Alleluia ! ¡Aleluya! - Our Lady of LaSalette
Alleluia ! ¡Aleluya! - Our Lady of LaSalette
OUR LADY of LA SALETTE Alleluia ! ¡Aleluya! Second Sunday of Easter — Segundo Domingo de Pascua 2941 Sam Nelson Road. Canton, GA 30114 770.479.8923 tel 770.479.6025 fax segundo domingo de pascua April 03, 2016 Stewardship of Prayer . Page 2 We fulfill our obligation to unite with one another in prayer. Prayers are powerful and important for those in our parish community who are ill or need our support. In an effort to ensure our prayer request list is up to date, at the end of each month we will remove anyone from the list for whom we do not have a current request. Thank you for your cooperation and your prayers for our parishioners in need. MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS HORARIO DE MISAS E INTENCIONES Saturday, April 2 5:30pm — Sunday, April 3 8:00am — 10:30am — 5:30pm — Tuesday, April 5 9:00am — 5:00pm — Wednesday, April 6 6:30pm — Thursday, April 7 9:00am — Saturday, April 9 5:30pm — Sunday, April 10 8:00am — 10:30am — 5:30pm — Les Pheulpin † POPE FRANCIS’ PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR APRIL Universal: Small Farmers That small farmers may receive a just reward for their precious labor. Pro populo Anna Marie Cotter † Victor M. Reyes † Evangelization: African Christians That Christians in Africa may give witness to love and faith in Jesus Christ amid political-religious conflicts. Frank Steffen † Joseph Peek † INTENCIONES DEL PAPA FRANCISCO PARA EL MES DE ABRIL Communion Service Paul Hallinan † Patrick Donaghey † Raymond Lessard † Henry Lundgard † Pro populo Universal: Pequeños agricultores Que los pequeños agricultores, reciban una remuneración justa por su precioso trabajo. Evangelización: Cristianos de Africa Que los cristianos de Africa en medio de conflictos político-religiosos, sepan dar testimonio de su amor y fe en Jesucristo. READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA FOR OUR SICK AND ALL IN NEED OF HEALING POR LOS ENFERMOS QUE NECESITAN SANACIÓN Emma Davila Louise Baker Ansley Bailey Katie Percheski Juvenal Sanchez Norma Jean Morales Mike Seltenright Jason Cornell Mike Cartledge Mary Jo Iovino Grace Happel Michelle Smith Jeb Smith Angel Lopez Emily Macke Mary A. Gunderson John Conroy Dot Conroy Mary Beth Smith John L. Pheulpin Karen Smith Elsie Bonnici Larry Bonnici Susan Buschur James Buschur Mary Bonsignore Kathy Tom Wilson Julie Beale Wilson Sergio Saenz Joan Wilson Monica Schmidt Steve Johnston Rose Fitzpatrick IN THE ARMED FORCES EN LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS Sean Collins Cameron Collins Terry Smith Ryan Halloran Ben Ball Jeff Goodwin Rick Savage Jullian Walker John A. Minnich Kasey Mortilaro Matt Larson Brandon Larson Brandon West Cody Bilodeau Nelson Rivera Rachel Palmer Randy Eaton Trey Rickert Sean Brown Patrick Beal Sunday, April 3 — Second Sunday of Easter Acts 5:12 - 16; Ps 118:2 - 4, 13 - 15, 22 - 24; Rev 1:9 - 11a, 12 - 13, 17 - 19; Jn 20:19 - 31 As Thomas believed because he saw the risen Jesus, so too were many brought to faith through the various signs and wonders wrought by the apostles. They proclaimed as Lord “the stone rejected by the builders”, “the First and the Last of the One who lives”. Monday, April 4 — Solemnity of The Annunciation of the Lord Is 7:10 - 14; 8:10; Ps 40:7 - 11; Heb 10:4 - 10; Lk 1:26 - 38 Tuesday, April 5 – Easter Weekday (Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest) Acts 4:32 - 37; Ps 93:1 - 2, 5; Jn 3:7b - 15 Wednesday, April 6 – Easter Weekday Acts 5:17 - 26; Ps 34:2 - 9; Jn 3:16 - 21 Thursday, April 7 – Memorial of Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest Acts 5:27 - 33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17 - 20; Jn 3:31 - 36 Friday, April 8 – Easter Weekday Acts 5:34 - 42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13 - 14; Jn 6:1 - 15 Saturday, April 9 – Easter Weekday Acts 6:1 - 7; Ps 33:1 - 2, 4 - 5, 18 - 19; Jn 6:16 - 21 Sunday, April 10 — Third Sunday of Easter Acts 5:27 - 32, 40b - 41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Rv 5:11 - 14; Jn 21:1 - 19 Jesus appears to seven of his disciples, among them Peter who proclaims his unfailing love for the Lord. Jesus commissions him to feed the sheep. Later, in the face of persecution, Peter and the apostles proclaim the name of Jesus, the Lamb who was slain and who rescues us from death. second Sunday of easter We welcome, receive and rejoice with all who