Professor: Dr. Owens - PIIZ, SIl~riJtobd
Professor: Dr. Owens - PIIZ, SIl~riJtobd
Contemporary Spanisb 455.001: Spani~b American sprrog 2006 Fiction Professor: Dr. Owens - Office: J.C. Long Bldg., Room 115 11:00-12:00; Office Hours: M W 11:00-12:00 & Tues. 3:00-5:00 and by Appointment Email: owenss{a), bttn:/lWW'! Web: phone: 953-7186 Required Tests: rC ll' Novels: Allende, Isabel. La Casa de 105esniritus. New York: Harpe 0 ms, 1995. Esquivel, Laura. Como Agua Para Chocolate. New York: . Anchor Books, 1993. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. Cr6nica de un!! muerte anunclada. New. .' York: Vintage Espanol, 2003. tobd. e1bosaue v e1hombre nuevo. MexIco:EdlclOnes SlIort IitlWlu~MII Coynll PIlCK PIIZ, SIl~riJ Critical Essays: See Course Pack Course Packet: Pick up at SAS-E INK, 79 Wentworth Street Objectives: Honor Code: Attendance: , Spanish 455 focuses on several of the major literary works produced in Latin America from the 1960's until the present day. The primary texts have been selected to represent some of the main literary periods and trends important to this time period. This course is partic11larlydesigned to analyze these texts from a historical, political and social perspective. This is an advanced literature course, which presupposes some experience in the interpretation of literature and the writing of a research paper. Critical thinking; reading, writing, and analytical skills; the ability to make connections; and the ability to articulate positions will be c11ltivated throughout the semester. Cheating, coping or plagiarism in all of its forms will be penalized as a willful violation of the College of Charleston honor code. Attendance is essential to any Spanish class. Students will be responsible for the contents and assignment for each class missed. You may miss 2 classes without penalty and no excuses required. However, on your third absence your final grade will be lowered by 5 points. After the third absence the student will be sent a warning letter. On the fourth absence the student will be automatically dropped from the class *please note that 3 absences are the maximum for this class even if they have been excused. Class will begin on time and you are expected to be in class on time. It is understandable that you might arrive late once during the semester, but after that every two late arrivals will be counted as an absence. Perfect attendance will be rewarded with two points added on to your final exam grade. Participation: Homework: Exams: Class participation is a vital component of this course. Spanish is the only language spoken in this class. You are expected to bring your text and course pack on a daily basis. As a common courtesy to your professor and fellow students please turn off all cell phones at the beginning of class. No food is allowed in the class (drinks are fine) and please take care of your personal necessities before class, i.e. it is very disruptive when students get up during the class. Respect for fellow students and the professor is part of the participation grade. Students will be assigned weekly exercises and activities based on the readings and the films. See "mini-presentations" course pack for the guia de texts, lectura. of the i.e. Students will also be assigned they will give an informal summary to the class of the reading assigned for the day. An in-class midterm term exam and a take-home final exam (cumulative) will be scheduled in this course. Presentations: All students will give an oral presentation at the end of the semester. This 12-15 minute presentation should be directly linked to the research project. Students need to incorporate a pre-approved visual outline for the class. Topics and further instructions will be assigned. Research Project: " Throughout the semester each student is expected to work on a fulllength research project dealing with a short story or short novel that we have not read in class. It is possible to compare this new text to one we have read in class. See handout for possibilities. All topics must be pre-approved by the professor. This project will be divided into three parts. On Wed, April 3 the student needs to email the 2 professor a thesis paragraph imd a bibliography according to the MLA style. A typed rough draft of the paper must be brought to class on Monday April 10 for a peer editing activity. The final research paper should consist of 7-9 typed pages (double spaced, one inch margins and a 12 font). The paper is due on the last day of class. Grading: Participation Homework Midterm Exam Final Exam Presentation Research Project 10% 15% 20% 25% 10% 20% 92-100 87-91 80-86 77-79 70-76 65-69 64 or below A B+ B C+ C D F Grading Scale There will be a list serve set up for this course. All students must have an email account and check their email before each class. List Serve: Tentative Class Distribution Schedule Spring 2006 Week I Jan 9, 11 Introduction to the class ("La muiieca menor" de Rosario Fern:) Week 2 Jan 16, 18 Mon. - MLK Day - No Class Wed.- Cuentos fantasticos y el realismo magico ("Chac Mool" de Carlos Fuentes - see course pack) Week 3 Jan 23, 25 Mon. - Cuentos fantasticos y el realismo magi co ("Casa tomada" y "Axolotl" de Julio Cortlzar - see course pack) Wed. - Cuentos fantasticos y el realismo magico ("El jardin de senderos que se bifurcan" de Jorge Luis Borges - see course pack) 3 Week 4 Ian 30, Feb 1 Mon. - Guest Speaker: "Calor de hogar" de Marisa Esterlich Wed. - Gabriel Garcia Marquez_- "Un senor muy viejo con unas alas enormes" Week 5 Feb. 6, 8 Mon. - Gabriel Garcia Marquez I Cronica de una muerte anunciada Wed. - Cronica de una muerte anunciada Week 6 Feb. 13, 15 Mon. - Como agua para chocolate Wed. - Como agua para chocolate Week 7 Feb. 20, 22 Mon. - Como agua para chocolate Wed. - Como agua para chocolate Week 8 Feb. 27, Marl Mon. Wed. Week 9 Mar 6, 8 Mon. - Spring Break - Review for Midterm - Midterm Wed. - Spring Break Week 10 Mar. 13, 15 Mon. -Violencia en el Cono Surl La casa de los espiritus Wed. - La casa de los espiritus Week 11 Mar. 20, 22 Mon. Wed. Week 12 Mar. 27, 29 Mon. - Ellobo. el bosque y el hombre nuevo Wed. - Visita a la biblioteca Week 13 April 3, 5 Mon. - Fresa y chocolate - La casa de los espiritus - La casa de los espiritus Wed. - Fresa y chocolate Week 14 April 10, 12 Mon. - Peer Editing Wed. - Presentations 4 Week 15 April 17, 19 Mon. - Presentations Wed. - Presentations Week 16 April 24 Mon. - Last Day of Class - Review (Entrega del examen final para hacer en casa) 5