Youth Group Update! - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Youth Group Update! - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
October 11, 2015 XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free Sacred Heart Parish Mission Reverend J. Patrick Foley October 19-21, 2015 (Mon, Tue, Wed) Morning Sessions: 8-10AM with Mass, light dinner Evening Sessions: 6-8PM with Mass, light dinner Commitment: What makes Our Lives Worth Living? THE THIRSTING In Concert at the Sacred Heart Auditorium FREE! October 17th at 7PM From Portland Oregon THE THIRSTING offers cutting edge Catholic music. Lead singer Daniel Oberreuter will offer an Acoustic Concert Sunday afternoon at 3PM WHO: All Invited! Bring a friend! Adult faith formation Classes Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free-Free What’s going on in Religious Education Class? The 5th/6th grade learned about Saint Anthony. This Saint is the patron saint of lost items. Knights of Columbus Oktoberfest 2014 th Oct. 25 , 2014 Call 541-884-3026 for more info/reservations. Buy your ticket now! A Child's Prayer “Tony, Tony, turn around something’s lost and must be found.” Kandace Earhart K-6 RE OCTOBER 31ST IS: Trunk or Treat is a safer way for children to trick or treat. We are looking for Parishioners who would be willing to park their cars in the church parking lot, decorate their trunks, and hand out candy on October 31 from 4:30PM – 6PM. We are also looking for donations of candy to hand out that night. Questions? Please call Kandace in the Parish Office. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA prepares those seeking admission to the Catholic Church for the Sacraments of Initiation. It is open to all adults, even those who are already Catholic and are looking cool about their faith or just want to learn more as they continue their journey of faith. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or if you know someone who is, please contact: Andrew in the Parish Office ----------Youth Group Update! -------Youth Group is swinging into high gear for a busy and fun filled fall session. Join other teens and youth group leaders Duke, Andrew and Kandace every Monday from 5:45 to 8:00 pm for food, games and, most importantly, conversations about Jesus. What's on your mind? Just curious? Or may you want to deepen your walk with the Lord? Either way, we are gearing up for a great year at Sacred Heart! All High School teens join us the weekend of November 13, 14 and 15th at the Powell Butte Retreat center for Day of the Son. Calling all middle school (6th-8th grades) youth for a Day of the Spirit the weekend of November 20, 21 and 22 in Bend Oregon. Interested? Contact youth group leaders by October 19th, 2015 11 de octubre, 2015, gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis THE THIRSTING En Concierto en el Auditorio Sagrado Corazón ¡GRATIS! 17 de octubre - 7 a la noche De Portland Oregon THE THIRSTING ofrece vanguardia de la música católica. El cantante Daniel Oberreuter ofrecerá un concierto acústico domingo por la tarde a la 3PM gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis-gratis Grupo de Jóvenes se balancea en el engranaje alto para una temporada de otoño ocupado lleno de diversión. Reúnase con sus amigos y líderes de grupos juveniles de Duke, Andrew y Kandace todos los lunes 5:45-8:00PM para comida, juegos y, sobre todo, las conversaciones acerca de Jesús. ¿Qué tienes en mente? ¿Sólo curioso? ¿O puede que desee profundizar su caminar con el Señor? ¡De cualquier manera, estamos preparando para un gran año en el Sagrado Corazón! Todos los adolescentes en 9º -12° grados, se reunan a nosotros el fin de semana del 13, 14 y 15 de noviembre en el Centro de Retiros Powell Butte para el Día del Hijo. Llamando a toda la escuela intermedia (grados 6° - 8°) la juventud por un Día del Espíritu del 20, 21 y 22 de noviembre en Bend, Oregon. ¿Interesado? Póngase en contacto con líderes de grupos juveniles de 19 de octubre 2015 Intenciones de