Arsenic environmental and health issues in Uruguay: A


Arsenic environmental and health issues in Uruguay: A
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Arsenic in the Environment – Proceedings
Series Editors
Jochen Bundschuh
Faculty of Engineering and Surveying and National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture
(NCEA), The University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia
Prosun Bhattacharya
KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group, Department of Sustainable
Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute
of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
ISSN: 2154-6568
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One Century of the Discovery of
Arsenicosis in Latin America (1914–2014)
As 2014
Marta I. Litter
Gerencia Química, Centro Atómico Constituyentes, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
(CNEA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hugo B. Nicolli
Instituto de Geoquímica (INGEOQUI) and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientifícas y
Técnicas (CONICET), San Miguel, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Martin Meichtry & Natalia Quici
Gerencia Química, Centro Atómico Constituyentes, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
(CNEA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jochen Bundschuh
Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences & National Centre for Agriculture,
The University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia
Prosun Bhattacharya
KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group, Department of Sustainable
Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden
Ravi Naidu
Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation
of the Environment (CRC-CARE), University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes,
SA, Australia
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Analysis of arsenic species in rice by HPLC-HG-AFS
S.S. Farías, J.A. Londonio, Y. Morisio, P. Smichowski, R.E. Servant, R. Befani,
C. Quintero, C. Temporetti, E. Díaz, A.B. Livore
& E.M. Soro
Processing of raw rice grains (Oryza sativa L.) influences the concentration of arsenic species
in Brazilian cultivars
B.L. Batista, E.S. Paula, J.M.O. Souza, G.R.M. Barcelos, A.C.C. Paulelli, G. Rodrigues,
V.S. Santos, P.C. Neves, C.V. Barião & F. Barbosa Jr.
Investigation of arsenic content in polished white rice (Oryza sativa L.)
in Ghaemshahr city (Vahdat Center, North of Iran): Its weekly intake
H.B. Malidareh, A.H. Mahvi, M. Yunesian, M. Alimohammadi, Sh. Nazmara,
S.S. Hosseini, P.B. Malidareh, Z.B. Malidareh & S. Namavar
Accumulation and arsenic speciation in maize crop (Zea mays)
in San Luis Potosí, México
L. Hinojosa-Reyes, J.M. Rosas-Castor, J.L. Guzmán-Mar, A. Hernández-Ramírez,
E. Ruiz-Ruiz & J.M. Alfaro-Barbosa
Arsenic determination in whole grain industrialized and the persistence after cooking
E.M. Soro, A.B. Livore, C. Liberman, F. Cattaneo, J. Colazo, S.S. Farías,
J.A. Londonio & P. Smichowski
Soybean crop exposed to arsenic: A possible risk for the food chain?
A.L. Armendariz, M.A. Talano & E. Agostini
Arsenic in soils, pulses and crops in a Portuguese industrial contaminated site
M. Inácio, V. Pereira, E.F. da Silva & O. Neves
Arsenic levels in grape juice from Mendoza, Argentina
E.M. Martinis & R.G. Wuilloud
Release of arsenic from kieselguhr used as filtration aid in the food industry
M. Coelhan
Determination of arsenic in infusion tea cultivated in north of Iran
A.R. Mesdaghinia, A.H. Mahvi, S.S. Hosseini & S. Shekoohiyan
Section 3: Arsenic and health
Epidemiological studies
Arsenic exposure, health effects and biomarker, and treatment of arsenicosis—experience
in West Bengal, India
D.N. Guha Mazumder, A. Ghose, D. Deb, A. Biswas, R.N. Guha Mazumder & C. Saha
Arsenic environmental and health issues in Uruguay: A multidisciplinary approach
N. Mañay, M. Pistón & C. Goso
Arsenic in the environment and its impact on human health: How safe are we?