throughout the world have come into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. We especially welcome with great joy through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist: Le damos la bienvenida, recibimos y nos regocijamos con todos los que a través del mundo se han unido en plena communión con la Iglesia Católica Romana. Especialmente damos la bienvenida con gran regocijo por los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Confirmación y Eucaristía: Shelby Martinez America Martinez Sofía Ramirez Page 3 segundo domingo de pascua April 03, 2016 Page 4 MASS MINISTRY 04/09 AND 04/10 I want to express my gratitude to all who have made this Lenten-Easter season such a special time in the life of our parish. Thank you to all the liturgical ministers, to those who dedicated their time and talent to decorate both the sanctuary and the Parish Center, to those who prepared the Friday dinners, to those who worked so diligently behind the scenes to make sure we had a beautiful Lenten-Easter season. We sincerely appreciate your devotion to the parish. The Easter season gifts us with a wonderful time and your kindness and generosity make it even more special. Fr. Victor Reyes Saturday 5:30pm Sacristan Marge Nettuno Hospitality Michael Brown Phil Ryzkiewicz Barry Young Altar Server Nathaniel Matthews Lector Judith Brown E.M.H.C. Helen Casey Carmen Young Sunday 8:00am Quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a todos los que hicieron la época de CuaresmaPascua tan especial en la vida de nuestra parroquia. Gracias a todos los ministros de la liturgia, a los que prepararon las cenas de los viernes, a los que dedicaron su tiempo y talento para decorar el santuario y el Centro Parroquial, a los que trabajaron tan diligentemente para asegurarnos que tuviéramos una buena época de CuaresmaPascua. Sinceramente apreciamos su devoción para con la parroquia. La Pascua nos regala una época maravillosa y la gentileza y generosidad de todos ustedes hacen que sea aún más especial. P. Victor Reyes ELECTRONIC GIVING: A convenient, consistent way to help our church grow. Go to to register and participate. DONACION ELECTRONICA: Una manera conveniente y consistente de ayudar a nuestra parroquia. Visite para inscribirse y participar. PROMISE TO PROTECT PLEDGE TO HEAL To report abuse call 888-437-0764 24 Hour Reporting Hotline YOU MATTER. YOU ARE FAMILY. WE ARE HERE O LISTEN AND TAKE ACTION! Sacristan Elizabeth Garner Hospitality Juan Carlos Herrera Gary Johnson Randy Johnson Altar Server Vincent Baker Diego Herrera Lector Vince Baker E.M.H.C. Lorene Buresh Helen Evenson Sunday 10:30am Sacristan Jennifer Gronroos Hospitality Marty Martinez Dick McDonald Robert Mitchell Dillon Sawyers Altar Server Gabriel Nixon Lector Keith Kahn Matthew Halloran E.M.H.C. David Krecl Ruth Schuster Sunday 5:30pm Sacristan Eleuteria Bastida Hospitality N/A Altar Server N/A Lector N/A E.M.H.C. N/A second Sunday of easter Page 5 We want you in our church directory Los queremos en nuestro directorio de fotografías Sign up today and receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and a directory. Anótese hoy y reciba un retrato gratis de 8x10 y un directorio. Our Parish is going mobile soon… Nuestra Parroquia pronto será móbil... New Parish App Coming Soon! In the coming weeks Our Lady of La Salette will launch our own app for iPhone and Android smart phones. This will allow us to better communicate with you throughout the week and keep you updated with relevant parish news or updates. The app is very well designed and very intuitive. It will be a great resource for parishioners by providing daily Mass readings, Catholic news and prayers, convenient prayer and Confession reminders, our bulletins and more. ¡Muy Pronto Nueva App Parroquial! En las próximas semanas Nuestra Señora de La Salette lanzará nuestra propia aplicación para teléfonos inteligentes iPhone y Android. Esto nos permitirá una mejor comunicación con ustedes durante la semana y una manera de mantenerles actualizados con noticias parroquiales. La aplicación está muy bien diseñado y muy intuitiva. Va a ser un gran recurso para los feligreses, proporcionando lecturas de la Misa diaria, noticias católica y oraciones, recordatorios para la confesión, nuestros boletines y más. We hope for our new app to be a tool for fostering stronger parish life at Our Lady of La Salette and better engaging the New Evangelization. Esperamos que nuestra nueva aplicación sea una herramienta