English II (#115) - Westridge School


English II (#115) - Westridge School
English II (#115)
For Students Entering Grade: 10
Required Book: Please be sure to get the edition indicated (so that we’re all on the same page).
The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood (Canongate US; ISBN: 978-1841957982)
One book of your own choice (suggested books listed below):
Anaya, Rudolpho
Angelou, Maya
Bless Me Ultima
I Know Why the
Caged Bird Sings
Atwood, Margaret
Alias Grace
Boyd, William
Butler, Octavia
Byatt, A. S.
Carrell, Jennifer Lee
Interred with their
Cather, Willa
My Antonia
Death Comes for the
The Song of the Lark
Cisneros, Sandra
Coelho, Paulo
The Alchemist
Crowley, John
Little, Big
Donnelly, Jennifer
A Northern Light
Fforde, Jasper
The Eyre Affair
Lost in a Good Book
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Tender is the Night
Frazier, Charles
Cold Mountain
Hurston, Zora Neale
Their Eyes Were
Watching God
Kingston, Maxine Hong Woman Warrior
Kingsolver Barbara
The Poisonwood Bible
Pigs in Heaven
Kostova, Elizabeth
Morton, Kate
Murakami, Haruki
O’Brien, Tim
Otsuka, Julie
Pearl, Matthew
Pears, Iain
Potok, Chaim
Setterfield, Diane
Steinbeck, John
Stott, Rebecca
Tan, Amy
Vonnegut, Kurt
Wong, Jade Snow
Yoshimoto, Banana
The Historian
The House at Riverton
The Forgotten Garden
A Wild Sheep Chase
The Things They Carried
When the Emperor
Was Divine
The Poe Shadow
The Dante Club
The Last Dickens
An Instance of the
The Chosen
The Promise
The Thirteenth Tale
The Grapes of Wrath
East of Eden
The Kitchen God’s Wife
Welcome to the
Monkey House
Cat’s Cradle
Fifth Chinese Daughter
Assignment: (bring printed responses to the first day of class)
Please be prepared to discuss and write about The Penelopiad during the first week of classes. You will
need your annotated copy of the book.
Write a paragraph (no more than 150 words) about both books in which you:
Identify a memorable trait of a character and show how the character demonstrates this trait.
Summarize/paraphrase a memorable episode or incident and explain its significance.
Your paragraphs should have a topic sentence, clearly presented examples, and a concluding sentence.
AP European History (#216)
For Students Entering Grade: 10, 11, & 12
To give you a little more feel for the times and places we’ll be covering in
the Advanced Placement course, you are asked to choose two of the
following books to read and report on, one from the earlier period and one
from the latter. Each book should be written about in terms of your own
response to it (you may even use the first person in talking about your
reaction!). DUE DATE: the first day of class). IF you wish to read more and
do an extra report as an extra credit piece, you may.
From the Renaissance to the French Revolutionary Eras:
Girl with a Pearl Earring, by Tracy Chevalier (W)
This short best-seller takes its inspiration from the Vermeer painting of the
same title.
Assignment: In a one to two page paper, discuss an episode from the novel
that reveals something that strikes you as significant about gender roles,
family issues, religion or social class in 17th century Netherlands.
The Passion of Artemesia, by Susan Vreeland (W)
A well-researched historical novel based on the life of Artemesia Gentileschi,
a 17th century woman who overcame rape, torture, neglect, and ridicule to
become a successful artist.
Assignment: In one to two pages: How does this biographical account reveal
both the difficulties and possibilities of life for an unusually placed and gifted
woman? Which of these were specific to her being a woman?
From the Industrial Revolution to the present:
A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn (w)
During the days when Josef Stalin led the communist U.S.S.R., prison
camps dotted Russia and Siberia. This short novel, based on the author’s
own experience as a writer imprisoned there, encapsulates the absurdity,
pathos, and raw humanity evidenced in just one day’s experience.
Assignment: This novel was included in the war theme because it in fact
suggests the ways people cope with “war against their human dignity,
freedom, basic humanity”. What examples do you notice about the “best”
and the “worst” of how people survived and coped in this battle?
All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque (w)
This is widely regarded as one of the most powerful novels about ordinary
soldiers caught in modern warfare. It is narrated by Paul Baumer, a young
German soldier who signs up with his classmates for “the Great War” (the
First World War) fully expecting victory and safe return in a matter of
months. His story, utterly gripping and terrible, reveals the heart of humanity
in the midst of madness.
Assignment: As you read, consider the way the narrator conveys the ways
war is changing him. Write a 1-2 page essay on one of those moments of
change and what factors seem to have led to it.
The Modern World System (#213)
For Students Entering Grade: 10
All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque
This is a novel of World War I written by a soldier who experienced the
trenches first-hand.
Assignment: Choose three examples from the novel that demonstrate how
Paul, the main character, has been changed by war. Try to find examples
that are connected, illustrating a key theme. Write a paragraph analyzing
your examples. This assignment is due on your first day in class.
Honors Spanish IV (#575)
For Students Entering Grades: 10, 11, & 12
I. Una carta a Dios, por Gregorio López y Fuentes
A. Escuche el cuento en
… y responda:
1. ¿Qué significa la tierra para la familia de Lencho?
2. ¿Cuáles fueron los resultados de la lluvia?
3. ¿Cómo reacciona la familia y cómo reacciona Lencho?
4. ¿Qué pide Lencho?
5. ¿Cómo reaccionan los empleados y cómo reacciona el jefe de la oficina de
correos? ¿Por qué cree usted que el jefe actúa así?
B. Lea el cuento en
… y responda:
6. ¿Por qué se pone furioso Lencho cuando recibe la respuesta de “Dios”?
7. ¿Es cómico o triste el final del cuento? ¿Por qué?
8. ¿Es la naturaleza una fuerza positiva o negativa en la vida de los
9. Compare este cuento con uno similar que haya leído en inglés. Establezca
similitudes y diferencias.
C. Busque información en Internet sobre el autor del cuento, Gregorio López
y Fuentes.
II. Tiempos y modos verbales. Llene la Tabla de conjugaciones con un verbo
conjugado en el tiempo y modo que se indica. Explique cuándo usamos ese
tiempo, escriba una oración de ejemplo y su traducción al inglés. La parte del
presente del subjuntivo está llena como modelo (con “comer”). Puede añadir
toda la información que quiera en cada cuadro. Puede usar otro verbo si
prefiere. Si el modelo no está claro para usted, busque su propia forma de
explicar los usos y encuentre ejemplos con los que usted pueda relacionarse.
Este resumen será una referencia para usted durante todo el año escolar. Los
espacios con una “X” indican que ese tiempo y modo no existen, o no los
estudiamos. Usted recibirá la tabla de conjugaciones en su correo electrónico
en mayo del 2014, antes de terminar el curso.