“Pioneers into Practice 2014” (PIP-2014)


“Pioneers into Practice 2014” (PIP-2014)
Programme “Pioneers into Practice 2014” (PIP-2014)
Dates: 5th, 6th and 7th May 2014
Venue: Red Cube of the CPI (Polytechnic City of the Innovation)
Polytechnic University of Valencia
Camino de Vera, s/n
The 2014 Pioneers into Practise (PIP) programme starts with a workshop in which activities
planned for 2014 will be presented.
This workshop, referred to as Regional Introductory Workshop, intends that especially
pioneers get familiar with the philosophy, activities and expectations that 2014 PIP Programme
has set as a challenge. The current call has some novelties , such as the involvement of some
Portuguese pioneers in the outreach framework and the stronger engagement of the hosts.
In this regard, hosts has been invited to participate in the first day of the Introductory
Workshop, in order to better now the framework of the programme, as well as the actors who
take part in the programme and their potential role during the course.
On the other hand, the Portuguese pioneers will have their first contact with the programme
and will be able to better understand the philosofy and timeframe of Pioneers into Practise.
Pioneers are expected to get to know each other during these three days, through a very
interactive approach. At the same time, they will meet the coordinators, regional coaches and
the whole team of 2014PiP Programme team in the Valencian Region.
A general view on the regional strategies and relevant initiatives within the programme will be
provided in the framework of this course-workshop.
Likewise, an important part of the sessions will be focused on discussing the so-called
“transition thinking” and, particularly, we will talk about the main stakeholders involved in this
change. To do this, different methodologies and techniques on analysis and interviews will be
By the end of the day participants know each other better; should be aware of the multi-actors
needed for sustainability innovation, should have identified important actors in their region,
have an idea of how one should/could interview other actors to get relevant information and
have an assignment.
5th May 2014
09.30 Arriving participants and Registration
10.00 Welcome and opening
 Excmo. Sr. D. José E. Capilla Romá, Vicerrector of Researching. Polytechnic
University of Valencia (tbc)
 Ilmo. Sr. D. Joaquín Ríos. Director General of Industry. Director of IVACE.
Consellería de Industria, Economía, Comercio y Turismo (tbc)
10.20 Inaugural address. Climate change Valencian strategy
 Ilmo. Sr. D. Vicente Tejedo Tormo Director General of Environment Quality.
Generalitat Valenciana (tbc)
10.45 European and Valencian framework for Climate Change policies and initiatives
RIS3 (Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategy) on Climate Change
 D. Roberto Parras. IVACE. Generalitat Valenciana (tbc)
Climate-KIC initiative.
 D. Francisco Ferrando. Coordinador RIC Comunidad Valenciana – IVACE.
Generalitat Valenciana (tbc)
Pioneers into Practice Programme
 D. José Luis Muñoz Bonet. Coordinador RIC Comunidad Valenciana – FCVRE.
PiP programme coordinator
11.30 Pause-break
12.00 Networking space: exploring collaboration opportunities within the PiP community
Do not forget your business card¡¡
Chair: D. Cristian Matti. Valencian coach coordinator - Ingenio (CSIC-UPV)
13.30 Lunch-break
15.00 Pioneers Group assignments
 D. Cristian Matti. Valencian coach coordinator - Ingenio (CSIC-UPV)
16.00 Pioneers into Practice Programme. Administrative issues.
 Dª Celsa Monrós Barahona Valencian Regional Coordinator PiP Programme –
FCVRE (Fundación Comunidad Valenciana-Región Europea)
6th May 2014
9.00 Arrival of participants
9.30 Welcome and introduction part one
9.50 Introduction into Climate Change challenges and the need of system innovation
10.30 Small break and Energizer
10.50 Introduction into the perspective of a Multi-level context
11.20 Assignment working with a Multi-Level Perspective
12.20 Plenary feedback on the results of the MLP-assignment
12.30 LUNCH
14.00 ABC dealing with barriers
14.30 Short Feedback on ABC
14.35 Introduction actor analysis
14.50 Assignment. which actors are relevant for the transition group assignments?
15.50 Introduction actor interview
16.00 Actor interview assignment
16.50 Plenary feedback
17.00 Pioneers make appointments for 2 real-life actor interviews (or at the end of
the programme)
17.15 Plenary evaluation and closing
7th May 2014
9.00 Open space and networking
9.30 Official start/welcome
9.40 Nurturing and empowering projects, based on Strategic Niche Management
(SNM) and example(s)
10.10 Assignment on Nurturing and Empowerment
11.40 Feed back on the assignment
11.50 Short break or Energizer
12.10 Introduction visioning and backcasting
14.30 Assignment visioning and backcasting
15.45 Showing Groups’ posters (open space)
16.05 Feedback and closure