2015–2016 Student Health Requirements
2015–2016 Student Health Requirements
2015–2016 Student Health Requirements Dear Parents: To comply with Illinois State law, a physical examination, including current immunization records, is required for all children entering school for the first time and also for students entering 6th grade. This exam must have been conducted within one year prior to school entry and be recorded on the State of Illinois form. (An out-of-State/country record must be on a comparable form.) This exam and age-appropriate immunizations are required before the first day of attendance in order to avoid exclusion. Therefore, we request that the records be presented to the school by August 7, 2015, so that staff may review them for compliance. In addition, all students entering, transferring, or advancing into grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 will be required to show proof of receipt of one dose of Tdap vaccine (containing tetanus, diptheria, acellular pertussis). Most students already have received this vaccine and simply need to provide the school with verifying documentation from the family health care provider. Note that District parents/guardians whose children have not fulfilled the physical examination/ immunization requirements before school begins in August will not receive their child’s information packet, which includes teacher assignment and other pertinent information. A dental examination is required for students in Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades. This examination must have been completed between Nov. 15, 2014, and May 15, 2016. In addition, state law mandates an eye examination, by an ophthalmologist or optometrist, for Kindergarten students and for ALL children enrolling in an Illinois school for the first time. Required forms are available from your doctor’s office and also at the District website (www.kcsd96.org). To find the forms on the District website, in the “About” drop-down menu, click on “Student Services.” Then select “Student Health” link on the right. For low-cost medical help, please contact the Lake County Health Department at 847-377-8470. If there is an exception on religious grounds, please contact my office at 847-459-4260. We urge all families to schedule your appointments with your physicians and dentists promptly so there will be no delays for your children in complying with the law. Sincerely, Julie A. Schmidt Superintendent of Schools 1050 Ivy Hall Lane • Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 • 847.459.4260 • www.kcsd96.org Administration: Julie A. Schmidt, Superintendent; Beth Dalton, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources; Jonathan G. Hitcho, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services; Paul Louis, Director of Curriculum & Assessment; Kevin Ryan, Director of Educational Technology & 21st-Century Learning; Heather Friziellie, Director, Educational Services; Randall Warren, Director of Facilities & Transportation; Board of Education: Marc Tepper, President; Renee Klass, Vice President; James Strezewski, Secretary; Mike Burns, Elizabeth Dietz; Lauren Gordon; Cynthia Zarkowsky 2015-2016 Requisitos de Salud Estimados Padres/Guardianes: Para estar de acuerdo con la ley del Estado de Illinois, un examen de salud que incluye registros actuales de inmunizaciónes–es requerido para todos los niños que entran a la escuela por primera vez y también para estudiantes que cursan el sexto grado. Este reconocimento de examen físico debe de ser realizado un año antes de entrar a la escuela y debe estar registrado en la forma del Estado de Illinois. El examen físico y edad apropiada las inmunizaciones son requeridas antes del primer día de escuela; por lo tanto, nosotros requerimos que los records sean presentado a la escuela no mas tarde del 7 de agosto de 2015, para que el personal los pueda revisar y confirmar. Al principio del próximo año escolar, se requerirá que todos los estudiantes que entran, avanzan o transfieren a los grados 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 y 12 muestren evidencia de haber recibido una dosis de la vacuna Tdap (combinación de tétano, difteria y tos ferina), sin importar el tiempo que ha pasado desde la última vez que recibieron una dosis de DTap, DT o Tdi. La mayoría de los estudiantes pueden ya han recibido la vacuna y simplemente necesitan proveer a la escuela una documentación del proveedor de atención médica de la familia que lo verifique. Padres/guardianes del distrito quienes no