Sr….Ryan Thomas...Dianne Drescher....Mary Jo Bertolucci….Maxwell Rodgers….Lilly Roberti….Joyce Elliott….Lynda Delise…..Delores Ferrell….Raymond, Jennifer, Jake and Luke Shumate….. Gene and Ruth Robinson….Bob and Shirley Norris….Patrick Schwartz….Tom Moran…...Christopher Vasquez…..Joe Curnick….Richard Epley…..Loretta Witika If you have a family member or know of any of our church members that are homebound and would like a pastorial visit or to receive Holy Communion or a bulletin delivered to them please call the office. Si usted tiene un familiar o conoce a alguno de nuestros miembros de la iglesia que están confinados en casa y me gustaría una visita pastorial o para recibir la Sagrada Comunión o un boletín que se les entregan, por favor llame a la oficina KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS –COUNCIL 8396 Business meeting: 1st Thursday every month in multipurpose room at 7 PM. For info contact Bill Risko @423-715-4310 or [email protected]. Flores Santuarioeste fin de semana están en la memoria cariñosa Franco Hernández, Jr. por sus padres, Franco y Candelaria Hernandez. SACTUARY FLOWERS—Sign up for flowers on the calendar that is set out. You are being asked for a $50.00 donation for a weekend arrangement. Thank you and God Bless. Sactuary FLORES-Regístrate para flores en el calendario que se expone. Se le pide una donación de $ 50.00 por un acuerdo de fin de semana. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. ———————————————————— The DRE Corner— DRE SCHOOL YEAR OFFICE HR DRE AÑO ESCOLAR HORARIO DE OFICINA TUES/Martes- WED/Miércoles-THURS/Jueves-10AM—2PM CCD 11:15—12:45/ clases de catecismo 11:15 am –12:45pm Persons live in relationship. We come from others, we belong to others, and our lives are enlarged by our encounter with others. Faith is not simply and individual decision which takes place in the depths of the believer’s heart. By its very nature, faith is open to the “We” of the Church. We can respond in the singular---“I believe”—only because we also say “We believe.” Childrens practice for Christmas Program 11:15AM—DEC 1st Práctica de los niños por un programa de la Navidad 11:15 AM-01 de diciembre Policy Change—If need to set a table up in the Narthex for your ministry you will need to call the office to be put on the schedule. There will only be one table a weekend. Reminder all pulpit announcements need to be turned into the office for approval by Wednesday. Father will do all announcements. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THANK YOU to all our cooks and bakers for their sharing their talent of cooking and baking for the Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon. Thank you to all who donated foods for the meal. Also to Hunters Café, Mexi-Wings, and Next Genation Car Wash Generation for their donations to our luncheon door prizes . God bless you all. Parish and Family Life Committee GRACIAS a todos los cocineros y panaderos por su compartir su talento de cocinar y hornear para el almuerzo de Acción de Gracias Superior. ¡Gracias a todos los que donaron alimentos para la comida. También en Hunters Café, MexiWings, y Siguiente hidrogenación Car Wash Generación por sus donaciones a nuestros premios almuerzo. Dios los bendiga a todos. Parroquia y Familia Comité de Vida SOCIAL ACTION—One again we will be collecting food for the needy Families in our area for Thanksgiving. Please place food in the multi-purpose room. ACCIÓN SOCIAL Una vez más estaremos colectando comida para las familias necesitadas en nuestra área de acción de gracias. Por favor, coloque los alimentos en el salón de usos múltiples. CHRISTMAS BAGS FOR THE ELDERLY SHUT-INS: Name tags will be handed out the weekend of November 30/December 1. If you would like to help out, please take a name and return gift by the weekend of December 14/15th or earlier. Any questions, call Connie Reed, 368-5275. ANGEL TREE 2013 This program provides for children of families facing financial difficulty. It is our hope that each child in need will receive a warm outfit and a Christmas Wish. Children’s ages are: infant to high school. The tree will be up in the narthex next weekend. The information on the Angels will tell you the child's: age, size, or toy they would like. Please return your purchased item w/ the angel so we know which child the gift belongs to. DO NOT WRAP GIFTS…..THEY MAY BE PLACED IN GIFT BAGS. Please return all gifts by Dec. 15th. If you would like to help w/ general donations you can donate the following: board games, coloring books w/ crayons, socks, bath and body for teen girls or boys, tooth brush and tooth paste, stocking stuffers. For more information contact Holly Gates @ 5075899. Thank you for your support. Visit THE DIOCESE OF KNOXVILLE WEBSITE WWW.DIOKNOX.ORG Second Collections for November 2013 Segunda Colectas para noviembre 2013 23/24TH—CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 30/12-1—PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES. —————————————————————— CHILDREN’S SUNDAY LITURGY—DURING 10AM MASS. For children between the ages of 5-10 years old. ——————————————————————— LADIES GROUP– CARING FOR …….. FOR ST MARY CHURCH—SPRUCING THE CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS—DECEMBER 2-6 THEMSELVES—CHRIST PRINCE OF PEACE RETREAT CENTER– BENTON TN—DECEMBER 7TH 9AM—2:30PM —WITH SISTER M. TIMOTHEA ELLIOTT, RSM. CALL SUE FOR MORE INFORMATION. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Deepest Sympathy to Paul Kessler and Family on the Death of his Father, Hubert, on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. May his soul and the souls of all the dearly departed rest in peace. ANGEL TREE 2013 REGISTRATION We are accepting names for the Angel Tree Outreach Program. This is for children whose families are facing financial difficulty. If you are in need or know a family in need please contact Holly Gates @ 315-256-4065 or the parish office. Registration ends Nov. 25th. ÁNGEL DEL ÁRBOL 2013 DE INSCRIPCIÓN Estamos aceptando nombres para el Programa de Extensión Angel Tree. Esto es para los niños cuyas familias se enfrentan a dificultades financieras. Si usted está en necesidad o conoce a una familia en necesidad por favor póngase en contacto con acebo Puertas @ 315-256-4065 o la oficina parroquial. Inscripción finaliza 25 de noviembre —————————————————————————- Paulette—with CCD will be selling Christmas Oplatki Wafers next weekend Nov. 30/ Dec. 1. The Oplatki Wafers originated in Eastern Europe. They are shared on Christmas Eve as a way tp bless each memeber of the family. Following all the Masses proceeds will go to support the CCD program. HOLIDAY CLEANING! EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO COME AND HELP CLEAN YOUR CHURCH ON Saturday, December 7, 2013 @ 9AM LIMPIEZA DE VACACIONES! Todos son bienvenidos a venir a ayudar LIMPIAR SU IGLESIA EL Sábado, 07 de diciembre 2013 a las 9am ** Pick up the keys at the office prior to cleaning** ——————————–—————-————————— RETIRO DE ADVIENTO EN ESPAÑOL • • • DIA: SABADO 30 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2013 HORA: 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM LUGAR: IGLESIA CATOLICA DE SAINT MARY, ATHENS, TN 2014 Church Offertory envelopes will be available the weekend of December 7/8 or earlier if you want to pick them up at the office. IF YOU DO NOT PRESENTLY RECEIVE THEM AND WOULD LIKE TO, PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE TO HAVE YOUR NAME ADDED. ———————————————————————- 2014 Iglesia sobres Ofertorio estarán disponibles el fin de semana del 7/8 diciembre o antes si quiere recogerlos en la oficina. SI NO ACTUALMENTE recibirlos y le gustaría hacerlo, llame a la oficina para que su nombre AÑADIDO ——————————————————————— BISHOP’S APPEAL UPDATE 2013 APELACION DEL OBISPO ACTUALIZACIÓN 2013 Parish Goal/Meta Parroquial—$11,600.00 Total Committed/Total comprometido —$20,327 Collected to Date/Recogidos de Fech —$14,752 Remaining Balance/Saldo restante—$5, 575 ———-——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— SI USTED NO HA CAMBIADO ES PILAS EN QUE FUMA DECTORS-cámbielas ————————————————————— Marriage Preparation & Enrichment In an effort to give practical help to married and engaged couples in living out the teaching of the Church, a short course (3 classes) about Natural Family Planning is starting soon. You are encouraged to attend the course at All Saints Catholic Church beginning Sunday, December 8 from 2-4:30 pm. Please call Jared and Monica Kimutis at (970) 9805009 for more information or register online at: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to help prepare/decorate the Church for Christmas please on contact the office and I will forward your name and number to MO Newman. Si usted desea ayudar a preparar / decorar la iglesia para Navidad póngase en contacto con la oficina y voy a enviar su nombre y número de MO Newman +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPECIAL COLLECTION 11/30 & 12/1 FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES. We will have a special collection for the people of the Philippines, who have been victims of Typhoon Haiyan. Which caused thousand of casualties and massive destruction. We have close ties to the Philippines, both through our parishioners with family ties there and our Fr. Albert Sescon of St. Therese in Cleveland. All money collected with go to Catholic Relief Services, which is already working in the area. COLECTA ESPECIAL 11/30 y 12/1 PARA LA GENTE DE FILIPINAS. Tendremos una colecta especial para el pueblo de las Filipinas, que han sido víctimas del tifón Haiyan. Que causó miles de víctimas y la destrucción masiva. Tenemos estrechas relaciones con las Filipinas, tanto a través de nuestros feligreses con lazos familiares allí y nuestra Fr. Albert Sescon de Santa Teresa, en Cleveland. Todo el dinero recaudado con ir a los Servicios Católicos de Socorro, que ya está trabajando en la zona. —————————————————————————- Lector books available in the Sacristy for those that are Lectors.