JOENFA NATURE M O B I L I A R I O LED TEAR SIDE TABLE ASH TRAY DECO TABLE CHAMPAGNERA FLOWER ROCK BALL FLAT TOWER UMBRELLA MUSHROOM BIG CUBE FRESH GREY STONE VASE YING CHILL BALL MOBILE LED TECHNOLOGY 02 | 03 04 | 05 06 07 08 | 09 10 | 11 12 | 13 14 | 15 16 | 17 18 | 19 20 | 21 22 | 23 24 | 25 04 28 29 30 | 31 30 | 31 32 33 34 | 36 30 ø 28 REF. 40627 PBG-2931DEW LÁMPARA LÁGRIMA TEAR LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,063 M3 POINTS: 146 PAGS 02 / 03 TE AR COMO LA UNIDAD MAS PEQUEÑA DEL ELEMENTO MÁS COMÚN DE LA SUPERFICIE TERRESTRE, NUESTRA GOTA DE AGUA, TIENE UN DISEÑO SIMPLE Y EVOCADOR. DE FORMA ORGÁNICA Y SUAVE AL TACTO, AYUDA A LA RELAJACIÓN. FABRICADA PARA PERMANECER 50.000 HORAS ENCENDIDA EN TU PISCINA, SPA O HABITACIÓN. AS THE SMALLEST UNIT OF MOST COMMON ELEMENT OF THE EARTH’S SURFACE, OUR WATER DROP, HAS A SIMPLE AND EVOCATIVE DESIGN. ITS ORGANIC FORM AND SOFT TOUCH, HELPS TO RELAX. BUILT TO LAST 50,000 HOURS IN YOUR POOL, SPA OR ROOM. REF. 40633 PBB-2940 LÁMPARA MESA AUX. AUX. TABLE LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,033 M3 POINTS: 172 PAGS 04 / 05 SIDE TABLE 40 ø 29 ASH TRAY REF. 40621 PBB-1015A LÁMPARA CENICERO ASH TRAY LAMP 15 BLANCO / WHITE 0,045 M3 POINTS: 92 ø 10 PAGS 06 / 07 REF. 40622 PBB-1015B 14 LÁMPARA MESA TABLE LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,045 M3 10 10 POINTS: 92 DECO TABLE REF. 40614 PDG-2035 LÁMPARA CHAMPAÑERA CHAMPAGNERA LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,015 M3 POINTS: 118 PAGS 08 / 09 CHAM PAG NERA ELEGANTE Y FUNCIONAL, ESTE ACCESORIO NO PUEDE FALTAR EN LAS REUNIONES SOCIALES Y FAMILIARES. RECIPIENTE INALÁMBRICO E IMPERMEABLE. STYLISH AND FUNCTIONAL, THIS ACCESSORY IS A MUST IN SOCIAL AND FAMILY GATHERINGS. THE CADDY IS WIRELESS, WATERPROOF AND RECHARGEABLE. 24 27 20 FLOWER REF. 40623 PBB-1015C LÁMPARA FLOR FLOWER LAMP 16 BLANCO / WHITE 0,045 M3 POINTS: 92 PAGS ø 10 10 / 11 REF. 40628 PBB-3132 LÁMPARA ROCK ROCK LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,037 M3 POINTS: 134 PAGS 12 / 13 RO CK 22 31 ESTA ORIGINAL COLECCIÓN ROCK, ESTA DISPONIBLE EN VARIOS TAMAÑOS. SON LÁMPARAS FLOTANTES, MÓVILES E INTELIGENTES. LÁMPARAS DE DISEÑO SOSTENIBLE, INNOVADORAS Y DE ALTA CALIDAD. FROM THE ORIGINAL COLLECTION, ROCK, IS AVAILABLE IN VARIOUS SIZES. THESE FLOATING LAMPS ARE SMART AND MOBILE. SUSTAINABLE DESIGNED LAMPS ARE INNOVATIVE AND HIGH QUALITY. REF. 40601 SMALL / PBG-250 REF. 40604 BIG / PBG-400 LÁMPARA BALL BALL LAMP BLANCO / WHITE S / 0,038 M3 B / 0,07 M3 POINTS SMALL: 118 POINTS BIG: 198 PAGS 14 / 15 BA LL ø 25 - 40 LA ESFERA ES NUESTRA LAMP MÁS EXITOSA, UNO DE NUESTROS PRIMEROS MODELOS QUE CADA AÑO SIGUE PRESENTE EN NUESTRO CATÁLOGO. ACCESORIOS PRÁCTICOS E INTELIGENTES, PRODUCTOS SOSTENIBLES, INNOVADORES Y DE CALIDAD, REALMENTE HERMO- SOS Y AL MEJOR PRECIO. THE SPHERE IS ONE OF OUR ORIGINAL LAMP MODELS AND MOST POPULAR LAMP. YEAR AFTER YEAR, STILL HAVING A PRESENCE IN OUR CATALOG. PRACTICAL ACCESSORIES, SMART, SUSTAINABLE, INNOVATIVE AND OF GREAT QUALITY AT THE BEST PRICE. BAR STOOL & TABLE REF. 40625 REF. 40624 BAR STOOL PBG-0003 LÁMPARA TABURETE BAR STOOL LAMP LÁMPARA BARRA BAR LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,14 M3 BLANCO / WHITE 0,25 M3 POINTS: 394 POINTS: 696 PAGS 