June 22, 2014 - St. Rose of Lima
June 22, 2014 - St. Rose of Lima
1305 Royal Avenue Simi Valley, CA 93065 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 22, 2014 Prayer after Receiving Holy Communion O Jesus, I believe that Thou art truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Although my eyes and tongue tell me that I have received only bread and wine, yet my faith tells me that I have received Thy Body and Blood. I believe, Lord; help Thou my unbelief. I adore Thee as my God and my Savior. Amen OUR LADY OF SAN JUAN FESTIVAL July 11—13, 2014 Friday at 7:00pm —Healing Mass (Spanish) Delicious Food and Religious Items for sale after Mass Saturday at 12:00pm—Procession with the Image of Our Lady of San Juan 12:00pm followed by Mass (Spanish) After Mass a beautiful Festival awaits you with Shows and Live Latin Music Mass followed by more entertainment for the Sunday at 1:00pm—Closing 1:00pm whole family! And for our Soccer fans—you get to watch the World Cup on a giant outdoor screen! For the soccer lovers out there we will be showing the finals on a BIG screen TV! NOTICE: SUMMER HOURS for the Mother Cabrini Gift Store, located in the vestibule of the church, will be open on Sundays before and after Masses, and on Thursdays only (no Tuesday afternoons during the summer) from noon to 3:00 p.m. Parish Information RECTORY 1305RoyalAvenue SimiValley,CA93065 526-1732526-0067(fax) Email: [email protected] RonBrowne•526-1732 ParishBusinessManager Website: www.StRoseSV.com HOURS MondaytoFriday: 8:00am—8:00pm Saturday: 9:00am—5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am—4:00pm Facilities Manager NormOuellette•551-3704 ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY TyMcDermott,Director•526-1732 [email protected] PASTOR Rev.JosephP.Shea Associate Pastor Fr.BillNicholas Priest in Residence Fr.JimMaher DEACONS Dn.PeterWilson Dn.TerryReibenspies Dn.LouisFernandez Dn.EdwardPosvar LITURGY SCHEDULE SACRAMENTS ANOINTING OF THE SICK Administeredthroughouttheyear. PleasecalltheRectoryanytimein caseofseriousillnessorgoinginto surgery. BAPTISMS English:1stSundayofthemonth Spanish:3rdSundayofthemonth Byappointment;pleasecallorvisit theRectory. MARRIAGES Arrangementsmustbemadeat leastsixmonthsinadvance.Please callorvisittheRectory. Daily: 8:30am&5:30pm Saturday:8:30am;5:00pm (Vigil); 7:00pm (Spanish) Extraordinary Ministers of Holy RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION Sunday: 6:00am, 7:00am, 9:00am, Communion—coordinators FOR ADULTS (RCIA) 11:00am (Family/Children), GeorgeLemos Jo&FrankWilhelmi•526-6194 1:00pm (Spanish),5:00pm (Youth) TonyLemos([email protected]) LECTORS MINISTRY DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION TonyDelgado584-6987 with BENEDICTION Monday 9:00am—10:00am LIFE TEEN / YOUTH MINISTRY Tuesday 4:00pm—5:00pm NOVENA AdamCross,YouthMinister•526-8181 Wednesday 9:00am—10:00am MotherofPerpetualHelp [email protected] Thursday 4:00pm—5:00pm Wednesdaysat6:00pm ClairaCastillo,AssistantYouthMinister NEW HOURS [email protected] Friday 4:00pm—5:00pm BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY MINISTERIO HISPANO Saturday 3:00pm—5:00pm DotGoerisch•526-5640 LibiaPerez,Director•915-4605 6:00pm—7:00pm CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER [email protected] HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION GROUP MUSIC MINISTRY Ched&LumiCruz Vigil: 5:30pm ClareDelto,Director•526-1732 HolyDay:6:00am;8:30am;12:00pm; 584-6160 [email protected] 5:30pm;7:00pm( Spanish) COUPLES FOR CHRIST RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ST. ROSE OF LIMA SCHOOL Joanne&ErwinIlustrisimo SandraLemos,Director 1325RoyalAvenue 304-0753 526-5513•520-7638(fax) SimiValley,CA93065 [email protected] KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS JohnP.Sanders,Principal COUNCIL #5803 Website:www.srls.org RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY RickOstrich,GrandKnight 526-5304•526-0939(fax) JuliaDobrucki•584-1203 501-8818 ST. ROSE OF LIMA [email protected] AFTER SCHOOL CARE 24 HR. LIFE CENTER HOTLINE FOR SERVING THOSE IN NEED 577-8208 UNPLANNED PREGNANCY EarlTodd St. Rose School Alumni Call1-800-973-7334 