Oración del Santo padre Para octubre Universal: Para que sea erradicada la trata de personas, forma moderna de esclavitud. Evangelización: Para que con espíritu misionero, las comunidades cristianas del continente asiático anuncien el Evangelio a todos aquellos que aún lo esperan. XXVIII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ¿Qué está pasando en la clase de Educación Religiosa? La 5°/6° aprendió sobre San Antonio. Este santo es el santo patrono de los objetos perdidos Oración de un niño Tony, Tony, la vuelta de Algo se pierde y hay que encontrar En otra nota: Halloween es el sábado 31 de octubre y Sagrado Corazón acoge Trunk-or-treat en el estacionamiento de Educación Religiosa de 16:30-18:30. Si usted está interesado en esta festividad por favor póngase en contacto conmigo. Gracias Por su apoyo continuo de nuestra parroquia Impuestos Parroquial de la Diócesis 2015 necesario: $47,664.00 2015 ofreciendo hasta ahora: $34,281.53 Resta: $13,382.47 Ofertorio Presupuesto para octubre: $31,000 Ofrenda de la semana pasada: $ 6,471.51 Ofrenda total para oct: $6,471.51 Restante cantidad necesaria para pagar importe abreviatura de obligaciones septiembre $24,528.49 46 Rosarios Durante más de un siglo, cada año del 28 de octubre de la tradición, de los 46 rosarios en honor de la Virgen de Guadalupe, se lleva a cabo. Esta tradición vincula el mes de octubre, dedicado al Santo Rosario, del 28 de octubre al 12 de diciembre, que es la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Fieles se reúnen para rezar el rosario durante 46 días en Capillas / templo, iglesias y casas. Rezan de un rosario por cada estrella que se puede apreciar en el manto de la Virgen de Guadalupe. (Y ¿sabía usted cada una de esas estrellas tiene un nombre?) Si usted desea participar en los 46 Rosarios, ya sea liderando un rosario o asistir por favor llame a la oficina parroquial y háganoslo saber. Feliz Compélanos Esmeralda Leon Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church: “We are a people of God, guided by Sacred Scripture, Traditions and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church to live and share the Gospel message of Christ.” October 17-18, 2015: Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Around The Parish Sun. Oct 11: Extra-Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion Saturday, 5:30 PM (English) Cathy Hahn Ron Hahn Gerry Hoffman Lector Server Acolyte Bonita Fillmore Haley Amos Sevilla Avila Gerry Hoffman 9:30AM Mass (Eileen Foster†) 11:00AM Religious Education 12:30PM Mass (Rafael Leon†) 11:30AM Catholic Daughters Lunch Mtg 5:30PM Cemetery “Open” Board Mtg 5:45PM Youth Group Tue. Oct 13: 6:00PM Mass (Kurt Drottar†) Wed. Oct 14: 8:00AM Mass (Ernie Gutierrez†) 10:00AM Symbolon (Religious Ed Center) 6:00PM 7:30PM Symbolon (Religious Ed Center) Knights of Columbus Mtg. Thur. Oct 15: 8:00AM Mass (Masel Negroponte†) Fri. Oct 16: 8:00AM Mass Sat. Oct 17: 3-4PM Confession 5:30PM Mass 7:00PM THE THIRSTING Concert 9:30AM Mass (Eileen Foster†) 10:45AM Religious Education 12:30PM Mass Mon. Oct 12: Meredith Hoffman Steve Bruce Julie Bruce Larry Jesperson Don Metzler Ruth Smith Sharla Bishop Sunday, 9:30 AM (English) Sunday, 12:30 PM (Spanish) Jorge Jaramillo Juan Manuel Mendez Maria Rosario Ortega Carolos Carcia Corina Moore Roger Bishop Don Metzler James Moore Diego Alonzo Jonathan Flores Juan Manuel Mendez Readings / Lectura: First Reading /Primera Lectura Second Reading/Segunda: Gospel Reading /Evangelio: IS 53:10-11 HEB 4:12-13 MK 10:17-30 Thank You For Your Continued Support of our parish Parish Assessment 2015 Needed: $47,664.00 2015 Offering to Date: $34,281.53 Balance Remaining $13,382.47 Offertory Giving October Budget: $31,000 Last Week’s offering: $ 6,471.51 Oct offering Total: $6,471.51 Amount short for Oct’s obligations $24,528.49 The Board of Directors of Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery ‘Open Meeting' Monday, October 12. at St. Pius X Parish Hall 5:30 pm. Sun. Oct 18: S A V E T H E