Saint Anne Catholic Church
Saint Anne Catholic Church
Saint Anne Catholic Church 106 11th. Ave. N.E., Ruskin, FL 33570 Parish Office and Faith Formation ℡ 813-645-1714 813-645-5570 MASS SCHEDULE Week-end Masses Sunday Vigil: Sat. 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. (Español) 5:00 p.m. Week-day Masses Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. (Rosary 7:25 a.m.) Thursday: 7:00 p.m. (Español) Healing Mass First Wednesday 8:00 a.m. First Saturday Mass: 10:00 a.m. followed by Rosary and Reconciliation RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:15 p.m. Thursday: 6:15 p.m. or by appointment ADORATION Wednesdays and Fridays 9:00 a.m. to noon PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Closed 12 - 1 p.m.) Friday 8:30 a.m. - Noon Sunday 9:00 a.m. - Noon Contact Parish Office for: • Sick or Homebound Visits • Baptisms • Marriages (6 months prior to desired Wedding date) • Annulments • Convalidations • Quinceañeras June 7, 2015 PARISH STAFF Pastor Very Rev. John F. McEvoy, V.F [email protected] Retired Priests Msgr. Diego Conesa Msgr. Antonio Diez Father John Vakulskas Deacons Ed Smith, Deacon Coordinator Dale Bacik Patrick Frye James Maubach Father John welcomes Lauren Coughlin, St. Anne Youth Ministry Coordinator, and her husband, Ma hew. Dear Parents, Youth, and St. Anne Parishioners: Office Administrator Patti Marzilli [email protected] Bookkeeper Diana Coker [email protected] Administrative Support Erica Brezina [email protected] Sharon Hinkebein [email protected] Regina Poirier Faith Formation Cindy Cyman, Coordinator [email protected] Michelle Melendez Youth Ministry Lauren Coughlin [email protected] Ministry/Liturgy Coordinator Linda Parkansky [email protected] Music Department Wayne T. Warren, Director Karn Johnson Plant Manager Orasio Ramon Plant Assistants Joshua Carmona Marty Derosier Maria Galarza MIDDLE SCHOOL Youth Class 7 PM Wednesdays, FFA 2 Games, Topic, Discussion HIGH SCHOOL Youth Mass 5 PM Sundays Meeng Aerwards 6-7:30 PM, FFA 2 Pizza, Games, Topic, Discussion Youth Class 7 PM Thursdays, FFA 2 Games, Topic, Discussion VOLUNTEERING & SPORTS DAYS Contact Lauren for more informaon E-mail youth@ Cell 813-526-8564 YOUTH CONFERENCE Details Page 7. Registraon deadline is June 12 St. Anne Catholic Church, June 7, 2015 My name is Lauren Coughlin and I have recently joined the Parish Staff as Youth Ministry Coordinator. You may have seen and/or met me and my husband, Ma hew, conduc)ng field days a+er the 10 a.m. Mass on Sundays from November 2014-February 2015. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you and your families to take an ac)ve role in helping build a vibrant and flourishing youth group at our church. The founda)on of the St. Anne Youth Group is that true happiness and fulfillment in life are a ained by following the wisdom and teachings of Jesus Christ, and my goal is to help strengthen those values that have been ins)lled by parents and the Catholic Church. At the Youth Group, middle school and high school students will have opportuni)es to develop their character and social skills through sports, volunteering, and fun social events, and they will also have opportuni)es to deepen their faith and grow in God’s wisdom by exploring Scripture, the Gospels, religious music and ar)facts, and the masterful texts wri en by various Saints. Ma hew is my “full-)me volunteer.” He and I have grown up in the Catholic religion and together we want to share our faith, gi+s, experiences, and knowledge with the youth of the Parish. We welcome all volunteers, not just parents. If you have a desire to facilitate discussions during class, coach and referee games during field days, or par)cipate in volunteering, fundraising, and field trip events for the Youth Group, please contact me by phone at (813) 526-8564 or by email at [email protected]. We can also keep in touch through Facebook: h ps:// St-Anne-Catholic-Church-Youth-Group/826637917419699. Thank you for your con)nued support. I look forward to working together using our )me and talents to help build a legacy of faith and hope for the St. Anne youth. Sincerely, Lauren