cumplen con el examen físico de su hijo(a) inmunización requeridos antes de que la escuela empieze en agosto no recibirán el paquete de información de su hijo(a), que incluye el nombre del maestro(a) y otra información pertinente. Estudiantes entrando al kinder, segundo grado, y sexto grado en agosto del 2015 también son requeridos a tener un examen dental. Este examen debe de estar completado entre el 15 de noviembre de 2014, y el 15 de mayo de 2016. Además, una nueva ley del estado requiere un examen de los ojos hecha por un optomólogo o un optometrista para entrar al kinder y para TODOS los niños que se matriculan en una escuela de Illinois por primera vez. Cada médico y dentista en el estado deben de tener las formas apropiadas para este requerimiento de exámenes de salud, dental, y visión. Las formas también están disponibles en el website del Distrito (www. kcsd96.org). Para encontrar los formularios en el sitio web del Distrito, en el menú desplegable “About,” haga clic en “Student Services” luego de Salud para Estudiantes. Para la asistencia médica de bajo costo, contacta por favor el Departamento de la Salud de Lake County en 847377-8470. Si hay una excepción en el motivo religioso, contacta por favor a mi oficina en 847-459-4260. Instamos que todas las familias cumplen estos exámenes obligatorios. Por favor planifique sus citas con sus médicos y con dentistas inmediatamente para que no haya demoras para que sus niños cumplan con la ley. Sinceramente, Julie A. Schmidt El Supervisor de Escuelas 1050 Ivy Hall Lane • Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 • 847.459.4260 • www.kcsd96.org Administration: Julie A. Schmidt, Superintendent; Beth Dalton, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources; Jonathan G. Hitcho, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services; Paul Louis, Director of Curriculum & Assessment; Kevin Ryan, Director of Educational Technology & 21st-Century Learning; Heather Friziellie, Director, Educational Services; Randall Warren, Director of Facilities & Transportation; Board of Education: Marc Tepper, President; Renee Klass, Vice President; James Strezewski, Secretary; Mike Burns, Elizabeth Dietz; Lauren Gordon; Cynthia Zarkowsky FOR USE IN DCFS LICENSED CHILD CARE FACILITIES CFS 600 Rev 12/2011 State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Student’s Name Birth Date Last First Address Middle Street City Sex Race/Ethnicity School /Grade Level/ID# Month/Day/Year Parent/Guardian Zip Code Telephone # Home Work IMMUNIZATIONS: To be completed by health care provider. Note the mo/da/yr for every dose administered. The day and month is required if you cannot determine if the vaccine was given after the minimum interval or age. If a specific vaccine is medically contraindicated, a separate written statement must be attached explaining the medical reason for the contraindication. 1 MO DA YR 2 MO DA YR 3 MO DA YR 4 MO DA YR 5 MO DA YR TdapTdDT TdapTdDT TdapTdDT TdapTdDT TdapTdDT TdapTdDT IPV OPV IPV OPV IPV OPV IPV OPV IPV OPV IPV OPV Vaccine / Dose 6 MO DA YR DTP or DTaP Tdap; Td or Pediatric DT (Check specific type) Polio (Check specific type) Hib Haemophilus influenza type b Hepatitis B (HB) COMMENTS: Varicella (Chickenpox) MMR Combined Measles Mumps. Rubella Measles Single Antigen Vaccines Rubella Mumps Pneumococcal Conjugate Other/Specify Meningococcal, Hepatitis A, HPV, Influenza Health care provider (MD, DO, APN, PA, school health professional, health official) verifying above immunization history must sign below. If adding dates to the above immunization history section, put your initials by date(s) and sign here.) Signature Title Date Signature ALTERNATIVE PROOF OF IMMUNITY Title Date 1. Clinical diagnosis is acceptable if verified by physician. *(All measles cases diagnosed on or after July 1, 2002, must be confirmed by laboratory evidence.) Physician’s Signature *MEASLES (Rubeola) MO DA YR MUMPS MO DA YR VARICELLA MO DA YR 2. History of varicella (chickenpox) disease is acceptable if verified by health care provider, school health professional or health official. Person signing below is verifying that the parent/guardian’s description of varicella disease history is indicative of past infection and is accepting such history as documentation of disease. Date of Disease Signature 3. Laboratory confirmation (check one) ¨ Measles Lab Results Date Title Mumps MO DA Rubella Date Hepatitis B Varicella (Attach copy of lab result) YR VISION AND HEARING SCREENING BY IDPH CERTIFIED SCREENING TECHNICIAN