Children and Youth Catechism Children and Youth Catechism


Children and Youth Catechism Children and Youth Catechism
MAY 24, 2009
From the Pastors Desk
It would be disheartening if we saw today as merely the
day the Lord Jesus left this world for good. He came to
earth and then died for our salvation, returned through the
power of the Resurrection, and then ascended into
heaven. But more importantly, on this day we also
celebrate his promise to return. This promise brings us joy
and hope when we gather as a community each week.
Jesus told his disciples and tells us through the Gospel
that he will return. But, we do not know when he will return
and therefore must live our lives as though we might meet him at any time.
Saturday, May 23
8:00 AM * Carmen Littleton by: Shirley
5:30 PM * Rosey Becerra by: Shirley
Sunday, May 24, The Ascension of the Lord
7:30 AM
9:00 AM * Sara Cecilio (Bendicion de 3 años) by: Family, † Patricia Espinoza
by: Familia Manzano Espinoza
11:00 AM
1:00 PM * Military Veterans, * Mario Gonzalez (6 años) by: Family
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
6:00 PM
Del Escritorio del Párroco
Estaríamos desconcertados si viésemos la partida de Jesús de éste mundo como
un acto en el que “se tenía que ir” y ya, sin poderlo ver otra vez. Vino a la tierra y
murió por nuestra salvación, regresando con el poder de la resurrección, y
después ascendió a los cielos. Pero lo que es más importante, en este día
también celebramos la promesa de su regreso. Esta promesa nos trae felicidad y
esperanza cuando nos encontramos como familia cada semana. Jesús les dijo a
sus discípulos y nos dice a través del evangelio que él regresará. Aunque no
sabemos cuando será ese día lo que sí sabemos es que debemos vivir de
acuerdo a sus enseñanzas para que cuando vuelva podamos encontrarnos con
él con nuestra frente en alto sabiendo que hicimos el bien.
Monday, May 25, St. Bede the Venerable
8:00 AM
Tuesday, May 26, St. Philip Neri
8:00 AM † Ruben Garcia by: Mrs. Candy Garcia
Wednesday, May 27, St. Augustine of Canterbury
8:00 AM * Marie Fails by: Edith Watson
Thursday, May 28
8:00 AM
Friday, May 29
Weekly Collection / Colecta de la Semana
8:00 AM † Bob Keith by: Jerry & Edith Watson
7:00 PM † Victor Raul Briceño (1 month Anniversary) by: Family
May 17, 2009
First Collection
Debt Reduction
Saturday, May 30
8:00 AM † Pamela Stebbins by: Legion of Mary
5:30 PM
Sunday, May 31, Pentecost Sunday
7:30 AM † Agapito, Anita, y Pascual Gallegos by: Juan Gallegos
9:00 AM * Familia Frias Diaz
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
3:00 PM * Mauricio Torres Birthday by: Olga Torres
4:30 PM * Carina Charline Martinez
6:00 PM
Many thanks to the St. Luke Silver Seniors for their generous
donation of $500.00 to the One Faith Campaign!
¡Gracias al Grupo de la Tercera Edad por su generosa donación de
$500 a la Campaña una Fe!
Children and Youth Catechism
One Faith Campaign
Make a difference in your Church today and for future generations.
Give to the One Faith Campaign this year!
Campaign commitment cards and envelopes are available in the Church
“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”
(NAB, Matthew 19:21)
Our ANNUAL REGISTRATION for CCD Classes begins
May 26 and will run until June 30 Monday-Thursday
from1:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Enrollment during this time is
necessary for you to be assured of space availability Baptismal Certificates
must be presented and Annual Tuition must be paid in full at the time of
enrollment. Tuition for one child yearly is $70 Each additional child in the
immediate family is $40. Tuition for the month of July will be $80 and each
additional child in the immediate family is $40. As parents, we have an obligation
to our children to ensure our children receive lifelong Faith formation.
Campaña Una Sola Fe
Hagamos la diferencia en nuestra iglesia, hagámonos responsables, hoy y
para generaciones futuras.