Coughlin, Youth Ministry Coordinator Page 2 Filled bin 88 times MEETINGS/EVENTS >>>>>> SATURDAY 6 SUNDAY 7 MONDAY 8 TUESDAY 9 6:00 p.m. Spanish Bap)sm Class (FFC 4, 5) 7:00 p.m. English Class (FFC 9) 7:00 p.m. AA (FFC 10, 11) >>>>>>> FRIDAY 12 SATURDAY 13 SUNDAY 14 Feast of Corpus Chris 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (FFC 4, 5) 6:30 p.m. Lector Training (CH) 7:00 p.m. AA (SJH) 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Spanish Legion of Mary (FFC 6) Divorced/Sep. Grief Recovery (FFA 3) Parish Nurses Mee)ng (FFA 1) 7:00 p.m. Adult RCIA (FFC 4, 5) 7:00 p.m. Al-Anon (FFC 8, 9) 7:00 p.m. AA (FFC 10, 11) Safe Environment Training for those working with Children (FFC 10, 11) 1:30 p.m. THURSDAY 11 BY Saturday, June 6 10:00 a.m. Benefactors of the Parish 4:30 p.m. Vilma Coker Greg & Diana Coker Sunday, June 7 6:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY 10 Fr. John McEvoy’s Ordinaon Anniversary MASS INTENTIONS 6:30 p.m. BINGO (SJH) 8:00 p.m. NA (FFC 4, 5) 9:00 a.m. Centering Prayer (CH Family Rm) 7:00 p.m. Youth Group (FFA 2) Middle & HS (this week only) 7:00 p.m. English Class (FFC 9) 7:00 p.m. AA (FFC 10, 11) 9-Noon 6:00 p.m. Blood Pressure Check (SJH) High School Youth Group (FFA 2) CH-Church, CY-Courtyard, SJH-St. Joachim Hall, GZ-Gazebo, FFA-Faith Formation Annex, FFC-Faith Formation Center, CR-Conference Rm CONGRATULATIONS Fr. John McEvoy 39th Ordination Anniversary Saturday, June 6, 2015 St. Anne Catholic Church, June 7, 2015 8:00 a.m. Peter LaBarbera LaBarbera Family Roslynn Carter & John Smith 10:00 a.m. Rose & Angie Noto 12:30 p.m. People of the Parish & Venit 5:00 p.m. Vincent Joan DiGangi Sussman Monday, June 8 8:00 a.m. Jerry Rutkowski Chuck & Lois Gluntz Tuesday, June 9 8:00 a.m. Bob Okeley Jeanie Okeley Wednesday, June 10 8:00 a.m. Henry Picard, Sr. Combs Family Thursday, June 11 8:00 a.m. Abraham Arackal Garcia 7:00 p.m. Enriqueta Salas Peter Arackal Castellanos Familia Friday, June 12 8:00 a.m. John & Andy Mira Dudek Saturday, June 13 4:30 p.m. Shaun O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenny Sunday, June 14 8:00 a.m. Kathryn Lee Genevieve & Felix 10:00 a.m. Lisowski & Connie J. Wikenczy Jorge Sanchez & Ana 12:30 p.m. Hernandez 15th Birthday & Martha 5:00 p.m. Joseph Sichman Mary Lee Joan Allison Familia Sanchez Knoblich Family If you would like to take up the gifts for the weekend Mass of your intention, arrive early and let an usher know. Page 3 Let us pray for those listed and their caregivers Ana Acosta Cora Ames Caldorni Anthony Mary Barry Gloria Caglianone Bonnie Carroll Trisha Caulfield Charles Coker Carl Combs Karoline Connors Michael Cordiviolla Alfredo Cortez Jean Cushnie Aida DeCorro Tom Denton Esemond Family Olga Galdonado Robert Graham Kathleen Hennrich Virginia Hernandez Helen Ireland Father Malachy Kilbride Edward Maes CENTERING PRAYER Every Friday Morning 9 AM Church Family Room Donald Marz Mary Maubach Harry Multer Sharron Nabak Edwin Nawrock Shirley Nawrock Sonla Paulhus Ann & Bill Quesenberry Charles Rankie Christopher Riso Ken Satornino Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary Roger and Cindy Rolewicz EUCHARISTIC ADORATION WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS AFTER 8 A.M. MASS. Let us pray for our recently deceased: Abbott Roger Corpus Sharon Fagnoni Georgie Galusha May they rest in peace. The vows to the Lord I will pay in the presence of all his people. Let us pray for the Clergy of the Parish and the following: 06/07 06/08 06/08 06/10 06/11 06/12 06/13 Rev. Janusz Burzawa Lou Turcotte, Seminarian Rev. Robert C. Gibbons For Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life For All Priests in the World Rev. Gregory Andrews Rev. Philip Dac Clement St. Anne Catholic Church, June 7, 2015 This is an exciting opportunity to support vocations. Sign up to receive the St. Anne traveling Chalice for a week to pray for and learn more about the priesthood. Suggested prayers and activities are included with the Chalice. To be included in this wonderful ministry, contact Linda in the Parish Office. Elizabeth Scott Bob Simpson Jane Smith Larry Smith