Date Code: Age/ Grade R L R L R L R L R L R L Vision Hearing IL444-4737 (R-01-12) (COMPLETE BOTH SIDES) R L R L R L P = Pass F = Fail U = Unable to test R = Referred G/C = Glasses/Contacts Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois First HEALTH HISTORY ALLERGIES Sex Birth Date Student’s Name Last Middle School Grade Level/ ID # Month/Day/ Year TO BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN AND VERIFIED BY HEALTH CARE PROVIDER MEDICATION (List all prescribed or taken on a regular basis.) (Food, drug, insect, other) Diagnosis of asthma? Child wakes during the night ? Birthhidefects? Yes Yes No No Loss of function of one of paired organs? (eye/ear/kidney/testicle) Yes No Yes No No Developmental delay? No Hospitalizations? When? What for? Yes Yes Blood disorders? Hemophilia, Sickle Cell, Other? Explain. Diabetes? Yes No Yes No Yes No Surgery? (List all.) When? What for? Serious injury or illness? Yes No Head injury/Concussion/Passed out? Yes No TB skin test positive (past/present)? Yes* Seizures? What are they like? Yes No TB disease (past or present)? Yes* No *If yes, refer to local health department. No Heart problem/Shortness of breath? Yes No Tobacco use (type, frequency)? Yes No Heart murmur/High blood pressure? Yes No Alcohol/Drug use? Yes No Family history of sudden death before age 50? (Cause?) Yes No Yes No Dizziness or chest pain with exercise? Eye/Vision problems? _____ Glasses Contacts Last exam by eye doctor ______ Other concerns? (crossed eye, drooping lids, squinting, difficulty reading) Ear/Hearing problems? Yes No Bone/Joint problem/injury/scoliosis? Yes Braces Bridge Plate Other Information may be shared with appropriate personnel for health and educational purposes. Parent/Guardian Signature No PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE Dental Date Entire section below to be completed by MD/DO/APN/PA HEIGHT WEIGHT BMI B/P DIABETES SCREENING (NOT REQUIRED FOR DAY CARE) BMI>85% age/sex Yes No And any two of the following: Family History Yes No Ethnic Minority Yes No Signs of Insulin Resistance (hypertension, dyslipidemia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, acanthosis nigricans) Yes No At Risk Yes No LEAD RISK QUESTIONNAIRE Required for children age 6 months through 6 years enrolled in licensed or public school operated day care, preschool, nursery school and/or kindergarten. Questionnaire Administered ? Yes No Blood Test Indicated? Yes No Blood Test Date (Blood test required if resides in Chicago.) TB SKIN OR BLOOD TEST Recommended only for children in high-risk groups including children immunosuppressed due to HIV infection or other conditions, frequent travel to or born in high prevalence countries or those exposed to adults in high-risk categories. See CDC guidelines. No test needed Test performed Skin Test: Date Read / / Result: Positive Negative mm ______________ Blood Test: Date Reported / / Result: Positive Negative Value ______________ Date LAB TESTS (Recommended) Results Date Hemoglobin or Hematocrit Urinalysis SYSTEM REVIEW Results Sickle Cell (when indicated) Developmental Screening Tool Normal Comments/Follow-up/Needs Normal Comments/Follow-up/Needs Skin Endocrine Ears Gastrointestinal Eyes Amblyopia Yes No Neurological Throat Musculoskeletal Mouth/Dental Spinal Exam Cardiovascular/HTN Nutritional status Diagnosis of Asthma Respiratory Currently Prescribed Asthma Medication: Quick-relief medication (e.g.Short Acting Beta Antagonist ) Controller medication (e.g. inhaled corticosteroid) NEEDS/MODIFICATIONS required in the school setting LMP Genito-Urinary Nose Mental Health Other DIETARY Needs/Restrictions SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/DEVICES e.g. safety glasses, glass eye, chest protector for arrhythmia, pacemaker, prosthetic device, dental bridge, false teeth, athletic support/cup MENTAL HEALTH/OTHER Is there anything else the school should know about this student? If you would like to discuss this student’s health with school or school health personnel, check title: Nurse Teacher Counselor Principal EMERGENCY ACTION needed while at school due to child’s health condition (e.g. ,seizures, asthma, insect sting, food, peanut allergy, bleeding problem, diabetes, heart problem)? Yes No If yes, please describe. On the basis of the examination on this day, I approve this child’s participation in PHYSICAL EDUCATION Print Name Address Yes No (If No or Modified,please attach explanation.) Modified INTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS (for one