Donemos nuestro tiempo y nuestra ayuda económica a la campaña
financiera “Una Sola Fe” de este año.
Los sobres y las tarjetas para esta campaña las encuentra disponibles en el
narthex de la iglesia.
“Porque donde tienes tu tesoro ahí también esta tu corazón.” (NAB,
Mateo 19:21)
Catecismo Para Jóvenes y Niños
CATECISMO empiezan el 26 de mayo al 30 de Junio. Es muy importante
apuntar a sus niños porque así se puede asegurar el espacio para todos los
estudiantes. Empezaremos a apuntar a niños desde 6 a 17 años de edad. Los
certificados de bautismo deben ser presentados cuando vengan a registrar
a sus hijos. La cuota anual para un niño es de $70. Cada niño adicional en la
familia (hermanos/hermanas) es de $40. .La cuata de registraciones en Julio es
de $80. Cada niño adicional en la familia es de $40. Todos los niños de nuestra
parroquia deberían de ser registrados en las clases formales del catecismo.
Como papás responsables, debemos de proporcionarles a nuestros hijos
formación en su fe toda su vida.
Joanaly Ramirez
Manuel C. Tirado
MAY 24, 2009
Communion Ministers
Ministros de Communion
5:30 PM (1R) Ray Jones
(2R) Marilyn Gette
(M) Ciborium - Joan Russell & Lani Tee
Chalice-Rudy Fernandez, Richard Neveau, Martha Talbott, & Philomena
The Cursillista Group will be serving food after all masses in the Cafeteria. /
El grupo Cusillista servirán comida después de todas las misas en la Cafeteria.
5:00 p.m. Portuguese Choir – Youth
MONDAY/LUNES May 25, 2009
7:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración Carismático - Ark
9:30 a.m. Legion of Mary – Rectory
6:30 p.m. Confessions/Confesiones
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts – PH
7:00 p.m. Cursillistas - Cafeteria
7:00 p.m. Misa - Ch
6:00 p.m. Portuguese Choir – Youth
7:00 p.m. Portuguese Bible Study – MT
7:00 p.m. Valor - JD
7:00 p.m. Cub scouts Crossover-PH
10:00 a.m. Passing of the Light (7th and 8th Grade) - CH
7:00 p.m. Coro Hispano - Ark
6:00 p.m. Coro San Lucas – Ark
6:30 p.m. Confessions / Confesiones
7:00 p.m. Coro Internacional/Arocoiris – TA & JD
7:00 p.m. Eighth Grade Graduation Mass – CH & PH
9:30 a.m. Adult Pre-Sacraments Classes – JD
2:30 p.m. Children RCIA Retreat – JD & MT
3:30 p.m. Confessions / Confesiones
4:00 p.m. Nigerian Prayer Group - Youth
5:00 p.m. Grupo Juvenil Camina – Youth
7:00 p.m. CCD Older Children Group Baptism - CH
The Valor Group will be serving food after all masses in the Cafeteria. / El grupo
Valor servirán comida después de todas las misas en la Cafeteria.