Clair Stibich Charlotte Underwood Raymond Van Saun Dorothy Wagner James Wilson Call the Parish Office with your prayer requests. Parish Prayer Loving Father, We, the living stones of St. Anne Church, warmly welcome all God’s children into our community. We are committed to following Christ’s example by using our time, talent and resources in reaching out to the poor, feeding the hungry and creating a legacy of faith and hope for future generations. Together, as a parish family, we hope to continue growing in God’s Grace and Love. We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen. Saint Anne, Mother of Blessed Virgin Mary, Pray for us. Page 4 Blood Pressure Check SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING Next Sunday June 14 9-12 St. Joachim Hall LECTOR TRAINING Tuesday, June 9 6:30 PM in Church For Those Who Work With Children This is the last make-up training available for 2015. Lectors must have completed training to con)nue reading. Call Linda in the Parish Office with ques)ons. Thursday, June 11 1:30 p.m. FFC 10, 11 Contact Linda in the Parish Office to reserve a seat or if you have quesons. Required for volunteers who work with VBS, youth group, etc. DEADLINE for the June 21 bullen is Wednesday, June 10. Send e-mail to: bulle)[email protected] THURSDAYS St. Joachim Hall Doors open 5:30 PM Early Bird Games 6:30 PM Regular Games 7:00 PM APA 2015 GOAL $ 195,412 545 PLEDGES $ 124,551 CASH RECEIVED $ 105,992 BALANCE DUE $ 70,861 Balance as of 5-18-15. Updates will be posted in upcoming bulletins. May 30 & 31 OFFERTORY Will be reported in upcoming bulletin. Father, Son & Holy Spirit = Spiritual Reign You plus 2 friends = Bingo Reign Smoke-Free Environment • Food Concession Available Must be 18 or older to aend St. Anne Catholic Church, June 7, 2015 This week’s second collec)on is for Debt Reducon There is no second collec)on next week. Online Giving Support Phone: 800-348-2886 Ext 4 Email: [email protected] Page 5 The Feast of Corpus Christi is when our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is exposed not just to Catholics but to all the world. This is a time when we as parishioners can show our love for Christ in the Real Presence by honoring Him. It is also a wonderful way in which we can show our love of family, friends, and the community by bringing our Lord and Savior closer to them. On Saturday, June 6, the Solemn Exposition for the Feast of Corpus Christi starts after the 10 AM Mass and finishes at 4:30 PM. Adoration will be done in half-hour increments and sponsored by many of our Parish Ministries per the schedule on the right. You are welcome to come pray and adore at any time. GROUP 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:00 Guardians of the Eucharist Parish and Finance Councils RCIA Bereavement & GriefShare Food Pantry & St. Vincent de Paul Sacristans Ministry to the Sick Asian Community Hispanic Community People of the Parish On Sunday, June 7, after the 10 AM Mass and the 12:30 PM Mass, there will be a Eucharistic procession followed by Benediction. 3:30 Ushers & UshereFes The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the LORD Use your “people skills” to greet people as they arrive for Mass, find them a pew as needed, pass collec)on baskets, distribute bulle)ns, )dy the church before and a+er Mass. Ministry to the Sick The demand for Eucharis)c Ministers to bring Holy Communion to the homebound a+er weekend Masses is growing. Consider giving an hour a+er Mass to visit. Adults in good standing must be trained to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, pass a background check, and complete Safe Environment Training. Bingo Ministry Workers needed at the Bingo food concession on Thursday evenings. Meet the Bingo crowd and have a bit of fun! Hang out at Bingo on Thursday night and find out what it’s all about or contact the Parish Office. St. Anne Catholic Church, June 7, 2015 4:00 INTENTION Voca)ons and increase in devo)on to Blessed Sacrament For people of the Parish, that faith prevails over doubt The new evangeliza)on and the RCIA Program Souls of the faithful departed and those who grieve