year) (MD,DO, APN, PA) Signature Phone (Complete both sides) Yes No Limited Date FOR USE IN DCFS LICENSED CHILD CARE FACILITIES CFS 600 Rev 12/2011 State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Student’s Name Last First Address Middle Street City Zip Code Birth Date Sex Race/Ethnicity School /Grade Level/ID# Month/Day/Year Parent/Guardian Telephone # Home Work IMMUNIZATIONS: To be completed by health care provider. Note the mo/da/yr for every dose administered. The day and month is required if you cannot determine if the vaccine was given after the minimum interval or age. If a specific vaccine is medically contraindicated, a separate written statement must be attached explaining the medical reason for the contraindication. 1 MO DA YR Vaccine / Dose DTP or DTaP Tdap Td DT Tdap Td DT 4 MO DA YR Tdap Td DT 5 MO DA YR Tdap Td DT 6 MO DA YR Hib Haemophilus influenza type b Hepatitis B (HB) Varicella (Chickenpox) MMR Combined IPV OPV IPV Measles OPV IPV Rubella OPV IPV OPV IPV Tdap Td DT Polio (Check specific type) Tdap Td DT Measles Mumps. Rubella 3 MO DA YR Tdap; Td or Pediatric DT (Check specific type) 2 MO DA YR IPV OPV OPV COMMENTS: Mumps Single Antigen Vaccines Pneumococcal Conjugate Other/Specify Meningococcal, Hepatitis A, HPV, Influenza Health care provider (MD, DO, APN, PA, school health professional, health official) verifying above immunization history must sign below. If adding dates to the above immunization history section, put your initials by date(s) and sign here.) Signature Title Date Signature Title Date ALTERNATIVE PROOF OF IMMUNITY 1. Clinical diagnosis is acceptable if verified by physician. *(All measles cases diagnosed on or after July 1, 2002, must be confirmed by laboratory evidence.) *MEASLES (Rubeola) MO DA YR MUMPS MO DA YR VARICELLA MO DA YR Physician’s Signature 2. History of varicella (chickenpox) disease is acceptable if verified by health care provider, school health professional or health official. Person signing below is verifying that the parent/guardian’s description of varicella disease history is indicative of past infection and is accepting such history as documentation of disease. Date of Disease Signature Title Measles 3. Laboratory confirmation (check one) Lab Results Mumps Date MO DA Rubella Date Hepatitis B Varicella (Attach copy of lab result) YR VISION AND HEARING SCREENING BY IDPH CERTIFIED SCREENING TECHNICIAN Date Age/ Grade R Vision Hearing L IL444-4737 (R-01-12) R L R L R L R L R L (COMPLETE BOTH SIDES) R L R L R L Code: P = Pass F = Fail U = Unable to test R = Referred G/C = Glasses/Contacts Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois Sexo Fecha de Nacimiento Apellido Nombre Inicial Escuela Grado/Núm. de Ident. Mes / Día / Año HISTORIAL MÉDICO - PARA SER COMPLETADO Y FIRMADO POR PADRES / TUTOR Y VERIFICADO POR EL PROVEEDOR DE CUIDADO DE SALUD ALERGIAS (Alimentos, drogas, insectos, otro) MEDICINAS (Anote todas las recetadas o tomadas con regularidad.) ¿Tiene diagnóstico de asma? ¿Despierta el niño tosiendo en la noche? Sí Sí No No ¿Tiene pérdida de Funciones en uno de los órganos? (Ojos/Oídos/Riñones/Testículos) Sí No ¿Tiene defectos de nacimiento? Sí No Sí No ¿Tiene retrasos del desarrollo? Sí No ¿Ha sido hospitalizado? ¿Cuándo? ¿Por Qué? ¿Tiene problemas de la sangre? Hemofilia, Glóbulos Falciformes (Sickle Cell), Otro Explique Explain. ¿Tiene diabetes? Sí No Sí No Sí No ¿Ha atendido cirugía? (anótelas todas) ¿Cuándo? ¿Para Qué? ¿Ha tendido heridas graves o enfermedades? Sí No ¿Tiene heridas en la cabeza / golpe / desmayo? Sí No ¿Prueba positiva de TB (Pasado o Presente)? Sí* No ¿Tiene convulsiones? ¿Cómo se manifiestan? Sí No ¿Enfermedad de TB (Pasado o Presente)? Sí* No ¿Tiene problemas cardiacos / No respira bien? Sí No ¿Usa tabaco (tipo, Frecuencia)? Sí No ¿Tiene soplo en corazón / presión arterial alta? Sí No ¿Toma alcohol / drogas? Sí No Sí No ¿Tiene mareos o dolor de pecho al hacer ejercicios? ¿Problemas con los Ojos? Lentes … Lentes de Contacto … Ú ltimo Examen ¿Otras Preocupaciones? (bizco, párpados caídos, parpadear, dificultad cuando lee) ¿Tiene problemas de oídos / No oye bien? Sí No ¿Historial de familiares de muerte repentina antes de los 50 años ? (¿Causa?) Sí No ¿Tiene problemas de los huesos / articulaciones / heridas Sí / escoliosis? Firma del Padre/Tutor Dental … Placas Otro La información en este formulario se puede compartir con el personal apropiado para propósitos de salud y educación. No PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS … Ganchos … Puente *Si contestó