Alien 250 ml Plain colors TECHNICAL DATA SHEET
Alien 250 ml Plain colors TECHNICAL DATA SHEET
TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Alien 250 ml Plain colors 1. General Description. Alien is Montana Colors’ most experimental initiative due to its exceptional size and manageability, designed for graffiti, sign painting and high precision general decoration thanks to its low pressure and valve. Made from a modified synthetic enamel, with an incredibly fast drying time. Retains its color when exposed to the elements due to the high quality of its components. Gives surfaces an unbeatable glossiness. 2. Features. • Low pressure. • Fast drying. • Good hardening. • Excellent flexibility. • Strong resistance to scratching once the film is polymerized. • Does not contain lead nor other heavy metals. • Good covering capability. • Retains glossy appearance and color. • Easy to apply and repaint. • Good resistance to the elements. • Resistance to U.V. rays (see chart). 3. Applications. Due to the product’s features we recommendthat it be used for touch-ups on all kinds of materials. Whether for industrial use , domestic use, craftwork, fine arts, and in short, anywhere that requires a spray paint of the highest quality. • DIY • Gardening • Transport. • Fine arts • Graffiti • Sign painting. • Plumbing. • Industry. Apparence. 4. Instructions for use. • Shake the aerosol well before using, approximately for one minute after hearing the sound of the mixer. Cap. Protects the valve. and the nozzle. • Apply to clean, dry surfaces. Remove rust with a wire brush and prepare an anti-rust primer if considered necessary. Apply an anchor layer on plastics and polyesters. • For best results apply in thin layers. Three thin layers are always better Donut. Indicates the paint color. then one thick one, and may be repainted within fifteen minutes 140 mm. with the same paint. • Turn the aerosol upside down to clean out the valve after use. If the nozzle becomes blocked replace it with a new one. • Never apply to equipment that is plugged in and use in well ventilated areas. • Request safety datasheets. 5. Physical properties. * All of the adherence tests have been carried out on iron plates. 65 mm. Label. Color name COD. BARRAS/BAR CODE Route number Nombre del color Serial number Female valve. Butane/propane/mix Modified synthetic. See chart. 30-50% matt 15’ 24 hours 15 microns/layer 0B 1,25 m² for 250 ml aerosol Mix MTN Solvent >2 years Minimum room temperature 8ºC Surface temperature 5ºC to 50ºC Max Humidity 85% R.H.P 100ºC REF. N# Low pressure. Propellant: Binding type: Color: Shine 60º (ASTM D-523 ISO 2813 ): Dry to the touch ( ASTM D-1640 ISO 1517): Completely dry ( ASTM D-1640 ISO 1517): Thickness of dry layer ( ASTM D-823 ISO 2808 ): Adherence (ASTM D-3359 ISO 2409 ): Theoretical yield (painted consecutively): Thinner: Product life: Condition for application: Heat resistance of paint: 6. Packaging. Low pressure. Nominal capacity 250ml. Heat resistance of packaging: <50ºC Propellant: GLP – HC C3-C4 See overleaf. FTAD0109 Color range. R-V49 AMARILLO CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA YELLOW R-V20 AMARILLO FIESTA PARTY YELLOW R-1021 AMARILLO CLARO LIGHT YELLOW R-1028 AMARILLO MEDIO MEDIUN YELLOW R-V50 NARANJA SOLAR SOLAR ORANGE R-V46 