The poor and suffering In thanksgiving and for the glory to God Sick of Parish and an increase in those willing to serve them Divine Mercy upon the world Immigrants and immigra)on reform For the ins)tu)on of marriage and the family Coffee & Donuts If you enjoy mee)ng people, this ministry is for you! Socialize over a cup of coffee a+er the 8 and/ or 10 AM Masses. A welcoming word and listening ear go a long way. We are looking for friendly, reliable people who enjoy working in teams. Training provided. St. Anne Gi Shop Ministry Help needed in the Gi+ Shop before/a+er a weekend Mass. It’s a great way to contribute to the Parish without contribu)ng a lot of )me. Contact Us Contact Linda in the Parish Office for all volunteer opportuni)es. Page 6 YOUTH CONFERENCE $150 for Students & Adults Includes lodging, meals, conference. Registra)on Deadline: June 12 Contact Lauren in the Parish Office. Who is Mike Gormley? Mike’s goal is to connect with people of all ages using humor, knowledge and the grace of the Holy Spirit. He has Masters Degrees in Theology and Chris)an Ministry. He was a youth minister for 8 years and now travels worldwide preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Register for 2015-2016 Faith Forma)on now and receive the early bird price. Offer ends June 30. Number of Regular Early Bird Children Price Price 1 child $60 $30 2 children $85 $42 3+ children $110 $55 Register in the Parish Office Monday, June 15 - Friday, June 19 8-1 Daily, including lunch Climbers age 5 (or starting kindergarten in the fall) to age 12 may join us. Want to smile like these volunteers? Then sign up to help at VBS! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED age 13 or older Only one more week )ll VBS! Please be considerate and sign up now to ensure we have enough food and volunteers. Game Leaders lead students in outside games Music Leaders teach and lead songs with motions We could use some white sheets to make mountains, so clean out your linen closet and help us out! We would also like to borrow climbing equipment; it’s mighty hard to climb mountains without it! St. Anne Catholic Church, June 7, 2015 Actors act out daily Bible story Group Leaders assist groups of 10 in activities KidVid Cinema Show DVDs where 5 kids rely on God’s power to face life’s challenges, then discuss DVD. QUESTIONS ???? Contact Cindy in the Parish Office. Page 7 THE JOURNEY BEGINS JUNE 13 Saturday, June 13, the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we begin our personal journeys with the Do-It-Yourself Retreat, 33 Days to Morning Glory. This journey is in preparation for the Marian Consecration on July 16, the Feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel. Details to follow. Contact Linda in the Parish Office with questions. FEED ME Our receptacle for aluminum cans on the St. Anne Campus is hungry for your cans! Proceeds from recycling reduce Parish debt. Help is also needed transpor)ng cans to the recycling center about once per month; contact the Parish Office if you’re interested. Divorced and Separated Grief Recovery COFFEE & DONUTS Meets the 2nd Wed. of every month at 6:30 p.m., FFA 3. After the 8 & 10 AM Sunday Masses C & D Volunteers Next Meeting: June 10 Facilitated by Anne McGuire Certified Grief Recovery Specialist needed. Details page 6. Newly-ordained DOSP priests are pictured with Fr. Melchior, Director of Voca)on (far le+), and Bishop Robert Lynch: Fr. William “Bill” Santhouse, Fr. Ryan Boyle, Fr. Steven “Chuck” Dornquast, Fr. Anthony Us)ck, and Fr. Cur)s Carro. Want to benefit both seminary educa)on and St. Anne? Make an APA contribu)on and on the memo line of your check write: St. Anne Seminary Educaon. More photos of the Ordina)on available at Basic Conversational English Learn to speak English All Welcome Saturdays 7 PM FFC 9 Questions: Steve Byrne Phone: 917-539-3800 E-mail: [email protected] GRIEF SUPPORT by LIFEPATH HOSPICE KOC Social Tuesday, June 16 6:00 p.m. FFC 4, 5 Adults Every Wed. through July 8, 3-4:30 PM. In Sun City Center. Call 813-357-5575 Children & Teens Tues. & Thurs., twice per month, 6-7:30 PM. In Tampa. Call 813-877-2200 