A.K. Giri
Pharmacodynamic study on the capacity of selenium to promote arsenic excretion
in arsenicosis patients in Bangladesh
M. Alauddin, E. Stekolchik, J.E. Spallholz, S. Ahmed, B. Chakraborty, G.N. George,
J. Gailer, H. Ahsan & P.F. La Porte
Nutrients and genetic polymorphisms modify arsenic metabolism
C. Hernández-Alcaraz, R.U. Hernández-Ramírez, A. García-Martínez, A.I. Burguete-García,
L. López-Carrillo, M.E. Cebrián & A.J. Gandolfi
AS3MT genotype in South American populations and their influence on arsenic metabolism
K. Engström, K. Broberg, M. Vahter, F. Harari, A.M. Ronco, J. Gardon & G. Concha
High level of exposure to arsenic and its influence on arsenic urinary methylated metabolites:
A study from Argentina
V. Olmos, J.A. Navoni & E.C.V. Lepori
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Peacey, J.: Queen’s University, Canada
Pellizzari, E.E.: Laboratorio de Microbiología, Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral, P.R. Sáenz Peña,
Chaco, Argentina
Peng, L.: College of Resource and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, PR China
Pereira, V.: GEOBIOTEC, GeoBiosciences, Geotechnologies and Geoengineering Research Center,
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Pereyra, S.: Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Campus Miguelete,
San Martín, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pérez Carrera, A.: Instituto de Investigaciones en Producción Animal (INPA), CONICET, Facultad de
Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pérez Coll, C.S.: Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental, UNSAM, San Martín, Argentina
Pérez, A.L.: INQUIMAE/DQIAQF, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Perez, C.A.: Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), Campinas, Brazil
Pérez, R.D.: School of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics, (CONICET-CCT CORDOBA),
National University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina
Pérez, Roberto D.: National University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
Persson, I.: Department of Chemistry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Petrusevski, B.: UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands
Picado, M.: La Voz de Bagaces Association, Costa Rica, USA
Picco, P.: National Technological University-Faculty of Trenque Lauquen (UTN-FRTL), Buenos Aires,
Piccoli, P.: Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza (IBAM), CONICET, Mendoza, Argentina
Pidustwa, V.: Quality Control Management, “Ente Regulador de Servicios Sanitarios”, Province of Santa Fe,
Pineda-Chacón, G.: Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados (CIMAV), Chihuahua, México
Pinheiro, B.: Centre of Mineral Technology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Pistón, M.: Facultad de Química, Química Analítica, DEC, Universidad de la República (UDELAR),
Montevideo, Uruguay
Pizarro, G.E.: Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile
Plá, R.: Nuclear Chemistry Department, National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina, Buenos Aires,
Planer-Friedrich, B.: Environmental Geochemistry Group, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Pope, J.: CRL Energy Ltd., Christchurch, New Zealand
Pradeep, T.: DST Unit of Nanoscience and Thematic Unit of Excellence, Department of Chemistry,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
Pratas, J.: Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Coimbra,
Coimbra, Portugal
Pratts, P.B.: Ministerio de Obras y Servicios Públicos, Ministerio de Salud & Secretaría de Recursos Hídricos,
La Pampa, Argentina
Promige, M.A.L.: Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh,
Puente-Valenzuela, C.O.: Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, Gomez Palacio, Durango, México
Qin, P.: College of Resource and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, PR China
Queirolo, E.I.: Center for Research, Catholic University of Uruguay, Uruguay
Queralt, Ignasi: Jaume Almera Institute, (ICTJA-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
Quevedo, H.: Centro de Ingeniería Sanitaria, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura,
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Quici, N.: Gerencia Química, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, San Martín, Provincia de Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Quino, I.: Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas (IIQ), Universidad
Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia
Quiñones, O.: Aquatech Internacional SA de CV, México
Quintanilla, J.: Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas (IIQ), Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz,
Quintero, C.: Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Paraná, ER,
Quinteros, E.: Instituto Nacional de Salud, Ministerio de Salud, San Salvador, El Salvador
Quinteros, L.: Nuevo Hospital San Roque, Córdoba, Argentina
AS2014_Book.indb lx
3/15/2014 12:21:11 PM
One Century of the Discovery of Arsenicosis in Latin America (1914–2014) –
Litter, Nicolli, Meichtry, Quici, Bundschuh, Bhattacharya & Naidu (Eds)
© 2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00141-1
Arsenic environmental and health issues in Uruguay:
A multidisciplinary approach N. Mañay
Cátedra de Toxicología, DEC, Facultad de Química, Universidad de la República (UDELAR),
Montevideo, Uruguay
M. Pistón
Química Analítica, DEC, Facultad de Química, Universidad de la República (UDELAR), Montevideo, Uruguay
C. Goso
Departamento de Evolución de Cuencas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República (UDELAR),
Montevideo, Uruguay
ABSTRACT: Geogenic As in groundwater has been recently studied in different aquifers of Uruguay.
