Export to PDF - Horizonte 2020


Export to PDF - Horizonte 2020
Expression of Interest
Contact Person/Scientist in Charge
Name and surname: Juan Antonio Ortega
Email: [email protected]
Universidad de Sevilla
Department / Institute / Centre
Name: Universidad de Sevilla - Lenguajes
y Sistemas Informáticos. Grupo IDINFOR
Address: Avenida Reina Mercedes, 41012
Province: Sevilla
Research Area
Information Science and Engineering
Environmental Sciences and Geology
Brief description of the institution:
The University of Seville considers research to be the work of creating, developing and updating scientific,
technical, artistic and cultural criteria. Research activity is carried out in the heart of the Departments,
University Institutes, and Research Centres; and is supported by public and private funding. The University
has a strong commitment to socio-economical development of the Seville area, and therefore carries out
intense transfer of knowledge and technology to society and its economic fabric.
Campus of International Excellence, the US reference of Research, Development and Innovation (R&D).
More than 400 research groups, almost 4,500 researchers and close to 7,500 yearly scientific publications
with international impact.
Technology transfer; knowledge management, collaboration with the economy.
The spirit of enterprise and professional scope, introducing you to the business world. More than 9,000
students doing internships in more than 3,500 businesses.
The University ranks third in Spain as far as number of patents generated on a national level, and is the
founder of many Knowledge-Based Businesses.
Brief description of the Centre/Research Group (including URL if applicable):
DINFOR GROUP Innovation, Research and Development in computer science
http://madeirasic.us.es/idinfor/ IDINFOR: Research, Development and Innovation in Computing is a
research group at the University of Sevilla in the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation of the
Information Technology sector and Communication (TIC223 code). We are a multidisciplinary group of
researchers from different areas of knowledge related to new technologies. We are engaged in research
and development of emerging technologies in the field of information systems, Ubiquitous Computing,
Energy Efficiency, Mobility, Ambient Intelligence, Clinical Informatics, Big Data, Smart Cities as fundamental
lines. We have extensive experience in technology transfer projects, where we have worked with both
companies and institutions on the lines indicated above. Also, we lead and participate in research initiatives
both Spanish and European relevance. Our researchers are involved continuously with other Spanish and
European groups, exchanging knowledge and staff to promote the excellence of our group in research and
knowledge transfer.
Project description:
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Healthy and Efficient Routes in Massive Open-Data Based Smart
Cities-Citizen (TIN2013-46801-C4-1-R) Simon. Saving Energy by Intelligent Monitoring (P11-TIC-8052)
Arquitectura para la eficiencia energética y sostenibilidad en entornos residenciales
(TIN2009-14378-C02-01) Sistema de Información Multimedia Forense SIMFO (CTA-SIMFO.08)
INTEGR@:Integración de Servicios y Nuevas Tecnologías en el Alojamiento del Cliente dentro de un
Espacio Turístico (P033-09/E05) Auditoría de la arquitectura Técnica y Sistema de Gestión de la
Configuración del Sistema Séneca (EXP. 55-07) DAT@GENDA Plataforma de Trabajo Colaborativo
Orientado a la Alta Dirección de Organismos (P023-06/E05) Servicio de Catalogación de la Documentación
Digital del Archivo de Función Pública (EXP: 224/2006/DGFP/00) ATENEA, Arquitectura Middleware y
Herramientas. (FIT-340503-2007-1) Transfer:DATaGENDA Plataforma de Trabajo Colaborativo Orientado a
la Alta Dirección de Organismos (P023-06/E05 TT) Sistema de CUidados UBICuOs y asistencia controlado
por familiares y centros médicos para personas con dependencias-CUBICO (P06-TIC-02141) Plataforma
integral para la interacción entre familiares y centros médicos para la atención telemática a personas con
dependencias (TSI2006-13390-C02-02) DOMOWEB: Metodologías para el Diseño y Desarrollo de
Sistemas Demóticos Controlados Via Web (SC/AT/0108/2003) Network of Excellence on Model Based
Systems and Qualitative Reasoning (MONET 2) (IST-2001-33540)
Propuesta de interés en el que podamos participar.