St. Anne Catholic Church, June 7, 2015 Everyone is Welcome! The Knights cook bison burgers at the Na)ve American Strawberry Fes)val on the St. Anne Campus. Informaon: GK Tom Gaitens 941-725-4450 Page 8 REUNIONES/EVENTOS 6:00 p.m. Aniversario de Ordenación Fr. John McEvoy’s Clase de Bau)smo Español (FFC 4, 5) 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Clase de Inglés (FFC 9) AA (FFC 10, 11) >>>>>> SABADO 6 DOMINGO 7 >>>>>>> LUNES 8 MARTES 9 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (FFC 4, 5) 7:00 p.m. Emaús Hombres (FFC 10, 11) 6:30 p.m. Entrenamiento Lectores (Inglés)(CH) 7:00 p.m. AA (SJH) 7:00 p.m. Legión de María Español (FFC 6) 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Recuperación Div./Separados (FFA 3) Reunión Enfermeras Parroquiales (FFA 1) Adultos RCIA (FFC 4, 5) 7:00 p.m. Al-Anon (FFC 8, 9) 7:00 p.m. AA (FFC 10, 11) 1:30 p.m. Entrenamiento Ambiente Seguro para quienes trabajan con niños (FFC 10, 11) 6:30 p.m. BINGO (SJH) 8:00 p.m. NA (FFC 4, 5) 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Oración Centrada (CH Family Rm) Grupo de Jóvenes (FFA 2) Media & Secundaria (solo esta semana) Clase de Inglés (FFC 9) 7:00 p.m. AA (FFC 10, 11) 7:00 p.m. MIERCOLES 10 JUEVES 11 VIERNES 12 SABADO 13 DOMINGO 14 Fiesta de Corpus Chris 7:00 p.m. 9-Noon Control de Presión Sanguínea (SJH) 6:00 p.m. Grupo Jóvenes High School (FFA 2) Iglesia, CY-Patio, SJH-Hall de San Joaquín, GZ-Gazebo, FA-Anexo Formación de Fe, FFC-Centro Formación de Fe, CR-Salón Conferencias EL VIAJE INICIA EL 13 DE JUNIO El sábado 13 de junio, en la Fiesta del Inmaculado Corazón de la Santísima Virgen María, iniciaremos nuestro viaje personal con el Retiro Hágalo-Usted-Mismo de los, 33 Días hacia un Glorioso Amanecer. Este viaje es en preparación para la Consagración Mariana el 16 de julio, Fiesta de nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo. Más detalles en el futuro. Si tiene preguntas llame a Linda en la Oficina de la Parroquia. St. Anne Catholic Church, June 7, 2015 MINISTERIOS Inglés Básico de Conversación Aprenda a hablar inglés, Cada sábado 7-9 PM en FFC 9 Si )ene preguntas contacte a Steve Byrne. Teléfono: 917-539-3800 E-mail: [email protected] Acomodadores y Acomodadoras Use su don de gentes dándoles la bienvenida cuando arriven a la misa, encuéntrenles una banca cuando lo necesiten, pase la canasta de la colecta, distribuya los bole)nes, recoga la iglesia antes y después de misa. Contacte a Linda en la Oficina de la Parroquia. Ministerio a los Enfermos Hay demanda de ministros de la EucarisYa que lleven la Sagrada Comunión a los confinados en sus hogares después de las misas del fin de semana. Por favor considere dar una hora después de misa para visitarlos. Adultos con todos sus sacramentos deben ser entrenados como Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión, pasar el control de antecedentes, y completar el Entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro. Contacte a Linda en la Oficina de la Parroquia. EVENTOS ORACION CENTRADA (INGLES) Cada Viernes de 9 - 9:45 AM en el salón familiar de la Iglesia EL MINISTERIO DEL CALIZ VIAJANTE Esta es una excitante oportunidad para apoyar las vocaciones. Registrese para recibir el Cáliz viajante de St. Anne por una semana para aprender más y orar por el sacerdocio. Ac)vidades y oraciones sugeridas están incluidas con el Cáliz. Para ser incluido en este maravilloso programa, contacte a Linda en la Oficina de la Parroquia. Entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro (Inglés) Para quienes deseen trabajar con Niños: Jueves 11 de junio a la 1:30 p.m. Contacte a Linda en la Oficina de la Parroquia para reservar su asiento. Escuela de Biblia de Verano Junio 15-19, 8:30 AM - 1 PM, incluye almuerzo. Para edades de 512. Registrese en la Oficina de la Parroquia. Juego líderes, música líderes, actores y líderes de grupo se necesitan; deben ser mayores de 13 años. Contacte a Cindy en la Oficina de la Parroquia con preguntas o si desea ayudar LA FIESTA DEL CORPUS CHRISTI La Fiesta del Corpus Chris) es cuando nuestro Señoar es expuesto en el SanYsimo Sacramento no solo a los católicos sino