9:00 a.m. Adult Confirmations- CH
11:00 a.m. Adult Confirmations –CH
5:00 p.m. Portuguese Choir – Youth
7:00 p.m. Portuguese Meeting - Cafeteria
SUNDAY/DOMINGO, May 31, 2009
7:30 AM (1R) Rita Ladd
(2R) Marie Azcona
(M) Ciborium- Trudy Smith & Tom Watters
Chalice-Marsha Andrews, Kelly Dannelley, Melani Heaton, & Debra Russell
9:00 AM (1L) Teresa Coronado (2L) Mayra Flores
(M) Ciborium- Ross Navarrete y Rosa Ma. Silva (C) Renald Ruiz
Cáliz – Mona Navarrete, Guillermo Silva, Amparo Alvarado, y Ninoska
11:00 AM (1R) Robert Wood (2R) Norma Quintanilla
(M) Ciborium- Martha Smith & Bea Gallegos (C) Tony Azcona
Chalice- Linda Mabul, Johnny Bermudez, Anita Gomez, & Mike Malloy
1:00 PM (1L) Nelly Jaramillo (2L) Ignacio Tejeda
(M) Ciborium- Ivonne López y Lizy Hassenteuffel (C) Claudia Trejo
Cáliz-Aura Lilia Centeno, Aurora Urias, Lucy Esparza, y Meche Hassenteuffel
3:00 PM (1L) Margarita Juárez (2L) Louis Juárez
(M) Ciborium- Teresa Cardenas y Dora Hilda Ramos (C) Rafael Cardenas
Cáliz-Gloria Madrigal, Miguel Alvarado, Sustituto, y Sustituto
4:30 PM (1L) Tomas Guerrero (2L) Gerardo Romo
(M) Cáliz- Rafael Cuellar y Jesús Lemus
Job Announcement
Holy Family of Nazareth is planning to open a new Child Care Program
beginning in August. A search is underway for a person to serve as the
Director of Child Care. Applicants must meet the state requirements for
the position and have at least two years of experience in a licensed child
care center. We are looking for a self starter that can implement a
program with the goal to grow the center. Interested parties should
contact Mr. Poyant at Holy Family of Nazareth School by calling 972255-0205 or via email at [email protected]
Drivers Wanted
The Dallas County Department of Health and Human Services (Older
Adult Services Program) Seeking friendly, reliable drivers. CDL
(commercial Drivers License) Preferred.
For more information please contact Jeanette Manzano at (214)-819-1864
Scalabrini Mass League
If you are interested in enrolling a loved one in our Scalabrini Mass
League, please come by the church office. The Scalabrini Mass League is
an association that fosters the spiritual welfare of its members. Members
are remembered in the daily prayers, Masses, and good works of the
Scalibrini Fathers, Brothers and seminarians throughout the world.
The annual Dallas Diocesan Senior Council Celebration honoring
couples that have been married 50 years will be celebrated June 6,
2009 at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 9643 Ferndale, Dallas, Texas.
Any couple married 50 years or more who has not been honored
before is eligible. Mass will be celebrated by Most Rev. Kevin J.
Farrell, Bishop of Dallas, beginning at 1:00 P.M. with a reception
following the Mass. Couples are requested to send their name,
address, phone number, wedding date, church and city where married,
present Parish and number of guests attending to Angela Rust,
Corresponding Secretary, 6135 Danbury Lane, Dallas, Texas 75214.
There are no charges for this celebration
Liga de la misa scalabriniana
Si usted esta interesado en apuntarse a un ser querido en la liga de la misa
scalabriniana, favor de venir a la oficina de la iglesia. La liga de la misa
scalabriniana es una asociación que apoya el desarrollo espiritual de sus
miembros. Sus miembros son recordados en nuestras oraciones diarias,
celebraciones de la santa misa, y través de buenas obras de los Padres
Scalabrinianos, Hermanos y seminaristas a lo largo y ancho del mundo
MAY 24, 2009
Adult Faith Formation
Formación de Fe Para Adultos
If you know someone searching for God, invite them to accompany you to
our new set of RCIA classes, beginning June 18. These classes prepare
adults for Baptism, and non-Catholic Christians to enter into full
communion with the Catholic Church. They also prepare Catholic adults
to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. Classes
are conducted in both English and Spanish. For more information, call or
visit the Adult Faith Formation office (972-259-1832 ext.238).
One of the most important missions of a parish is that of
evangelization. We fulfill this mission in part through our religious
education classes for adults (RCIA) and children and youth (CCD). Both
programs depend on adult parishioners contributing their time as teachers
(catechists), as classroom aides, and as sponsors for candidates of the
sacraments. If you are a baptized and confirmed Catholic living in accord
with the teachings of the church, please consider ‘giving a year’ to this
important work. The time commitment varies according to the program, from as little as an occasional weekday evening, to as much as once a
week for a period of a year. Programs are ready and waiting for teachers.