NARANJA CORAL CORAL ORANGE R-3020 ROJO CLARO LIGHT RED R-V47 ROJO CLANDESTINO CLANDESTINE RED R-V48 ROJO REPLICANTE REPLICANT RED R-3007 ROJO CHEROKEE CHEROKEE RED R-V84 ROSA SÂO PAULO SÂO PAULO PINK R-V83 ROSA ALEJANDRÍA ALEXANDRIA PINK R-V82 ROSA ADICTO ADDICT PINK R-V81 ROSA RESISTENCIA RESISTANCE PINK R-V80 ROSA JARABE SYRUP PINK R-V54 VIOLETA WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK VIOLET R-V53 VIOLETA ESTAMBUL ISTAMBUL VIOLET R-V52 VIOLETA CARMA R-V52 KARMA VIOLET R-V51 VIOLETA REPÚBLICA REPUBLIC VIOLET R-V27 VIOLETA VAMPIRO VAMPIRE VIOLET R-V73 AZUL AURORA AURORA BLUE R-V13 AZUL HIMALAYA R-V13 HIMALAYA BLUE R-V72 AZUL CRIOGÉNICO CRYOGENIC BLUE R-V71 AZUL NIRVANA NIRVANA BLUE R-V70 AZUL PLASMA PLASMA BLUE R-V74 AZUL COSTA BRAVA COSTA BRAVA BLUE R-V23 AZUL MÓNACO MONACO BLUE R-V38 AZUL MARSELLA MARSEILLE BLUE R-V37 AZUL FREMEN FREMEN BLUE R-V32 AZUL LEWIS LEWIS BLUE R-V69 AZUL SUEÑO DREAM BLUE R-V68 AZUL ESPERANZA HOPE BLUE R-V67 AZUL CASIOPEA CASSIOPEA BLUE R-5002 AZUL ULTRAMAR R-5002 ULTRAMARINE BLUE R-5013 AZUL MARINO MARINE BLUE R-V59 VERDE MESCALITO MESCALITO GREEN R-V60 VERDE KRIPTON KRIPTON GREEN R-V61 VERDE MINGUS MINGUS GREEN R-V62 VERDE ATREIDES ATREIDES GREEN R-V63 VERDE TASMANIA TASMANIA GREEN R-V58 BEIGE ARRAKIS ARRAKIS BEIGE R-V57 BEIGE CIUDAD CITY BEIGE R-V56 BEIGE PLACEBO PLACEBO BEIGE R-V55 BEIGE ARKALIS ARKALIS BEIGE R-V19 CARNE FLESH R-V42 MARRÓN REGINA REGINA BROWN R-V41 MARRÓN NATIVO NATIVE BROWN R-V40 MARRÓN NAZGUL NAZGUL BROWN R-V39 MARRÓN RÍPLEY RIPLEY BROWN R-8025 LODO MUD R-V85 ROSA BERLÍN BERLIN PINK R-V64 ROSA RESPETO RESPECT PINK R-V65 ROSA ESPECIA ESPICE PINK R-V66 ROJO TERRACOTA TERRACOTA RED R-V35 MARRÓN CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE BROWN R-9010 BLANCO WHITE R-V43 GRIS MORDOR MORDOR GREY R-V44 GRIS GÁRGOLA GARGOYLE GREY R-V45 GRIS CÁPSULA CAPSULE GREY R-9011 NEGRO BLACK BLANCO AIRE AIR WHITE AMARILLO ETÉREO ETHEREAL YELLOW ROJO ALMA SOUL RED AZUL ATMÓSFERA ATMOSPHERE BLUE NEGRO SOMBRA SHADOW BLACK ESPECTROS R-V76 VERDE ABISMO ABYSS GREEN R-V77 ROJO NOCHE NIGHT RED R-V78 GRIS METRÓPOLIS METROPOLIS GREY R-V75 AZUL NOSTROMO NOSTROMO BLUE PINTURA FOTOLUMINISCENTE External resistance (8 sun hours/day): 3 years More than 1 year Less than 1 year The specific technical descriptions for these products are available on the attached sheet “Other Alien products”. R-V79 POLTERGEIST POLTERGEIST Caps. Universal, Super Skinny, Pro Cap, Pocket Cap, Transversal, Soft, Fat Pink, Super Fat, Astro Fat, Needle, NY Fat & Skinny Cap. Packaging. Box (6 un.) 205 X 140 X 150 mm. Erittäin syttyvä Extremely flammable Extremadamente inflamable Extremadament inflamable Yderst brandfarlig Extrêmement inflammable Meget brannfarlig Wysoce latwopalny Extremt lättantändlig Zeer licht ontvlambaar Extremadamente inflamável Estremamente infiammabile Nocivo Nociu Nocif Harmful Nocivo Giftlig Nocivo Drazniacy Schadelijk Gesundheitsschladlich Häisoskadlig Terveydelle haitallinen Company certified according to the ISO 9001:2000 quality standard. Montana Colors,S.L. P.I. Clot del Tufau - 08295 Sant Vicenç de Castellet BARCELONA T.: +34 938 332 787 F: +34 93 833 08 75 - [email protected] - Made in Europe. Dued to technical reasons this color chart might not reproduce the real colors. © Montana Colors S.L. 2009 Caution.