14 / 15 110 84 ø 39 ø 60 REF. 40609 PBB-3527 LÁMPARA FLAT FLAT LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,074 M3 POINTS: 168 PAGS 16 / 17 FL AT 27 ø 35 LÁMPARA DE ELEGANTE DISEÑO PERFECTA PARA INTERIOR. O PARA EL EXTERIOR CREANDO UNA AMBIENTE ESPECTACULAR ALREDEDOR DE UNA PISCINA POR EJEMPLO. DISEÑO FUNCIONAL, LUCES INTELIGENTES, ECOLÓGICAS, POTENTES, RESISTENTES AL AGUA E IRROMPIBLES ¿QUIÉN DA MÁS? THIS LAMPS ELEGANT DESIGN IS PERFECT FOR THE INTERIOR, AS WELL AS THE EXTERIOR, CREATING A DRAMATIC AMBIANCE AROUND THE POOL OR PATIO. THE DESIGN IS FUNCTIONAL, GREEN, SMART, POWERFUL, WATERPROOF AND UNBREAKABLE. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR? REF. 40635 PBG-1974 TOWER LÁMPARA TOWER TOWER LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,25 M3 POINTS: 172 PAGS 18 / 19 70 DELIMITAR UN CAMINO Y CREAR SENSACIONES ÚNICAS, SOBRETODO DE NOCHE. ILUMINAR BELLOS ESPACIOS ARQUITECTÓNICOS. NUESTROS DISEÑOS CUBREN MULTITUD DE NECESIDADES Y USOS. CREATING A PATH AND UNIQUE SENSATIONS, ILLUMINATING BEAUTIFUL ARCHITECTURAL SPACES IN THE EVENING. OUR DESIGNS COVER A MULTITUDE OF NEEDS AND USES. 19 UM BRE LLA REF. 40681 PBG-2006 LÁMPARA SOMBRILLA UMBRELLA LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,08 M3 20 cm DIAM POINTS: 38 PAGS 20 / 21 REF. 40620 PBB-2722 LÁMPARA SETA MUSHROOM LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,012 M3 POINTS: 138 PAGS 22 / 23 MUSH ROOM DISEÑOS ORGÁNICOS INSPIRADOS EN LA NATURALEZA, PROVOCATIVOS Y ECO RESPONSABLES. PIEZAS EN LAS QUE SE REDUCE AL MÍNIMO EL CONSUMO DE COMPONENTES Y MATERIAS PRIMAS. RESPETUOSAS Y 100% ECOFRIENDLY. ORGANIC DESIGN INSPIRED BY NATURE, PROVOCATIVE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS. THESE PIECES REDUCE THE CONSUMPTION OF RAW MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS. 100% ECOFRIENDLY. 22 ø 23 REF. 40613 PBG-4040 LÁMPARA BIG CUBE BIG CUBE LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,072 M3 POINTS: 226 PAGS 24 / 25 BIG CUBE 40 22 NUESTRA COLECCIÓN MÁS ÁMPLIA Y VERSÁTIL. IDEAL EN CUALQUIER OUR LARGEST AND MOST VERSATILE COLLECTION. IDEAL IN ANY SPACE, ESPACIO, EVENTO, HOTEL O RESTAURANTE. UTILICE EL QUE MÁS LE EVENT, HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. UTILIZE THEM IN THE MANNER YOU SEE CONVENGA SEGÚN EL EFECTO QUE BUSQUE OBTENER O COMBINE BEST, TO CREATE THE AMBIENCE YOU SEEK. OR COMBINE A VARIETY OF VARIAS LAMPS PARA JUGAR CON LAS FORMAS Y VOLÚMENES. LAMPS TO PLAY WITH THE DIFFERENT SHAPES AND VOLUMES E GG REF. 40629 25 PBB-1621 LÁMPARA HUEVO EGG LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,029 M3 POINTS: 130 PAGS 15 26 / 27 COMPLEMENTO DE MESA PARA EL DÍA Y LA NOCHE, ELEGANCIA Y SOFISTICACIÓN PARA VESTIR SUS MESAS. PEQUEÑOS DETALLES QUE HACEN DE NUESTROS ESPACIOS LUGARES ÚNICOS. ITS ELEGANCE AND SOPHISTICATION COMPLEMENTS ANY TABLE FOR THE DAY OR NIGHT. SMALL DETAILS THAT MAKE OUR SPACES UNIQUE. PLAN TER 63t 60 REF. 40649 PGB-6050 LÁMPARA MACETERO PLANTER LAMP BLANCO / WHITE 0,023 M3 POINTS: 356 PAGS 26 / 27 GREY STONE COLLECTION LÍNEA LED INSPIRADA EN LAS PIEDRAS, DISE- THIS LED COLLECTION IS INSPIRED BY STO- ÑOS CON ACABADOS EN TONOS NATURALES. NES, AND THEIR EARTHLY NATURAL TONES. SILLONES, MESAS, MACETEROS, FRUTEROS Y CHAIRS, TABLES, PLANTERS, FRUIT BOWLS CHAMPAGNERAS. DISEÑOS PENSADOS PARA AND CHAMPAGNE CADDIES. DESIGNED FOR CONVIVIR EN LOS MEJORES AMBIENTES. LIVING IN THE BEST ENVIRONMENTS. 