The reward is beyond measure. Call today! Leave your name and phone
number with Therese Frank, 972-259-1832 ext.238.
Si usted conoce a alguien que esté buscando a Dios, invítelo a que lo
acompañe a nuestras nuevas clases de RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana
para los Adultos), empezando el 18 de Junio. Esas clases tienen como
objetivo preparar a los adultos para recibir los sacramentos del bautismo,
y también a los no católicos a entrar en comunión con la iglesia católica.
También para recibir el sacramento de la confirmación y la primera
Comunión. Las clases son impartidas en inglés y en español. Para
mayores informes, favor de llamar al teléfono 972-259-1832 a la
extensión 238.
Una de las más importantes misiones de la iglesia es la de la
evangelización. La iglesia lleva a cabo esa misión en parte por medio de
las clases del catecismo y del RICA, tanto para los niños como para los
adolescentes y los adultos. Los dos programas dependen de los
parroquianos que contribuyen con su tiempo y con sus talentos a ser
maestros o catequistas, ya sea como ayudantes o como encargados de
algún grupo. Si usted piensa que nos puede ayudar para educar a los
niños, y adultos de nuestra parroquia entonces comuníquese con nuestra
oficina, hay diferentes programas en los que usted puede participar. La
recompensa es mucho mayor a nuestras expectativas. ¡Llámenos! Deje su
nombre y número de teléfono con Therese Frank.
Bible Study Make the Sunday Liturgy of the Word more meaningful by
reading and discussing the day’s readings with others. You do not have to
come every week to benefit or “keep up.” Nor preparation or background
study is needed. Come when you can, -after the 7:30 Mass or before the
11am Mass. We meet every Sunday, 9:15 – 10:45 am, in the Family Life
Center (Adult Faith Formation/Family Life Center).
Adult Pre-Sacrament A six-week program preparing adults to receive
either First Communion or Confirmation. Class #6 will examine the
Moral Life.
For English, come Saturday, May 30, 9:30am, in ‘Juan Diego’
(Family Life Center)
Adults on the Confirmation List for Pentecost, 2009 Confirmation will
take place on Sunday, May 31, at the following Masses:
a) 11:00pm (English) [Arrive at church by 10:40am]
b) Candidate and Sponsor should come to the baptismal font area of
the Narthex 20 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass to receive
their name tags and to hear final instructions.
CCD Teens Preparing for Baptism! If you have just completed one year
of CCD, you will be entered into the catechumenate on May 29 during the
7pm Mass. Come to the Family Life Center with your sponsor at 6pm.
RCIA Parents of Older Children (8-12) preparing for Baptism on
Saturday, May 30 Please come to the Family Life Center by 3:30pm
with the baptismal candidates and their godparents.
Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA/RICA) – A program for adults
interested in becoming Catholic. A new set of classes will begin
Thursday, June 18, at 7pm.
Readings for the Solemnity of Pentecost, Sunday, May 31: Acts 2:1-11;
Psalm 104:1,24,29-30,31,34; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7,12-13 or Galatians
5:16-25; John 20:19-23
Liturgy of the Hours: Beginning Sunday May 24, Week III
Estudio bíblico: todos los domingos, no preparación requerida, clases
interesantes, grupos pequeños y divertidos, venga cuando pueda después
de la misa de las 7:30 y de las 11:00 de la mañana. El horario de las clases
es 9:30 AM en el centro de vida familiar.
Pre-sacramentos para adultos: un programa de seis semanas que
prepara a los adultos a recibir ya sea la primera comunión o la
confirmación. La clase no. 6 se tratará de la vida moral.
en español el 25 de mayo a las 7:00 PM en el salón Tomás de
Adultos para recibir el sacramento de la confirmación el día de
Pentecostés: Domingo 31 de Mayo en los siguientes horarios:
a) en español en la misa de las 9:00 AM (llegar por lo menos 20
minutos antes
b) Los candidatos y los padrinos deberán juntarse dentro de la iglesia
en el área de la fuente bautismal, por lo menos 20 minutos antes
de que empiece la misa para recibir sus gafettes.
