Past tense Express English What was your first week at university like?
Past tense Express English What was your first week at university like?
Gobierno del Estado de México Escuela Preparatoria Oficial No. 82 “José Revueltas” “Hay que alcanzar la exaltación verdadera, para lograrlo, hay que ser serenos, sin prisas, estudiar, trabajar y disciplinarse” Profesora: Silvia Andrea Jasoo Cruz Materia: Inglés III Name _________________________________________________3rd. Semester, Group: _______________________ Shift: _____________________ Date: ____________ Past tense Worksheet 3 Express English What was your first week at university like? Here's what people in London said: "First week at university was really exciting and there's so much to look forward to and so…there's a new life ahead of you and you're looking at future plans and what am I going to be doing five years from now. But generally speaking, one word to sum it up is really, really excited about university life." "It was so exciting to have new experiences with new friends, feeling independent and free." "Basically I made lots of friends which helped me live sociably in London and at this university. For me it was a really great experience." "It was exciting and I was a little bit scared as well because it was completely different for me. And I tried to get new friends and new people and I managed within a short time to get acquainted with a number of people." e.pdf I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Read the text and answer the questions. What is the text about? __________________________________ Was it exciting? _________________________________________ Was it a great experience? ________________________________ Were the people excited with the new experience? ______________________________ What was your first experience at Prepa like? ____________________________________ II. Answer the questions about you 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Where were you born? __________________________________________________ When were you born? ___________________________________________________ When was your mother born? _____________________________________________ Were you at home yesterday? ____________________________________________ Where were you the last weekend?_________________________________________ Where were you last Saturday? ____________________________________________ Were you with your family last Christmas? __________________________________ III. Write the next years a) 1997 ______________________________ c) 1973 ______________________________ e) 1985 _______________________________ g) 1991 _______________________________ b) 1964 ________________________ d) 1978 ________________________ f) 1989 ________________________ h 1993 ________________________ Existence in past: there was / there were Affirmative (+) Singular There was a school Negative (-) Singular There Plural Plural There were Interrogative Was there traffic? Were cars? There Libraries Short answers Yes, There wasn´t a market (was not) weren´t hospitals (were not) (+) there was there were No, (-) there wasn´t there weren´t In México city in 1945 there wasn´t pollution. There weren´t a lot of cars. There was a very nice environment. There wasn´t a flag in the center of the square. There weren´t a lot of people. There weren´t traffic lights, There weren´t police officers. a). Was there pollution? ____________________________________ b) Were there traffic lights? _________________________________ c) Was there a flag? _______________________________________ d) Were there police officers? _______________________________ e) Was there a flag? _______________________________________ f) Where was the flag? _____________________________________ How was your community? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________