However, no background epidemiology studies are available regarding environmental population exposure. As a consequence, it was necessary to conduct scientific research in order to study arsenic as an
environmental health issue in the country. This research needs have resulted in joint studies of experts
from both the geosciences and biosciences. The groups have coordinated studies to assess the risks of
exposure to environmental arsenic in Uruguay with common research objectives and, now, this is a matter
of common interest through a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of this work is to present a review of
these studies conducted in Uruguay.
Medical Geology is a developing discipline in Uruguay since 2005, and Arsenic (As) exposure is one
of its major subjects of interest (Mañay, 2010).
Geogenic As in groundwater has been recently
studied in different aquifers of the country. However, no background epidemiology studies are available in regards to As environmental health impact
Water consumption is led by the state drinking water
supplier (OSE) with a population coverage of over
90%. The As maximum acceptable limit value for
this official water provider is 20 μg/L (UNIT, 2008).
On the other hand, arsenic exposure at the workplace is now been taken into account to systematically assess workers’ health risks, as new occupational
legal regulations have been recently established by the
Ministry of Public Health (MSP, 2009). Several laws
and decrees regulate the quality of water sources and
drinking water as well (Poder Legislativo, 2009).
The international recommendations and
Uruguayan regulations for urine are: As-Urine
<35 μg/L for occupational exposed workers
(ACGIH-BEI®, 2011) and 10–20 μg/L for general
population (ATSDR, 2007), expressed as inorganic
As plus its methylated urine species.
Therefore, there is a special need for conducting research studies on arsenic as an environmental
health issue in the country and to develop available
analytical tools to assess As levels and its speciation
in water and in urine of workers for law-abiding.
All these environmental and health issues are
now becoming a matter of concern in Uruguay
and need to be undertaken through a multidisciplinary approach. Research teams and experts
from both geosciences and biosciences have joined
to face those arsenic exposure risks with common
research objectives. The present work describes the
main studies that have been developed in Uruguay.
Several of the ongoing research studies that have
been developed focusing on As geological, analytical and toxicological aspects are reviewed.
2.1 As analytical and speciation methodologies
Simple methodologies for routine determinations
of total As and its species in water and metabolites
in urine were optimized and validated by Atomic
Spectrometry with Hydride Generation
(HG-AAS) as available analytical tools in Uruguay.
This study developed and optimized an analytical
determine total As and iAs species in
method to
water and determined iAs as well as its methylated
metabolites (MMA and DMA) in urine, to be used
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for routine applications. The methodology was
used instead of ICP-MS technique, which is not
available in the country for this purposes. For the screening of toxicologically relevant
species iAs—MMA—DMA, separation by means
of HPLC-DAD techniques was also optimized
(Mañay et al., 2011, Álvarez et al., 2012).
Presence of geogenic As in groundwater
The Uruguayan groundwater uses are mainly agriculture farm, drinking, domestic and thermal—
touristic. The main aquifers in the country are
Guarani, Mercedes, Raigón and Chuy.
The reviewed studies were performed in sedimentary aquifers sampled from 2007 on. The
hydrochemical characterization (major and trace
elements) was carried out by both ICP-OES and
inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
(ICP-MS) in the Laboratory of Earth Sciences
Institute “Jaume Almera” (CSIC, Barcelona,
Spain) and Laboratory Act Labs (Canada).
3.1 As analytical and speciation methodologies
To evaluate the efficiency of the analytical method
for determining iAs + MMA + DMA, standard additions were made of these species (in urine), and the
recoveries obtained where close to 70%, which was
considered adequate for a screening methodology.
For urine, the detection limit obtained was 0.3 μg/L,
with a precision <5% expressed as RSD. The quantification limit was 1.0 μg/L (Álvarez et al., 2012).
Presence of geogenic As in groundwater
This study investigates demographic predictors of
urinary arsenic in Montevideo school children.