34 24 34 40 34 29 BIG CUBE LOW PLANTER NEW CHAMPAGNERA REF. 40613 REF. 40643 REF. 40680 PBG - 4040 PBG-3434 PGB-2934 LÁMPARA BIG CUBE BIG CUBE LAMP LÁMPARA LOW PLANTER LOW PLANTER LAMP LÁMPARA CHAMPAÑERA CHAMPAGNERA LAMP GRIS PIEDRA / STONE GREY 0,072 M3 GRIS PIEDRA / STONE GREY 0,028 M3 GRIS PIEDRA / STONE GREY 0,033 M3 POINTS: 226 POINTS: 192 POINTS: 158 VA SE 24 ø 50 ACCESORIOS PARA PRESENTAR ALIMENTOS DE MANERA ORIGINAL Y PRÁCTICA. SELLADO E IRROMPIBLE, DISPONIBLE EN VARIOS COLORES, PENSADA PARA CONVIVIR EN LOS MEJORES AMBIENTES. PRODUCTOS SOSTENIBLE, INNOVADOR Y DE CALIDAD, REALMENTE HERMOSO Y AL MEJOR PRECIO. REF. 40683 ACCESSORIES TO PRESENT FOOD PBG-2006 IN AN ORIGINAL AND PRACTICAL LÁMPARA VASE VASE LAMP BREAKABLE, AVAILABLE IN VARIOUS GRIS PIEDRA / GREY STONE 0,067 M3 POINTS: 232 PAGS 28 / 29 MANNER. WATER TIGHT AND UNCOLORS. THOUGHT FOR BETTER LIVING IN THE ROOMS. SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS, INNOVATIVE AND QUALITY, REALLY BEAUTIFUL AND THE BEST PRICE. MESAS Y SILLAS ILUMINADAS QUE YING & CHILL INVITAN A PASAR UN BUEN RATO CON AMIGOS. DISEÑOS ERGONÓMICOS, CONFORTABLES Y RESPETUOSOS CON EL MEDIO AMBIENTE. PROVOCATIVOS Y ECO RESPONSABLES. PIEZAS EN LAS QUE SE REDUCE AL MÍNIMO EL CONSUMO DE COMPONENTES Y MATERIAS PRIMAS. LIGHTED TABLES AND CHAIRS THAT INVITE YOU TO GATHER, AND SPEND TIME WITH FRIENDS. ERGONOMIC AND COMFORTABLE DESIGNS, AS WELL AS ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY. PROVOCATIVE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS. THESE PIECES REDUCE THE CONSUMPTION OF RAW MATERIALS 40 44 ø 40 REF. 40685 PBG-4040C LÁMPARA MESA YING YING TABLE LAMP GRIS PIEDRA / GREY STONE 0,072 M3 POINTS: 186 ø 56 REF. 40684 PBG-560 LÁMPARA CHILL CHILL LAMP GRIS PIEDRA / GREY STONE 0,185 M3 POINTS: 252 PAGS 30 / 31 REF. 40601 SMALL / PBG-250 REF. 40604 BIG / PBG-400 LÁMPARA BALL BALL LAMP GRIS PIEDRA / STONE GREY S / 0,038 M3 B / 0,07 M3 POINTS SMALL: 118 POINTS BIG: 198 PAGS 14 / 15 BA LL ø 25 - 40 LA ESFERA ES NUESTRA LAMP MÁS EXITOSA, UNO DE NUESTROS PRIMEROS MODELOS QUE CADA AÑO SIGUE PRESENTE EN NUESTRO CATÁLOGO. ACCESORIOS PRÁCTICOS E INTELIGENTES, PRODUCTOS SOSTENIBLES, INNOVADORES Y DE CALIDAD, REALMENTE HERMO- SOS Y AL MEJOR PRECIO. THE SPHERE IS ONE OF OUR ORIGINAL LAMP MODELS AND MOST POPULAR LAMP. YEAR AFTER YEAR, STILL HAVING A PRESENCE IN OUR CATALOG. PRACTICAL ACCESSORIES, SMART, SUSTAINABLE, INNOVATIVE AND OF GREAT QUALITY AT THE BEST PRICE. LÁMPARA DE FÁCIL MANEJO CON AGARRE EN LA PARTE SUPERIOR, PRÁCTICA Y FUNCIONAL. EL COMPLEMENTO IDEAL PARA LLEVAR DE UN SITIO A OTRO, ENGANCHARLO O COLGARLO. EASY OPERATIONAL LAMP, WITH A TOP HANDLE, MAKES IT PRACTICAL AND FUNCTIONAL. IDEAL FOR CARRYING FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER OR HANG. MO BI LE REF. 40619 PBB-1560 LÁMPARA MOBILE MOBILE LAMP GRIS PIEDRA / GREY STONE 0,056 M3 POINTS: 114 PAGS 32 / 33 24 ø 22 LED LIGHTS TECHNOLOGY Environmentally friendly lighting Portable LED lighting - Low power consumption: by using LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes), the efficiency of our bulbs is 100 lm/W