2nd Quarter - The Imperial Order of St. Eugene of Trebizond
2nd Quarter - The Imperial Order of St. Eugene of Trebizond
nEW BYZANTINE A Publication of The Imperial Order of Saint Eugene of Trebizond North American Exarchate Imperial Order of Saint Eugene of Trebizond North P. O. Box 30032, American San Exarchate Bernardino, CA 92413 U.S.A. www.orderofsteugene.com [email protected] 909~567~8038 second quarter 2009 I greet you in the name of the Beloved Martyred Saint Eugene. I pray that this issue of the “New Byzantine” finds each Knight and their families in good health and spirits. Our Grand Master has bestowed some Honors on Knights of the North American Exarchate. These are shown in the following pages in this Newsletter. May God continue to bless each of our Knights daily. We continue our series on Ancient Orders and the series of Icons. We are now at number 7 of the 14 Icons sent to us by the Exarchate of Greece. This past January, the Exarchate of Australia was expanded within the Greek Community on Australia Day. This is the official national day of Australia, celebrated annually on January 26. The day commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788, and the unfurling of the British flag at Sydney Cove. The Grand Master has dedicated this month’s Official Bulletin to this event. The Grand Master says in his editorial “I wish to mention that the present professions of the majority of them are currently as mayors, ambassadors, and proprietors of newspapers, journalists, and presidents of associations, etc.” Marykatos Dr. Russell R. Fritz G.Cl.E.Tr Marquis of Marykatos Exarch for North America Order of Saint Eugene of Trebizond A Special Thank You to the Baron Dr. Tones Bridle Hadjidemetriou, The Exarch for Greece and Cyprus For Presenting This Holy Icon To The North American Exarchate Sir Brett Gordon, Ph.D, former Chaplain for the North American Exarchate, was recently invested as Grand Master of the Order of Saint Catherine of Sinai. As a token of friendship with other Orders, our Grand Master Promoted Sir Brett to Grand Cross in our Order. Because of Sir Brett’s continued service to the Order of Saint Eugene, our High Protector Prince Eugene III ennobled Sir Brett with the Title of Count of Philomelio. ANNOUNCING Imperial Order of Saint Eugene of Trebizond Medal of merit The Medal of Merit is a new award for the Order of Saint Eugene of Trebizond. This Medal is awarded on two levels: from the Grand Master and from local Exarchates. To this date, only two Meals have been awarded by the Grand Master, both to North American Members. One to The Count of Nikopolis, Sir James Laird G.C.E.Tr. for his outstanding work as the King of Arms and the other to The Count of Kyzikos, Sir Robert Cowan G.C.E.Tr. for his exceptional work on the Website. ORDEN IMPERIAL BYZANTINA DE SAN EUGENIO DE TREBIZONDA Boletin Oficial Madrid, España, 1 narzo 2009 7517 de la era de Constantinopla 2º é p o c a Nº 84 EDITORIAL Dedicamos este número especialmente a los nombramientos que con motivo del AUSTRALIA DAY de este año se han llevado a cabo. Para no recargar el Boletín nada más se incluye su relación sin hacer mención a sus actuales profesiones y cargos que como la mayoría de ellos ostentan en la actualidad como alcaldes, embajadores, propietarios de periódicos, periodistas, presidentes de asociaciones, etc. Y queriendo además destacar que todos ellos se han dedicado