sí, refiera al departamento de salud local Fecha Entire section below to be completed by MD/DO/APN/PA HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE if < 2-3 years old HEIGHT WEIGHT BMI B/P DIABETES SCREENING (NOT REQUIRED FOR DAY CARE) BMI>85% age/sex Yes… No… And any two of the following: Family History Yes … No … Ethnic Minority Yes… No … Signs of Insulin Resistance (hypertension, dyslipidemia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, acanthosis nigricans) Yes… No … At Risk Yes … No … LEAD RISK QUESTIONNAIRE Required for children age 6 months through 6 years enrolled in licensed or public school operated day care, preschool, nursery school and/or kindergarten. Questionnaire Administered ? Yes … No … Blood Test Indicated? Yes … No … Blood Test Date (Blood test required if resides in Chicago.) TB SKIN OR BLOOD TEST Recommended only for children in high-risk groups including children immunosuppressed due to HIV infection or other conditions, frequent travel to or born in high prevalence countries or those exposed to adults in high-risk categories. See CDC guidelines. No test needed … Test performed … Skin Test: Date Read / / Result: Positive … Negative … mm Blood Test: Date Reported / / Result: Positive … Negative … Value Date LAB TESTS (Recommended) Hemoglobin or Hematocrit Urinalysis SYSTEM REVIEW Skin Ears Eyes Nose Throat Mouth/Dental Cardiovascular/HTN Respiratory Results Normal Comments/Follow-up/Needs Date Sickle Cell (when indicated) Developmental Screening Tool Genito-Urinary No… Neurological Musculoskeletal Spinal Exam Nutritional status Mental Health … Diagnosis of Asthma Currently Prescribed Asthma Medication: … Quick-relief medication (e.g. Short Acting Beta Antagonist) … Controller medication (e.g. inhaled corticosteroid) NEEDS/MODIFICATIONS required in the school setting Normal Comments/Follow-up/Needs Endocrine Gastrointestinal Amblyopia Yes… Results Other LMP DIETARY Needs/Restrictions SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/DEVICES e.g. safety glasses, glass eye, chest protector for arrhythmia, pacemaker, prosthetic device, dental bridge, false teeth, athletic support/cup MENTAL HEALTH/OTHER Is there anything else the school should know about this student? If you would like to discuss this student’s health with school or school health personnel, check title: … Nurse … Teacher … Counselor … Principal EMERGENCY ACTION needed while at school due to child’s health condition (e.g. ,seizures, asthma, insect sting, food, peanut allergy, bleeding problem, diabetes, heart problem)? Yes … No … If yes, please describe. On the basis of the examination on this day, I approve this child’s participation in PHYSICAL EDUCATION Print Name Address Yes … (If No or Modified please attach explanation.) No … Modified … INTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS (for one year) (MD,DO, APN, PA) Signature Phone (Complete Both Sides) Yes … No … Limited … Date State of Illinois Eye Examination Report Illinois law requires that proof of an eye examination by an optometrist or physician who provides complete eye examinations be submitted to the school no later than October 15th of the year the child is first enrolled or as required by the school for other children. The examination must be completed within one year prior to the child beginning school. Student Name: ___________________________________________ Birth Date: _____________ Sex: _____Grade: _____ (Last) (First) (Middle Initial) (Mo.) (Day) (Yr.) Parent or Guardian: ____________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ (Last) (First) (Area Code) Address: ______________________________________________________________ County: _______________________ (Number) (Street) (City) (Zip Code) To Be Completed By Examining Doctor Case History Date of Exam: ________________ Ocular History: Normal or Positive for: _______________________________________________________ Medical History: Normal or Positive for: _______________________________________________________ Drug Allergies: NKDA or Allergic to: ________________________________________________________ Other Information: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Examination Refraction: Distance Left Right Unaided Visual Acuity: Best Corrected Visual Acuity: 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / Was refraction performed with cycloplegic agents? Normal External Exam (eye and adnexa) Internal Exam (media, lens, fundus, etc.) Neurological Integrity (pupils) Binocular Function (stereopsis) Accommodation