(B) The day - St. Mary`s Catholic Church


(B) The day - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
by Fr. Jeremy Myers
John 20:1-9
On this glorious day when we recall Christ’s victory over
Satan, I am reminded of a story that Fr. William B. Bausch
tells. It contains a wonderful truth. Here is the story as Fr.
Bausch tells it: “God, as everyone knows, created the
heavens and the earth and everything in them. And, as we
are now aware, he created them through the use of words,
for words, of course, are power.” “Let it be done,” God
proclaimed, and it was done. And everything he made was
good. Well, God was especially proud and loving of the
man and woman he made, because he had breathed into
them a part of himself, his spirit. But, not surprisingly, the
devil was jealous and angry. So one day when God was
enjoying the man and woman, the devil casually happened
to walk by. He sauntered up to God and asked him what he
liked so much about these creatures. And when God
opened his mouth to speak, the devil craftily put a bond
upon his tongue so that he could not speak! God could not
speak! And since God’s creative power was in his words,
the devil had bound that power. The devil laughed at God
and quite had his way with the man and the woman. Well,
as some eons went by, the devil came back to mock God—
he couldn’t resist, such is his nature. Well, he scoffed at the
silent deity and taunted this helpless God. God responded
to all this by holding up one finger. “One?” asked the devil.
“Are you trying to tell me that you want to say just one
word? Is that it?” Yes, God nodded, pleading with his soft
eyes and urgent hands. The confident devil thought to
himself, “I don’t suppose that even God could do very much
harm with one word. Ok.” So the devil removed the bond
from God’s tongue. And God spoke his one word, in a
whisper. He spoke it for the man and the woman, and it
brought them great joy. It was a word that gathered up all
the love, forgiveness, and creativity God had been storing
in his heart during the time of his silence. The word he
spoke was Jesus! As we listen to that story and hear the
gospel proclaimed to us today, we know that Jesus was
truly the “word made flesh,” a word that contained all the
love, mercy, and compassion of God in heaven. As John
the Evangelist so eloquently penned the facts centuries ago
when he wrote these words, “God so loved the world that
He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in him should
not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). So on this
Easter morning, we rejoice in the gift of God’s only Son, a
gift unequaled and unmerited. And as we walk with the
women in the wee hours of the morning as they make their
way to a tomb, with darkness all around, we must hold firm
to our hopes and our prayers that a new day has dawned.
For Jesus has risen from the grave and his resurrection has
insured that the reign of evil is over. The eons of darkness
have ended and with the morning has come sunshine. So,
let our steps be light and our hearts full of alleluias, for
Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again! May
the Risen Lord throw aside all the stones that lock us into
tombs and may the knowledge that Jesus lives restore
hope to our broken and beaten bodies. Remember, God
has spoken his word—Jesus—and all is charged now with
new life!
APRIL 5, 2015
(B) The day of
eighth day of
God’s work of
creation. The
very definition
of ourselves as
found in the
Jesus’ submitting to death and, in submitting,
overcoming the ancient curse upon human beings. We
rejoice in being invited into his victory.
SEÑOR (B) El día de resurrección ha sido llamado el
octavo día del trabajo de Dios de la creación. La misma
definición de nosotros como cristianos es encontrada
en el misterio cuando Jesús se somete a la muerte y,
en presentarse venciendo la maldición antigua sobre
seres humanos. Nos alegramos de ser invitados en su
Please join us for coffee and fellowship after Mass
today in the Parish Hall.
Por favor únase a nosotros para el café y compañerismo
después de Misa hoy en el Salón Parroquial.
MARCH 29, 2015
$ 486.00
May God bless you for your generous spirit.
“We know the sacrifice that God gave to us to show how
much he loves us. How we use our time, talent and
treasure shows God how much we love him.”
Author Unknown
We want to wish a happy anniversary to all couples
celebrating a wedding anniversary this week, especially Mike
& Margaret Pack on April 7th.
Divine Mercy Sunday is next Sunday, April
12th. The celebration falls on the first Sunday
after Easter each year. An “hour of mercy” will
be held at 3 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church in
Sherman and will include the praying of the
Chaplet of Mercy, an exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament, a reflection on mercy, and recitation of the Litany
to the Sacred Heart. As we recall God’s immense mercy to
us, let us respond with a similar mercy to our brothers and
sisters. Please join us in the celebration of Divine Mercy.