para fomentar la vida parroquial en Nuestra Señora de La Salette y para una mejor participación de la Nueva Evangelización. Please watch in the coming weeks for our official launch announcement. Por favor, vea en las próximas semanas para nuestro anuncio oficial del lanzamiento. Daily Mass readings. List of traditional prayers. Ability to submit prayers requests to the parish. Ability to create different online groups from the parish. Phone silencing reminder. Access to online giving. Daily current events. Catholic world news. Connect with the Church throughout the world… and much more… using your iPhone and Android smart phones! segundo domingo de pascua April 03, 2016 STEWARDSHIP BY THE BIBLE — Page 6 CORRESPONSABILIDAD DE ACUERDO A LA BIBLIA April 3, 2016 Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) “Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believed,” Jesus says in today’s Gospel. For those who have not seen to believe, however, we must be good stewards of our faith, living it joyfully and sharing it generously. Then, in our time too, men and women in great numbers will be added to the Lord. 3 de abril 2016 Segundo Domingo de Pascua (Domingo de Divina Misericordia) “¡Felices los que no han visto, pero creen!”, dice Jesús en el Evangelio de hoy. Sin embargo, para que crean los que no han visto, tenemos que ser buenos corresponsables de nuestra fe, viviéndola alegremente y compartiéndola generosamente. Entonces, en nuestro tiempo también, cantidad de hombres y mujeres llegaran a creer en el Señor, aumentando así su número. Catequésis Familiar — Family Catechesis Reciban el Espíritu Santo. Segundo Domingo de Pascua Semana del 3 de abril del 2016 Receive the Holy Spirit Second Sunday of Easter Week of April 3, 2016 Escucha la Palabra (Juan 20:19 — 31) ¿Qué palabras o frases los impactó? ¿Qué parte de esta lectura tocó sus corazones? ¿Qué se quedó en sus memorias? Listen to the Word (John 20:19 — 31) What words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart? What lingers in your memory? Ve tu vida Pregunta para los niños: Jesús se les apareció a los discípulos aun cuando ellos tenían miedo y estaban reunidos en un sitio bajo llave. ¿Cómo pueden mostrar a Jesús a otras personas esta semana por medio de su comportamiento? Pregunta para los jóvenes: Tomás no creía porque no había visto a Jesús con sus propios ojos. ¿Cuán difícil es para ti creer en Dios sin verlo? ¿Cómo ves a Dios en las palabras y acciones de los demás? Pregunta para los adultos: Jesús dijo: "Dichosos los que sin haber visto, creen". Den un ejemplo de cómo mostrarán su creencia en Jesús esta semana: cómo se les ha despedido. Look into your life Question for children: Jesus appeared to the disciples even though they were afraid and locked in the closed room. How can you show Jesus to another person this week by how you act? Question for youth: Thomas didn’t believe because he hadn’t seen Jesus with his own eyes. How hard is it for you to believe in God without being able to see God? How do you see God in the words and actions of others? Question for adults: Jesus said: "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." Give one example of how you will show your belief in Jesus this week - how you are being sent forth. Actividades para la semana Tomen estas actividades para reflexionar más: En una hoja de papel, escriban en la parte de arriba: "Creo en Jesús porque...". Pidan a cada miembro de la familia que escriba su respuesta. En familia, hablen de cómo mostrarán su creer en Jesús esta semana. Jesús nos envía en fe para compartir las buenas nuevas con los demás. Repasen las obras corporales de misericordia que se encuentran a continuación. Luego, elijan una que la familia pueda realizar junta esta semana. Alimentar al hambriento. Dar de beber al sediento. Vestir al desnudo. Visitar al cautivo. Dar posada al peregrino. Visitar a los enfermos. Enterrar a los muertos. Hablen sobre la gente que pone en acción su fe en Jesús en el mundo. Esta semana, hagan un esfuerzo para reconocer las buenas acciones de los miembros de la familia. Las primeras palabras de Jesús a sus apóstoles fueron: "La paz sea con ustedes". Después de cada cena o antes de acostarse, pidan a cada miembro de la familia que se den la señal de la paz. Activities for the week Take these activities to further reflect: On top of a sheet of paper write, "I believe in Jesus because..." Ask each family member to write down his or her response. As a