compared with 20 lm/W for an incandescent lamp. Our goals are to become a part of the world you live in, customize it, light it up, fill it with color. To meet these challenges, we work on four themes. - Reducing unnecessary power consumption: thanks to our charging station that turns off automatically when charging is complete or when nothing is connected to it. - Incorporability: Providing light for everyone, everywhere, means finding smart ways of incorporating complex systems into the user’s environment. Whether they involve lamps, furniture or everyday objects, our systems are designed to diffuse adequate lighting while remaining practical and discreet. - No energy loss: via the use of sealed gold connectors. Induction lighting, on the other hand, boasts an efficiency of about 30% without guaranteeing increased safety. - No loss of light: thanks to our cordless technology, no light is lost because the lamp follows you. - Fully recyclable diffuser: thanks to the efforts of our engineers, more than 90% of the product’s weight can be recycled. - Optimized design: our light bulbs are designed to minimize the use of raw materials. - Long-lasting light bulb: our products last a long time, thanks to the “unbreakable” design of light bulbs as well as our choice of LED technology. For example, our LEDs have a lifespan of 50,000 hours compared with 1,200 for an incandescent lamp. This is not a throw-away product. - RoHS certification: proof that our entire production team is committed to environmental responsibility. - Environmentally friendly packaging: in addition to being recyclable and made from recycled materials, we optimize packaging design to ensure our products are protected without using excess materials. - Modularity: Our systems are made to be interchangeable, and with a single light module, you can light up all your Smart & Green products. By creating a development platform, we are opening up new horizons and encouraging product customization, with the goal of best meeting your needs and reacting to changing trends. - Rechargeable: In addition to providing cordless solutions, our products fit in with your way of living by being easy to use. Not having to worry about the state of your batteries and when to replace them, allowing you to enjoy the best of our technology for many years to come, all while respecting the environment: these are the goals that inspire us. - Strength: To make light fun, we want to encourage you to use it without worrying about damaging your lamps. Wherever our products are used, whether free-standing or built-in, we make every effort to ensure they remain functional: that’s why they are designed to be part of your world. Being waterproof means they can be used inside and out. Since they’re unbreakable, they give you peace of mind and meet your need for portable lighting. WATERPROOF UNBREAKABLE RECHARGEABLE UNLIMITED COLORS ECO-FRIENDLY REMOTE CONTROLLED MODULAR UNLIMITED COLORS RECHARGEABLE The basic concept of Smart & Green is the standardization of LED light bulbs: whether stand-alone or with a diffuser you’ll have no trouble finding a place for them in your surroundings The sky’s the limit when it comes to creating an ambience thanks to the easy availability of all the