Domingo de la Misericordia es el próximo domingo, 12 de
abril. La celebración se celebra el primer domingo después
Fr. Jeremy and Fr. Antonio, along with Deacon Albert de Pascua de cada año. Una " hora de la misericordia " se
Miller, wish all parishioners a blessed and happy Easter. llevará a cabo a las 3 pm en la iglesia de Santa María en
El Padre Jeremy y el Padre Antonio, junto con el diácono Sherman e incluirá el rezo del Rosario de la Misericordia,
Albert Miller, deseo a todos los feligreses una Pascua una exposición del Santísimo Sacramento, una reflexión
sobre la misericordia y la recitación de las letanías al
bendecida y feliz.
Sagrado corazón. Como recordamos inmensa misericordia
de Dios con nosotros, vamos a responder con una
Please join us in congratulating Deacon
misericordia similar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Por
Albert Miller on the occasion of his 30th
favor, únase a nosotros en la celebración de la Divina Misericordia.
Ordination Anniversary this Monday, April
6 . May he be blessed for his loving service
The Pines Catholic Camp - Open House: The Pines invites
to the Church.
you to spend an afternoon of fun at their Open House on
Por favor únase a nosotros para felicitar a diácono Albert
Sunday, April 12th from 12 - 4 p.m. Drive on out to Big Sandy,
Miller en ocasión de su 30 aniversario de su ordenación este
TX to tour camp, meet some of their staff, enjoy some
lunes 6 de abril. Que sea bendecido por su servicio amoroso
burgers, participate in fun activities, and learn about all they
a la iglesia.
are offering for their 26th summer, Made to Thrive 2015! Visit
We want to wish a happy birthday to all in our parish family www.thepines.org/openhouse for more information and to RSVP.
celebrating a birthday this week, especially Gary Brenders, El campo Católico Pinos - tendrá un exhibición: Las
Hannah Kamphaus, and Victoria Smith, today, April 5th, invitaciones de pinos para pasar una tarde de diversión en
Michael Urbina on April 9th, Michael Cunningham on April su casa el domingo, 12 de abril de 12 – 4 p.m. vengase en
coche a Big Sandy, TX para recorrer el campo, encuéntrese
10th, and Judy Jordan on April 11th.
con algunos de nuestros empleados, disfrute de algunas
St. Francis of Assisi Women’s hamburguesas, participe en actividades divertidas y aprenda
Guild will meet in the Parish Hall acerca de todo lo que están ofreciendo para el campo this Wednesday, April 8th at 6:30 verano 26, Hecho Para Prosperar 2015! Visita
p.m. for a potluck dinner followed www.thepines.org/openhouse para obtener más información
y para confirmar su asistencia.
by our regular business meeting. Everyone is welcome!
San Francisco de Asís de Gremio de Mujeres se reunirán en
la Sala de la Parroquia este miércoles, 8 abril a las 6:30 p.m. Ready for Summer? Avoid the Brain Drain. St. Mary’s School
para una cena compartida seguida de nuestra reunión de in Sherman will offer thvarious Summer Enrichment
negocios regular. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
Enrichment classes are available to any child, birth - Grade
8, from any school. Please visit the school website http://
stmarys-sch.org/summer-enrichment/ to see the many
†Don Stacey by Stacey Family
classes being offered. Registration will remain open until
classes have been filled.
¿Listo para Verano? Evite la Fuga de cerebros. La Escuela
Robert Morrell Servers
Jacob Dobbs de Santa María ofrecerá varias clases de Enriquecimiento de
Aaron Dobbs Verano de lunes, 8 de junio a viernes, 26 de junio. Las
Eucharistic Ministers
Pedro Lopez clases de Enriquecimiento de verano están disponibles para
Mike Maberry
Brian Ruda cualquier niño, nacimiento a grado 8, de cualquier escuela.
Toby Fuhrmann Ushers
Larry Sandmann
Allison Ruda Por favor visite el sitio web escolar http://stmarys-sch.org/
summer-enrichment/ para ver muchas clases que serán
Gift Bearers
Minister to the Homebound ofrecidas. El registro permanecerá abierto hasta que las
Connie Lloyd Family
Sharon Sandmann clases han sido llenadas.