D A T E ****October 19-20-21: Fr. Patrick Foley Mission**** October 24: So. Oregon Deanery Catechist Workshop October 26: 46 Rosaries in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe for “Respect Life” starts Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for October Universal: That human trafficking, the modern form of slavery, may be eradicated. Evangelization: That with a missionary spirit the Christian communities of Asia may announce the Gospel to those who are still awaiting it. The following have asked for our prayers/Los siguientes han pedido nuestras oraciones: Art Alanaiz, Cathy Seus, Ida Lamb, Sandy Pinto, Amy Spannaus, Charl0tte McCarthy, Marie Shaima, Kyle Lamson, Nick and Maria Valdez, Gloria Mulvhill, Richard Rosco, Joe Cox, Maryetta Shere, Frank Foster, George and Rose Maupin, Bennie and Julia Rodriguez, Ed Andersch, Rita Sue Dolinsky, John Rosco. Please remember our homebound parishioners. For the repose of the soul /Para el descanso del alma: Frank Broderick, Ramona Arndt, Daniel Aspera To add a name to the Prayer Corner, call Shendy at 882-8065. USCCB Llamado a la Oración la Vida, Matrimonio y Libertad Religiosa Todos los cristianos se levantan Brilla tu luz Un cazador dice: "Todos los cristianos se levantan". ¿Te pie? ¿Podría? All Christians Stand Up Shine your Light A shooter says, “All the Christians stand up.” Would you stand? Would I? I cannot imagine what demon-possessed hatred inspires people to kill other human beings. But I do know we are dealing with the darkness that hates the Light. We are dealing with more than just bad people and a fractured society. We are dealing with what St. Paul called “powers and principalities of Satan” The evil and malicious spirits who make war against the people of God. These young people are martyrs. One hundred and sixty miles away from us, young people stood to shine their light in the face of the darkness. I am encouraged by their strength and their willingness to stand up for Jesus Christ. The shooter who murdered them, even though he was mocking them, spoke truth. They are in the presence of God. He didn’t know it. He certainly did not intend it. But he gave them the gift of the heaven. This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine Hide it under a bushel, No, I’m going to let it shine, Don’t let Satan blow it out, I’m going to let it shine, Let it shine till Jesus comes, I’m going to let it shine. Let It Shine Let It Shine, Let it Shine. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Midpoint Rally Movie Bringing hope and healing to those suffering from the trauma of abortion Into My Arms Tuesday, Oct 13 6:30PM Bible Baptist Church 4849 S. 6th St. No me puedo imaginar lo endemoniado odio inspira a la gente a matar a otros seres humanos. Pero sí sé que se trata de la oscuridad que odia la Luz. Se trata de algo más que malas personas y una sociedad fracturada. Se trata de lo que St. Paul llama "poderes y principados de Satanás" a los malos espíritus y maliciosos que hacen la guerra contra el pueblo de Dios. Estos jóvenes son mártires. Ciento sesenta millas de distancia de nosotros, los jóvenes estaban a brillar su luz en la cara de la oscuridad. Me siento alentado por su fuerza y su voluntad de defender a Jesucristo. El cazador que los asesinó, a pesar de que se estaba burlando de ellos, dijo la verdad. Ellos están en la presencia de Dios. Él no lo sabía. Desde luego, no tenía la intención de ella. Pero él les dio el don del cielo. Esta lucecita, tiene que brillar No podré esconderla sin, tiene que brillar No dejes que Satanás sopla hacia fuera, tiene que brillar, deja que brille hasta que llegue Jesús, tiene que brillar, Brillará, brillará, brillará DIOCESE OF BAKER Annual Pro-Life Conference October 17, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Powell Butte Retreat Center Powell Butte, Oregon Guest Speakers: Bishop Liam Cary Colm Willis, PAC Director, Oregon Right to Life Liberty Pike, Director of Communications, Oregon Right to Life