colors of the rainbow or just white. Your cordless lamp can go with you everywhere and will last a long time. Lithium-polymer technology means the battery has a long life, and allows you to recharge your lamp whenever you want. WATERPROOF UNBREAKABLE REMOTE CONTROLLED Simplify the lighting around you by using Smart & Green’s LED lamps safely anywhere, anyhow. If you’re playing in the pool, take it with you … but what if it falls? Don’t worry, it comes out tops in the most stringent tests! But the real luxury is not just that there’s no power cord – you can also control all your lamps at a distance with one touch of a button. Skyline Design cordless LED Lights, with LED wireless technology, are right at home indoors or outdoors. The unique design, material and construction of these lights ensure that they are 100% waterproof and shock resistant. Our LED Lights are also environmentally friendly enjoying extremely low energy consumption. They even float if you decide to toss them into your pool! Skyline Design LED Lights are extremely versatile and allows you to enjoy 4 modes of illumination and 3 levels of brightness which you can choose to create the atmosphere that best suits you, the occasion and environment.Visit our light gallery. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1- turn on 2- turn off 3- start / stop 4- change color 5- more/less bright 6- candle mode 7- color speed 8- white mode 9- led base 10- battery base 9 LED LIGHTS TECHNOLOGY ODES OF ILLUMINATION White light in 3 levels of brightness Candle effect ( flickering yellow ) Dynamic ( multi colour ) Specific colour BATTERY LIFE ( 7-20 hours ) Low intensity: 20 hours Average intensity: 12 hours High intensity: 8 hours Charging time: 6 hours TECHNICAL SPECS Li-Polymer Battery 3.7V 1750 mah AC input: 110-220V / 50-60 Hz Output: DC 5V 16 white ledss, 36 colour LEDS Lifetime exceeding 50,000 hours Includes charging dock Optional RF Remote Control 10 JOENFA NATURE M O B I L I A R I O WHATIS Nuestros productos estan pensados para uso continuado, resisten a los rayos UV y a las condiciones climáticas más adversas. Son respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Los LEDS tienen una vida útil de 50.000 horas frente a las 1.200 de una lámpara incandescente. Luces inteligentes y ecológicas, potentes, resistentes al agua e irrompibles y tecnología intuitiva, todo para ofrecer el mejor servicio día a día. Toda una gama de luces y accesorios desarrollados para optimizar el consumo de energías con el fin último de respetar el medio ambiente. Our Products are designed for continuous use, they are resistant to UV rays and most adverse weather conditions. They are also environmentally friendly. The LED’s have a lifespan of 50,000 hours, compared to the 1,200 hours of an incandescent lamp. The lamps are smart, green, powerful, waterproof, unbreakable and have intuitive technology. All to offer the best day to day service. A range of lights and accessories developed to optimize energy consumption, with the ultimate aim to be conscious of the environment. JOENFA NATURE M O B I L I A R I O POL. IND. SAN CRISTOBAL C/ LA SOLANA, PARCELA A1 46630 FONT DE LA FIGUERA (VALENCIA) SPAIN TEL: + 34 96 223 20 32 FAX: + 34 96 223 20 33 E-mail: [email protected]