SmileSmart - Dental Health Services


SmileSmart - Dental Health Services
| VOL 1
Quarterly Publication Exclusively for Dental Health Services Groups
Your Annual Renewal
Dental Health Services takes great pride in providing you - our members - with industry-leading
value in dental health coverage through our Quality Assured dentists and dedicated Member Service
team. We welcome the opportunity for our employee-owners to continue serving you once you have
completed your annual renewal.
Your annual renewal letter will arrive via mail or email approximately 60 days prior to your renewal
date and again at 30 days prior, if your signed renewal has not been returned. Your renewal will include rates for the upcoming contract period. The
letter you receive will include instructions on how
to renew your plan for another year. For our files,
Dental Health Services always needs your signed
renewal or confirmation from your broker or consultant on behalf of your group.
We value your business. If you need assistance with
your renewal, would like to see other plan options,
or need help with open enrollment meetings, please
contact your Client Service Manager. If you have a
broker or consultant, your Client Service Manager
will be happy to work with them to provide you
with the best options for your upcoming renewal.
Did You Know?
Enrollment Packets are Available
for New Employees.
Contact your Client Service Manager
to request information for new employees who are considering enrolling in the group dental plan. Packets
include a list of covered procedures
and copayments, a participating dentist directory, and an enrollment form.
Please help us
serve your group
better by reminding your employees
about the importance of submitting to
you any address, phone
number, or email address
changes. The fastest way
to update a member’s
Help Us Help Others.
We rely on our satisfied clients to
spread the word about our excellent
benefits and superior customer service. Do you
know a business that
is considering dental
benefits for its employees? If so, we are happy to provide them
with information.
Simply contact
Client Service
Manager or
potential clients
to contact us!
Help Us Protect Your Members’ Privacy
Your members’ privacy is our highest
priority, which is why we adhere to
the strictest security standards when
transmitting files containing member
data. To this end, we request that any
files sent to us be encrypted in WINZIPPED format or, alternatively,
contact information is by logging in to your group account
on the Dental Health Services
website, www.dentalhealthservices.
com, and updating it instantly.
you can allow us to download the
files from an ftp site. Thank you for
helping us serve your members by
keeping their data secure! If you have
any questions or concerns please
don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re
always happy to help you.
© 2014 Dental Health Services
Your Guide To Your Dental
Health Services Web Account
Need quick access to information about your group’s dental
benefits? Visit our website to request a personalized username
and password. Your Sales and Service
Coordinators will contact
you as soon as your account
becomes activated.
Once you activate your
online account, you will be
able to:
1. Enroll new employees:
Submit enrollment information for new employees using
the New Member Enrollment link. Your employee will receive
a welcome packet in the mail within ten business days
of enrollment.
| VOL 1
Your Privacy is Our Priority
If you’ve recently contacted Dental Health Services through
email, you may have noticed some changes to how you receive
and view our messages.
As a proactive approach to ensure your privacy - as well as that
of our valued members, dentists, and partners - is protected,
Dental Health Services has recently set up an encryption system
to protect all of our outbound emails that may contain sensitive
member health and personal information. This new procedure
is also in compliance with Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.
Typically, you will receive an initial email asking you to set up a log
in account. You will then be able to log in securely to view our
email messages. Be sure to reply directly to your Client Service
Manager or Sales and Service Coordinators instead of the default
email address.
We thank you for your patience and for helping us protect you
and your members against anything that may compromise your
personal information and privacy.
If you have any questions, please call us at 877-222-2735. We’re
always happy to help you!
2.Download a list of currently enrolled employees:
Click on the Eligibility Report link to download an Excel
spreadsheet listing the employees currently enrolled in the
group dental plan.
3.Update group and contact information:
Use the Update Group Information or Member Management
links to submit changes to company or employee contact
information. This helps ensure all mailed materials arrive in
a timely manner.
4.Contact your Client Service Manager:
By clicking on the Contact your Client Service Manager link, you
will be directed to a page where you can submit inquiries. Your
Client Service Manager will respond within one business day.
If you need immediate assistance, please call 877-222-2735 .
5.Search for participating network dentists:
New employees or current employees looking to switch
dentists may search our network by using the Dentist Search tab.
A Great Reason to Smilesm
3833 Atlantic Avenue | Long Beach, CA 90807
877-222-2735 •