the cougar roars - Holy Family Church


the cougar roars - Holy Family Church
H o l y Fa m i l y S c h o o l
This Sunday, many of our second graders will be making their First Communion. In honor of this special day, the second graders,
only, will be off school on Monday, May 4 th. Please note that this will be the final year second graders will be off the day after First
On Friday, May 8th, we will be celebrating May Crowning. After May Crowning, we will be taking First Communion and Graduation pictures. After pictures, the second grade First Communion children will change back into their uniforms and return to class.
Eighth graders will be dismissed after pictures. This will be around 10:15am. This will be the final year eighth graders will be dismissed from school early on May Crowning day.
We have a busy week next week. Good behavior and keeping up with school work are important considerations when the teacher
takes the class on a field trip. On Tuesday Sunrock Farm will be coming to Holy Family to visit with the preschoolers through
fourth graders. On Wednesday, the seventh graders will have a visit from the Museum Center to learn more about the Underground
Railroad. Also, the second and third graders will be heading out to Avon Woods for a Nature Field Trip. The fourth and fifth graders will head to Avon Woods on Thursday. Say a prayer for good weather all week. :)
Mass on Friday will be planned by the fourth graders. All are welcome to join us in praising our good and gracious Lord.
Peace be with you,
Mrs. O’Brien
Holy Family Church Mass Times: Saturday @ 4: pm & Sundays @ 9:00am. & 11am
Este domingo, muchos de nuestros estudiantes de segundo grado va a hacer la Primera Comunión. En honor a este día tan especial,
los alumnos de segundo grado, solamente, estarán fuera de la escuela el lunes 4 de mayo. Tenga en cuenta que este será el último
año de segundo grado serán el día después de la Primera Comunión.
El viernes, 8 de mayo estaremos celebrando mayo Coronación. Después de Coronación de mayo, vamos a tomar la Primera Comunión y la graduación de las imágenes. Después de las fotos, las de segundo grado los niños de Primera Comunión cambiarán de
nuevo en sus uniformes y regresar a clase. Octavo grado serán despedidos después de las imágenes. Esto será de alrededor de las
10:15 am. Este será el último año de octavo grado serán despedidos de la escuela temprano en el día de mayo de Coronación.
Tenemos una semana de mucho trabajo la próxima semana. Buen comportamiento y mantenerse al día con el trabajo escolar son
consideraciones importantes cuando el profesor toma la clase en un viaje de campo. El martes, Sunrock Granja va a venir a la Sagrada Familia para visitar con los niños en edad preescolar a través de estudiantes de tercer grado. El miércoles, los alumnos de
séptimo grado tendrán una visita del Centro Museo para aprender más sobre el ferrocarril subterráneo. Además, el segundo y tercer
grado va a viajar a Avon maderas para un viaje de la naturaleza Campo. El cuarto y quinto grado se dirigirán a Avon Woods el Jueves. Diga una oración por el buen tiempo durante toda la semana. :)
Misa el viernes será planificado por los estudiantes de cuarto grado. Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros en alabar nuestra
buena y gentil Señor.
La paz sea con vosotros,
La señora O'Brien
Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia Horario de Misas: sábados a las 4:00 pm y los domingos a las 9:00 am y 11 a.m.
Page 2
Mass @ 8:30
First Communion @ 11am Mass
No School for second grade only
Visit from Sunrock Farm @ 9:30 (gr. PS-4)
May Crowning after 8:30 Mass
Graduation and 1st Communion pics
(8th grade dismissed after pictures)
5/10 Mother’s Day
5/25 Memorial Day—School Closed
5/28 Preschool Graduation @ 9am
5/29 Field Day 9:45-1:45
7th & 8th gr. Picnic (8th dismiss @ noon
8th Grade Graduation @ 7pm
Student Recognition Assembly @ 8am
Last day of school
This residential camp is in partnership with the Cincinnati Police Department. Cincinnati resident
youth ages 10-12 years old spend the week residing
in cabins with Cincinnati Police Officers and camp
staff while participating in traditional camp activities, watching special unit presentations (such as
Criminalistics), and learning about policing.
To sign up, contact Cincinnati Police Community
Liaison Office at 513-352-1472 or E-Mail
[email protected]
A $25.00 processing fee is required for all applications.
In you are interested we also have registration forms
in the school office.
6/12, 13, 14 Holy Family 2015 Summer Festival
ED CHOICE—Voucher checks are in. If you have not signed
your check please stop in the school office.
ON TUESDAY 9:30-11:00 AM
They will be bringing their traveling petting farm. Preschool
through fourth grade will enjoy a presentation and petting zoo
with baby farm animals. Sponsored by the Holy Family Library.
5/3 Aida Deleon Vasquez (2)
5/4 Daniel Ranes (2)