and Vergence Color Vision IOP (glaucoma) Oculomotor Assessment Other: _______________________________ Near Both Both 20 / 20 / Yes 20 / 20 / No Abnormal Not Able to Assess Comments _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Diagnosis Normal Myopia Hyperopia Astigmatism Strabismus Amblyopia Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations 1. Corrective Lenses: No Yes, glasses should be worn for: Constant Wear Near Vision Far Vision May Be Removed for Physical Education Yes Comments: _______________________________________ 2. Preferential seating recommended: No 3. Recommend re-examination: 3 months 6 months 12 months Other _______________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Print Name: ___________________________________________ Consent of Parent or Guardian I agree to release the above information on my child or ward to appropriate school or health authorities. Optometrist or Physician Who Provides Eye Examinations Address: ____________________________________________ (Parent or Guardian’s Signature) ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Optometrist or Physician Who Provides Eye Examinations Phone: ________________________________ State of Illinois Illinois Department of Public Health PROOF OF SCHOOL DENTAL EXAMINATION FORM To be completed by the parent (please print): Student’s Name: Address: Last First Street Middle City Birth Date: / ZIP Code Name of School: Grade Level: / Telephone: Gender: ! Male Parent or Guardian: (Month/Day/Year) ! Female Address (of parent/guardian): To be completed by dentist: Oral Health Status (check all that apply) ! Yes ! No Dental Sealants Present ! Yes ! No Caries Experience / Restoration History — A filling (temporary/permanent) OR a tooth that is missing because it was extracted as a result of caries OR missing permanent 1st molars. ! Yes ! No Untreated Caries — At least 1/2 mm of tooth structure loss at the enamel surface. Brown to dark-brown coloration of the walls of the lesion. These criteria apply to pit and fissure cavitated lesions as well as those on smooth tooth surfaces. If retained root, assume that the whole tooth was destroyed by caries. Broken or chipped teeth, plus teeth with temporary fillings, are considered sound unless a cavitated lesion is also present. ! Yes ! No Soft Tissue Pathology ! Yes ! No Malocclusion Treatment Needs (check all that apply) ! Urgent Treatment — abscess, nerve exposure, advanced disease state, signs or symptoms that include pain, infection, or swelling ! Restorative Care — amalgams, composites, crowns, etc. ! Preventive Care — sealants, fluoride treatment, prophylaxis ! Other — periodontal, orthodontic Please note____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Dentist _________________________________________ Date of Exam ____________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Telephone _______________________ Street City ZIP Code Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Oral Health 217-785-4899 • TTY (hearing impaired use only) 800-547-0466 • www.idph.state.il.us IOCI 0600-10 Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois Estado de Illinois Departamento de Salud Pública FORMULARIO COMPROBANTE DEL EXAMEN DENTAL ESCOLAR Para ser completado por el padre/madre (por favor impresión): Nombre del Estudiante: Apellido Nombre Inicial Fecha de Nacimiento: / / (Mes/Día/Año) Dirección: Calle Ciudad Código Postal Número de Teléfono: Nombre de la Escuela: Grado: Sexo: Nombre del padre/madre o encargado: Dirección del padre/madre o encargado: ! Masculino ! Femenino To be completed by dentist: (Para ser completado por el dentista:) Oral Health Status (check all that apply) ! Yes ! No Dental Sealants Present ! Yes ! No Caries Experience / Restoration History — A filling (temporary/permanent) OR a tooth that is missing because it was extracted as a result of caries OR missing permanent 1st molars. ! Yes ! No Untreated Caries — At least 1/2 mm of tooth structure loss at the enamel surface. Brown to dark-brown coloration of the walls of the lesion. These criteria apply to pit and fissure cavitated lesions as well as those on smooth tooth surfaces. If retained root, assume that the whole tooth was destroyed by caries. Broken or chipped teeth, plus teeth with temporary fillings, are considered sound unless a cavitated lesion is also present. ! Yes ! No Soft Tissue Pathology ! Yes ! No Malocclusion Treatment Needs (check all that apply) ! Urgent Treatment — abscess, nerve exposure, advanced disease state, signs or