Samples of 192 children were analyzed in the
Karolinska Institute in Sweden for total urinary
As, iAs, and its metabolites (MMA, DMA) using
high-pressure liquid chromatography with hydride
generation and inductively coupled mass spectrometry, HPLC-ICP-MS (Kordas, 2012).
The average and maximum concentration of total
As in the Raigón Aquifer System were 14.1 μg/L
and 24.19 μg/L, respectively. Out of 37 samples,
only six showed concentrations below 10 μg/L of
As, according to the WHO recommended limit values for drinking water (WHO, 2004). In the Raigón
Aquifer System, distal (deltaic plain and delta
front) sediments showed As concentrations higher
than those on more proximal (fluvial) sediments in
Canelones Department (Manganelli et al., 2007).
All sampled rocks contained some As, typically
between 1 and 5 mg/kg. There were several As
bearing minerals, including arsenopyrite (AsFeS),
realgar (AsS) and orpiment (As2S3). Soils, which
were formed by the weathering and breakdown of
rock to clays, usually contained between 0.1 and 40
mg/kg and on average 5–6 mg/kg.
In this study, a few Cenozoic sediments analyzed in both Raigón and an adjacent formation
(called Libertad) show normal As concentrations
(between 1–6 mg/kg) (Mañay et al., 2013).
The rocks in the south of the country (specifically in a location called Santa Lucia Basin) were
mainly composed of granitic and gneissic suites
which do not contain arsenic (Spoturno et al.,
2004). This allows us not to consider a geogenic
origin in this case (Mañay et al., 2013).
A few sediments were analyzed in both Raigón
and Libertad formations, and this allow us to postulate a tentative anthropogenic origin based in
several anomalous As concentrations values out
of the expected average (>7 mg/kg). Probably, the
most significant anthropogenic source of arsenic
in this region is from cumulative applications of
arsenical pesticides and herbicides used for decades by farmers (Mañay et al., 2013).
As unexposed population background levels
In Uruguay, there is no background of systematic arsenic studies on the unexposed population,
although the biological control is done in workers
according to the current legislation. For this reason,
a pilot study to analyze arsenic in samples of urine
of non-exposed population was carried out, to estimate the basal levels and its possible correlation with
associate variables. 36 urine samples of voluntary
adults were collected according to a designed protocol. The urine was analyzed with a routine developed
methodology for toxicologically relevant As species,
by means of HG-AAS. The results were statistically
assessed and compared with the data previously
obtained by a survey (Iaquinta et al., 2012).
Predictors of As levels in children
Exposed population
Urine samples from workers presumably exposed to
As, in different worksites, were periodically analyzed
for toxicologically relevant species in order to assess
health risks according to national regulations.
The total results of this routine biomonitoring
were statistically assessed (Iaquinta et al., 2012).
As unexposed population background levels
The results
of this study can be considered as the
first preliminary background of As levels in urine
for the not exposed adult population in Uruguay.
This study showed average reference levels of
4.96 μg/L, (range 2.67–11.21 μg/L) and allowed
to study the influence of several factors that could
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affect the concentration of As-Urine. The obtained
levels were within the reference limits according to
ATSDR, 2007, and a significant influence of the
age was observed on the concentration of As in
urine as the concentration was lower as the age
increased (Iaquinta et al., 2012).
Predictors of As levels in children
Preliminary results showed low-level exposure to
As from water and low concentrations of inorganic
species in urine on a 6–8 years old children population from Montevideo. Several demographic predictors of urinary arsenic, including measures of
socioeconomic status, sex, and family consumption
of bottled water were identified (Kordas, 2012).
Exposed population
Out of the 100 urine samples analyzed for biomonitoring of As toxicologically relevant species
(iAs + MMA + DMA) none showed higher levels
than those established by regulations (As-Urine
<35 μg/L). The average results of this routine biomonitoring were 3.1 μg/L (range 0.3–18.8 μg/L)
(Iaquinta et al., 2012).
As health and environmental issues are being
recently studied in Uruguay. The reviewed studies
and those that are being conducted show the current status of the problem of arsenic in Uruguay
which still have not been addressed as a priority
health and environmental issue in the country.
