An e-‐Learning PlaNorm for EO/GIS Applica>ons Rogerio Enriquez
An e-‐Learning PlaNorm for EO/GIS Applica>ons Rogerio Enriquez
An e-‐Learning Pla-orm for EO/GIS Applica9ons Rogerio Enriquez and Jerges Molina CRECTEALC/INAOE Workshop on the Use of Space Science and Technology for the Preven9on of and Response to Disasters in Mesoamerica Agenda • e-Learning • Some Concepts • Software Platform • Web Service Technology • Data base Server • Maps Server • System Challenges e-Learning Virtual Learning Environmet • Educa9on • Pedagogy Theories • Training • Development • Community awareness • Children Games type • Cer9fica9on and Standardiza9on • Collabora9on and interac9on through an icon-‐based user interface CONCEPTS CONCEPTS NECESIDADES POLITICAS PRESUPUESTO MISION INFRAESTRUCTURA EO/GIS • Map Crea9on under standards : metadata – Image aquisi9on – Orthocorrec9on – Geo-‐referencing • Mathema9cal models 2D & 3D • Coopera9ve Work • Web-‐based clearing houses and repositories • Data Mining • Analysis, Research and Study with fun • Knowledge Crea9on Platform Requirements Physical Tools: provide an interac9ve and intui9ve pla-orm for s9mula9ng learning implement various forms of media in an all in one WEB window fashion suppor9ng the exchange of this material between authoring and delivery systems Extensibility via modules iconic representa9on User Site Setup Wizards Skinning via themes Forms and templates Web based, DB, GDB Management Tools: File management that allows instructors and students to share documents in a single and collec9ve manner with an authen9ca9on method Repository Search author, manage and publish courses and Syllabus curriculum and categories management Enrollment methods User management Lessons, courses Schedule and complete history Software Platform Requirements Communica6on tools Calendar news Reports generators glossaries announcements Social Tools: Facebook interconnec9on user wall user status view names, photos, and profiles of site par9cipants chat and virtual rooms Interac6on and collabora6on Tools Create collabora9ve groups Mee9ng Scheduling Discussion forums Software Platform Requirements Control Tools Automa9c assignment of courses to specific job descrip9ons Grading Exam builders Assignments builders and submission Cer9fica9ons Quizzes User card with training history Assessment Tools e-‐Assessments and Ques9onnaires Progress tracking Skills management Tests and Examina9ons Polls Indicators System Evalua9on Arquitectura del Sistema El Software de la Aplicación - Servicios Web Es el anfitrión de la aplicación de Internet y sirve como un distribuidor de recursos. Recibe de los clientes las peticiones en base a esto: Se comunica con la base de datos y extrae el resultado de una consulta Coordina los servicios del servidor de mapas Divide las tareas entre el cliente y el servidor para optimizar la velocidad de respuesta del servidor Despliega en el navegador del cliente el servicio solicitado El servidor de Bases de Datos Es el almacén de los datos en forma tabular. Tiene una estructura relacional. Recibe requerimientos del software de aplicación. Analiza la solicitud de conexión, password. Con base en la petición, entrega un conjunto de resultados al software de aplicación. Respaldos, programa de mantenimiento, integridad referencial. El Servidor de Mapas Hospeda todos los mapas. Funciona en base a peticiones del cliente. Es responsable de mostrar el servicio de mapa solicitado. Despliega datos alfanuméricos y espaciales dependiendo de las funciones que le sean solicitadas. Existing Platforms MOODLE OLAT SAKAI EFRONT GOSS CEOS Moodle HQ in Austgralia and Community University of Zurich University of Michigan Greek Goverment Challenges Security Trust Efficiency Availability Technological Cultural Up-grading and Scalability Inter-operatibility e-Learning towards Collective Intelligence EO/GIS can enrich: Data Collection Information Systems Disemination Learning Research Knowledge Creation An e-‐Learning Pla-orm for EO/GIS Applica9ons Rogerio Enriquez and Jerges Molina CRECTEALC/INAOE Workshop on the Use of Space Science and Technology for the Preven9on of and Response to Disasters in Mesoamerica