581-0957 Teresa Moran Runyon AllourservicesareFREEandinformationis [email protected] keptstrictlyconidential. www.srls.org/alumni Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults www.facebook.com/ PregnancyCounselingCenter SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN LisaZabaglo•527-6582 SUB-ROSA YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY AdamCross•Coordinator MOTHER CABRINI CIRCLE GIFT STORE Located in the vestibule; open before & after morning Sunday Masses; Tuesdays 2– 6pm & Thursdays 12-4pm For information on the Catholic Faith and the process of inquiry, please call: Jo & Frank Wilhelmi 805-526-6194 Dear friends, As we head into the summer months, I do hope that you will take some time to rest and enjoy yourself. Make a plan to bring your family to the St. Rose of Lima Parish Carnival (June 27—29) and to Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos Festival (July 11-13). But especially take some time to be with your family and with yourself. Recently I read a very insightful article that all of us could benefit from entitled “Why We Humblebrag About Being Busy” by Greg McKeown. “We have a problem—and the odd thing is we not only know about it, we’re celebrating it. Just today, someone boasted to me that she was so busy she’s averaged four hours of sleep a night for the last two weeks. She wasn’t complaining; she was proud of the fact. She is not alone. Why are typically rational people so irrational in their behavior? The answer, I believe, is that we’re in the midst of a bubble; one so vast that to be alive today in the developed world is to be affected, or infected, by it. It’s the bubble of bubbles: it not only mirrors the previous bubbles (whether of the Tulip, Silicon Valley or Real Estate variety), it undergirds them all. I call it “The More Bubble.” The nature of bubbles is that some asset is absurdly overvalued until — eventually — the bubble bursts, and we’re left scratching our heads wondering why we were so irrationally exuberant in the first place. The asset we’re overvaluing now is the notion of doing it all, having it all, achieving it all; what Jim Collins calls “the undisciplined pursuit of more.” This bubble is being enabled by an unholy alliance between three powerful trends: smart phones, social media, and extreme consumerism. The result is not just information overload, but opinion overload. We are more aware than at any time in history of what everyone else is doing and, therefore, what we “should” be doing. In the process, we have been sold a bill of goods: that success means being supermen and superwomen who can get it all done. Of course, we back-door-brag about being busy: it’s code for being successful and important. Not only are we addicted to the drug of more, we are pushers too. In the race to get our children into “a good college” we have added absurd amounts of homework, sports, clubs, dance performances and ad infinitum extracurricular activities. And with them, busyness, sleep deprivation and stress. Across the board, our answer to the problem of more is always more. We need more technology to help us create more technologies. We need to outsource more things to more people to free up own our time to do yet even more. Luckily, there is an antidote to the undisciplined pursuit of more: the disciplined pursuit of less, but better. A growing number of people are making this shift. I call these people Essentialists. These people are designing their lives around what is essential and eliminating everything else. These people take walks in the morning to think and ponder, they negotiate to have actual weekends (i.e. during which they are not working), they turn technology off for set periods every night and create technology-free zones in their homes. They trade off time on Facebook and call those few friends who really matter to them. Instead of running to back-to-back in meetings, they put space on their calendars to get important work done. The groundswell of an Essentialist movement is upon us. Even our companies are competing with one another to get better at this: from sleep pods at Google to meditation rooms at Twitter. At