symptoms that include pain, infection, or swelling ! Restorative Care — amalgams, composites, crowns, etc. ! Preventive Care — sealants, fluoride treatment, prophylaxis ! Other — periodontal, orthodontic Please note____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Dentist _________________________________________ Date of Exam ____________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Telephone _______________________ Street City ZIP Code Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois, División de la Salud Oral 217-785-4899 • TTY (sólo para personas con impedimento auditivo) 800-547-0466 • www.idph.state.il.us IOCI 0600-10 Impreso con Autoridad del Estado de Illinois PARENT CONSENT FORM for STUDENT ACTIVITY/ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION 2015 – 2016 STUDENT NAME: _____________________________ ________________________________ Last First DATE OF BIRTH: ________/________/_________ CM IH K P TG W ____________ Month School (circle one) Grade Day Year PARENT PERMISSION AND RELEASE: Extracurricular athletic sport or activity: ___________________________ ______________________ has my permission to participate and/or compete in the above listed extracurricular sport or activity during the current school year. I realize that there may be an inherent risk of injury. The nature of the injury could be severe, including the risk of fractures, brain injuries, paralysis, and other catastrophic injuries, including death. I understand that I will provide transportation home from school after practice sessions and events unless otherwise arranged. _________________________________________________ _________________ Parent/Guardian signature Date ____________________________________________ Contact number ____________________________________ Secondary contact number ***Please return this form to the building coach or sponsor. ***Note: any extracurricular contact activity or athletic participant will need to complete a concussion signature form. ***Note: there may be an additional building activity/athletic form required your student’s building coach/sponsor. KILDEER COUNTRYSIDE COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 96 DISTRITO 96 FORMULARIO DE PERMISO DE LOS PADRES PARA QUE SU ESTUDIANTE PARTICIPE EN ACTIVIDADES ATLETICAS Y DEPORTES 201 5/2016 NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE: _____________________________ ______________________________ Apellido Nombre FECHA DE NACIMIENTO: _________/________/________ CM IH K P TG W ______________ mes dia año Escuela (haga un circulo) grado PERMISO DE LOS PADRES Y RENUNCIA A ACCION LEGAL: Actividad extracurricular o deporte __________________________________________ __________________________________ tiene mi permiso para participar y/o competir en la actividad atlética o deporte extracurricular arriba mencionado, durante el presente año escolar. Estoy conciente de los riesgos y posibilidades de ser herido. La naturaleza de la herida puede ser severa, incluyendo riesgos de fractura, lesiones del cerebro, parálisis y otras heridas catastróficas y hasta la muerte. Entiendo que deberé transportar a mi hijo/a de la escuela a la casa después de las prácticas y de los eventos a no ser que sea arreglado de otra manera. ________________________________ _________________________ Firma del padre Fecha ________________________________ _________________________ Teléfono de contacto principal Contacto secundario *** Por favor devuelva este formulario al entrenador o auspiciador. *** Nota: todo participante en actividades extracurriculares o atléticas que incluyen contacto directo con otros jugadores, deben completar y firmar el formulario conmoción cerebral. *** Es posible que haya otro formulario requerido por el entrnador de su estudiante, que deba completar. 1050 Ivy Hall Lane – Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 – Phone: 847/459-4260 – www.kcsd96.org Administration: Julie A. Schmidt, Superintendent of Schools; Beth Dalton, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources; Jon Hitcho, Assistant Superintendent for Business; Jeanne Spiller, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Board of Education: Marc Tepper, President; Renee Klass, Vice President; John Rouleau, Secretary; Elizabeth Dietz, Robert Gauthier, Lauren Gordon, James Strezewski Concussion Information Sheet A concussion is a brain injury and all brain injuries are serious. They are caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or by a blow to another part of the body with