CONVISBTION-REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR. MAY 6,1872.' Conwenlion between the United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador. Naturalization. Comluded May 6, 1872 ; Ratijication advised by Senate May 23, 1872 ; Ratifted by President May 25,1872 ; Ratifted by President of Ecuador Septewbm 30, 1873; RntiMtions exc7ianged at Washington Novendwr 6 , 1873; Proclaimed Noven~ber24,1873. May 1872. BY THE PRESlDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas e convention between the United States of America and Preamble. the Republic of Ecuador, relative to the naturalization of citizens of the two coantries, was concluded and signed by their respective PlenipotentiAries a t the city of Washington; on the sixth day of May, 1872, the original of which convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows : The United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador, being desirous of regulating the citizenship of persons who emigrate lrom Ecuador to the United States. and from the United States to the R e ~ u b l i cof Ecuador. have decided to b e a t on this su6ject; and for this purpose have named their respective Plenipotentiaries, to wit : the President of the United States, Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, a11d the President of the Republic of Ecuador, Don Antonio Flores, accredit2d as Minister Eesident of that Republic to the Government of the United States; who, aitgr baring communicated to each other their respective fulI powers, found in good aud due form, have agreed upon the following articles: Deseando la Reptiblica del Ecu* Contracting pardor y 10s Estados Uuidos de Am6ri- ties. ca determinar la eiudadania de las personas qne emigran de 10s Estados Unidos a1 Ecuador. v del Ecuador B 10s ~ s t a d o s ~ n i d bhan s , acordado celebrar un tratado sobre este asunto j y d efecto han nombrado sus respectivos Plenipotenciarios, B saber : el Presidente de la Repiiblica del Ecuador B Don Antonio Flores, acreditado Ministro Residente de la mencionada Repiiblica en IouEstados Unidos; y el Presidente de 10sEstados Un~dos& Hamilton Fish, Secretario cle Estado j quienes, despues de haber manifestaclo sus respectiros plcnos poderes y hall6dolos en buena y debida forma, han convenido en 10s articu10s siguieutes : Cada une de las dos Repiiblicas xntnmlizea citl: Each of the two Republics shall recognize as naturalized citizens of reconocerb como ciudadanos natlt- zens. the other, those persons who shall ralizadosde la otra, & losque hayan have been therein duly naturalized, sido debidamente naturalizados after haring resided uninte~rupt- despues de haber residido sin inedly in their adopted country as terrupcion en la patria adoptiva long as may be required by its con- el tiemyo requerido en ella por la stitution or Inws. constitucion 6 las leyes. This article shall apply as well Este articulo se aplicarA tanto & to those already naturalized in the 10s ciudadauos que se hayan natucountries of either of the contract- ralizado ya en cualquiera de 10s ing parties as to those who may be dos paises, como & 10s qoe so natnhe~eafternaturalized. ralizaren en adelante. Vol. 18, pt. 3 - 4 CONVEIYTIOK-REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR. NAY6,1872. ' ARTICLE 11. ART~CULO 11. Natnralized citi- If a naturalized citidin of either zeqrgnewingnative country shall renew his residence residence. in that wherehe was born, without an intention of returning to that where he was naturalized, he shall be held to hiive reassumed the obligations of his original citizenship, and to have, renounced that which he had obtained by naturalization. ART~CTJLO nI. ARTICLE 111. htention not to A residence of more than return* evidence of-years in the native country Si el ciudadano naturalizado de cualquiera de 10s dos paises v n e l ~ e a1 de su nacimbnto con la inten cion de no cegresar a1 de Ianaturalizacion, se cousiderahn reasumidaslasobligaeionesdelaciudadania de origen, y renunciada la adquirida por la naturalizacion. 4wo . La residencia de mas de dos aEos of s naturalized citizen shall be cons t p e d as an intention on his part to stay there without retaming to that where he was naturalized. This presumption, however, ma'y be rebutted by evidence to the contrary. en el pafs del nacimiento de un ciudadano naturalizado se considerarA coma intencion de residir en 61, y de no volver a1 pais donde fu6 naturalizado. Sin embmgo, esta presuncion pqede ser destruida por 'prueba en contmrio. Offences b e f o r e Naturalized citizens of either emigration by natu- country, an returning to that where turning. c1t1zen8 re- they were born, shall be subject to mi'zed Los ciudadanos naturalizados de cualquiera de las dos naciones, a1 regresar alpais dc$ uadmiento, qnedan snjetos A enjuiciamiento y castigo, con arreglo B las leyes de dicho pais, ?or delitos cometidos Antes de la em~gracion,salvo siempre las prescripciones legales. trial and punishment according to the laws, for offences committed before their emigration, saving always the limitations established Ijg law. ARTICLEV. Declaration of in- A declaration of intention to betention citizen. to become come a oitizeu shall not have the effect of naturalization. La declaration d e l i intencion de hacerse ciudadauo, no surte 10s efectos de la naturalizacion. ARTICLE VI. Duration of con- The present convention shall go vention. into effect immediately on the ex- change of ratifications, and it shall remain in full force for ten years. If neither of the contracting parties shall give notice to the other six months previously of its intention to terminate the same, it shall further remain in force until twelve months after either of t h e contracting parties shall have given notice to the other of such intention. ARTICLEVII. Ratifications, and The present convention shall be exchuge of. 