the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos this year, there were — for the first time — dozens of sessions on mindfulness. TIME magazine goes beyond calling this a movement, instead choosing the word “Revolution.” One reason is because it feels so much better than being a Nonessentialist. You know the feeling you get when you box up the old clothes you don’t wear anymore and give them away? The closet clutter is gone. We feel freer. Wouldn’t it be great to have that sensation writ large in our lives? Wouldn’t it feel liberating and energizing to clean out the closets of our overstuffed lives and give away the nonessential items, so we can focus our attention on the few things that truly matter? Yours in Christ, Fr. Joseph Shea (To be continued in next’s week bulletin…) What Does Jesus Expect of Me? Jesus calls you to follow him. Your life could be an adventure with God. St. Rose of Lima Parish extends a warm welcome to all who wish to join our faith community for worship and fellowship. Come Feast on His Word, develop your Knowledge, and Build a Family of Faith. If you are new to the area, or coming back Home, we invite you to make St. Rose of Lima your parish by calling the Rectory at 5261732 or stop by during office hours or visit our website: www.StRoseSV.com “A time to be born…” Ecc 3:2 Angel Y. Castro, Lillian J. Delaplane, Camila C. Juarez, Kimberly Quintero, Karen B. Vicencio-Torres Namesonthislistwillbedeletedafter3months,unlesstheRectory staffisnoti)ied.Ifyouareafamilymemberandyouwishtoaddor renewaname,pleasenotifytheof)ice. “Atimetoheal…”Ecc3:3 ...Andprayforoneanother.—James5:13-18 Maria Aguilar Hilda Garcia Frank Meyer Corinne Anderson Maria L. Garcia Jason Meyer Maria Anttilainen Adrienne Gardner Kathy Meyer Sue Arrigoni Brooke Gardner Verna Meyer Domingo Ortega, Jr. Sebastian Rosa Gonzalez Baghdassarian Ruben Gonzalez Brooklyn Papaleo Manuel Barrera Chaz Higginbottom Armand Patino Alondra Brito Ruth Ann Hochleutner Lupe Pina John Hughes Dian Schuetz Tom Brown Robert Chirigotis Mary Rose Hughes Terianne Soria Arlene Delman Margaret Jimenez Colina Stephanson Barbara Knight Ken Thompson Brian Egan Sharon Korrea Irene Velasquez Dorothy Errett Sharon Yaki Charlie Frerking Maria Manriquez Benny Martinez Imelda Youngman Debbie Garcia “Atimeofwarandatimeofpeace…”Ecc3:8 Prayforthoseservinginthemilitary. U.S. Army U.S. Navy Matthew Anaya Gregg Bell Krysten Bohen Patrick F. Costa Thomas M. Gonzalez Walter Cueva Alex Knott Josh Houseinger Alex Martin Brian Kiely Nicholas C. Moreno Ryan Loniero Rafael Rodriguez Ronald Murphy Jose T. Fernandez Matthew Alatorre Pvt. James Berru Patrick Croy John Gebert Ryan Osier Juan Ignacio Rios Kaplan Sharpe U.S. Air Force U.S.M.C. Christian Ares Raymond Bucci Ryan Bunnell Paul Gebert Sgt. Colton Haney Jim La Rosa Bradly Melson Ricky Noone Brian Olex Sgt. Casey Pilkington Lt. Col. Andrew Sholtes Jordan Sine Tanner Aurand Sgt. Christine Campo National Guard Vincent Russo Armando Peña, Jr. Maj. Andrew Hull Col. Marilyn Rios Capt. Melissa Hull “Atimetodie…”Ecc3:2 Pray for the souls of all our beloved departed and their families. MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, June 21 8:30am Members of the Millenium Club (I) 5:00pm Father’s Day Novena 7:00pm Father’s Day Novena SUNDAY, June 22 6:00am Father’s Day Novena 7:00am Father’s Day Novena 9:00am Father’s Day Novena 11:00am Father’s Day Novena (Sp) 1:00pm Father’s Day Novena 5:00pm Father’s Day Novena MONDAY, June 23 8:30am Father’s Day Novena 5:30pm Father’s Day Novena TUESDAY, June 24 8:30am Wesley Quon (I) 5:30pm Yesenia Rendon (I) WEDNESDAY, June 25 8:30am Andrea Rose (I) 5:30pm Vincenta Agaloos (D) THURSDAY, June 26 8:30am Robles Family (I) 5:30pm Souls In Purgatory FRIDAY, June 27 8:30am Ricardo Asuncion (D) 5:30pm Evelyn & Steve Auth (I) SATURDAY, June 28 8:30am Members of the Millenium Club (I) 5:00pm Sr. Bella Maria, OCD & her Carmelite Community 7:00pm Salvador Brave (D) SUNDAY, June 29 6:00am Concetta Stephenson (D) 7:00am John Fabry (D) 9:00am Joseph Fasulo (I) 11:00am Sal & Betty Moreno (Sp) 1:00pm Anthony Morales (I) 5:00pm Emiliana Morales (D) READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 