completamente a la difusión de uno de los fines esenciales de la Orden como es la divulgación del Helenismo y de la Civilización heleno-romano-byzantina. ESPATARIOS ALEXANDROU, Anthony BARAMILIS OAM, Basil Anastase BARAMILIS JP, Theophanes BRITTLIFFE, Keith DEMOSIOU, George CARAYANNIS JP, Nicholas P. CARVANA, George Tous-Saints COFINAS, Constantin CONDYLIOS, Stan (Efstathios) FITZGERALD, Meter FOURIKIS, George FRAME (PAPAEPHRAIM), Charles FREEMAN (ELEFTHERIADES), Stelios S. ECONOMOU, Elias ELEFTHERIADES, Marios Z. DAMIGOS, John GIATZIOS, Presbyter Athanasios GISTAVIDES, Angelos GLINATSIS, George GREGORY, Athanasiou HASAPIS, Athanasios J. HATZISTAVROS, Stavros KALLIS (KALIGOSPHYRIS), Constantine KALLIS (KALIGOSPHYRID), John KARPIS, Emmanuel KAZACOS, Michael KOLLIAS, Athanasios KOUANIS, George P. KOVAEOS, Michael KRANIDIOTIS, Demetrios KYRIAKIDES, Pheidias PHILIPPOU, Michael PLASTYRAS, Demetrios POTAMIDES, Demetrios A. POTAMIDES, George A. ROUMELIOTIS, Stavros SOULELES, Panagiote STAVRIDES, Stavros STEPHANOS TSAMOGLOU, Dr. Anthony ZERVIS, Prof. Nicholas Geno-Logiotatos) ZERVOS; Nicholas ZOYMBOULIDES, Archimandrite Chrysanthos LENTAKI, Nikitas LUCAS, Nicholas MANISCAS, George M. MARKETOS, Reverend Presbyter Nicholas Clero-meliritos MARTAKIS, Captain Demetrios MAVROLEFTHEROS, Kyriakos MEINTANIS, Panagiotes MIRIKLIS, Basil MOUSTAKAS, Spyros MORAITAKI, Nicholas NIKOLAKOPOULOS, Anthony N. O’SULLIVAN, Padre Michael PAPADEMETRIOU, George James PROTOSPATARIOS DAMIANAKIS, Evangelos N. HOENIG, Worship Ron JACK, Agapetos JOHN, Reverend Protopresbuter KATSOGIANNIS, Athanasios Geno-Logiotatos MAGDALOPOULOS, Stylianos OBE, Profesor Michael Amthony Geno-Logiotatos STAMATIOS, Prof. Georgiou STYLIANOS, Reverend Protopresbyter ARCONTISSAS ALEXANDROU, Maria ANNA, Presbytera BACKES, Freda BARAMILI, Maria B. BEESLEY, Elizabeth BOUHOUTSOU, Maria T. CARAYANNI, Theresa N. CARVANA, Lina CONDYLIOS, Maria DAGIAN, Koula DAMIANAKIS, Glykeria ELEFTHERIADES, Georgia M. EXINTARI, Kiki FALETA, Mary Geno-Daskala FRAME (PAPAEPHRAIM), Akrivi FREEMAN (ELEFTHERIADES), Niké N. GEMENI, Evangelia G. GISTAVIDES, Maria GLINATSIS, George GREEN, Karyn GREGORY, Maria HARTIGAN, Pauline HATZISTAVRAS, JUlia HILLIER, Nancy HOENIG, Christine KALLIS (KALIGOSPHYRIS), Dionysia KALLIS (KALIGOSPHYRIS), Roula KOLLIAS, Maria KRANIDIOTIS, Panagiota KYRIAKIDES, Loula LENTAKI, Marina LUCAS, Esta LYNCH, Christine MANISCAS, Alice MARKETOS, Presbytera Helen MARTAKIS, Georgia MAVROLEFTHEROS, Aekaterina McCANN, Alice McDERMOTT, Tina MIO, Livia G. MIRIKLIS, Catherine MORAITAKI, Phanie MYLONA, Elizabeth A. NAGY, Cleoniki M. NIKOLAKOPOULOS, Anthony N. PANAGIOTA, Presbytera PAPACONSTANTINOU, Elli C. PAPADOPOULOU, Maria PAPADOPOULOU, Panagiote Eusebasti PASSARIS, Irene PHILIPPOU, Louiza PLASTYRAS, Catherine D. POTAMIDES, Elli SANTAMOURY, Despoena SATTLER, Coral SLATTERY, Anne SOULELES, Panagiota STAMATIOS, Parascebe STEPHANOU, Coula SYMONDS, Anna TERPOLARI, Joanna THODI, Tasia C. TSAKONA, Christina N. TSAMOGLOU, Mary A. XEPTERA, Maria ZERVOS, Aliki ZERVOS, Irene PROTOARCONTISSAS ELEFTHERIADES, Eugenia G. HAAG-STEPHANOU, Efrosene Geno-Logiotati HAME, Mary Geno-Logiotati KATSOGIANNIS, Amelia ARISTEIA SKYLA-LAZAKOU AM, Prof. Maria POSTUMOS Mio, Gino Espatario Papaconstantinou, Constantin Th. Espatario PUBLICACION DEL GRAN CONSEJO MAGISTRAL GRAN CANCILLERIA: Apartado 818 28080 – MADRID, ESPAÑA KNIGHT’S CIRCLE OF HONOR NORTH AMERICAN EXARCHATE