Carlos Cuadra 4502 N. University, apt 1005 Nacogdoches, TX 75695
Carlos Cuadra 4502 N. University, apt 1005 Nacogdoches, TX 75695
Carlos Cuadra 4502 N. University, apt 1005 Nacogdoches, TX 75695 Ph#: (303) 748 4300 e-mail: [email protected] Website: Personal Information Date of Birth: September, 13, 1961 Place of Birth: Madrid, Spain Nationality: Spanish Legal status: Permanent Resident in the USA Objective Teaching Spanish and Spanish Literature at a graduate and undergraduate level Special Interest in the fields of Hispanic Poetry, Female Literature, Cuban Literatura (Guillermo Cabrera Infante) Film and Cultural Studies Education May, 1999: Ph.D. Spanish and Hispanic American Poetry. University of Colorado at Boulder. Dissertation: El cuerpo y la oscuridad en tres escritores contemporáneos August 1994 Masters Degree. Spanish Literature. Florida State University. June 1989 B.A. Filología Hispánica (Literatura), Universidad Completense de Madrid Qualifications and Skills I have had the opportunity to teach a wide range of Spanish, Culture and Literature courses using different techniques, and emphasizing communicative proficiency and cultural awareness. My teaching style is based on real life materials: songs, movies, television shows, poems, visual aids and games. I promote student participation. in all possible ways: presentations, debates, group work, contests, etc. Grammar and writing also have an important role in my classes. I have experience in computer based teaching and have participated as an instructor in a Study Abroad Program. Spanish is the only language allowed in the classroom Teaching Experience 2012-2013 Visiting Professor. Stephen F. Austin State University. Nacogdoches Texas Courses (all taught in Spanish) Graduate Course: Hispanic Film Spanish Culture Basic Spanish (First and Second Semesters) Intermediate Spanish (Fourth Semester) 1998-2008 Assistant Professor. Stephen F. Austin State University. Nacogdoches Texas Awarded Tenure in April, 2004. Courses (all taught in Spanish) Spanish: at all levels: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Spanish Conversation Study Abroad in Madrid, Summer 2001, 2004, 2006. Spanish Advanced Grammar and Composition Latin American Civilization and Culture Peninsular Civilization and Culture An introduction to Spanish Poetry Spanish Film during La Transición Three Novels on the Mexican Revolution Surrealism and Buñuel Independent Studies El Quijote: A course on Cervante's Masterpiece incorporating some of the most influencial estudies on it: Ruth Al-Saffar, Daniel Eisenberg, Alban Forcione, etc, etc. Spanish Literature: An introduction to some of the most important works in Spanish Classical Literature (El Cantar de Mío Cid, El Libro de Buen Amor, La Celestina, El Quijote, poems by Garcilaso, Fray Luis de León, Lope de Vega, Góngora y Quevedo) Luis Buñuel and Surrealism: An study of Surrealism through the films of Luis Buñuel. It includes the reading of the surrealist manifestoes, surrealist poetry and painting Spanish Poetry (XX Century): Analysis of some of the most interesting examples of poetry in Spanish (Cernuda, Aleixandre, Gil de Biedma, RubÈn Darío, Ricardo Molina…). The poems were ordered and read by topics and the student had to read some basic literary theory (Jakobson, Culler, Bousoño…) with the poems Female Literature: a course on the topic of fiction about women, we studied Delmira Agustini, María Luisa Bombal, Ángeles Mastretta, and a film by Almodóvar entitled ¿QuÈ he hecho yo para merecer esto? (Spain, 1985). Summer, 1997 Instructor. Study Abroad program (Madrid), Carroll College, Washington. I was in charge of the cultural information in the trip: We visited El Escorial, Toledo, El Prado and other museums, etc. 1994-1998 Graduate Part Time Instructor, University of Colorado at Boulder Courses (all taught in Spanish) Spanish: at all levels (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced) Spring 1995 Assistant to Professor Jose Manuel del Pino in his class "Post Franco Spanish Film." My role as a T. A. in the class consisted of writing an extensive summary of the topics of special interest in the films included in the program as a way of diminishing the cultural gap between the United States and Spain. I gave a presentation on every film, and helped the students with bibliography and specific advice for their papers. Fall 1992-Summer 1994 Graduate Part Time Instructor, Florida State University Courses (all taught in Spanish) Spanish: at all levels (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced) Spring, 1993 Assistant to Professor Ardis Nelson in her class on Spanish Film. My role as a T.A. consisted in presenting some of the material, acting as a substitute and conduct class discussions. Publications 2012: “La delectación morosa en La carne de René de Virgilio Piñera”. Virgilio Piñera: el artificio del miedo Madrid: Editorial Hispano Cubana, 2012 Novel in progress (second draft completed): “Leche” 2008: “Máscaras y amaneceres: Guillermo Cabrera Infante y el género (auto)biográfico” Guillermo Cabrera Infante, El subterfugio de la palabra Madrid: Editorial Hispano Cubana, 2009 1997: "Icosaedros: The English Letters of Cabrera Infante" A Collection of Perspectives on the Essays by Guillermo Cabrera Infante. New York: Simon & Schuster,1997 'The Image and Influence of Borges."A Collection of Perspectives on the Essays by Guillermo Cabrera Infante. New York: Simon & Schuster,1997 Papers Read 2007: “El lenguaje del encuentro: Poesía femenina de la democracia en España.” Primeras Jornadas de Poesía Latinoamericana. Texas A & M University 2001: “Las palabras del árbol de Elena Poniatowska.” SECOLAS (South Eastern Council on Latin American Studies) 2000: “Dibaxu de Juan Gelman.” SECOLAS (South Eastern Council on Latin American Studies) 1999 “La danza con que sueña la tortuga. García Lorca.” Nineteenth Annual Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures “Marcadores ideológicos en un poema de Juan Bañuelos” SECOLAS (South Eastern Council on Latin American Studies) 1994: Visiones de la represion en Cuba y Argentina. La poesía de Juan Gelman y Heberto Padilla. Film and Literature Conference, Florida State University Graduate Awards 1997 University Fellowship from The Graduate School, University of Colorado at Boulder. 1996 University Fellowship from The Graduate School, University of Colorado at Boulder. 1995 University Fellowship from The Graduate School, University of Colorado at Boulder. 1993 Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Florida State University. Computer Proficiency Dreamweaver Fireworks PhotoShop Microsoft Word During my years at Stephen F. Austin all my classes were internet based. I built a website that covered the materials for all my classes with a size of 443 MB. Other Languages English, Written and Spoken Proficiency French, Speaking Ability Portuguese, Italian, Reading Ability