2Kgs17:5-8,13-15a,18;Ps60:3-5,12-13; Mt7:1-5 Vigil:Jer1:4-10;Ps71:1-6,15,17; 1Pt1:8-12;Lk1:5-17 Day:Is49:1-6;Ps139:1-3,13-15;Acts13:22-26; Lk1:57-66,80 2Kgs22:8-13;23:1-3;Ps119:33-37,40; Mt7:15-20 2Kgs24:8-17;Ps79:1b-5,8-9;Mt7:21-29 Dt7:6-11;Ps103:1-4,6-8,10;1Jn4:7-16; Mt11:25-30 Lam2:2,10-14,18-19;Ps74:1b-7,20-21; Mt8:15-17or,fortheMemorialofthe ImmaculateHeart,Is61:9-11;Lk2:41-51 Vigil:Acts3:1-10;Ps19:2-5;Gal1:11-20; Jn21:15-19 Day:Acts12:1-11;Ps34:2-9;2Tm4:6-8,17-18; Mt16:13-19 June 22, 2014 St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church Page 5 Adult education & faith formation DEVOTIONS BIBLE STUDY “CATHOLICISM” series Adoration Schedule Thursdays at 7:00pm in classroom 13 Monday, 9:00am—Saturday, 3:00pm We are very blessed to have 24 hr. Adoraon here at St. Rose. We thank Fr. Shea, our Pastor, for giving us this great gi. However, we need to be sure we have enough adorers scheduled to be sure Jesus is never alone. Please consider signing up for any of the mes menoned below: Adorers are needed: Tuesday: 3am Wednesday: 10pm Thursday: 10am, 11am, 2-2:30pm Friday: 10am, 11am, 8pm & 10pm For questions or comments, please call Annette Lercel, Bible Study Coordinator, at 584 3533. DIVORCED, SEPARATED, WIDOWED MINISTRY We are a Christ-centered, self-help program. We meet the 1st & 3rd Friday of the month in Room 11 of the school. 7:00-9:00pm. *Presentations by Dr. Bennett Annan All adults are welcome! Friday, July 4,: The meeting has been cancelled. Friday, July 18*, "How To Find Your Purpose Through The Life Of Jesus Christ, In The Transfiguration” Tuesday, July 22, Dinner at First Street Family at 6:30pm. Visitors and scheduled Adorers please be sure to sign in, it is the only way we can be sure that Jesus is not alone. Contact: Jean Jenners (JosephM34 @sbcglobal.net), call 526-1732 or visit: www.StRoseSV.com/DSW.html Team Leaders FREEDOM IN OUR LIVES 12am-5am 6am-11am 12pm-5pm 11pm Theresa Wong 428-0942 Cathy Sullivan 526-7628 Anita Koller 526-9910 Kathy and Frank Cross 501-8431 Divine Mercy Chaplet Tuesdays & Fridays at 3pm Divine Mercy Holy Hour & Benediction with Deacon Ed Posvar Wednesdays, 7:00pm Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena Wednesdays after the daily 5:30pm Mass Family Novena In Honor of the Holy Infant Jesus of Prague Every Friday at 6:00pm “My grace is sufficient for you…” 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Do you suffer from loneliness, anger, depression, co-dependency, fear, hopelessness, anxiety, bad habits you want to change, hurts you can’t deal with, and are hung up with problems in your life? FREEDOM IN OUR LIVES, is a Faith-based Beatitudes program to help you realize how to let God’s healing power into your life. We meet the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month, in room 11 of St. Rose of Lima School. We gather at 6:30pm for dinner, and the meeting begins at 7:00pm. Please join us, bring your friends and relatives and gain a new perspective in your life. The Story of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague (continued from last week’s bulletin) The 20 years’ War in Europe ravaged Prague. After the Treaty of Peace in 1630, the Carmelites returned to the monastery and the Church of Our Lady of Victories. Father Cyril, Pastor of the Church, found the statue of the Miraculous Infant Jesus with arms broken. It was at this time that the Infant Jesus appeared to him in a vision and said, “Give me my hands and I will give you peace. The more you honor me, the more I will bless you.” From that time on, the devotion to the Divine Infant Jesus of Prague continued and spread throughout the world. From the records of the National Shrine of the Holy Infant Jesus of Prague, Prague, Oklahoma. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! JULY 25 - 26 National Catholic Family Conference Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, CA Come join hundreds of Catholic families. This year we’re offering a new selection of speakers, Catholic vendors, Holy Mass, and activities for children and teenagers, too! Individuals $10; Family $20 To register & for more info visit: SaintJoe.com To carpool, contact Carmen Allard ([email protected]) June 22, 2014 www.StRoseSV.com Page 6 *All Teens are welcome* EVERY Sunday at 6:30 pm after Mass in the Hall Food, fun & prayer July 20 - Humans vs. Zombies YOUNG ADULTS For more information on our Life Nights and ways to get involved, please contact us at: 526-8181 or Adam Cross: [email protected] You're invited to... SubRosa @ Steubenville San Diego, FRIDAYSUNDAY, July 25-27 (University of San Diego) ~It's not too late to sign up! A Catholic Young Adult Conference Open to all young adults, ages 18 to 23-ish yrs. old Friday, Sat., and Sun. - July 25-27 Shirley Theatre at University of San Diego 5998 Alcala Park • San Diego, CA 92110: *$216 *We will be going as a group; room and board included in registration. Invite your friends!***email us if you're interested in attending or with any questions you may have! *Follow the link for more information on the event: www.AllForGodCatholic.com/html/1823.html SubRosa Time Adoration... EVERY WEDNESDAY 8-9 pm (St. Rose Church) *Join us as we spend silent time praying with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. *Final date for the month of June: 25. *Dates for the month of July: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 SubRosa Women's Group, SUNDAY, June 22 from 1:30-3pm(Room 6 in SRL School) *Join us as we hang out & discuss the amazing book Captivating A Woman's Soul by John & Stasi Eldredge *Order your copy now! Just $ 4 on Amazon (including shipping) and available at major bookstores. *It's an incredible book to help us be the amazing women God created us to be! *Eat with us, hang out & enjoy! NEW: Consuming the Word Book Club Wednesday, June 25 from 6-8pm (St. Rose of Lima School, Room TBD) *We will get together to read the book Consuming the Word: The New Testament and The Eucharist in the Early Church by Dr. Scott Hahn of Franciscan University *We will meet each week to read a chapter and then discuss the book. *Copies of the chapters will be provided, but if you would like a copy of the actual book. it can be found on Amazon.com. Find us on Facebook! See you soon, ~The SubRosa Team~ St. Rose of Lima (SRL) 1325 Royal Avenue, Simi Valley, CA 93065 e: [email protected] p:805-428-3755 Santa Clara High School Girls Basketball Camp Santa Clara High School Girl’s Basketball coach Teresa Palmisano and Play It Forward Athletics, a non-profit AAU basketball organization, will co-sponsor a girls basketball camp for 3rd to 8th grade girls. The camp will be structured to teach girls the basic fundamentals, the concept of the game, and how to take their game to the next level. The camp will be held on June 23, 24 and 26 at Santa Clara High School Coach “C” Gym from 9:00am to 2:00pm; cost for the camp is $60.00 per player. For more details contact Head Coach Teresa Palmisano at [email protected] or at 483-9502 x 179. REFLECTION.—In early times, the Christians were called the children of joy. Let us seek the joy of the Holy Spirit to sweeten suffering, to temper earthly delight, till we enter into the joy of our Lord. MAGNIFICAT Sharon Lee Giganti, former Actress, now Catholic Convert from New Age, speaks out on the philosophy’s false promises. MAGNIFICAT - A Ministry to Catholic Women Prayer Meal— Saturday, July 19 @ 10AM Odyssey Restaurant, Granada Hills, CA Sharon Lee Giganti, who has appeared on EWTN and Catholic Answers Radio, joins us to share her inside look on New Age philosophy she used to teach. After serious events, Sharon was led back to the Catholic Church where she now speaks out on the dangers of New Age, its false promises, and how it tries to invade our Faith. Sharon is an outstanding speaker so be sure to bring a friend. Mail “Magnificat” a check for $26 to Magnificat, P.O. Box 4057, West Hills, CA 91308. After July 7: $30. Questions? Teri Thompson 805527-3745. On-line reservations www.magnificatsfv.org. Instilling faith, knowledge & service in to the hearts & minds of students through instruction, modeling & guidance. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Faith Formation Classes Now Forming The St. Rose of Lima Religious Education Office is now accepting applications for the upcoming 2014/15 school year. Classes are now being formed for Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation and Continuing Faith Formation. Please visit our office located in the Parish Hall Sundays 9am to 1pm and Monday through Thursdays 9:30am through 7:00pm, or call 526-5513 if you have any questions. We are always happy to add faithful catechists and teaching assistants to our team! Please prayerfully consider helping others along their journey of faith. June 22, 2014 Page 8 St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church RESPECT LIFE POSITION AVAILABLE “Nothingchangestheobjectivereality:abortion killsbabiesintheirmothers’wombs.Abortionis notmerelytheremovalofsometissuefroma woman'sbody.Abortionisnottheremovalofa living‘thing’thatwouldbecomehumanifitwere allowedtoremaininsidethewoman’s body.Abortionisthedestructionofanunborn baby.Pregnancyistheperiodforthisnewhuman lifetomature,notto‘becomehuman’—italready is.ThisiswhytheChurchconsidersabortionthe killingofahumanbeing,andwhytheSecondVaticanCouncilcalleditan‘unspeakablecrime’.” -JohnCardinalO’Connor Director of R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) at St. Rose of Lima Parish. We are looking to fill this part-time position, which will require approx. 25 hours per week, with a person who has experience with and in the RCIA process. The responsibilities of this position will encompass overseeing the entire RCIA process for children and adults, English and Spanish speaking. For more information and to submit an application, please visit the rectory. Knights of Columbus CARNIVAL NEEDS YOUR BOOKS! Increase Your Understanding of the Catholic Faith Through CIS Online Courses † † † The Luke E. Hart course Faith Formation course Catholic Correspondence course To learn more or sign up, visit: www.kofc.org/un/en/cis/index.html Still Spring cleaning? Haven’t started yet? Well, clear out those books, (DVDs & CDs, too) and donate them to the Carnival bookstore! Bring them to the rectory during business hours. Handicapables Event Handicapables Luncheon With Fr. Joe Kammerer HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH Moorpark THIS COMING Saturday, June 28 11:30am – Prayer Service 12:00pm - Luncheon 1:00pm - Entertainment Raffle prizes Delicious food Sing-along For more information, contact Jackie & Joe Kammerer (805) 210-5176 ¿Sabia Usted? Did you Know? Bullying is a form of abuse Did you know that bullying is a form of abuse, and therefore is forbidden in our Catholic schools? Bullying typically consists of direct behaviors, such as teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting, shoving and stealing. But it might also be indirect, such as spreading rumors that cause victims to be socially isolated through intentional exclusion. Cyberbullying, which involves the use of the Internet or mobile phones to send inappropriate messages and images to or about others, is also behavior that is not tolerated in our Catholic schools. If you suspect bullying of a child at school, please contact the school principal with your concerns. For particular help, you may call the Archdiocese’s Victims Assistance Ministry, (213) 637-7650. El hostigamiento es una forma de abuso ¿Sabía usted que el hostigamiento (bullying) es una forma de abuso y por lo tanto está prohibido en las escuelas católicas? El hostigamiento suele consistir en bromas pesadas, burlas, amenazas, golpes, empujones y robo. Pero también puede ser indirecta, como la difusión de rumores que provoca que las víctimas se aíslen socialmente porque se sienten excluidas por la sociedad. El acoso cibernético, que implica el uso de la Internet o los teléfonos celulares para enviar mensajes o imágenes inapropiadas de personas o a personas también es un comportamiento que no se tolera en nuestras escuelas católicas. Si usted sospecha que algún estudiante es víctima de hostigamiento, inmediatamente comunique sus preocupaciones al director de la escuela. Para obtener más ayuda llame a la oficina de la arquidiócesis del Ministerio de Asistencia a Víctimas, (213) 637-7650. 