Adolescentes del catecismo: si usted ha completado un año de
catecismo, entrará al programa de catecumenado el 29 de mayo durante la
misa de las 7 PM, favor de ir a la oficina del catecismo a las 6:00 PM con
su padrino o madrina.
RICA para estudiantes de 8-12 que se preparan para los sacramento del
bautismo el 30 de mayo favor de ir al centro de vida familiar a las 3:30
RICA para adultos que estén interesados en ser católicos. Tenemos
nuevas clases que empezarán el jueves 18 de junio a las 7:00 PM
Lecturas para el domingo 31 de mayo solemnidad de Pentecostés:
Hechos de los apóstoles 2:1-11; salmo 104:1-34; primera carta de San
Pablo a los Corintios 12:3-13 o a los gálatas 5:16-25; evangelio de San
Juan 20:19-23
Liturgia de las Horas para los fieles: empezando el 24 de mayo, semana
Job Opportunities
You are cordially invited to an AFLAC Open House on Tuesday, May 26
for both Entry-level Sales and Management Level Professional. Come
anytime between 11:00 am and 7:00 pm. to the Courtyard Marriott @3751
NE Loop 820, Ft. Worth TX. 76137.
Join the most recognized brand in guaranteed and renewable disability
insurance. The company has top financial credentials and is widely
recognized as a “Top 100 Company” to work for. Positions are open
throughout the broad DFW Metro area. First year earnings: $40,000 to
$80,000 and second year: $80,000 to $15,000…with no cap on earnings!
For more information or for an appointment, call 817-654-9424.
“…If we love one another, God remains in us, and his love is brought to
perfection in us.” Learn to love each other more, so that God will remain
in your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are
June 5-7, August 14-16. Dates fill fast, so register early. Fore more
information visit our website at: To register, call
Angelo & Shanna Nasche, 972-317-2400 or e-mail them at
[email protected].
MAY 24, 2009
Be Apostles of Hope! Be a Catechist at St.
Luke Catholic Church in Irving!
Ordination to Priesthood
Opt to evoke in the hearts of the young a desire
for the beauty and nobility that our Creator
intended for them.
You can volunteer to be a CCD teacher by calling the parish Religious
Education Office. Sign up now for the 2009-2010 school year. Call Sr.
Jacinta Tran or Deacon Daniel Segovia in the Religious Education office
(972-258-1832; [email protected]; [email protected]);
or Therese Frank in the Adult Faith Formation Office (972-259-1832
ext.238; [email protected]).
It is with great joy to God that you are invited to join the Most Rev. Kevin J. Farrell
at the ordination to the Priesthood of Rev. Mr. Vincent C. Anyama. The Rite of
Ordination will take place at the Cathedral Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe at
10:00 a.m. on June 13th, 2009. A light reception will follow the ordination in the
Grand Salon of the cathedral. Father Anyama will celebrate his first priestly mass
at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Richardson on June 14th, 2009 at 12:15 p.m. Let
us join our Bishop in thanking God and remembering always to continue to pray
for Vocations.
Usted puede ser un voluntario del catecismo, usted puede ser maestro, lo
único que tiene que hacer es llamar a la oficina de Educación Religiosa de
nuestra parroquia. Si usted tiene interés en ayudarnos en la educación de
los niños y adolescentes, entonces puede ser parte de nuestro programa
2009-2010. Llame a la Hermana Jacinta Tran o al Diácono Daniel
Segovia en dicha oficina al 972-259-1832 [email protected];
[email protected]; o a Therese Frank en la oficina de Adultos en
la Fe 972-259-1832 ext. 238 [email protected]
Please note: The Ark will be closed until June 6, 2009. After this
date, the Ark will be open the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month
from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and also on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
1p.m. – 4p.m. Please bring foods, clothing or financial donations
during these hours or to mass every third Sunday of the month.
Thank you for your generous donations.