MASS SCHEDULE - The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption
MASS SCHEDULE - The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary September 15, 2013 MOST REVEREND SALVATORE J. CORDILEONE Archbishop of San Francisco MONSIGNOR JOHN TALESFORE Pastor and Rector MASS SCHEDULE Christ is Risen! MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:45 am; 8:00 am; 12:10 pm SATURDAY 6:45 am; 8:00 am 5:30 pm (Vigil Mass) Cantor & Organ SUNDAY 7:30 am Cantor & Organ Schola Cantorum 9:00 am (Gregorian Chant) Cathedral Choir 11:00 am Coro Hispano 1:00 pm (Español) BAPTISM INFANTS: Contact Fr. Marvin Felipe NIÑOS: Informes con Sofia Aguilar Second Sundays at 2:15 p.m. (415) 567-2020 Ext. 208 Tercer Domingo a las 2:15 pm (415) 236-1557 ADULTS OR SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN: Contact Doug Benbow (415) 567-2020x220 FIRST COMMUNION Cathedral Parishioners, contact the Parish Office (415) 567-2020 Primera Comunión en Español: Informes con Salvador Camarillo (415) 567-2020x214 o Rosario Morales al (415) 641-0841 CONFIRMATION Cathedral Parishioners, contact Doug Benbow (415) 567-2020x220 ESCUELA DE CATEQUESIS Informes con Salvador Camarillo (415) 567-2020x214 o con Rosario Morales al (415) 641-0841 MARRIAGE Please contact Mimi Ruiz at least 6 months prior to ceremony. (415) 567-2020x254 RECONCILIATION / CONFESSION Monday-Friday, 11:30 am-12:00p.m.; Saturday, 4:00-5:00 pm or by appointment MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Contact Sr. Esther McEgan (415) 567-2020x218 ANOINTING OF THE SICK Cathedral Parishioners, please call Parish Office to speak to one of the priests. FUNERALS Contact Doug Benbow for Funeral/Memorial arrangements (415) 567-2020x220 BEREAVEMENT Contact Sr. Esther McEgan (415) 567-2020x218 EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Fridays Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm ORGAN RECITAL Sundays at 3:30 pm; exceptions noted in prior bulletin Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 15, 2013 Welcome! If you are a visitor to the Cathedral, we want you to know how welcome you are whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or from another parish here in the Archdiocese. Thanks, in part, to the generosity of visitors like you, we are able to celebrate the liturgy in a fitting and beautiful way, and also we are able to give spiritual and emotional support through a variety of services to the community. Your gift is greatly appreciated; our parish family is small and we rely on the generosity of you, our visitors, to help sustain this magnificent Cathedral church for future CATHEDRAL OF ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION Telephone: (415) 567-2020 Website: The Suggested Stipend/Offering For Mass is $10.00 Saturday September 14— Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 3438; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 PASTORAL STAFF AND CLERGY Msgr. John Talesfore, Pastor x 209 Rev. Marvin-Paul R. Felipe, S.D.B., Parochial Vicar x 208 Most Reverend William Justice, In residence Msgr. Michael Padazinski, In residence Rev. Mr. Peter Boulware, Deacon 626-4692 Rev. Mr. R. Christoph Sandoval, Deacon x 203 Rev. Mr. Jose Peñate, Deacon Sr. Esther McEgan, Pastoral Minister x 218 CATHEDRAL LITURGY/SPECIAL EVENTS For Cathedral Special Events, Persons Baptized in another Christian tradition and interested in becoming Catholic please contact: Director of Liturgy: Doug Benbow x 220 Cathedral Sacristans: Antonios Stefanos and Arturo Macias x 212 Cathedral Welcome Desk: Patricia Hernandez Wedding Coordinator, Wedding Anniversaries: Mimi Ruiz: x 254 Devotions: Mary Ann Eiler, Volunteer x 224 CATHEDRAL MUSIC Director of Music: Christoph Tietze Music office Assistant: Stephen Walsh Spanish Choir: Ricardo Fonseca Cathedral Cantors: Stephen Walsh, Mimi Ruiz, Kevin Baum x 213 x 233 CATHEDRAL OFFICE x 215 x 200 Cathedral Finances, Controller: Alisa B. Weber x 202 Development Dept., Interim Director: Cheryl A. Clarke x 229 x 200 CATHEDRAL TOURS Director of Docents: Doug Benbow Sunday September 15 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm + Negeste Gebrewold + Renato Go + Debritu Asrat Intentions of All Parishioners + Salvador and Dolores de Vega Monday September 16-1 Tm 2:1-8; Ps 28:2, 7-9; Lk 7:1-10 6:45 am Intentions (thanksgiving) of Angelique L. Bulatao 8:00 am Intentions (health) of Dr. Robert Fernandez 12:10 pm + Remedios Cisneros and Violeta Reyes Cu Unjieng Tuesday September 17—1 Tm 3:1-13; Ps 101:1b-3ab, 5-6; Lk 7:11-17 6:45 am 8:00 am 12:10 pm Intention (health) of Roberto L. Ocampo + Augustine Lee Intentions of the Asuncion Family Wednesday September 18—1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 7:31-35 6:45 am 8:00 am 12:10 pm Intentions of Adolphus Nwihim + Anna Yu + Msgr. John O’Connor 6:45 am 8:00 am 12:10 pm + Aklile Haile + Patricia McCoy Intention (birthday) of Edgar Mateo Thursday September 19—1 Tm 4:12-16; Ps 111:7-10; Lk 7:36-50 Friday September 20—1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10, 17-20; Lk 8:1-3 Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor: Janet Carrillo Receptionist: Michael McKeon Weekend Receptionist: Elizabeth Rivera 5:30 pm x 207 6:45am Intention (thanksgiving) of the Lorenzo Family 8:00 am + Ms. Han, Box Sun 12:10 pm + David Spingola and the Holy Souls in Purgatory Saturday September 21—Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13 6:45 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Intentions of the Jubilarians of the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael + Dr. Aleli Angeli Manuel + Feliciano and Carolina Dizon CATHEDRAL EVENT CENTER Director: Diane Luporini Event Center Supervisor: Bobby Johnson Building Engineer: Kurt Hayward x 201 x 221 x 204 GIFT SHOP Telephone: (415) 567-4040 Cathedral Office Hours Mon.–Fri: 8:30 am- 5 pm Closed for lunch 12p.m.-1p.m. Saturdays: 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sundays: 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 2 The Event Center is the perfect venue for private and nonprofit group meetings, community education, and celebrations of all sizes:-banquets for up to 500 guests, conferences, presentations to audiences of 800, and small gatherings and meetings. The Cathedral Event Center offers a wide range of services including a full service kitchen, parking lot and in-house audio-visual equipment. To check rates and availability please call Diane Luporini at (415) 567-2020 ext. 201 or go to our website 3 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 15, 2013 4 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 15, 2013 5 6 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 15, 2013 7 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 15, 2013 Cathedral Upcoming Events September 28 Cathedral Clean-Up Day Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.; To volunteer call 567-2020 October 4 Flower Festival Gala Preview and Opening Night Assumpta Award Banquet Friday, 6:00 p.m., call 567-2020 for tickets October 5-6 Cathedral Festival of Flowers Free and open to the public October 5 October 5-6 Jazz Mass Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Cathedral Festival of Flowers GOSPEL JAZZ MASS OCTOBER 5, 2013 Saturday at 5:30 pm Celebrated in conjunction with the Annual Cathedral Festival of Flowers Featuring the San Francisco Bay Area Gospel Choir Rawn Harbor, Musical Director Special Guests: Gifted Jazz trumpeter David Scott And saxophonist extraordinaire Howard Wiley Cathedral Clean-Up Day Saturday, September 28 9:00am – 12pm As we prepare for the this year’s Flower Festival and the many visitors who will come to our church, we’re having another clean-up day. Join us for the entire morning, or just drop by for as long as you can. Light housekeeping, cleaning, minor repairs, litter pick-up, etc. We’ll supply all tools, cleaning items and gloves – just bring your energy and elbow grease. Lunch will be provided! Sign up sheets will be available in the sacristy every Sunday or you can also call (415) 567-2020 for more information and to sign up. Día de Limpieza en Catedral Sábado, 28 de septiembre 9:00am—12pm En preparación para el Festival de Flores y queremos hacer otro día de limpieza. Podrán participar por las tres horas o el tiempo que puedan ofrecer. La limpieza y las