22 de Junio, 2014 St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church KERMES DE NUESTRA SENORA DE SAN JUAN DE LOS LAGOS Pagina 11 TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Hace algunos años, el cantante de rock Viernes a las 7:00pm —Misa de Sanación Carlos Santana y el grupo roquero Maná Deliciosa Comida y Artículos Religiosos ganaron un premio en los “Lan de venta después de Misa. Grammys” por su canción: “Corazón Sábado a las 12:00pm—Procesion con la 12:00pm espinado”. Esta bella canción es de un Imagen de Nuestra Señora de San Juan hombre que lamenta el dolor que una de Los Lagos seguida por Misa. Después de Misa tendremos una gran Tardeada/Kermes, mujer le ha causado. No la puede olvidar, Charros, Danzantes, Folklóricos, Grupo Clave Azul y El porque ella le ha dejado el corazón Internacional Grupo la Migra. espinado. Esta canción siempre me Domingo a la 1:00pm—Misa de despedida seguida por 1:00pm recuerda al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, entretenimiento para toda la familia con Folklóricos y los corazón rodeado por una corona de Grupos Dinastía Ramos y Grupo Capricho. Y para espinas e inflamado por el amor que le nuestros aficionados al Soccer—podrán gozar de la Copa ene a su mujer, la Iglesia, es decir, Mundial en una Gran pantalla para ver el final del nosotros. La devoción al Sagrado mundial! Corazón proviene de una monja francesa, Estudio de Biblia en Español santa Margarita María Alacoque a quien La parroquia de St. Peter Claver les hace una cordial Jesús le mostró su corazón en junio de invitación este verano a sesiones de estudio de la Biblia. 1675. Jesús le dijo que su corazón arde El que abre la Biblia busca a Jesús. La Biblia no es un libro de amor por los seres humanos, pero los que habla de Dios, sino que es el libro en el que Dios nos habla de él por medio de testigos que él eligió. crisanos sólo lo ofendemos con insultos, ¿Que contiene el Antiguo Testamento? ¿Qué ensenan los ingratud e indiferencias. ¿Cuántas salmos? veces, como Iglesia o como individuos, le ¿Dónde están escritos los mandamientos de Dios? hemos espinado el corazón al Señor? Y ¿Cuál es el mensaje de Dios para mí? ¿Y dónde puedo aun así, la imagen del corazón espinado e escuchar este mensaje? inflamado de Jesús nos sigue cantando y Venga y juntos encontraremos estas y muchas más respuestas que nos comunica Dios. llamando para que seamos suyos. Si ¿Cuándo?: - Los Martes de Julio & Agosto, empezando el regresamos a él, Jesucristo nos promete 8 de Julio de 6:30pm – 8:30pm de la noche. doce bendiciones de paz, consolación, Traiga su Biblia…y si no tiene, nosotros le emprestamos fervor y otras gracias. una. Para más información comuníquese con el Diacono Melecio Zamora, (818) 262-1090.¡Los esperamos! —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Lecturas de la Semana Lunes: 2 Re 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Sal 60 (59):3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 Martes: Vigilia: Jer 1:4-10; Sal 71 (70):1-6, 15, 17; 1 Pe 1:8-12; Lc 1:5-17 Día: Is 49:1-6; Sal 139 (138):1-3, 13-15; Hch 13:22-26; Lc 1:57-66, 80 Miércoles: 2 Re 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Sal 119 (118):33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20 Jueves: 2 Re 24:8-17; Sal 79 (78):1b-5, 8-9; Mt 7:21-29 Viernes: Dt 7:6-11; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 6-8, 10; 1 Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25-30 Sábado: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Sal 74 (73):1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 ó para el Memoria del Inmaculado Corazón, Is 61:9-11;Lc 2:41-51 Domingo: Vigilia: Hch 3:1-10; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Gál 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Día: Hch 12:1-11; Sal 34 (33):2-9;2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Visit Carnival Central on the Patio! Stop by after the 9:00, 11:00 & 1:00 Masses to get: *Discount Ride Bracelets *Value Packs *T-Shirts * Info on how to volunteer * Schedule of entertainment For details visit our website, social media, or stop by the table after Mass beginning June 8. 1305 Royal Ave., Simi Valley, 93065 • www.strosesv.com • [email protected]