Irantzu Calvo Santamaria () P. S. Cally, E. Khomenko
Irantzu Calvo Santamaria () P. S. Cally, E. Khomenko
Irantzu Calvo Santamaria ([email protected]) P. S. Cally, E. Khomenko, M. Collados V-‐REFSH La laguna, Tenerife INTRODUCTION Wave propagation suffer phenomena infer information of the solar atmospheric and magnetic properties Energy transport into the chromosphere and corona Heating by waves § Quiet sun structures § § Ubiquitous all over the solar surface Important contributors of solar magnetism Alfvén waves detection Can fast waves and Alfvén waves be distinguished? We carry out 3D numerical simulation of wave propagation in a non-‐symmetric magnetic field structure INTRODUCTION 𝝏𝝆/𝝏𝒕 =𝜵(𝝆𝒗 ) 𝝆(𝝏𝒗 /𝝏𝒕 + (𝒗 ∙𝜵)𝒗 )=−𝜵𝒑+ 𝜵×𝑩 /𝝁↓𝟎 ×𝑩 + 𝝆𝒈 𝝏𝑩 /𝝏𝒕 = 𝜵×(𝒗 ×𝑩 ) 𝝆[𝝏𝜺/𝝏𝒕 + (𝒗 ∙𝜵)𝜺]=−𝒑𝜵∙𝒗 IDEAL GAS EQUATION OF STATE 𝜀= 1/𝛾−1 𝑝/𝜌 MANCHA code (Felipe, Khomenko & Collados, 2010) INTRODUCTION 3D Mode conversion Khomenko & Cally (2012) Hydrosta2c Model § Temperature distribution given by three different models § Parchevsky & Kosovichev (Parchevsky & Kosovichev, 2007) : subphotospheric layers § VALC (Vernazza et al., 1980) : photosphere and chromosphere § ISOTHERMAL corona : 1 Million Kelvin § Pressure and density distribution 𝑑𝑝↓0 (𝑧)/𝑑𝑧 =−𝜌↓0 ∙𝑔 𝜌↓0 (𝑧)= 𝜇∙𝑝↓0 (𝑧)/𝑅↓𝑔𝑎𝑠 ∙𝑇↓0 (𝑧) Magnetosta2c Model Non-‐potential ( 𝑱 ≠𝟎 ) and force-‐free ( 𝑱 ||𝑩 ) magnetic field 𝛻×𝐵 = 𝛼 𝐵 If 𝛼=0 Potential Magnetic Field If 𝛼=𝑐𝑛𝑠𝑡 Magnetostatic Field If 𝛼≠𝑐𝑛𝑠𝑡 More complex field Nakagawa & Raadu (1972) Magnetosta2c Model Equilibrium Model Wave Propaga2on • Projections • l: Parallel to B • h: Perpendicular to B and to 𝑧 • t: Perpendicular to l and h • Small gradients needed • Plane parallel atmosphere horizontal direction Wave Propaga2on Magne2c Energy Fluxes 𝐹 ↓𝑚𝑎𝑔 =⟨𝛿𝐵 ×(𝛿𝑣 ×𝐵 ↓0 )⟩/𝜇↓0 Same projections as for the velocities Magnetic energy flux for Fast waves All directions Alfvén waves Parallel to B What do we expect for Alfvén waves to exist? Fmag,l >> Fmag, h , Fmag,t Magne2c Energy Fluxes Magne2c Energy Fluxes Magne2c Energy Fluxes Magne2c Energy Fluxes Magne2c Energy Fluxes Magne2c Energy Fluxes Magne2c Energy Fluxes Magne2c Energy Fluxes Magne2c Energy Fluxes Magne2c Energy Fluxes Energy Fluxes vs Veloci2es Is there any preferable direction for Alfvén wave velocity perturbation? Energy Fluxes vs Veloci2es Energy Fluxes vs Veloci2es Energy Fluxes vs Veloci2es Energy Fluxes vs Veloci2es Energy Fluxes vs Veloci2es Energy Fluxes vs Veloci2es Energy Fluxes vs Veloci2es Energy Fluxes vs Veloci2es Conclusions Localization of Alfvén waves by means of magnetic energy flux The projections chosen suggest us that the Alfvén wave perturbation propagate more preferably in the horizontal direction The new projections for 3D simulations seem to be so encouraging …… This result must be checked in other cases.