the force transmitted to the head. They can range from mild to severe and can disrupt the way the brain normally works. Even though most concussions are mild, all concussions are potentially serious and may result in complications including prolonged brain damage and death if not recognized and managed properly. In other words, even a “ding” or a bump on the head can be serious. You can’t see a concussion and most sports concussions occur without loss of consciousness. Signs and symptoms of concussion may show up right after the injury or can take hours or days to fully appear. If your child reports any symptoms of concussion, or if you notice the symptoms or signs of concussion yourself, seek medical attention right away. Symptoms may include one or more of the following: x x x x x x x x x x x Headaches “Pressure in head” Nausea or vomiting Neck pain Balance problems or dizziness Blurred, double, or fuzzy vision Sensitivity to light or noise Feeling sluggish or slowed down Feeling foggy or groggy Drowsiness Change in sleep patterns x x x x x x x x x x Amnesia “Don’t feel right” Fatigue or low energy Sadness Nervousness or anxiety Irritability More emotional Confusion Concentration or memory problems (forgetting game plays) Repeating the same question/comment Signs observed by teammates, parents and coaches include: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Appears dazed Vacant facial expression Confused about assignment Forgets plays Is unsure of game, score, or opponent Moves clumsily or displays in coordination Answers questions slowly Slurred speech Shows behavior or personality changes Can’t recall events prior to hit Can’t recall events after hit Seizures or convulsions Any change in typical behavior or personality Loses consciousness Adapted from the CDC and the 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport Document created 7/1/2012 Concussion Information Sheet What can happen if my child keeps on playing with a concussion or returns too soon? Athletes with the signs and symptoms of concussion should be removed from play immediately. Continuing to play with the signs and symptoms of a concussion leaves the young athlete especially vulnerable to greater injury. There is an increased risk of significant damage from a concussion for a period of time after that concussion occurs, particularly if the athlete suffers another concussion before completely recovering from the first one. This can lead to prolonged recovery, or even to severe brain swelling (second impact syndrome) with devastating and even fatal consequences. It is well known that adolescent or teenage athletes will often fail to report symptoms of injuries. Concussions are no different. As a result, education of administrators, coaches, parents and students is the key to student-athlete’s safety. If you think your child has suffered a concussion Any athlete even suspected of suffering a concussion should be removed from the game or practice immediately. No athlete may return to activity after an apparent head injury or concussion, regardless of how mild it seems or how quickly symptoms clear, without medical clearance. Close observation of the athlete should continue for several hours. The Return-to- Play Policy of the IESA and IHSA requires athletes to provide their school with written clearance from either a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches or a certified athletic trainer working in conjunction with a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches prior to returning to play or practice following a concussion or after being removed from an interscholastic contest due to a possible head injury or concussion and not cleared to return to that same contest. In accordance with state law, all schools are required to follow this policy. You should also inform your child’s coach if you think that your child may have a concussion. Remember it’s better to miss one game than miss the whole season. And when in doubt, the athlete sits out. For current and up-to-date information on concussions you can go to: http://www.cdc.gov/ConcussionInYouthSports/ _____________________________ Student-athlete Name Printed _____________________________ Student-athlete Signature _____________ Date __________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian Printed ___________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian Signature ___________ Date Adapted from the CDC and the 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport Document created 7/1/2012