A m de re el th el fi Fi d an sh M re fr an FABR ntimony su material of
A m de re el th el fi Fi d an sh M re fr an FABR ntimony su material of
Proceedings of tthe Third International Symposium m on Renewable E Energy and Sustaainability, Temixco, Moreloos, México, Septeember 9-11, 20155 FABR RICATION AND CHARAC CTERIZATIO ON OF SB2S3 3 THIN FILM MS BY P PULSE ELECTRODEPOSITION R.G Avilez G Garcia1, C.A Meza1, M. Pal2, N.R Mathew ws1,* 1 In nstituto de Energíías Renovables, U Universidad Nacio onal Autónoma dee México, Temixcco, Morelos 62580 0, México 2 In nstituto de Física,, BUAP, Av. San Claudio y Blvd. 18 Sur Col. San Man nuel, Ciudad Univeersitaria, C.P. 725570, Pu uebla, México. *Corresponding autthor: [email protected] nam.mx Antimony su ulfide (Sb2S3) is an interesting semiconductting chalcogenide m material of the V–VI ggroup becaause of its high refracctive indexx, well‐ deefined quan ntum size efffects, phottosensitivityy etc. In the present wo ork, we reeport the fabrication n of Sb2S3 thin film ms are byy cathodic pulse ellectrodepossition from solutions containing Sb(III) chlo oride and ssodium th hiosulfate. C Cyclic voltam metry experriments werre performeed to evaluaate the ellectrochemical processs. The potentials used for the development of the films were between b ‐0 0.7 –0.75 V vs saturatted Calomel electrode (SCE). Fiilms with th hickness of 80 to 400 n nm were deeposited by varying thee pulse duration. Th he crystallin ne structure and com mposition of o the filmss were an nalyzed to ascertain sttructure and phase pu urity of the films. The results sh howed the ffilms were polycrystalline with cryystalline sizee of about 15 nm. M Morphologiccal analysis of the filmss using Atomic Force M Microscopy (AFM) reevealed a co ompact and d uniform ssurface. Thee optical band gap estiimated frrom the tran nsmittance and reflectaance data w was in the raange of 1.7‐1.8 eV, an nd the filmss were found to be foto osensitive. R.G Avilez Garcia, C.A Meza, M. Pal, N.R Mathews. (2015) Fab brication and characterization of sb2s3 hin films by pu ulse electrodep position. Posteer Session: Sollar Energy; Pro oceedings of tthe Third th mposium on Ren newable Energyy and Sustainab bility (Eds. E. San ntoyo, P.J. Sebaastian, M. International Sym ópez de Haro), TTemixco, Morelos, México, Sep ptember 9‐11, 22015. Ló