'ratified by the President of the La presente convencion tendrA efecto inmediatamente despues del canje de las ratificacioneg y quedard vigente por diez aiios. Si ninguna de las dos partes contratantes notificare A la otra, con seis rueses de anticipation, sn intencion de pouer tbrwino a1 convenio, permauecerh en toda su fuerza y vlgor hasta doce meses despues que una de las partes contratantes haya notificado A la otrs la citade intencion. ART~CULO VIr. La presente convencion serA ratificada por el Presidente del Ecns- UONVEBTION-REPUBLIC U n i t ~ d States, by and wiih the adrice and consent of the Senate thereof? and by the President of the Republic of Ecuador, with the approval of the Congress of that Republic, and the ratifications s l be exchanged a t Washington within eighteen months from the date hereof. In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed this convention a t the city of Washington this sixth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy.two. SEAL.] HAMILTON FISH. SEAL.] A?STONIO FLORES. OF ECUADOR. MAY 6,1872. dor, con aprobacion del Congreso de la mencionada Repiiblica, y por elPresideatedelosEstadosUriidos con el consejo y consentimiento del Senado de dichos Estados Unidos, y las ratificaciones canjeadas en Washington dentro de diez y ocho meses contados desde esta fecha. En f6 de lo cual 10s Plenipoten- s i g n a t u re8 of ciarios han firmado y sellado esta treaty. conrencion en la cindad de Washington B 10s seis dias de Mayo del a80 del SeEor d e mil ochocientos setenta y dos. [SELLO.] ANTONIO FLORES. [SELI,~.] HAMILTON FISZ. And whereas the said convention has been duly ratified on both parts, htifications e x and the respective ratifications were exchanged in this city on the sixth ahmnged. day of Norember, 1873: Now, therefore, be it known that 1, ULYSSESS. G R ~ TPresideut , of h o h a t i o n . the United States of America, have caused the said convention to be made public, to the end that the saae, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. I n witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be &ed. Done a t the city of Washington this twenty-fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and of the United States r s m . 1 seventy-three, and of the Independence of Am6rica the ninety eighth. A By the President : HAMTLTON FISH, flwetury of &I%. U.s. GBANT. TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC O F ECUADOR. JUNE 28,1872. June 2 8 , l m . Treaty between the United States of Ami.rica and the Bqublic of Ecuador. Extradition. Concluded Jlcne 28, 1872 ; Ratijicntion advCed by Senate J a n u a ~ y6, 1873; Rati$ed by President January 10,18733 Ratjfied by President of Ecuador Noztember 12, 1873; Ratijications excl~angedat Quito November 12,1873 ; Proclaimed December 24, 1873. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. h e r r a s a treaty for the mutual extradition sf criminals, fugitives from justice, between the United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador, was concluded and sjgned by-their respective plenipotentiaries a t Quito on the twenty-eighth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-two ; which treaty, being in the.English and Spanish Iangnages, is word for word as follows : Preamble. Extradition, dreati between the United Contrencion de extradition entre la States of America a.nd the R q u b Rephblica del .Ecu.udor y 10s Eslie of Ecuador. t a h s Unidos de Amhrica. ~ ties. ~ par- The ~ Unitedt States. of ~ America ~ and the Republic of Ecuador, haviug deemed it condncive to the better administratmionofjustice and the ~ r e m n t i o nof crime withiu their reipective tarritories that all persons convicted of or accusedofthecrimes enumerated below, being being fugitives from justice, shall be, under certain circumstances, recilrocally delivered up, have rebolvgd to couclude a treatv unon the subject: and the ~resid&t-of the ~ k e $tabs has for this purpose named Rumsey Wing, a citizen of the United States, and their Minister Resident in Ecuador, as Plenipotentiary on the part of the United States, and t,he President of Ecua. dor has named Francisco Javier Leon, Miuister of the Interior and of Foreign ARairs, as Plenipotentiary on the part of Ecuador; who, having reciprocally communicated their full powers, and the same having been found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles, viz : Extradition of,% The Government of the United gitives from justlcc. States and the Government of Ecuador mutually agree to deliver up such persons as may have been convicted of or may be accused of the crimes set forth in the iollow- La Repdblica y 10s~ ~ ~ del Ecuador i Estados Unidos de Amdrica, habjendo juzgado conveniente para la mejor adrninistracion de justicia, y para wevenir crimenes dentro de ius tehtorios respeetivos, que las wersonas condenadas vor 6 acusabas de 10s crimenes enimerados en seguida y siendo fugitivas de Ia just'icis Sean bajo ciertas circunstancias reciprocamente entregadas, han resuelto celebrar ,una convendcion, y con tal objeto han nombrado como sus respectivos Plenipotenciarios : el Presidente de la Repfiblica del Ecuador a1 H. Sor. Francisco Javier Leon, Ministro del Interior y Relaciones Exteriores, y el Presidente de 10s Estados Unidos al Excmo. Sor. Rumsey Wing, ciudadano y Ministro Besidente de 10s Estados Unidos en el Ecuador; quienes, despues de haberse comunicddo reciprocamente sus plenos poderes y hallBndolos en buena y .debida forma, han convenido en 10s articulos siguientes : El Gobierno del Ecuador y el Gobierno de 10s Estados Uuidos de America convienen en eutregarse m6tuamente las personas condenadas por 6 acusadas de 10s crilnenes enumeradosen elarticuloquesigue,