Groupers and Snappers of India
Groupers and Snappers of India
Groupers and Snappers of India: Biology and Exploitationa P.S.B.R. JAMES V. SRIRAMACHANDRA M U R N P. NAMMALWAR Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Cochin- 14, India JAMES. P.S.B.R., V. SRIRAMACHANDRA MURTY and P. NAMMALWAR. 1996. Groupers and snappers o f India: biology and exploitation [Meros y pargos de la India: biologia y explotacion]. P. 106-136. In F. Arreguin-Sanchez, J.L. Munro, M.C. Balgos and D. Pauly (eds.) Biology, fisheries and culture o f tropical groupers and snappers. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 48, 449 p. Abstract The fishes of the families Serranidae (groupers) and Lutjanidae (snappers) are an important resource along the lndian coast. They are represented by 79 species i n the lndian seas, reach up to 2 m and are abundant in and around rocky outgrowths and coral ridges at depths extending t o about 360 m. Their exploitation presently yields an average annual landing of 8 000 t or about 3% of total lndian marine fish landings. This paper summarizes present Itnowledge on distribution, exploitation, culture and biology of groupers and snappers in India. Resumen Los peces d e Id farnilia Serranidae (rneros) y Lutjdnidae (parses) representan un irnportante recurso a l o largo d e /as costas de la India. Estan representados por 79 especies dentro de 10s mares de la India, algunos alcanzan mas d e 2 m d e longitud y son abundantes dentro y en 10s alrededores de fondos rocosos y bordes arrecifales a profundidades que se extienden a mas de 360 m. La explotacion rinde actualmente un promedio anual d e 8 000 t que'equivalen a1 3% del total de peces marinos descargados en /a India. Este trabajo sintetiza el conocimiento actual sobre la distrlbucion, explotacion. cultivo y Diologia de rneros y pargos de la India. "This contribution was assembled by the editors based on two submitted manuscripts: "Groupers and snappers of India: their distribution, exploitation and biology" by P.S.B.R. ]shes and V. Sriramachandra Murty, and "Studies on the fishery, biology and cultivation of groupers and snappers along the lndian coast - exploitation and management" by P. Nammalwar, and complemented by a FishBase list of the groupers and snappers of India, also used t o update the scientific names of the originals.