innowater water audit`s vouchers for first users in navarra
innowater water audit`s vouchers for first users in navarra
INNOWATER WATER AUDIT’S VOUCHERS FOR FIRST USERS IN NAVARRA (SPAIN) Copenhagen, 19th June 2013 1. Background INNOWATER project: Innovation partnership for better innovation support tools and delivery mechanisms in sustainable water and wastewater WATER AUDIT’S VOUCHER Navarra Background 2. Innowater Vouchers in Navarra WATER AUDIT VOUCHER aims: o to evaluate water management: WATER AUDIT o to identify specific measures for improvement: IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2. Innowater Vouchers in Navarra Voucher programme o Grant: 7.500 €/voucher o Level: 100% financed except VAT o Industries: Agro Food and Paper o Total: 150.000€ 1. CALL APPLICATION CONSULTANCY APPLICATION EVALUATION SELECTION ACREDITATION COMPANY APPLICATION SELECTION 2. SERVICE: WATER AUDIT AND IMPROVEMENT PLAN AUDIT REPORT CONSULTANT + INVOICE IMPROVEMENT PLAN COMPANY 3. VALUE: VOUCHER TRANSFER VOUCHER € (%VAT) € NAVARRAN VOUCHER SCHEME Bono INNOWATER 2012 La Fundación Centro de Recursos Ambientales de Navarra (CRANA) concede a la empresa____ el presente Bono para la realización de una Auditoría de Agua INNOWATER 2012. El valor de este bono es de # 7.500 # Este bono es transmitido a la empresa consultora _________ como pago del asesoramiento recibido. La consultora presenta finalmente el bono a CRANA para su reembolso. Este bono fue expedido por CRANA el día 8 de Enero de 2013 con el código Bono_01-2012. Este Bono está financiado en un 65% por la Comisión Europea y en 35% por el Gobierno de Navarra. Este bono ha sido recibido por la empresa: Este bono ha sido entregado a la entidad consultora: sello y firma sello y firma __________________. _______________ 4. Results 20 improvement plans 16 food and drink 4 pulp and paper Innovative technology solutions Highly appreciated by the companies 5. Lessons learned PROCEDURE o Define service: o o o o Objectives and scope Results Service price Voucher size: finance o Select companies and service providers 5. Lessons learned o Identify needs of the companies: VALUE o Standarization is difficult: SERVICE o Price o Results 6. Future o Good public support o SPECIFIC SERVICE o IDENTIFY INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY NEEDS o GIVE COMPETITIVE SOLUTIONS o MUST BE attractive and useful Thank you very much for your attention Delia Sola Government of Navarre [email protected]