reparaciones serán ligeras dentro de la Iglesia y en los jardines. Todos los materiales serán proveídos. ¡Almuerzo será proveído para todos los voluntarios! Por favor inscribirse en la lista que estará disponible en la sacristia todos los domingos o llame al (415) 567-2020 para más información. Monthly Grief Support Program A free Monthly Grief Support Session is held here at St. Mary’s on the third Wednesday of each month. The next session is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18th, from 10:30 – Noon, in the Msgr. Bowe Room, on the west side of the parking lot level of the Cathedral. These sessions provide information on the grief process, and tips on coping with the loss of a loved one. Facilitator: Deacon Christoph Sandoval. For further details, please call Sr. Esther at (415) 567-2020, ext. 218. Holy Name Society The Holy Name Society will meet Sunday, October 13th, following 11:00 a.m. Mass in Msgr. Bowe room. All are invited to attend. The Holy Name Society meets every second Sunday of the month following the 11:00 a.m. Mass in the Msgr. Bowe Room. GIFT SHOP HOURS AND NEWS Monday-Friday 9:00-4:30pm Saturday: 11am-5:30pm (Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30p.m.) 8 (Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30p.m.) Sunday: 8:30 am-3:45 pm Telephone: (415) 567-4040 Seventh Annual Cathedral Festival of Flowers Gala Preview and Opening Night Reception Friday, October 4, 2013 This year, from October 4–6, visitors to the Cathedral will be treated to a series of events, opening with the elegant seated Gala Assumpta Award Banquet on Friday evening, October 4, honoring the 8th Archbishop of San Francisco emeritus, the Most Reverend George H. Niederauer. For an invitation to this event and for ticket information please [email protected], or call 415-567-2020. This is an evening not to be missed! Saturday, October 5 and Sunday, October 6, 2013: "The Cathedral's Gift to the City" FREE and Open to the Public Since 2007, the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption has hosted the Cathedral Festival of Flowers. In 2013, the Cathedral will host its seventh annual, free Cathedral Festival of Flowers from October 5– 6, welcoming some of most renowned floral artists from the Bay Area and beyond. For more information and the complete Festival schedule go to: Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 15, 2013 Special Second Collection this weekend, September 14th and 15th Priests’ Retirement Fund The Archdiocese is blessed to have hundreds of priests who dedicated, in some cases, as many as 50 years or more of their lives to ministering to us. Even in retirement, many continue to give of themselves in countless ways of service for which we are grateful. This weekend, September 14 and 15, our parish will participate in the special collection for the Priests’ Retirement Fund. Please prayerfully reflect on how you can best contribute to the Priests Fondo para la Jubilación de Sacerdotes Este fin de Semana 14 y 15 de Septiembre La Arquidiócesis tiene la bendición de tener cientos de sacerdotes que se dedican, en algunos casos, hasta el 50 o más años de su vida a ministrar a nosotros. Incluso en el retiro, muchos continúan para dar de a sí mismos en un sinnúmero de formas de servicio para el cual estamos agradecidos. Este fin de semana, el 14 y 15 de septiembre, nuestra parroquia participarán en la colección especial para el Fondo de Retiro de Sacerdotes. Por favor reflexionen sobre cómo puede contribuir mejor a el Fondo de Retiro de Sacerdotes. Year of Faith Lectures Presented by Stephen C. Córdova Tuesday evenings, 7:30-9:00pm; in Msgr. Bowe Room Continuing the Year of Faith and Looking Beyond: Reading the Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council And the Encyclicals on Faith, Hope and Love September October October November November December December 17 1 15 5 19 3 17 Sacrosanctum consilium - Full and devout participation in the Liturgy Lumen Gentium - What is the Church? Gaudium et spes - What does the Church offer to the Modern World? Die verbum - Revealing the Word of God Lumen fidei - The Light of Faith: The Great Gift of Christ Spe salvi - The Trustworthy Hope of Redemption Deus caritas est - The Greatest Gift that Remains 9 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 15, 2013 PRAYER REQUESTS ♫♫ CONCERTS ♫♫ For comfort, healing, strength… All concerts are free and open to the public A free-will donation will be requested at the door Denise Pereira, Jennie Tong, Perpetua Jose, Tammy McDermott, Bea Davern, Mitos Manliclic, Karmala Estudillo Sun 9/15/13 3:30pm NO RECITAL Serving in the armed forces: Please refer all questions regarding our Music Program to: Dr. Christoph Tietze (415) 567-2020, ext 213 We pray for the men and women of our military who offer their lives in service in the hope that all may one day feast at the banquet of peace. SUNDAY AFTERNOON RECITALS Captain Stewart Hawkins US Air Force Captain Kasey Wilson Hawkins US Air Force Stephen J. Woodworth PO 2 US Navy, USS George W. Bush CV79 Col. Maria Paquita Reyes Eoff, US Army LTC. Robert Wayne Eoff, US Army LCPL, Nicholas Flageollet, US Marine Corps Commander John Owen, US Navy, Chaplain U.S.S Enterprise SR. Christopher Diggins, US Navy Midshipman Joseph Palazzolo, US Naval Academy Captain Brian Pedroza, United States Air Force If you or someone in your family is sick or homebound, call Sr. Esther, 567-2020 Ext. 218 to arrange a visit. Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society The SVdP conference at St. Mary’s Cathedral meets regularly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall and we gather to make sandwiches for the homeless shelter on the 4th Tuesday of the month in the Main Kitchen. Both gatherings are from 6:30pm-7:30pm. September 22, 3:30 pm: Jordan Kirkner, Violin; Aaron Grafton, Cello; Chun Mei Wilson, Piano. September 29: NO RECITAL October 6, 3:30 pm: Marco Cadario (Italy), Organist. October 13, 3:30 pm: Emanuele Cardi (Italy), Organist. October 20, 3:30 pm: Hans Uwe Hielscher (Germany), Organist. October 27, 3:30 pm: David Troiano, Organist. BAPTISMS IN ENGLISH The next Baptisms Preparation class will be on October 6th and the next Baptisms will be on October 13th at 2:15 p.m. For more info. call Fr. Marvin Felipe at (415) 567-2020 Ext. 208. BAUTISMOS EN ESPAÑOL Los padres y padrinos deben asistir a una plática de preparación bautismal. Los padrinos tienen que ser bautizados y por lo menos uno de los padrinos tiene que ser bautizado y confirmado. Si los padrinos son de afuera, tendrán que atender a la clase en su parroquia local. Los interesados favor de hacer su cita con anticipación. Informes con Sofía Aguilar al 236-1557. Weekly Collection Weekend of September 7th and 8th First Collection: $ 6,113 Second Collection: Music Dept. $ 854 Weekday Collections: $ 297 Misc. Donations: $ 1,062 TOTAL weekly collection including donation boxes: $ 8,326 SVdP HELPLINE 567-2020 ext. 205 The Second Collection for this weekend of September 14th and 15th is for the Priests’ Retirement Fund (Local). The next sandwich-making meeting is on Tuesday, September 24 from 6:30-7:30pm in the Main Kitchen. The Second Collection for next weekend of September 21st and 22nd is for the Cathedral Music Department. In Order to Prepare for Next Sunday’s Liturgy: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — September 22, 2013 10 1st Reading: Amos 8:4-7 2nd Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Gospel: Luke 16:1-13 [10-13]). Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—September 15, 2013 Welcome to St. Mary’s Cathedral CATHEDRAL OF SAINT MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISHIONER REGISTRATION FORM FORMA DE REGISTRACIÓN Please use this form to register as a parishioner. You may drop this form in the mail, the Sunday collection basket or bring it to our office located in the Cathedral’s lower level. Bienvenido a La Catedral de Santa María Es importante llenar este formulario para tener acceso a los sacramentos como: Matrimonio, Bautismo, Primera Comunion etc..., a demas servicios legales, como cartas de recomendacion, etc… 11 Bulletin No. 913134 St. Mary’s Cathedral 1111 Gough Street San Francisco, California 94109 Telephone: (415) 567-2020, Ext. 215 Contact: Janet Carrillo Bulletin for: September 15, 2013