Therefore, it is important to continue developing
systematic studies to assess population’s chronic exposure to inorganic As through drinking water, food and
workplaces, focusing on children health impacts at As
low levels. Besides, further studies are necessary to
optimize analytical methodologies based on As speciation with coupled techniques available in Uruguay.
We conclude that this multidisciplinary approach
in developing As research has been very successful
in creating scopes of discussion among researchers and professionals from various disciplines and
institutions, to study such a relevant environmental
and health topic in Uruguay.
To DINACYT/PDT—MEC (Uruguay), to
Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica
UDELAR (Uruguay), to Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spain) and to
National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS, USA).
Álvarez, C., Pistón, M., Clavijo, G., Iaquinta, F., Bühl, V. &,
Mañay, N. 2012. Avances en la optimización de un
método rápido de screening de especies toxicológicamente relevantes de As y As total en orina mediante
HG-AAS. 3er Encontro Brasileiro sobre Especiacao
Química—EspeQBrasil, Bento Goncalves, Brasil.
ACGIH, 2011 American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists TLVs© and BEIs©.
ATSDR2007. As Toxicological Profile in: http://www. (accessed: October 2013).
Iaquinta, F., Pistón, M., Álvarez, C., Gómez, M.E. &
Mañay, N. Evaluación de niveles de referencia de arsénico
en orina de población adulta no expuesta ocupacionalmente. Estudio preliminar. 2012. Aldeq—Anuario Latinoamericano de Educación Química, XVII: 230–234.
Kordas, K. 2012 Project title: Is low-level arsenic exposure related to neurobehavioral deficits in children?
Sponsor: NIEHS, R21 ES019949 (2012–2014).
MSP 2009, Ministerio de Salud Pública. Ordenanza
N° 145. Ref. N° 001-3-5137-2008, http://www.msp.
riesgo_laborales.doc (accessed 8-01-2014).
Manganelli, A., Goso, C., Guerequiz, R., Fernández- Turiel,
J.L., García-Valles, M., Gimeno, D. & Pérez, C. 2007.
Groundwater arsenic distribution in South-western
Uruguay. Environmental Geology, 53: 827–834.
Mañay, N. 2010. Developing Medical Geology in
Uruguay: A Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
7(5): 1963–1969.
Mañay, N., Pistón, M., Álvarez, C., Clavijo, G. & Gómez, E.
2011. Development of Arsenic Analytical Methodologies
In Water And Urine By Hg-AAS For Routine Determinations In Uruguay. 4th International Conference On
Medical Geology GEOMED. Bari—Italia.
Mañay, N., Goso, C., Pistón, M., Fernández-Turiel, J.L.,
García-Vallés, M., Rejas, M. & Guerequiz, R. 2013.
Groundwater Arsenic Content in Raigón Aquifer
System (San José, Uruguay). Revista de la Sociedad
Uruguaya de Geología, 18: 20–38.
Poder Legislativo, 2009, Ley Nº 18.610 Política Nacional
De Aguas.
Spoturno, J., Oyhantcabal, P., Aubet, N. & Casaux, S.
2004. Mapa geológico y de recursos minerales del
Departamento de San José. DINAMIGE-FCIENDINACYT. CD Rom.
UNIT 2010 Instituto Uruguayo de Normas Técnicas
Referencia 833:2008. Agua
Potable: Requisitos.
Clientes/Reglamentos/unit_833_2008_.pdf (accessed
WHO 2004. Guidelines for drinking-water quality.
Recommendations. World Health Organization,
Geneva, 3rd edition. Volume 1, 515.