a todo el mundo. El sábado 6 de junio, la solemne exposición para la Fiesta de Corpus Chris) inicia después de la misa de las 10 AM y finaliza a las 4:30PM. La adoración será hecha en incrementos de media hora y patrocidada por muchos de nuestros Ministerios Parroquiales (vea la lista en la página 6). Usted es bienvenido para orar y adorar en cualquier momento. El domingo 7 de junio después de las misas de 10 AM y 12:30 PM, habrá procesión Eucarís)ca seguida de Bendición. Page 9 Del Parroco Oración de la Parroquia Dios Amoroso, Grupo de Jóvenes Nosotros, las piedras vivas de la Iglesia de Santa Ana, les damos cordialmente la bienvenida a todos los hijos de Dios dentro de nuestra comunidad. El padre John le da la bienvenida a Lauren Coughlin, Coordinadora del Ministerio de Jóvenes de St. Anne y a su esposo Ma hew. Es)mados Padres, Jóvenes y Feligreses de St. Anne: Estamos comprometidos a segur el ejemplo de Cristo al usar nuestro tiempo, talento y recursos en alcanzar a los pobres, alimentar al hambriento y crear un legado de fe y esperanza para futuras generaciones. Mi nombre es Lauren Coughlin y recientemente me he unido al personal de la Parroquia como Coordinadora del Ministerio de Jóvenes. Ustedes tal vez me han visto o conocido a mi y mi esposo Ma hew, conduciendo los días de juego después de la misa de domingo de las 10 a.m. de Noviembre 2014 a Febrero 2015. Quisiera tomar esta oportunidad para invitarlo a usted y su familia a tomar un papel ac)vo en ayudar a construir un vibrante y floreciente grupo de jóvenes en nuestra iglesia. El fundamento del Grupo de Jóvenes de St. Anne es que la verdadera felicidad y realización en la vida son obtenidas siguiendo la sabiduría y enseñanzas de Jesucristo, y mi meta es ayudar a fortalecer esos valores que han sido ins)lados por los padres y la Iglesia Católica. En el Grupo de Jóvenes, los estudiantes de escuela media y secundaria tendrán la oportunidad de desarrollar su carácter y habilidades sociales a través de los deportes, voluntariado, y diver)dos eventos sociales, y ellos también tendrán la oportunidad de profundizar en su fe y crecer en la sabiduría de Dios explorando la Escritura, los Evangelios, artefactos y música religiosa, y las obras maestras escritas por varios santos. Juntos, como una familia parroquial, esperamos continuar creciendo en la Gracia y el Amor de Dios. Ma hew es mi “voluntario de )empo completo.” El y yo hemos crecido en la religión católica y juntos queremos compar)r nuestra fe, dones, experiencias, y conocimiento con los jóvenes de la Parroquia. Le damos la bienvenida a todos los voluntarios, no solamente a los padres. Si usted )ene el deseo de facilitar discusiones durante la clase, entrenar o ser árbitro durante los días de juego, o par)cipar en voluntariado, eventos para recaudar fondos o viajes para el Grupo de Jóvenes, por favor contácteme por teléfono al (813) 526-8564 o por correo electrónico al [email protected]. También nos podemos contactar a través de Facebook: h ps://www/ Te lo pedimos por Cristo, nuestro Señor, Amén. Santa Ana, Madre de la Santísima Virgen María Ruega por nosotros. Gracias por su con)nuo apoyo. Miro con an)cipación trabajar juntos usando nuestro )empo y talentos en ayudar a construir un legado de fe y esperanza para los jóvenes de St. Anne. Registrese para 2015-2016 Formación de Fe ahora y reciba el precio de descuento. Oferta finaliza el 30 de junio Número de Niños Precio Regular Precio de Descuent o 1 niño $60 $30 2 niños $85 $42 3+ niños $110 $55 Registro en la Oficina de la Parroquia Sinceramente, Lauren Coughlin, Coordinadora del Ministerio de Jóvenes E ENTRENAMIENTO DE AMBIENTE SEGURO Para quiens Trabajen con Niños (Inglés) Jueves 11 de junio, 1:30 p.m., FFC 10, 11 Contacte a Linda en la Oficina de la Parroquia para reservar su asiento y si )ene preguntas. Requerido para voluntarios que trabajan con VBS, grupo de jóvenes., etc. St. Anne Catholic Church, June 7, 2015 CONFERENCIA DE JOVENES $150 para Estudiantes y Adultos Incluye alojamiento, comidas y conferencia. Contacte a Lauren en la Oficina de la Parroquia. Ul)mo día para inscribirse es el 12 de junio. Page 10