family, talk about how you will show your belief in Jesus this week. Jesus sends us out in faith to share the good news with others. Review the Corporal Works of Mercy listed below. Then choose one that the family can do together this week. Feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty. Clothe the naked. Visit the imprisoned. Shelter the homeless. Visit the sick. Bury the dead. Talk about people who put their faith in Jesus into action in the world. Make a family effort this week to recognize the good actions of members of the family. Jesus' first words to his apostles were "Peace be with you." After each evening meal or before you go to bed, have family members extend the sign of peace to each other. Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you. La paz esté con ustedes. Como el Padre me ha enviado, así también los envío yo. Monday, April 4 The Annunciation of the Lord La Anunciación del Señor English as a Second Language 6:30pm in the Parish Center Práctica del Coro 7:30pm en el Santuario Tuesday, April 5 Eucharist 9:00am in the Sanctuary Cursillo Group 9:30am in the Parish Center Soup Ministry 9:30am in the Parish Center Women’s Book Group 9:30am in the Parish Center Eucharist at Reinhardt University 5:00pm Tarpley Chapel Catequésis de RICA 7:30pm en el Centro Parroquial Wednesday, April 6 St Vincent d’Paul Conference Meeting 10:00am in the Parish Center Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 12:00pm in the Sanctuary Communion Service 6:30pm in the Sanctuary Knights of Columbus Meeting 7:30pm in the Parish Center Thursday, April 7 Eucharist 9:00am in the Sanctuary Scripture Study 9:30am in the Parish Center Soup Ministry 10:30am in the Parish Center Choir Practice 6:30pm in the Sanctuary Scripture Study 7:00pm in the Parish Center Friday, April 8 Close-Knit Group 10:00am in the Parish Center Life After Loss 11:00am in the Parish Center Jóvenes Adultos 7:30pm in the Parish Center second Sunday of easter Saturday, April 9 Cursillo Groups 10:00am in Parish Center Renovación Carismática 12:00pm in Parish Center Reconciliation 4:30pm in the Sanctuary Eucharist. 5:30pm in Sanctuary Celebración de la Palabra 7:00pm en el Santuario Sunday, April 10 Eucharist 8:00am in the Parish Center Faith Formation 9:15am in Parish Center Men’s Bible Study 9:15am in Parish Center Reunión de Grupo de Cursillo 9:15am en el Centro Parroquial Eucharist 10:30am in the Parish Center Formación de Fe 3:30pm en Centro Parroquial Eucaristía 5:30pm en el Centro Parroquial Page 7 OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE 2941 Sam Nelson Rd. Canton, GA 30114 770.479.8923 tel 770.479.6025 fax WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 8:00 and 10:30am in English 5:30pm en español Reconciliation Saturday at 4:30pm or by appointment. PASTORAL TEAM Reverend Victor J. Reyes, Pastor [email protected] Deacon Charlie Carignan [email protected] Deacon John Stanley [email protected] Lonnie Naylor, Music [email protected] Michelle Gunter, Faith Formation [email protected] María Pérez, Formación de Fe [email protected] Donna Bryan, Parish Management [email protected] Viviana Dyckowski, Admin. Assistance [email protected] Lucia Martin, Bookkeeping [email protected] Louise Baker, Maintenance [email protected] Bulletin/ Web Site Announcements [email protected] Pastoral Care: Are you homebound and in need of Pastoral Care? Do you know someone who is homebound and in need of Pastoral Care among our La Salette Parish community? Do you or someone you know wishes to receive Holy Communion. Please call the parish office at 770.479.8923 to let us know. Prayer Requests: Names of recently deceased are listed for one week in the bulletin and the Universal Prayer at the celebration of the Eucharist (The prayers of the faithful at Mass) Please call the parish office at 770.479.8923 to add a name to the list. Cuidado Pastoral: ¿Está usted confinado en su casa for enfermedad? ¿Conoce a alguien en la comunidad parroquial que está confinado a su casa y necesita que se le visite? ¿Usted o alguien que conoce desea recibir la Sagrada Comunión en casa? Por favor, llame a la oficina de la parroquia al 770.479.8923. Peticiones de Oración: Los nombres de los recién fallecidos se enumeran por una semana en el boletín y en la Plegaria Universal en la celebración de la Eucaristía (Las oraciones de los fieles en la Misa) Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial al 770.479.8923 si quiere agregar un nombre a la lista.