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Pellizzari, E.E. 762
Peng, L. 769
Pereira, V. 469
Pereyra, S. 900
Pérez, A.L. 670
Pérez, C.A. 172, 616
Perez, M.E.C. 708
Pérez, R.D. 172, 386
Persson, I. 278
Petrusevski, B. 157, 690
Picado, M. 909
Picco, P. 129
Piccoli, P. 339
Pidustwa, V. 906
Pineda-Chacón, G. 270
Pinheiro, B. 399
Pinter, M.I.F. 339
Pistón, M. 485
Pizarro, G.E. 56, 90, 110, 293
Plá, R. 204
Planer-Friedrich, B. 327, 559
Pontes, B.M.S. 65
Pope, J. 68
Portocarrero, E.D. 187
Pradeep, T. 13
Pratas, J. 298
Pratts, P.B. 628
Promige, M.A.L. 431
Puente-Valenzuela, C.O. 613
Qin, P. 769
Queirolo, E.I. 553, 565
Queralt, I. 637
Quevedo, H. 705
Quici, N. 802, 808
Quino, I. 239
Quiñones, O. 775
Quintanilla, J. 239
Quintero, C. 446, 449, 452
Quinteros, E. 251
Quinteros, L. 605
Quiquinto, A. 419
Raber, G. 389
Rafiqul, I. 590
Rahman, M.A. 104
Rakibuz-Zaman, M. 610
Rakotoarisoa, O. 237
Ramanathan, AL. 108
Ramila, C.dP. 90
Ramírez, A. 405
Ramos, C. 805
Ramos, O.E.R. 239
Ramos, R.G. 775
Saha, C. 481
Sales, A.M. 183
Salomón, M.V. 339
Sampayo-Reyes, A. 582
Sanchez-Palacios, J.T. 380
Sánchez-Peña, L.C. 535
Sánchez-Ramírez, B. 526
Sandoval, N.G. 514
Sandrini, R. 416
Sanguinetti, G.S. 705
Sankar, M.S. 95
Santos, M.C.B. 113, 162
Santos, V.S. 455
Saralegui, A. 738, 740
Schenone, N.F. 434
Schierano, M.C. 159
Schmidt, E. 85
Schmidt, S. 755, 780
Schulz, C. 644
Sekhar, B.M.V.S. 245
Selim, H.M. 255
SenGupta, A. 797
Sequeira, M. 85
Serce, H. 576
Sereno, L.L. 628
Servant, R.E. 446, 449, 452
Shahina 29
Shakya, S.K. 876
Shamsudduha, M. 891
Sharifi, R. 345
Shekoohiyan, S. 476
Shen, H. 646
Shengheng, H. 797
Siddique, M.N.E.A. 104
Siegfried, K. 207, 867
Sierra-Campos, E. 613
Sigrist, M. 412
Silbergeld, E.K. 622
Sileo, E.E. 699, 714
Silva, G.C. 167, 421, 607
Silva, J. 678
Silva, R.O. 258
Silva, R.S.V. 113, 162
Silva, S.A. 272
Silva, S.C. 260, 873
Silva, V. 759
Simonnot, M.O. 295
Singh, I.B. 29
Singh, J.K. 551
Singh, M. 29
Singh, S. 29
Slavkovich, V. 610, 630
Šlejkovec, Z. 291
Slokar, Y.M. 690
Raqib, R. 8
Rastelli, S.E. 318
N. 22
Reddy, K.J. 814
Regan, J.M. 90
Reina, F.D. 681, 684
Reis, A.P. 360, 585
Ren, Y. 769
Requejo, F. 805, 820
Resnick, C. 622
Resnizky, S.M. 204
Reyes, A.B. 772
Reyes, D.C.P. 363
Reyes, N.P. 187
Rial, E. 140
Ribó, A. 251
Ríos, P. 648
Risser, T. 223
Rivera-Hernández, J.R. 702
Rizzo, A. 60, 63
Robles, A.D. 145
Rodriguez, A.I. 711
Rodriguez, A.V. 711
Rodríguez, D. 543, 568
Rodríguez, D.J. 808
Rodrigues, G. 455
Rodriguez, I. 571
Rodriguez, R. 142, 571
Rodriguez-Lado, L. 46
Rojas, J. 195
Rojas, P. 853
Roldán, C.S. 637
Román, E.S. 802
Román, M.D. 640
Romero, C. 514
Romero, L. 693
Romero, L.G. 853
Romero, M.B. 145
Ronco, A.M. 498
Rosales, B.M. 318
Rosas-Castor, J.M. 461
Rosen, B.P. 309
Rosso, E. 416
Rothenberg, S.J. 622
Rousselle, P. 223
Roy, S. 610
Rozo-Correa, C.E. 197
Ruano, G. 820
Rubio-Andrade, M. 622
Rubio-Campos, B.E. 226
Ruiz-Ruiz, E. 461
Sabadini-Santos, E. 396
Safa, Z.K. 839
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